Campaign Stormwreck Isle: Journey to Stormwreck Isle (1-P)

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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{so is there only one drowned sailor left at this point? Or are there two?}}
{{Still 2. There's the one prone on the ground next to Nac/Zesty, and the one by the docks next to Aims'Orreh and Moonsprout.

I guess I could explain more, I'm trying to remember to use the border color options on the tokens to show their status/disposition. Red would mean they're hostile, grey would mean they're incapacitated, prone, etc. Black (and hidden to you guys) will mean it's defeated.

I saw something else while watching some D&D videos last night though and I think I will start including something like the following along with the initiative priority, and try to keep reposting it with each roll resolution instead of just the "X is up next".

21Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd1530ft15/15
17Zesty Zapcrackle1430ft11/11
15Zombie (C)----DEFEATED
14Moonsprout Beandirt1425ft8/8
14Short Order1125ft9/9
8Nac McWeeble1625ft12/12
6Zombie (A)----Moderately InjuredProne
3Zombie (B)----Near Defeat
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Well that one looks pretty useless for now. Let's see if I can help our mushroom of a friend get more time to smell the flowers down by the docks.

Casts Frostbite on the Zombie near the docks.

Short Order casts...

Welcome to the FROZONE!

{{I'll get something better...}}

The words aloft from your tongue like flakes off a snowbank in the wind, the strange incantation making your lips feel numb. You focus the spell towards the Zombie (B) by the water's edge, but as the faint blue hue begins to form on it's skin, the mangled corpse curls in on itself before throwing it's arms out and screaming. The patches of frost flake off of it and the monster appears unaffected.

{{Just for clarity, even in having disadvantage, the zombie succeeded in both CON saving throws.

21Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd1530ft15/15
17Zesty Zapcrackle1430ft11/11
15Zombie (C)----DEFEATED
14Moonsprout Beandirt1425ft8/8
14Short Order1125ft9/9
8Nac McWeeble1625ft12/12@Nae'blis
6Zombie (A)----Moderately InjuredProne
3Zombie (B)----Near Defeat


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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
With the zombie at his feet, Zesty watches the spell hit the farther of the Zombies to little effect.

That thing just put a sweater on.

Zesty turns to Nac.

Do me a favor and kill this thing, would you?

A wry smile forms at the corner of Zesty's mouth as he nods lightly in the direction of the downed zombie at his feet.

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
Nac fires off a grin too.

Oh aye, I do believe I can do tha'!

He looks down at the prone zombie.

Laddie, ye certainly picked the wrong day to go to the beach.

Nac kicks the zombie in the head, letting his foot continue up to a nearly vertical position, and on the way down drop his heel down in the face of the undead with an axe kick (bonus action).
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Nac fires off a grin too.

Oh aye, I do believe I can do tha'!

He looks down at the prone zombie.

Laddie, ye certainly picked the wrong day to go to the beach.

Nac kicks the zombie in the head, letting his foot continue up to a nearly vertical position, and on the way down drop his heel down in the face of the undead with an axe kick (bonus action).

Your foot connects with the ear of the writhing abomination, the force of the blow snapping it's head 90° to the side with the muted pop of disconnecting vertebrae, and causing the mostly detached jaw to fly off and sail past Short Order. The zombie gurgles and it's soulless eyes rotate loosely in their sockets.


As the monster tries to turn it's head to the attacker, but it's neck refuses to function even under the power of whatever unholy magic animates it. The black tongue flicks across the bared jagged teeth of the upper jaw, as the monster tries to claw it's way across the dirt away from the Monk. Holding your balance on your left leg and allowing the momentum of the first strike to carry your foot high, you snap it back down while shifting your weight forward, driving your heel into the creature's temple. With a sound like a melon exploding within a gelatinous ooze, the zombie's face cracks in two and a spray of grey brain matter bursts out across the grass. The zombie's arms fall limp to the ground and it ceases movement.

{{Very nice crit on the damage roll there.

