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Campaign Stormwreck Isle; Sacrifices Must Be Made (1-5)

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Part 5 - Sacrifices Must Be Made
DM Screen | Initiative | Map




  • Stop the Ritual
  • Kill Sparkrender


Level 4 Beast Path Barbarian​
Level 4 Drunken Master Monk​
Level 4 Lore 'College' Bard​
Level 4 Arctic Circle Druid​
Level 4 Battle Smith Artificer​
Level 2 Rogue
Level 1 Warlock

ImageNameValue (per) copper.pngsilver.pnggold.pngWeight (per)Description
Wind Spore Mushrooms
30 gold.png0.06 lbsA rare fungus with a unique magical property. When a creature squeezes a wind spore mushroom's cap, it releases a small cloud of spores. For 1 hour, the creature doesn't need to breathe, as the spores provide it with oxygen.
Obsidian Chunk
10 gold.png1 lbAn uncut opaque black gemstone.
Heart Cap Mushrooms
30 gold.png0.2 lbsThese mushrooms bear an unsettling resemblance to human hearts.
Potion of Healing
50 gold.png0.5 lbsThis potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion.
file-Wvp782vE4qJWR2QTy1tcpOXR.pngA Fine LuteThe guy at Guitar Center told me this was the best one.
file-qUiTfpHVb3SLLXv10Ep2Xyya.pngBoots of ElvenkindWhile you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently.
file-EF5LK9mU1tyc9CrzMQNFhGQq.pngSpell Scroll of CommandThis scroll can be used to cast the spell Command once, without requirement for components or a spell slot, as long as this spell is on your class spell list.
file-LVnezJxtbEHmlCxy9bTYz2rS.pngBeany-BjörnThis is a harness sized to carry a halfling, or a child, but what's the difference?

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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Quoted Image
As the Tiefling makes way down from the temple, he does not notice the flickering of warm light gradually grow before the statue of Bahamut. A few moments later, the iris has expanded into a gyre of sparks, with a distorted visage of a tavern within the portal. Through it stumbles a man holding a tankard, and with a loud hiccup he turns to the large statue standing over him. A sense of peace and tranquility emanates from the depiction of an old man with seven song birds around him, and despite being egregiously inebriated, the traveler feels welcomed. He turns, and just before the portal closes, he sees a fading image of himself about to step through the portal, frozen in time.

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On the other side of the temple, another portal compels itself into existence, and a small red-hued figure staggers ungracefully throught the portal as if unceremoniously shoved by some unseen force. Catching itself before fully sprawling out on the ground, the curious form of a kobold barks in surprise and frantically pats around its person checking each of the pouches. His hand settles on one, its contents clearly still present, and the kobold visibly relaxes. It's at this point the short figure looks up to take in their surroundings, standing to the side of the beautiful statue, though feeling the weight of its gaze pressing against him, as if the statue were carved to draw his specific attention. The portal behind snaps shut with more definitiveness than the prior, the vision of the land beyond not lingering for longer than necessary.

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At the bottom of the hill, Zesty continues to walk off towards the steps leading away from the plaza, gesturing to Nac and Short as he passes by. Myla watches the tiefling pass, noting the convinction in his words. The rain over Stormwreck Isle has abated, and the first vestiges of light start to crest over the ocean horizon casting the mountains on the other side of the bay into start relief. Though the journey to the observatory is long, and their hearts heavy, a fire for vengeance burns a path forward.

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At Seagrow Caves, Moonsprout watches as Tarak walks off across the beach in the direction he assumes Varnoth will be coming from. As the shadow of the man disappears into the treeline beyond the hills leading away from the beach, the halfling stands and gathers his belongings. He approaches Runara and makes a persuasive case for her conveying them back to Dragon's Rest to meet the others quickly. Despite her reluctance, the bronze dragon agrees to carry Moonsprout and Aims'orreh back across the island. Still in her adult-dragon form, she allows the halfling to climb atop her back, and as her powerful wings beat against the air she clasps a clawed hand around the barbarian's waist. Together, the three rise into the sky and are quickly skimming over the treetops back towards the North East.

