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Sensitive Satellite Images Show 30% of Gaza Destroyed

Well they finally got some hostages out! Only killed 210+ civilians and wounded hundreds more to get them :^
Spin It GIF by Stick Up Music
Stretching themselves so thin they have to conscript the ultra-super-duper orthodox folks now…

So… they engage on another front with another enemy.

Honestly, having to conscript the ultra-orthodox is probably the best news. Like the extreme conservative right in America, the ultra-orthodox like thinking they are above others, while still wanting to make policies they do not want to have impact them. Interesting to see what happened once they have to go to the front lines


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Honestly, having to conscript the ultra-orthodox is probably the best news. Like the extreme conservative right in America, the ultra-orthodox like thinking they are above others, while still wanting to make policies they do not want to have impact them. Interesting to see what happened once they have to go to the front lines

I get that, but, I was speaking more in a context of resorting to drafting people that, previously, held some form of legal exemption there. From the outside, it appears like an act of desperation. There’s no way that they weren’t anticipating pushback over this, but they went ahead and did it anyway because they need the bodies.


Senior Member
GW Elder
So a lot has happened. In no particular order:
Hannibal directive was ordered, resulting in unknown scores of intentional Israeli deaths on October 7th by IDF hands. This was known and reported on by independent media, but now Haaretz has managed to confirm it as well:
Obviously unintended friendly fire also occurred a bunch:
More confirmation that rape stories were utterly made up and projection:

IDF are silently admitting defeat by changing their war goals, explaining Hamas cannot be destroyed:
Meanwhile, Hezbollah has been infiltrating the north of Israel undisturbed, destroying Iron Dome installations with little credible response, allowing them to fly recon drones over critical industry and logistical areas in Haifa

The west has no response for the Houthis:

IDF is running low on ammo for their tanks, should fare well against Hezbollah:
Israeli economy shitting itself:
Gazans cojones exert significant gravitational force:

Twitter forcefully adding incorrect community notes to any tweet featuring this image, causing hilarity:
Japanese hostel cancelling Israeli reservations (apparently the most famous Israeli in Japan is an annoying guy who plays psytrance at too high volume lol):
1720817301954.pngPalestinian beefcakes keep winning
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Senior Member
GW Elder
I mean the government are obviously just subservient to US interests but there have been some protests and hostel receptionists have probably been exposed to how fucking rude the average Israeli is more than others


Senior Member
GW Elder
Things going well in Nazi state:
-Random acts of violence, high levels of suicide
-33-year old woman killed her child and dog with a hatchet, started attacking a mall cop, stripped and started meditating as her husband went off to kill some Palestinians


Senior Member
GW Elder
Indy media have been reporting on it for months but it seems the ball is rolling on stories of rampant torture at IDF prisons, including raping (known by IDF) innocent Palestinians to death. NYT published an article on it last month but it got little attention:
Now it seems the ICJ and ICC and member states are pressuring Israel, and in response they decided to pin it on a couple of guards, allowing the state which produced them to go scot free :D This incredulous dumbass liberal zionist has somehow now seen the light, though certainly not to conclude that Israel is something to be totally dismantled and reformed into an actual good place:

Unfortunately for liberal zionists' hopes of keeping the image of Israel as a normal country deserving of sympathy, droves of psychotics have now stormed the base where the guards are being held, to demand their release.

The storming of the bastille, but in reverse.

January 6 but for rape.

This has included members of the Knesset (including the usual nazis) calling on people to join and being there themselves, and now the IDF is retreating multiple units from both Gaza and the West Bank to defend the bases.

All the while, IDF is running low on tank munitions and have admitted to massive vehicle losses, to the degree that there are no training vehicles to get women to fire shells at children:
Also they're champing at the bit to bomb Lebanon and open up that front. Good luck boys.


Senior Member
GW Elder
...so I guess the plan is to go hog wild? Israel bombed Beirut and Tehran, killing the leader of Hamas. The guy they were negotiating with to release the hostages...They really want the US to engage significantly because they seem to be on the verge of societal collapse, finally being confronted with the differences between secular and religious zionism.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
...so I guess the plan is to go hog wild? Israel bombed Beirut and Tehran, killing the leader of Hamas. The guy they were negotiating with to release the hostages...They really want the US to engage significantly because they seem to be on the verge of societal collapse, finally being confronted with the differences between secular and religious zionism.

Is their operational intelligence really something substantial? I’ve been wondering how they were able to track the leader of Hamas down, I’m aware he was “in town” for some political reason, but I can’t help but assume anytime a high profile individual like that is targeted that intelligence comes from within.


Senior Member
GW Elder
The Ayatollah tweeted something about meeting him so maybe they just followed him on satellite view, I dunno. Israel does a lot of assassination in Iran entirely unmolested so they definitely have a presence that needs rooting out if peace is something they want.
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