Zombie C is defeated, so it's Zombie B's turn.}}

{{Hooo boy... Did you know when you roll a nat-20 while using the Themberchaud dice set, that pudgy fuck pops out to roar at you? Sorry, Jawneh! 😬


The one remaining zombie, with an eye missing from the socket and extensive damage to it's putrid flesh, is overcome with some dark rage. It sets it's feet into the ground in a firm stance, crouching slightly before the towering Half-Orc before it. The blow from it's pointed claws comes surprisingly quickly, finding a gap in Aims'Orreh's armor on the right side of his chest, and striking true. The claws dig into the living flesh leaving bloody gouges, but the monster leans in and drives the heel of it's palm into the Barbarian's ribs with the shuddering impact of a critical hit. The corpse retracts it's hand, bringing it up to it's slackened mouth and licking the traces of blood from it's finger bones.

**Aims'Orreh takes 9 damage total.**

{{It apparently lets me adjust the HP on your character sheet, so... Did that.

For information; Rules for critical hits are that you double the damage dice (but do not add the bonus modifier twice.)

Luckily it's your turn next, so you can try to get revenge.

And to keep things clear, here's positioning:

21Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd1530ft6/15@Jawneh
17Zesty Zapcrackle1430ft11/11
15Zombie (C)----DEFEATED
14Moonsprout Beandirt1425ft8/8
14Short Order1125ft9/9
8Nac McWeeble1625ft12/12
6Zombie (A)----DEFEATED
3Zombie (B)----Near Defeat

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
{{Ow. D: That hurt. I thought the buggers were still at a disadvantage. Unless I just forgot and we rolled a couple turns without me paying attention. Which is very possible lol. That thing could've one-shot a couple folks here.}}

Aims winches at the sudden large blow from the zombie before a wide grin showing off his pointy tusks at the zombie.

Now THIS feels more like a fight! I bet you drink folks under the table and fight off the rest when you were alive! What a sorry state you are in now though. Begone!

Aims takes his newly dejected javelin to spike the zom-B one more time right through the ribcage.
  • D-20
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{Ow. D: That hurt. I thought the buggers were still at a disadvantage. Unless I just forgot and we rolled a couple turns without me paying attention. Which is very possible lol. That thing could've one-shot a couple folks here.}}

Aims winches at the sudden large blow from the zombie before a wide grin showing off his pointy tusks at the zombie.

Now THIS feels more like a fight! I bet you drink folks under the table and fight off the rest when you were alive! What a sorry state you are in now though. Begone!

Aims takes his newly dejected javelin to spike the zom-B one more time right through the ribcage.

The tip of your javelin, angled slightly upward, pierces through the zombie's weak flesh just below the lower ribs and wedges into its spine. The festering fiend howls with an otherworldly timbre as you heave against the wooden shaft of the weapon in an attempt to wrench it free. Instead, the javelin remains steadfast in it's position through the rib cage, and you haul the corrupted humanoid off it's feet into the air. With a satisfied grunt, you swing the impaled corpse in a wide arc until the centrifugal force overcomes friction and the body pinwheels off through the air across the beach. The undead menace lands face-first in the sand and it's neck collapses on itself like an accordion, before it's body tips and lands in a crumpled heap on the ground.

{{All of the zombies have been defeated! You've completed your first encounter with honestly minimal injuries, so well done!

Before I forget to remind you not to forget, @Jon remember to pick your crossbow and hammer back up.

Now, you do have options for healing. One of the party with healing magic could use that, though as Jawneh said it'll expend a spell slot. You can also take a short rest, which lets you use your hit dice to heal some portion of HP. You have 1 hit die per level, so only 1 right now, and they type of dice varies depending on the class. Aims'Orreh probably has the best hit dice out of the lot of you, being a Barbarian, so it's 1d12 plus your CON modifier, so +3.

You should be able to do it in D&DBeyond by clicking "Short Rest" at the top and then selecting to use a hit die, and then "Take short rest". If you leave it at default settings, whatever the outcome of your roll should get automatically added to your current HP and you don't have to do it manually.