As Runara banks to the left towards the mountains, a streak of blue rockets up from the thick foliage on an course to intercept. The bronze dragon notices, but too late to fully advoid the attack. A roar of thunder accompanies the bolt of lightning that crackles forth from Sparkrender's mouth, and it catches the edge of Runara's wing. With little time to react, Runara bucks her body and propels Moonsprout off of her into the air. The electricity crackles over the adult dragon's scales, harmlessly, but when the surge of lightning hits Aims he takes the brunt of the attack. Convulsing in pain, the half-orc loses consciousness. Runara adjusts her wings to catch the halfling on his descent, and cranes her neck attempting to find where Sparkrender went.

The agile blue dragon wyrmling, knowing he's no match for the adult dragon but capitalizing on her aversion to fighting, circles around from behind and beats his wings furiously to pick up immense speed. He propells himself through the air from just below Runara, and collides with her fist clenching Aims'orreh, knocking the barbarian free of her grasp and into freefall. Runara instinctively grabs for the half-orc, but he tumbles beyond her reach and crashes into the forest canopy.

Runara wheels in a circle, attempting to find somewhere to land, but the trees are too thick for her large form to navigate. Not wanting to put the more susceptible bard in harms way, she regretfully banks back towards the mountains and away from the area, in hopes that Tarak or Varnoth happen across the unconscious Aims'orreh. Though now unburdened by his weight, she makes faster progress across the island, and arrives back to Dragon's Rest just as Zesty begins to descend from the plaza. She slides Moonsprout from her back, then transforms back to her elderly human form.

"Adventurers!" she urgently calls to the other three others. "We located the young kobolds, as well as Tarak and Varnoth, but I'm afraid in our journey back I was unable to protect Aims'orreh when ambushed. He's out there in the forest somewhere South of the mountains." Her expression turns to concern. "I fear Sparkrender's attack was more calculated than opportunistic. I feel his target was the barbarian more than it was I..."

Runara's attention breaks and she turns to look up at the temple above her. A look of curiousity besets her. "Please, go find your friend and put an end to this violence once and for all. It seems I must attend to the temple..."

With a crack of thunder, she transforms and propels herself up the cliffside towards the temple of Bahamut.

((I feel I could have taken a lot longer on this, faffing around making accompanying images, etc., but didn't want to continue sitting on it. Especially with @shortkut stuck resting up, it felt more pertinent to get a move on. Tried to leave it a little open-ended as to what everyone does, whether you want to all group up before heading out, do so later, or what. Also shortkut and @The Flame want to bail from the temple before Runara arrives that's an option, or you can stay and get an actual greeting.

Obviously I set this up to take Aims out of the picture for now.

Spitball-idea of where everyone is in Dragon's Rest;

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
((Oh sugar snap peas!

I'll hit this up after work, but yay! Instinct says we go after Aims, but if this is meant to put him temporarily out of commission since Jawneh is dealing with life, then that seems counterintuitive.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Oh sugar snap peas!

I'll hit this up after work, but yay! Instinct says we go after Aims, but if this is meant to put him temporarily out of commission since Jawneh is dealing with life, then that seems counterintuitive.))
((It is my excuse for him being out of the picture for a bit, yeah.

Don't worry, you'll probably cross paths with him again. :paranoid ))

Nac McWeeble

Yvan eht nioj
((Fuck yes, I'm so damn hyped up for this! That opening text was *chef's kiss*!))

We need tae stop Sparkdick, and now! Big Green knows where we're headin', probably so I say, fer the sake o' urgency that we get goin' ta the observatory, lads!
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Is the general area where Aims fell on the direct path to the observatory?))

((I would say he's roughly around this area. Runara would have taken a pretty straight line, and gone over the mountains. The path you guys took to the observatory before was through the valley just South of Dragon's Rest and then along the coast.

So no, not really "on the way".

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Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
The somber reality that another of the troupe may have been befallen by Sparkrender hits Zesty like a million bricks. But Nac's words ring true. There is no time to waste. If Sparkrender is getting as so bold as to straight attack Runara, then he's reaching the point where the ritual can be performed. And that cannot stand. He doubts whether Aims knows the way, but the hope is that his barbarian nose leads him to the battle.

