Campaign Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (Chapter 1)


Caterpillar Accountant
((I'm sure Volo's probably a trustworthy dude, but as an overly-cautious penguin, I'ma roll Insight on him to see if there's any bullshittery going on with this flamboyant fellow because rolling is fun.))
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You discern that Volo is being mostly honest about everything, but he might be stretching the truth a bit in regards to how much he can pay once the task is complete.

Nootie looks down at his drink for a moment, lost in thought. "...Look pardner. I'm sorry to hear about yer friend, and that's quite the reward... But I'm not sure if I'm cut out for this sorta thing. I mean, I'm a bard, not a warrior. Sure I've been around the block, but I'm pretty sure I did more damage to our bartender friend than anything else there."
He looks around to his allies, gauging their reactions to Volo's request.

"My feathered friend," Volo begins, his voice soft and reassuring, "I sense a storm of uncertainty within you. It's not uncommon, after moments of great peril, to ponder one's place in the tapestry of heroism that weaves through our world."

He places a comforting hand on the bard's shoulder, a gesture meant to ground and reassure. "You question whether you are a hero, but let me tell you, heroism is not solely the domain of those who wield swords and magic against dragons and tyrants. It is found in the courage to stand up for what is right, in the compassion to aid those in need, and in the resilience to continue fighting against the odds."

Volo's gaze meets the bard's, earnest and warm. "Tonight, you stood with your companions against a fearsome foe to protect those who could not protect themselves. You fought not for glory or reward but because it was the right thing to do. And when the moment came, you dispatched the final threat with precision and bravery."

He smiles, a twinkle returning to his eye. "Being a hero does not mean being without fear or doubt. It means acting in spite of them, for the greater good. Your actions tonight, and the resolve you've shown, are the very essence of heroism."
Zine mentally communicates "keen" to his peers.

The payment sounds okay, but what about our per diem? There are a lot of establishments we may need to spend time in, not arousing suspicion, tell me about our expense fund.

"To express my sincere appreciation for your willingness to assist in this matter, and to ensure you are adequately provisioned for the challenges ahead," Volo announces with a flourish, "As previously mentioned, I am prepared to offer each of you a payment of 10 gold pieces upfront."

He pauses for a moment to let his offer sink in, his gaze sweeping over the group to gauge their reactions. "This is but a token of my gratitude and a means to cover any expenses you may incur in the early stages of your investigation. Rest assured, this is merely an advance. Upon the successful return of my dear friend Floon, I shall reward you most handsomely, far beyond the gold I offer now."
  • Chef’s Kiss
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Nootie Plucker

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
Nootie thinks to himself for a moment, still conflicted. He sighs. "Tell ya what... If these folks are up for it, I'm willing to give it a shot. But if I'm gonna do this, I think I might need some better gear, and I don't know how far 10 gold will get me in this city. Is that the most you can do for us?"

Nootie attempts to haggle

Well this should be interesting
We where just in a...heroic fight with a troll and it is rather late now. I know you are terribly worried about your friend and want him found as soon as possible, but if we go rushing out asking questions in our current state this late at night, no doubt there is a good chance we may run into trouble of our own. Getting a good nights rest and coming up with a solid plan would I think have a better result than rushing unprepared into the unknown. How about if we agree to find your friend, on top of the 10 dragons each upfront and the 10 dragons each after finding your friend, you pay for us some rooms to rest for the night and some food?

On top of that, we will need all the knowledge you can give. You said you last saw him at the Skewered Dragon. Where is this tavern exactly? Before you left, was there anybody there that you might feel ment you or your friend harm? Is there perhaps others that could mean Floon harm? Does he owe anybody money? Involved in an affair with anybody? No judgment on Mr. Floon, but do you have any reason to think he may have been involved with somebody who could wish him harm? What kind of work does Mr. Floon do? Prehaps he knows something or has access to something that somebody would want from him. Has he ever just disappeared before?

Cookie stops speaking as she has realized she started doing that thing she does sometimes of asking too many questions before giving somebody a chance to answer any of them. So she looks Volo in the eyes and just waits.