For everyone else, you'll likely want to take the short rest too, but don't need to expend hit die on it since you didn't take damage. I don't think any of you have spells, etc. that you can regain by a short rest, but you'll still have to hang around while Aims'Orreh tends his wounds and so on, unless you opt to just leave him behind while the rest of you carry on but I don't imagine you would. You can take the chance to role play it out a little bit, maybe inspect the area before continuing, or whatever.

Or if one of the healers does want to burn a spell slot so you can get going immediately, that works too. Just state that you plan to do that.

Real-time wise, I guess I'll wait for a consensus of 3/5 characters in the party wanting to move on. Give me an action when you decide to continue on.

We're now out of the "introduction" part of the campaign, so it should really start to kick off and open up from here. I'm going to think on whether I'll start an entirely new thread or just rename this one and continue keeping it in one place, and if you guys have any input on that certainly let me know.}}

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
{{I have a meeting coming up here in 2 minutes, so I'll make a post right after getting my stuff. I want to maybe switch my spells too, but I'll take care of that in D&DB and then confirm here. Thanks for the reminder!}}

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims gleefully looks at the destroyed mess he made of the zom-B.

That was a very good warm up. All the soreness from the boat ride are gone. Couple of scratches on the chest never hurt anyone.

Aims grabs a handful of dirt, spits in it, and rubs it against his chest where the zom-B hit him.

Much better. Now, for the second best part of the fight! Loot!

Aims starts scavenging for loot through the ragged clothes and carcass of the zom-B he mauled.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{I have a meeting coming up here in 2 minutes, so I'll make a post right after getting my stuff. I want to maybe switch my spells too, but I'll take care of that in D&DB and then confirm here. Thanks for the reminder!}}

{{So we're able to change out our spells now if we'd like? So if I'd like to swap out frostbite or druidcraft for a different cantrip or something I can?}}

{{Unfortunately the ability to change selected spells during a short rest is pretty restricted by class, really only to Warlocks. Every other class, including Druids, Artificers, and Bards, all require a long-rest in order to change out what spells they've got equipped (although I don't think Bards can change theirs at all until they gain a level.) It's like you're having to divine the power from your druid gods to change what you're channeling, or having to study a book before you can focus on casting something else. Warlocks are the exception 'cause they're just sipping on that pact juice.

So you'll have to wait until you find somewhere to get a full 8-hour Long Rest before you can change spells. }}

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
{{Short rest is fine with me!}}

Sure, ye lads go for a wee spell o' rest! I need to wash zombie brains from between me toes!

Nac goes down to the water to wash his feet. When they're clean, he goes a-looting

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Good work killing the dead, Orc. I'll think up a little diddy in your honor.

Moonsprout kicks back on the patch of cozy grass his head was stuck in. He puts the Saltbloom he picked into a pipe and smokes it.

Hmm... salty.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
As the battle concludes, Zesty looks around at the carnage of the three lifeless zombies. He takes a deep breath, pats Nac on the shoulder gently, nods, then walks to where he dropped his crossbow, while simultaneously sheathing his dagger in its place on his left hip. He picks up the crossbow, returns it to its stowed position on his back and meanders to the dead zombie where his light hammer sits encased in seawater and zombie innards.

He grabs a small cloth from his pocket, dunks in in the sea water and cleans his hammer off before stowing it back in his backpack.

Well gents, that was interesting. Well done.

Zesty peruses the battlefield for any useful to him items that may have been left behind.

{{If there is a check to run @Ben for searching the battlefield, let me know and I'll roll one. Otherwise...}}

Zesty wraps up his search of the battlefield before prepping to walk on with the group.

{I'll do a short rest on D&DB but I don't know if I need it.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
{{Oh, also @Ben I've reduced the number of bolts in my inventory to 18. I assume those are unsalvageable. But if you tell me otherwise, while I'm searching the battlefield I'll grab those too.}}

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims yells out as he's rummaging through the body.

You did very well there dwarf! You have a... k-nac-k for pummeling things! I love it!
Aims is very pleased at his pun. Once the powers be determine he's checked through the body for goodies, he walks on over towards the embankment, sits down and leans against it to take a short rest to heal up.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Aims gleefully looks at the destroyed mess he made of the zom-B.