You're right, Nac. We should hope Aims is alright, but we can't dally any longer. The fight must be taken to Sparkrender sooner rather than later. We should return to the observatory and finish this once and for all!

With Nac, Short and Moonsprout nearby, Zesty takes a deep breath, affixes his Lockbuster, pats Boltzmann on the head, and begins his trek to the Observatory with the rest of the party.

Magni Kragtail

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
Magni looks around frantically before addressing Kutshort.

"..em.. where here?"

He stares cautiously at the man before him for a moment, but his attention is quickly taken by the approaching dragon. He quickly takes cover behind a pillar, eyes trained on her.

((I'm assuming this is like an outdoor platform we're on, and those circle things are pillars? If not pretend that last stuff didn't happen lol. Hi everyone :witch))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Magni looks around frantically before addressing Kutshort.

"..em.. where here?"

He stares cautiously at the man before him for a moment, but his attention is quickly taken by the approaching dragon. He quickly takes cover behind a pillar, eyes trained on her.

((I'm assuming this is like an outdoor platform we're on, and those circle things are pillars? If not pretend that last stuff didn't happen lol. Hi everyone :witch))
((Yep, open air temple, so pillars around the outside but no roof.

I'll get a Runara post out after I've gone done a grocery run, if the wife doesn't force me into further packing for our trip.))
Very eager as Aims was to finally ride a dragon into battle against another dragon, while holding a dragon cleaving ax, and magically morphing into a half-man-orc-dragon being with the claws, teeth and tail to boot, the poor lad was reduced to being carried like luggage in Runara's large claws. No matter. The view was better from below and he had no need for holding on as a large dragon was grasping him like a treasured piece in it's hoard.

Though sadly the flight only lasted so long for Aims. His trained eyes happened to gleam blue streaks coalescing within the forest below, but before he could let out a peep, the streak of lightning shot by Sparkrender was already midflight towards the three.

The next few moments were very short, abrupt, and exceedingly painful for poor Aims. As Sparkrenders attack struck him, he convulsed and light up like a torch momentarily. The pain was there before the electricity found Aims' off switch in his brain and he lost consciousness. As his limb body was falling down from the sky, roughly half way down, he reboots, quickly realizes the world of shit and hurt he's about to be in and let's out a sorry screaming before plummeting through the forest canopy.

The next scene was staight out from a cartoon. The barbarian tumbles through tree branches like through a giant plinko machine, making sure to hit as many of them on the way down as possible. And as the piece de resistance, the last low branch, thick as a dragons thigh, finds and catches Aims right in his loins. The branch holds, a tear appears and flows down his cheek, as he slowly leans over to the side and falls the last 15 feet to the ground.

His head hurts, his limbs hurt, he's roasted from head to toes, and worst of all, his poor poor nuts may be crushed for good. It hurts too much to move. He coughs a couple times and a bit of bloody mist fills the air infront of his face. It's not a good end for the day. Poor thing can only wail miserably.

........ oooooowwwww.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Very eager as Aims was to finally ride a dragon into battle against another dragon, while holding a dragon cleaving ax, and magically morphing into a half-man-orc-dragon being with the claws, teeth and tail to boot, the poor lad was reduced to being carried like luggage in Runara's large claws. No matter. The view was better from below and he had no need for holding on as a large dragon was grasping him like a treasured piece in it's hoard.

Though sadly the flight only lasted so long for Aims. His trained eyes happened to gleam blue streaks coalescing within the forest below, but before he could let out a peep, the streak of lightning shot by Sparkrender was already midflight towards the three.

The next few moments were very short, abrupt, and exceedingly painful for poor Aims. As Sparkrenders attack struck him, he convulsed and light up like a torch momentarily. The pain was there before the electricity found Aims' off switch in his brain and he lost consciousness. As his limb body was falling down from the sky, roughly half way down, he reboots, quickly realizes the world of shit and hurt he's about to be in and let's out a sorry screaming before plummeting through the forest canopy.