Caterpillar Accountant
"My friends, I truly wish I could offer you more at this juncture, for your willingness to help in this matter is invaluable to me. However, I must confess that my current financial situation is somewhat... constrained," Volo admits with a sheepish look. "The advance of 10 gold pieces each is stretched to the limits of my available funds, reserved precisely for emergencies such as this. What meager funds I have available to me are actually my own advance for my new project, Volo's Guide to Spirits and Specters...unfortunately thus far my research has focused solely on the wrong kind of spirits, if you catch my meaning."

He spreads his hands in a gesture of openness, his eyes conveying sincerity. "Please believe me when I say that I am not one to undervalue the services of such capable individuals. The promise of a handsome reward upon Floon's safe return is not made lightly. I assure you, it will be a sum that reflects my deep gratitude and the peril you may face."

In response to the Cleric's inquiries: "Indeed, I have pondered much on where Floon's ventures may have led him that night and what misfortune could have befallen him," Volo begins, gathering his thoughts. "As I said before, we were at the Skewered Dragon. It's a place that attracts a... let's say, eclectic crowd. The tavern is in the Dock Ward...yes, I know that area bears a certain reputation, but I swear it is no longer the most dangerous district in the city. Not since the Field Ward has gotten so bad. But then again, I suppose the Field Ward is technically outside of the city. So yes, the Dock Ward is probably the most dangerous part of the city."

"I've since learned that the area around the tavern has been fraught with tension between rival factions, which concerns me deeply. I suppose that shouldn't come as news to all of you, considering the events directly preceding the arrival of our dear deceased Troll friend."

"I urge you to begin your search at the Skewered Dragon. Look for any clues as to Floon's whereabouts or any indication of who might have taken him. Be cautious, for the streets and alleys of that area are shadowed by more than just the night."
Hmm..I feel Oghma would not be pleased if I did not aid you. Perhaps in finding your friend that would help motivate you to get back to seeking the knowledge you need for your book. I do feel it wise for me to get some rest tonight and start fresh in the morning. I will also tell the truth that those 10 dragons will come in very handy. I have recently learned that a sharp quicker weapon might be better suited to my current adventures.

Cookie puts out her hand to Volo in expectation of him putting the money on her palm.

((Does Cookie know if the Yawning Portal has rooms to sleep in? If yes, she would like to speak to somebody about a free room for helping with the Troll. She does have a Folk Hero backstory and is totally looking for a free room for the night.))

Ben Zine

Senor ember
Zine smiles and also puts his hand out and says
Pay Me Parks And Recreation GIF


Caterpillar Accountant
Volo considers the sorcerer's question carefully. "Floon, bless his heart, has always had a knack for finding himself in less-than-ideal situations," Volo begins, his fondness for his friend evident despite the seriousness of the topic. "His charm and gregarious nature often lead him into company far and wide across Waterdeep. While he possesses a good heart and means no harm, his judgement of character and situations... well, it can sometimes be lacking."

He sighs, shaking his head slightly. "It is entirely within the realm of possibility that Floon, perhaps in pursuit of camaraderie or adventure, inadvertently crossed paths with individuals or groups whose intentions were far from benign. The city, for all its splendor, harbors elements of darkness and danger, factions that would not think twice about using or harming someone for their own ends."

With the details of Floon Blagmaar's disappearance shared and the potential dangers of their quest laid bare, Volo prepares to make good on his promise. He reaches into a pouch at his side, drawing forth a small but significant sum of gold. With a solemnity that underscores the gravity of the situation and his gratitude for their willingness to help, Volo distributes 10 gold pieces to each member of the party (update your character sheets).

As he hands out the gold, Volo's expression is one of deep appreciation. "Thank you, truly, for taking up this cause," he says, making sure to meet the eyes of each adventurer as he passes the coins to them. "This gold is but a small token of my gratitude and a means to aid you in the journey ahead. I have every faith in your abilities and your determination to see this through."

((Does Cookie know if the Yawning Portal has rooms to sleep in? If yes, she would like to speak to somebody about a free room for helping with the Troll. She does have a Folk Hero backstory and is totally looking for a free room for the night.))

As the party finalizes their plans and prepares to embark on their quest to find Floon Blagmaar, Durnan, the legendary barkeep of the Yawning Portal, approaches them. Having observed their willingness to take on Volo's request and having seen firsthand their bravery in the face of danger, Durnan feels compelled to offer his own form of support.