That was a very good warm up. All the soreness from the boat ride are gone. Couple of scratches on the chest never hurt anyone.

Aims grabs a handful of dirt, spits in it, and rubs it against his chest where the zom-B hit him.

Much better. Now, for the second best part of the fight! Loot!

Aims starts scavenging for loot through the ragged clothes and carcass of the zom-B he mauled.

You search the pile of remains, pushing your hands beneath the ragged wet clothing and across rotting skin. Unsurprisingly you do not find much of value; a rusted dagger, now corroded and dull, with a distinctive handle that may have been a cherished personal item, and a cracked leather pouch with a split down the side, which still holds 5 copper coins all bearing a mint mark of some coastal city.

{{Short rest is fine with me!}}

Sure, ye lads go for a wee spell o' rest! I need to wash zombie brains from between me toes!

Nac goes down to the water to wash his feet. When they're clean, he goes a-looting
Your attempts to scavenge from the dead are equally disappointing, and as you rummage around the clothing of the zombie you crushed, you manage to only find; a small bag containing what once was dried fish and hardtack, now wet, spoiled and unappetizing, and a water-damaged scroll with a barely legible recipe for a traditional fish stew.

Good work killing the dead, Orc. I'll think up a little diddy in your honor.

Moonsprout kicks back on the patch of cozy grass his head was stuck in. He puts the Saltbloom he picked into a pipe and smokes it.

Hmm... salty.
The flower crackles softly as you light it, the first inhale immediately hitting your lungs with an intense burning sensation that makes you cough until your eyes water. The Saltbloom is reduced to ash.

As the battle concludes, Zesty looks around at the carnage of the three lifeless zombies. He takes a deep breath, pats Nac on the shoulder gently, nods, then walks to where he dropped his crossbow, while simultaneously sheathing his dagger in its place on his left hip. He picks up the crossbow, returns it to its stowed position on his back and meanders to the dead zombie where his light hammer sits encased in seawater and zombie innards.

He grabs a small cloth from his pocket, dunks in in the sea water and cleans his hammer off before stowing it back in his backpack.

Well gents, that was interesting. Well done.

Zesty peruses the battlefield for any useful to him items that may have been left behind.

{{If there is a check to run @Ben for searching the battlefield, let me know and I'll roll one. Otherwise...}}

Zesty wraps up his search of the battlefield before prepping to walk on with the group.

{I'll do a short rest on D&DB but I don't know if I need it.))
{{Oh, also @Ben I've reduced the number of bolts in my inventory to 18. I assume those are unsalvageable. But if you tell me otherwise, while I'm searching the battlefield I'll grab those too.}}
You survey the fallen monsters, and manage to pry the crossbow bolt out of the shoulder of one of them. It appears to still be in usable condition. The other bolt has split down the length of it and cannot be recovered.

{{You can definitely recover some of the ammo you fired in most circumstance, but not all the time. Generally, you'll be able to recover about half of the ammo you fired if you spend time searching the battlefield afterwards, unless you fired them somewhere they obviously won't be easy to get them back from, like into a chasm or a flowing river.}}

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims looks at the loot he got quizzically.

Well, 5 copper is 5 copper. I dont know if even any blacksmith will want this dagger to smelt down. The handle looks kind of odd though.

Does anyone with better eyeballs than me want to look at this tiny thing? Could be nothing. I dont want it regardless.

Aims waves the dagger in the air for everyone to see before putting it on the ground next to him. The stupid javelin fiasco is still on his mind so it's time to do some equipment changes. He straps the javelin onto his backpack and grabs his big ax from it instead. Also the two small hand axes will do nicely on his belt just in case.

Oh, lads. While we are resting, does anyone have an idea which way to go to... anything?

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Moonsprout winks one eye open at the talk of this curious dagger, and groggily speaks.

This might help.