The next scene was staight out from a cartoon. The barbarian tumbles through tree branches like through a giant plinko machine, making sure to hit as many of them on the way down as possible. And as the piece de resistance, the last low branch, thick as a dragons thigh, finds and catches Aims right in his loins. The branch holds, a tear appears and flows down his cheek, as he slowly leans over to the side and falls the last 15 feet to the ground.

His head hurts, his limbs hurt, he's roasted from head to toes, and worst of all, his poor poor nuts may be crushed for good. It hurts too much to move. He coughs a couple times and a bit of bloody mist fills the air infront of his face. It's not a good end for the day. Poor thing can only wail miserably.

........ oooooowwwww.
biting episode 8 GIF

Yaaaaaaaaaaay! I truly didn't think you were going to get to rejoin us after the number of times I tried tagging you leading up to this. I'm so glad you won't miss the final chunk.

I'll have to rework some of what I had planned, but happy to do so.))

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((since trying to embed the wav file seems to make the page lag...

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Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Moonsprout lays supine on the ground. The spot he chooses is not particularly comfortable of scenic but he chooses it because of its proximity to him.

He crooks a leg up, and crosses his other over it as he tunes his lute in the slowest and most obnoxious way.

Big, Mean & Green always wanted to fight a dragon, so I say let him tire himself out with the fun of it.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Quoted Image
Runara lands at the edge of the temple of Bahamut and peers down at the half-elf rogue standing before her. Her expression shifts from distrust to curiousity, her nostrils flaring as she catches residual traces of magic.


"You seem to have staggered quite far from home, little fey." the dragon growls, imposing yet soft. "How did you come to find yourself in our temple?"

She poses the question almost rhetorically, feeling she already knows the magic afoot. While waiting for an answer, she raises her gaze slightly to the statue of Bahamut surveying the two of them, and nods her head slightly.

Her attention drifts from the statue to the pillars around the courtyard, and she sniffs the air.

((@The Flame you get the honor of our first roll on restarting! Give me a stealth check.

I don't think we actually had the 'Sum up with' feature enabled on the forum dice-rolls before, so I believe you should be able to just do a d20 and add 1 into the sum-up box to account for your proficiency.))

Magni Kragtail

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
Quoted Image
Runara lands at the edge of the temple of Bahamut and peers down at the half-elf rogue standing before her. Her expression shifts from distrust to curiousity, her nostrils flaring as she catches residual traces of magic.

View attachment 17706

"You seem to have staggered quite far from home, little fey." the dragon growls, imposing yet soft. "How did you come to find yourself in our temple?"

She poses the question almost rhetorically, feeling she already knows the magic afoot. While waiting for an answer, she raises her gaze slightly to the statue of Bahamut surveying the two of them, and nods her head slightly.

Her attention drifts from the statue to the pillars around the courtyard, and she sniffs the air.

((@The Flame you get the honor of our first roll on restarting! Give me a stealth check.

I don't think we actually had the 'Sum up with' feature enabled on the forum dice-rolls before, so I believe you should be able to just do a d20 and add 1 into the sum-up box to account for your proficiency.))
Big fat 1 incoming
  • D-20
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Big fat 1 incoming
Quoted Image
Runara's gaze falls on the pillar behind which the kobold took shelter, and she cocks her head to the side inquisitively. With what could be perceived as a faint smile, she turns back to the rogue. With a crack, she transforms from her draconic form and settles into her human visage.

"Do excuse me, it's a little hard to hear you all from up there." she smiles kindly, "And for all the questions. Did you arrive here alone?"

Quoted Image
Runara's gaze falls on the pillar behind which the kobold took shelter, and she cocks her head to the side inquisitively. With what could be perceived as a faint smile, she turns back to the rogue. With a crack, she transforms from her draconic form and settles into her human visage.

"Do excuse me, it's a little hard to hear you all from up there." she smiles kindly, "And for all the questions. Did you arrive here alone?"

View attachment 17708
Kutshort had never been in the presence of a dragon before, but he was pretty sure it was best not to lie. Sensing something was wrong, Kutshort started to sober up quickly

I came with this beer glass, your dragonness, but no one else. A strange doorway appeared and led me to this place.

Whilst I am anxious to get back to my comrades and Hopper the good boy, I can tell something is amiss.