"Before you set off on your journey," Durnan begins, his voice carrying the authority and warmth that come from years of overseeing the tavern, "I want you to know that your food and lodging here at the Yawning Portal are on the house tonight."

The Yawning Portal, known for its deep well leading into the Undermountain and as a gathering place for adventurers from all walks of life, is not just a tavern and inn but a symbol of the adventurous spirit that defines the city of Waterdeep. To receive such hospitality from Durnan himself is both an honor and a testament to the respect he holds for those willing to face the unknown for the sake of others.

"Consider it a token of my appreciation for what you've already done—and for what you're about to undertake," Durnan continues, a nod of respect in his gaze. "A good meal and a night's rest can make all the difference in the world, especially with the challenges that lie ahead."
  • Chef’s Kiss
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Nootie Plucker

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
At some point before we all turn in the for night, whether the party hangs out at the table any longer or not, Nootie would probably play a song or two, casting Healing Word on Durnan out of appreciation and to make up for shooting him.


Caterpillar Accountant
At some point before we all turn in the for night, whether the party hangs out at the table any longer or not, Nootie would probably play a song or two, casting Healing Word on Durnan out of appreciation and to make up for shooting him.
Durnan, surprised by the gesture, feels the lingering pain from his injuries lessen as the spell takes effect. The warmth of the healing magic courses through him, closing small cuts and easing bruises with an efficiency that speaks to Nootie's skill and good intentions.

"Well, now," Durnan says after a moment, the corners of his mouth turning up in a rare smile. "That's quite the apology. Consider us even, and then some."
The other patrons, witnessing the exchange, can't help but smile at the display of camaraderie and mutual respect. The Bard's act of healing not only serves to mend the physical wounds but also strengthens the bond between the adventurers and Durnan, reinforcing the sense of community that the Yawning Portal is known for.

Durnan nods, clapping the Bard on the shoulder with a newfound affection. "Off to bed with you all. You've got a big day ahead, and Floon won't find himself."

As the party retires for the night, the Yawning Portal around them buzzes with the quiet conversations of patrons inspired by the day's events. Nootie's gesture of healing, a small but significant act, serves as a reminder of the power of kindness and the strength found in acknowledging and rectifying one's mistakes.

Long Rest taken, please update your character sheets accordingly


As dawn breaks over Waterdeep, the city awakens under a blanket of snow that muffles the usual hustle and bustle, casting a serene, almost ethereal quality over the sprawling landscape. The party stirs from their rest in the Yawning Portal, grateful for the warmth and shelter provided by Durnan's generosity. Despite the chill of winter outside, they are filled with a sense of purpose and determination. After fortifying themselves with a hearty breakfast, they bundle up against the cold and set out into the frosty morning.

Their destination is the Dock Ward, an area of Waterdeep known for its lively ports and colorful, if sometimes dubious, characters. In winter, the docks take on a different character, quieter, with the bustle of commerce subdued by the cold. The sea, grey and choppy, slaps against the piers and ships, ice forming on their rigging and decks. It's here, amidst the snow-dusted streets and alleys near the Skewered Dragon tavern, that they hope to uncover the first clues to Floon Blagmaar's disappearance.

The party navigates the snow-covered streets, their breath forming clouds in the cold air. The city around them moves at a slower pace, the residents of Waterdeep wrapped in cloaks and furs, going about their business with brisk efficiency to stave off the chill.

Upon arriving at the Dock Ward, the impact of winter on this part of the city is undeniable. The smell of the sea is intermingled with the crisp scent of winter air, and the sounds of the docks are dampened by the snow. The area's reputation as a haven for those seeking to conduct their affairs away from prying eyes remains unchanged, however, adding an element of caution to the party's investigation.

Tall, densely packed tenements leave most of the neighborhood in shadow at ground level. Most of the streetlamps have had their glass smashed and their candles stolen, and the smells of salt air and excrement linger as they pass by rows of run-down buildings.


As you turn a corner, you find yourselves on a street that has been cordoned off by the City Watch. Lying on the cobblestones are a half-dozen corpses, seemingly the victims of some terrible skirmish. Watch officers have disarmed and arrested three blood-drenched humans and are in the midst of questioning witnesses. One of the dozen or so officers sees you. "Get on," she says. "Nothing to see here."