He saunters over, half-teetering from his sleepiness, and gives the instrument a gentle stroke before returning to his nap.
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Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
I might have an eye for that

Short Order takes a closer look for Aims
You inspect the dagger dropped on the ground by Aims'Orreh. Turning it around in your hands, you immediately notice just how much rust is on the tarnished blade, with the edge particularly worn off at the point as if it had been stabbed into wood hundreds of times. You put the decorative handle closer to your face to try and scratch some of the algae and grime off of the somewhat rounded pommel. Grasping the roughly 5 inch long grip, your fingers feel a slight indentation running along the middle of the head. You spend a few moments turning the blade around before familiarity hits you.

The handle is shaped like a dick.

Moonsprout winks one eye open at the talk of this curious dagger, and groggily speaks.

This might help.

He saunters over, half-teetering from his sleepiness, and gives the instrument a gentle stroke before returning to his nap.
Your fingers brush down the shaft of the weird dagger, gently caressing it with an expectation that your spell will repair the damage. As you recline back on the soft grass, the fleeting memory that Mending both only works on cracks/tears/breaks in items, and that it requires two lodestones as a material component, makes you giggle.

{{Mending don't work like that, brah. It can repair a crack/tear up to 1 foot long/wide in an object and does have a material component required to cast the spell. You don't have the 2 lodestone required, nor a component pouch, nor a spell-casting focus. And it can't remove dust, or sharpen the blade. It can only fix something that's broken/snapped/torn. You could probably repair it with Smith's Tools to remove the corrosion and sharpen it up, but... Why?

If you're all ready to get moving tomorrow morning, I'll try to get the next part of the narrative going.}}

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
You spend a few moments turning the blade around before familiarity hits you.

The handle is shaped like a dick.
Your fingers brush down the shaft of the weird dagger, gently caressing it with an expectation that your spell will repair the damage. As you recline back on the soft grass, the fleeting memory that Mending both only works on cracks/tears/breaks in items, and that it requires two lodestones as a material component, makes you giggle.

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Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims waits expectantly.

Figure anything out lads? It seemed like you gleamed something out of it druid. Is it something special after all?

{{I'm good to march on. Can't wait to level up and get more goodies. At least for the first few, every level is bigger than thr previous one for me. }}
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{Told you I'd get weird with it fast. :shrug}}

Aims waits expectantly.

Figure anything out lads? It seemed like you gleamed something out of it halfling. Is it something special after all?

{{I'm good to march on. Can't wait to level up and get more goodies. At least for the first few, every level is bigger than thr previous one for me. }}
{{You'll have to wait just a little while before leveling. With milestone method, it'll happen after the first big quest you complete, which probably won't be too long before you're into the meat of it but it could always go slowly if we hit some bad streaks of activity.}}

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
{{You'll have to wait just a little while before leveling. With milestone method, it'll happen after the first big quest you complete, which probably won't be too long before you're into the meat of it but it could always go slowly if we hit some bad streaks of activity.}}
{{Yesss, I remember that. I'm just impatient and excited. My plan might be fairly straight forward barbarian stuff for now, but it's all hugely impactful.}}

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
Im Ready Lets Go GIF by Leroy Patterson
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Reactions: Jon
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Moonsprout returns to the grass patch he was resting in, content with his excuse to touch the dick-shaped object.

{{wtf is a lodestone and how do I get one
Wtf is a component pouch
Wtf is a spell-casting focus}}
{{So any of your spells that have an "M" in the notes require a "Material". The "V" stands for "Verbal" meaning you need to be able to speak to cast it, and "S" is "Somatic" meaning it requires a gesture. The spell details state what is required to cast a spell with a material component, this one being two lodestones. They're just an item, one that's generally assumed included in a Component Pouch, or that can be replaced by having a spell-casting focus that would generally replace any component in a spell. The lodestones aren't consumed by this spell, though some other spells do consume the materials when cast.}}

{{Don't worry, just keep smoking everything you find. I'm sure that'll work out in the end. :link }}
heh, this Saltbloom must be some good shit

{{I'm honestly a little surprised no one's given him shit about Snoop Dogging that flower yet, considering he just toked a potential potion.

OR that no one asked Moonsprout about that 25 gold the stoned Halfling sailor palmed him. 🤔 }}
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