Please, if it is not too much trouble, can you tell me what is going on here?
  • Respect
Reactions: Jon
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Quoted Image
"Ah... Sometimes this temple has a way of surprising even I. It seems your presence here was facilitated by a higher power. I wonder why?" Runara glances up and down the man before her, noting his intriguing wooden legs, though politely mentioned nothing of it.

"We've suffered a recent tragedy in our monastery and are still clambering to regain our footing. While I would be inclined to test your dedication to helping the residents here, I feel I can trust that someone has vouched for your character." she again glances at the statue of Bahamut briefly.

With a sigh, she continues, "Recently, a young blue dragon took up residence in an abandoned observatory on the far side of the island. He lusts for power, as all chromatic dragons are want to do and has become increasingly brash in the past few weeks." a look of annoyance crosses her weathered tan face. "For centuries untold, metallic and chromatic dragons have fought for dominance over this island, being drawn to the immense power it holds. So, so many ancient souls have lost their lives in violent clashes here... Some, I regret to say, at my own hands." Visible sadness now besets Runara as a wash of shame and regret overcomes her.

"The observatory the blue wyrmling named Sparkrender now inhabits was once a beautiful spectacle of mortal ingeniuty, but a devious blue dragon named Sylthorion sought to use the knowledge therein with evil intent. He believed he could harness the power of those other dragons who fell in battle, and enhance his own essence." Runara pauses and takes a deep breath, "It was at the observatory where I confronted Sylthorion, and we fought a tragically destructive battle. When the dust had settled, my chromatic foe lay dead amongst the rubble of the towers, destroyed along with the precious knowledge of countless scholars.

A silent tear runs down her cheek, "After that day, I vowed to find a path to a peaceful existence and to avoid continuing the cycle of violence. I founded this temple and the monastery we call Dragon's Rest here, on the cliffsides where my father, Astalagan, died centuries ago. His statue watches over the approach to the monastery from the plaza below." She turns and looks out over the bay, soaking in the beauty of the morning light dancing over the peaks of waves.

"This is why I cannot go to the observatory and deal with Sparkrender myself, though it be within my power. I refuse to perpetuate the violence by harming the young wyrmling... A choice that a young bronze dragon who had been in my tutiledge could not understand. Aidron, who had been studying with me here in the temple, grew angry at the disrespect Sparkrender showed by coming here and left to deal with the matter himself. Yet Aidron did not return from the observatory, and I feared the worst. I recently sent a group of adventurers there to find trace of Aidron, and to my great relief they rescued him relatively unharmed. a small smile of hope manages to creep onto her face.

"But Sparkrender still seeks to complete the ritual and it cannot be allowed to reach fruition. The aforementioned adventurers are poised to make their way back to the observatory and confront Sparkrender once and for all, and though I am loathed to play any part in another loss of life, I pray this is the keystone to bridging a lasting peace on the island... Should you wish to assist them, and I feel your presence here foretells you may have great value, you may be able to catch them before they depart."

Runara turns her head slightly towards the pillars to the side, and in a slightly louder voice states, "They could use all the help they can get."

Magni Kragtail

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
Magni listens to her words, not understanding most of them as he stands there, half his hody clearly sticking out from behind the pillar. But at the mention of a blue dragon, he noticeably perks up and begins to creep out further, lowering his head and shaking slightly in the dragon's presence.

"Y-you not like Shartbender? ...M-Magni help, maybe?" he says, not believing the words coming out of his own mouth. What is one little kobold to something so powerful? He must be insane. He glances down to the small pouch he's carrying and gulps.

"H-how we help?"
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  • Haha
Reactions: Jon
Kutshort listens carefully. He prefers to help those who are good, but his help isn’t free. Luckily, dragons are rumored to have mountains of wealth.

Still, something of the story doesn’t make sense

Everything you said makes sense, except one thing.

It sounds like you have the power to end Sparkrender once and for all, but you choose not to be the one directly responsible for it, and yet, you seem comfortable to let adventurers and the innocent fight, suffer, and die to reach the same outcome.

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Magni listens to her words, not understanding most of them as he stands there, half his hody clearly sticking out from behind the pillar. But at the mention of a blue dragon, he noticeably perks up and begins to creep out further, lowering his head and shaking slightly in the dragon's presence.