Lok Ahl

Senior Member
Durnan, surprised by the gesture, feels the lingering pain from his injuries lessen as the spell takes effect. The warmth of the healing magic courses through him, closing small cuts and easing bruises with an efficiency that speaks to Nootie's skill and good intentions.

"Well, now," Durnan says after a moment, the corners of his mouth turning up in a rare smile. "That's quite the apology. Consider us even, and then some."
The other patrons, witnessing the exchange, can't help but smile at the display of camaraderie and mutual respect. The Bard's act of healing not only serves to mend the physical wounds but also strengthens the bond between the adventurers and Durnan, reinforcing the sense of community that the Yawning Portal is known for.

Durnan nods, clapping the Bard on the shoulder with a newfound affection. "Off to bed with you all. You've got a big day ahead, and Floon won't find himself."

As the party retires for the night, the Yawning Portal around them buzzes with the quiet conversations of patrons inspired by the day's events. Nootie's gesture of healing, a small but significant act, serves as a reminder of the power of kindness and the strength found in acknowledging and rectifying one's mistakes.

Long Rest taken, please update your character sheets accordingly


As dawn breaks over Waterdeep, the city awakens under a blanket of snow that muffles the usual hustle and bustle, casting a serene, almost ethereal quality over the sprawling landscape. The party stirs from their rest in the Yawning Portal, grateful for the warmth and shelter provided by Durnan's generosity. Despite the chill of winter outside, they are filled with a sense of purpose and determination. After fortifying themselves with a hearty breakfast, they bundle up against the cold and set out into the frosty morning.

Their destination is the Dock Ward, an area of Waterdeep known for its lively ports and colorful, if sometimes dubious, characters. In winter, the docks take on a different character, quieter, with the bustle of commerce subdued by the cold. The sea, grey and choppy, slaps against the piers and ships, ice forming on their rigging and decks. It's here, amidst the snow-dusted streets and alleys near the Skewered Dragon tavern, that they hope to uncover the first clues to Floon Blagmaar's disappearance.

The party navigates the snow-covered streets, their breath forming clouds in the cold air. The city around them moves at a slower pace, the residents of Waterdeep wrapped in cloaks and furs, going about their business with brisk efficiency to stave off the chill.

Upon arriving at the Dock Ward, the impact of winter on this part of the city is undeniable. The smell of the sea is intermingled with the crisp scent of winter air, and the sounds of the docks are dampened by the snow. The area's reputation as a haven for those seeking to conduct their affairs away from prying eyes remains unchanged, however, adding an element of caution to the party's investigation.

Tall, densely packed tenements leave most of the neighborhood in shadow at ground level. Most of the streetlamps have had their glass smashed and their candles stolen, and the smells of salt air and excrement linger as they pass by rows of run-down buildings.


As you turn a corner, you find yourselves on a street that has been cordoned off by the City Watch. Lying on the cobblestones are a half-dozen corpses, seemingly the victims of some terrible skirmish. Watch officers have disarmed and arrested three blood-drenched humans and are in the midst of questioning witnesses. One of the dozen or so officers sees you. "Get on," she says. "Nothing to see here."

I cast Disguise Self to give myself the appearance of City Watch officer ((clothes, armor, etc, but I'm still the same race)).

I walk past the officer that said to "Get on" and approach another officer observing the arrest, and say

"Wow, what bloody mess. What the hell is going on here?"

Ben Zine

Senor ember
Zine sorta lingers as a nosey citizen to get anymore info he can, before moving on closer to the pub destination. Zine plays up the hangover a bit. 9 beers was balanced out by the hospitable amount of food and the fight. Zine also puts a question mark into his allies brain, indiciating what ya wanna do.


Caterpillar Accountant

I cast Disguise Self to give myself the appearance of City Watch officer ((clothes, armor, etc, but I'm still the same race)).

I walk past the officer that said to "Get on" and approach another officer observing the arrest, and say

"Wow, what bloody mess. What the hell is going on here?"
(( Gonna take your roll as a Deception check ))

"Oh its exactly what it looks like. Another skirmish between the damn Zhentarim and the bloody Xanathar Guild. Damn gang war keeps escalating. Heard there was a bit of a tussle at the Yawning Portal last night too, before some ogre or troll broke it up. Couple of Xanathar's crew got straight up killed in that one. Nasty business. That's definitely not gonna help things."


Caterpillar Accountant
As the party makes their way through the snowy streets of the Dock Ward, the chill of the winter air is offset by the anticipation of nearing their first significant lead at the Skewered Dragon. However, before they reach their destination, an unusual sight catches their attention amidst the otherwise mundane backdrop of the district.

One nearby shop stands out from the others. It has a deep purple façade, and in its window hangs a stuffed beholder. Above the door hangs a sign whose elaborate letters spell out "Old Xoblob Shop."

Lok Ahl

Senior Member
As the party makes their way through the snowy streets of the Dock Ward, the chill of the winter air is offset by the anticipation of nearing their first significant lead at the Skewered Dragon. However, before they reach their destination, an unusual sight catches their attention amidst the otherwise mundane backdrop of the district.

One nearby shop stands out from the others. It has a deep purple façade, and in its window hangs a stuffed beholder. Above the door hangs a sign whose elaborate letters spell out "Old Xoblob Shop."
Hey Zine, Lok wants that stuffed beholder. I get lonely at night.

Rolling to convince Zine to buy me the cuddly stuffed animal


Caterpillar Accountant
A cloud of lavender-scented purple smoke trails out of the shop's door as you peer inside. Every wall is painted purple, and every dusty knickknack on the shelves is dyed a deep violet. The hairless old gnome sitting cross-legged on the counter wears plum-colored robes. His cheeks are decorated with nine purple face-painted eyes.

The gnome lowers a pipe and exhales a cloud of lavender smoke before raising a hand. "Hail and well met! Come browse the shelves of the most curious curiosity shop in the world!"


Caterpillar Accountant
The gnome shopkeeper, with his shock of purple hair and attire to match, beams at the introduction, his eyes twinkling with delight at meeting someone new and potentially interested in his collection. "Ah, welcome, Zine! A pleasure indeed! I am Xoblob, the proprietor of this humble establishment," he replies, shaking Ben Zine's hand with enthusiasm. "As you can see, I have a penchant for all things unusual and extraordinary. And, of course, for the color purple," he adds with a chuckle, gesturing to his vibrant surroundings.

Cookie begins walking around checking out the stuff, keeping an eye out for an extra large kitchen knife.

As you poke through Xoblob's collection you quickly realize that he is telling the truth when he says he likes the unusual. Among the first several items you see are: a pyramid of sticky black incense that smells very bad, an empty wine bottle bearing a pretty label that says, "The Wizard of Wines Winery, Red Dragon Crush, 331422-W," and an iron holy symbol devoted to an unknown god.

Ben Zine

Senor ember

Great, Xoblob, great. Humble isn't the right word though, this stuff is fantastic! Now, I have a question. You see, my daughter here, she saw the beholder through your window, and is quite keen on having a cuddly friend for her bedroll. How much for this creature?

And, do you have anything more adult? Anything handy for investigating, detecting, or conquesting?

Nootie Plucker

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
Nootie chuckles and begins wandering the shop looking around for anything that catches his eye, not knowing what to expect. While searching for weaponry, the holy symbol piques his interest a bit.
"Hey Cookie, you recognize this symbol at all? You're one of them religious types, right?"


Caterpillar Accountant
Cookie squints at the symbol and thinks.

Religion check!
You're pretty sure it refers to Snorlaxus, the Lesser God of Naps and Laziness.

You're also kinda sure that's a real god and not something from a book you read as a child.

Great, Xoblob, great. Humble isn't the right word though, this stuff is fantastic! Now, I have a question. You see, my daughter here, she saw the beholder through your window, and is quite keen on having a cuddly friend for her bedroll. How much for this creature?

And, do you have anything more adult? Anything handy for investigating, detecting, or conquesting?
Xoblob follows Ben Zine's gaze to the beholder in the window, a smile spreading across his face at the mention of one of the shop's most distinctive items. "Ah, the beholder! A fine choice indeed," Xoblob exclaims, his enthusiasm for the item evident. "It's quite a conversation piece, isn't it? Dyed in the finest shade of purple, if I do say so myself."