"Y-you not like Shartbender? ...M-Magni help, maybe?" he says, not believing the words coming out of his own mouth. What is one little kobold to something so powerful? He must be insane. He glances down to the small pouch he's carrying and gulps.

"H-how we help?"
Quoted Image
The elderly woman smiles as the kobold approaches. "Welcome, young one. Yes, he's been quite cruel to those living on this island, including the many other kobold such as yourself. His anger and greed have led to the deaths of many kind little dragon-folk, so he must be confronted."

She gestures to the monastery below the temple, "a number of your kind find refuge here. If you help me preserve that, you'll always have a home amongst them."

Kutshort listens carefully. He prefers to help those who are good, but his help isn’t free. Luckily, dragons are rumored to have mountains of wealth.

Still, something of the story doesn’t make sense

Everything you said makes sense, except one thing.

It sounds like you have the power to end Sparkrender once and for all, but you choose not to be the one directly responsible for it, and yet, you seem comfortable to let adventurers and the innocent fight, suffer, and die to reach the same outcome.

Quoted Image
Runara looks to the rogue, remorse showing on her face, "You must trust that I've done everything possible to avoid conflict. I pleaded with Sparkrender myself upon his arrival, not to pursue the same lust for power as his predecessor. But he's young and brash, wanting to carve a place for himself in history through power and not patience."

She pauses for a moment, thinking how best to explain, "Metallic dragons such as I, and our chromatic cousins who are so often drawn to greed and cruelty, have been like fueding families for so very very long. But in recent decades, a tentative peace has settled with no direct conflicts between our two factions." Runara spreads her hands as she continues,
"but if I, and old and accountable metallic dragon, were to end the existence of one of the other family's children? I fear that would immediately trigger the return to all out war between the two sides."

She appears regretful, "but Sparkrender's is on a dangerous course, and if he completes this ritual he would obtain near God-like power without having any understanding of the world. He would surely use it to cause suffering to others, and this cannot be allowed. So, while I still hope there is a path forward without his death being necessary, should an unaffiliated group of adventurers be the ones to cause his undoing... It will not carry the same gravitas as if it were at my hand."

((Think Hatfield-McCoy. If Old Mrs. Hatfield shoots young Billy McCoy for being an annoying twat, it'll be bad. If she points out to some passer by that he's a twat and they give him a beating, then it's not interfamily business.)
Quoted Image
The elderly woman smiles as the kobold approaches. "Welcome, young one. Yes, he's been quite cruel to those living on this island, including the many other kobold such as yourself. His anger and greed have led to the deaths of many kind little dragon-folk, so he must be confronted."

She gestures to the monastery below the temple, "a number of your kind find refuge here. If you help me preserve that, you'll always have a home amongst them."

Quoted Image
Runara looks to the rogue, remorse showing on her face, "You must trust that I've done everything possible to avoid conflict. I pleaded with Sparkrender myself upon his arrival, not to pursue the same lust for power as his predecessor. But he's young and brash, wanting to carve a place for himself in history through power and not patience."

She pauses for a moment, thinking how best to explain, "Metallic dragons such as I, and our chromatic cousins who are so often drawn to greed and cruelty, have been like fueding families for so very very long. But in recent decades, a tentative peace has settled with no direct conflicts between our two factions." Runara spreads her hands as she continues,
"but if I, and old and accountable metallic dragon, were to end the existence of one of the other family's children? I fear that would immediately trigger the return to all out war between the two sides."

She appears regretful, "but Sparkrender's is on a dangerous course, and if he completes this ritual he would obtain near God-like power without having any understanding of the world. He would surely use it to cause suffering to others, and this cannot be allowed. So, while I still hope there is a path forward without his death being necessary, should an unaffiliated group of adventurers be the ones to cause his undoing... It will not carry the same gravitas as if it were at my hand."

((Think Hatfield-McCoy. If Old Mrs. Hatfield shoots young Billy McCoy for being an annoying twat, it'll be bad. If she points out to some passer by that he's a twat and they give him a beating, then it's not interfamily business.)