He pauses for a moment, considering the request. "It's not often I part with items from my personal collection, but for a fellow appreciator of the unique and the extraordinary, I'd be willing to make an exception. For you, my friend, I can offer the stuffed beholder for a fair price—say, 15 gold pieces?"

"As for your other question...let me think,"
Xoblob muses, turning to rummage through a cabinet behind the counter. After a moment, he pulls out a seemingly ordinary ring of ornate silver. "This," he says, holding it up for inspection, "is a Ring of Truth Telling. When worn, you have an uncanny ability to tell if someone is lying to you. I could part with it for 500 gold."

Ben Zine

Senor ember
Could I borrow both items? Put the ring on and you’ll know I only want to borrow them, with full intent of returning them.

Also, do you have anything I could help out with for pay or milestones? Do you sell milestones?


Caterpillar Accountant
Could I borrow both items? Put the ring on and you’ll know I only want to borrow them, with full intent of returning them.

Also, do you have anything I could help out with for pay or milestones? Do you sell milestones?
"Hmm, I'm not opposed to the idea," Xoblob says, his gaze drifting to the various artifacts and oddities that line the shelves of his shop. "However, such trinkets are not only rare but also quite precious. Lending one out, even to capable adventurers such as yourselves, requires a certain... assurance of its return."

He pauses, weighing his words carefully. "If you're willing to provide some form of collateral—a guarantee, if you will—I'd be more amenable to the idea. Something to hold in trust until the trinket is safely returned to me. Something to signify the seriousness of our agreement."

Ben Zine

Senor ember
Zine nods, and pulls out one of his beyblades.

It's this, or my beer brewing stuff... Or my house I guess, since I live here and everything. I'm easy. Can I wear that ring to make sure you're being legitimate? I do trust you, of course, but it would seem like a mistake to not use a ring like that in a situation like this.

I will also take of all my clothes while I wear the ring if you'd like? To show that I'm not gonna run away? I guess me just saying I'm not gonna run away with the ring while you're using the ring is enough. Did the ring tell you that I was being honest about taking my clothes off? What an exciting prospect. The ring I mean. Well, either ring should excite.
Last edited:


Caterpillar Accountant
Zine nods, and pulls out one of his beyblades.

It's this, or my beer brewing stuff... Or my house I guess, since I live here and everything. I'm easy. Can I wear that ring to make sure you're being legitimate? I do trust you, of course, but it would seem like a mistake to not use a ring like that in a situation like this.

I will also take of all my clothes while I wear the ring if you'd like? To show that I'm not gonna run away? I guess me just saying I'm not gonna run away with the ring while you're using the ring is enough. Did the ring tell you that I was being honest about taking my clothes off? What an exciting prospect. The ring I mean. Well, either ring should excite.
(( What color is the beyblade? ))


Caterpillar Accountant
Xoblob's eyes widen with delight at the sight of the beyblade, its purple hues gleaming under the shop's lighting. He reaches out to take the item, turning it over in his hands with an expression of genuine fascination. "Ah, what a marvelous little contraption! And in my favorite color, no less. You've certainly caught my attention, Mister Zine," Xoblob admits, his usual business demeanor giving way to a childlike excitement.

"I must say, this is an unconventional piece of collateral, but I appreciate the thoughtfulness behind your offer. Very well, I accept this purple beyblade as collateral for the Ring of Truth Telling. Take good care of the ring, and should anything go awry, I'll have this delightful toy to remember our arrangement," Xoblob says, setting the beyblade carefully behind the counter.

Ben Zine has (temporarily?) acquired:
Ring of Truth Telling
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Ben Zine

Senor ember
Zine signals and asks Xoblob to put the ring back on so that he can say (and be believed).

Do not worry, Xoblob, this ring will be coming back. But I’m still mostly keen on the beholder toy. I will give you all my beyblades - the future of beyblades, really. Anything you want or can do for you, you’ve got it.

Ben Zine

Senor ember
((If Zine has been able to tell that it was just for the ring, he'd probably move on to talking to Lok, apologising for his failure and offering him his money to buy the presents)).
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