Season 8 Tns GIF by THE NEXT STEP

Lets Go Reaction GIF by The Lonely Island

who do I talk with to join up with this “unaffiliated group of adventurers”?
  • This is the Way
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Quoted Image
"Follow the path from this temple down" Runara gestures to the east, "past the library, kitchen and wheelhouse. You'll arrive at the main plaza where the statue of my father stands. The people who have lent their aid to the monastery were staging their next move there," she turns her ear towards the cliffs edge, "and it does not seem they have all left yet."

With a methodical grace, Runara moves past Kutshort and Magni to the statue in the center, picking up an unlit splint from an alcove kept dry from the rain. She places it between her thumb and forefinger, and an arc of electricity crackles over the wood, igniting it to a bright flame. She slowly begins lighting the extinguished candles around the statues base.

"Go, and may Bahamut watch over you."

Magni Kragtail

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
Kutshort turns to the Kobold in the room

Magni, was it? What say we go to the main plaza and find that group before they head out
Magni nods, watching Runara curiously before turning to Kutshort.

"Lead way"

Magni follows a few feet behind the half-elf, his head on a swivel as he takes in all the new sights. As terrifying as all of this was, it was exciting to be in a new place. And the surprising kindness of this new dragon helped to calm his nerves a bit. After a moment, he whispers into his little pouch.

"This right place? Me have to kill dragon?! You help me, right?" Anyone watching him would find an odd series of motions from the little kobold, as he begins lightly shaking his pouch like a magic 8-ball and raising it up to each of his ear-holes, glancing back and forth between the inside of the sack and the half-elf ahead of him, a frustrated look on his face.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
Quoted Image
As fate attempts to urge the group into motion, Zesty finds his path down the mountain blocked by a procession of worn and tired individuals.

Varnoth, limping up the steps with a tree-branch fashioned into a makeshift crutch, leads the resident kobold of Dragon's Rest back home. She pauses at the top of the pathway to catch her breath and looks over the tiefling artificer standing before her.

"Where is Runara? I have to debrief her of our situation." the worn-down warrior barks. "I have accounted for all resident kobolds and returned them safely. We also happened across this green grunt laying in the forest clutching his bollocks, so we dragged him along with us." Varnoth gestures behind her to Aims'orreh, who's lip is still quivering slightly.

"Tarak is bringing up the rear of the unit, ensuring no one else goes missing. Now, where is the Elder?"


Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Both happy for the return of the Dragon's Rest denizens and concern for their immediate well-being, Zesty has a sense of urgency to his voice.

Aims! I hope you rested on the way. We're on the way back to the observatory to address Sparkrender. I plan to show him the explosive side on my Lockbuster. He turns to Varnoth to answer her question. She just left us and had gone up to the temple to check on the status there.

Zesty points up the hill into the general vicinity of where the temple is. As he does, he notices two people he's not yet seen coming down the hill nearing Myla's hut. His eyes narrow slightly as the sight of two unknowns makes him uneasy after the events that have befallen Dragon's Rest. His hand naturally rests down near his Lockbuster.

Oi! You two! He gestures towards Kutshort and Magni, though not yet knowing their identities. Identify yourselves, or be met with a swift and untimely demise! This place will suffer no more atrocities!

He turns his attention back to Varnoth.

Once we've identified these two, your path to the temple will be clear.
After being dragged in the dirt for who knows how long of a distance, with the shock slowly subsiding, Aims is finally getting all of his 6 faculties back into operational capacity. He sees a familiar area and hears familiar voices. He sees and hears Zesty address him, but his mind is elsewhere. The tiefling walks off to to address the other people, but right after the barbarian waves him over.

Hey, tiefling, come back here! I need to... I need to know something,

As Zesty gets close, Aims grabs his arm and brings the poor sap close to his face, and he whispers.

I need to know tiefling... I had a horrible accident on the way. I was... I was shocked, and dropped from a mile high in the sky and through sheer luck I survived with my life.

But.... but what I fear is not all of me survived. *hic* I... I... I'm pretty sure not all my jewels survived the impact as I crashed on a large sturdy limb, much so like that guy's legs over there!
He points towards kutshort. I need you to check them. I need to know tiefling! Look at them! A tear drops down Aims' cheek. I need to know if they're both still there!

Somehow during this whole exchange the barbarian already undid his belt and is pulling his pants down.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
After being dragged in the dirt for who knows how long of a distance, with the shock slowly subsiding, Aims is finally getting all of his 6 faculties back into operational capacity. He sees a familiar area and hears familiar voices. He sees and hears Zesty address him, but his mind is elsewhere. The tiefling walks off to to address the other people, but right after the barbarian waves him over.

Hey, tiefling, come back here! I need to... I need to know something,

As Zesty gets close, Aims grabs his arm and brings the poor sap close to his face, and he whispers.

I need to know tiefling... I had a horrible accident on the way. I was... I was shocked, and dropped from a mile high in the sky and through sheer luck I survived with my life.

But.... but what I fear is not all of me survived. *hic* I... I... I'm pretty sure not all my jewels survived the impact as I crashed on a large sturdy limb, much so like that guy's legs over there!
He points towards kutshort. I need you to check them. I need to know tiefling! Look at them! A tear drops down Aims' cheek. I need to know if they're both still there!

Somehow during this whole exchange the barbarian already undid his belt and is pulling his pants down.
((@Jon - I'm going to need you to roll a perception check.))
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Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Typically, Zesty wouldn't entertain such ideas. But the genuine concern in Aims voice proffers a level of empathy.

Damnit, Aims, I'm an Artificer, not a Cleric! Zesty turns to Boltzmann. Check him, boy!

With a little nod and smile to his mechanical companion, Boltz shots up with his mechanical tongue out and a quick Roger Roger from his modulated voice box and immediately uses it to begin licking Aims' nether regions. It feels like hours in the couple minutes the mechpup is doing this before he zips back to his master's side and returns his findings.

Based on Orc anatomy, the Barbarian has all his bits and giggleberries attached. The over salination indicates dehydration, but by all other accounts no extreme injuries.

Zesty looks at Aims and can't quite tell it it's surprise, pleasure or both.

Before you ask... no, you can't borrow him.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Blind Guardian
((Nah, it was funny. I just thought making you carefully inspect his balls would also be funny, but we'll just say you passed the church.

Orc-man's got nards.))
  • Fair
Reactions: Jon

Magni Kragtail

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
Magni stops in his tracks and defensively reaches for his pouch. But upon seeing the scene unfolding ahead of him, he just looks up at Kutshort in confusion.
  • Fair
Reactions: Jon
Short Order uses druidcraft to make a sand sculpture of a crying Aims with two balls on the ground beneath him but not attached. Also another sculpture of Zesty preparing to kick the balls.

This is a moment to be remembered.
Magni stops in his tracks and defensively reaches for his pouch. But upon seeing the scene unfolding ahead of him, he just looks up at Kutshort in confusion.
While Kutshort didn’t know Magni well, he felt a sort of kinship with him… maybe it was because they both do not know what sorcery transported them to this place
He hears the tiefling and prepares himself for battle.

Kutshort readies his crossbow

Kutshort addresses the tiefling, while keeping an eye on what appears to be a murdergnome

By any chance, are you part of a “unaffiliated group of adventurers?”

We were approached by a dragon named Runara, who asked us to help stop Sparkrender. She thought you could use a little help
  • Crikey!
Reactions: Ben

Nac McWeeble

Yvan eht nioj
Nac, overhearing the rogue speaking to the tiefling, takes it upon himself answer.

Aye lad, that we be. And we're headin' ta the observatory ta bust a dragon's skull ta smithereens. Ye'd be welcome to join us.

He turns and adresses the rest of the group.

Now, are we goin' ta stand here an' stroke fuck about, or are we goin' to give Sparklecock his dues!?

Zesty Zapcrackle

Diplomatic Immunity
Zesty removes his hand from his Lockbuster after the mysterious rogue has identified himself. If Runara trusts them, who is he to argue? The small kobold next to the rogue easing Zesty's mind further.

Hoping Aims' would zip up his pants already, Zesty offers his hand to the Orc to help him to his feet.

Time to get some revenge. Got that axe still?
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