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    Everyone stop what you're doing! It's happening! GW's own Alu is having a baby!! Come and congratulate him here: Need some help identifying this picture.

    We're so happy for you, Alu!

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Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
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GW Elder
Wolf Players
I wouldn't bother to shovel unless it's supposed to stay below freezing for a while. I imagine it'll melt on its own pretty quick in Florida.
Yeah that's literally the county's entire plan for dealing with this. Wait for it to melt.
I am on a work trip in Las Vegas so I flew in a few days early and went to Zion National Park and Red Rock Canyon. Did 5 hikes and took many photos. The southwest is such an alien looking place compared to east of the Mississippi.

I also played in a poker tournament last night and was eliminated way earlier than I want to admit. :D


Q-Q. Earlier in the tourney I won a big pot with that hand, spiking a set, so when I got it again, I played it too passive against a 4 player flop. A guy playing almost every hand had 9-6 and flopped a straight on a 5-7-8 board. I had a flush draw on the turn along with the over pair so I raised all in thinking he was making a play.

Turns out I should have re raised preflop to thin the field out. I usually do but I was trying to be sneaky.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Grab a space heater and blow it at the snow.

Do they even sell those south of SC?

I am on a work trip in Las Vegas so I flew in a few days early and went to Zion National Park and Red Rock Canyon. Did 5 hikes and took many photos. The southwest is such an alien looking place compared to east of the Mississippi.

I also played in a poker tournament last night and was eliminated way earlier than I want to admit. :D

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Incredible view, dude. I’m always fascinated with pictures from over there, one day I’ll make my way west.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yes! You may be surprised at the number of older houses here that have window units for AC. People die every year here for some reason.

The elderly down there are like the iguanas after a while… if it drops below 60, they fall out of the trees. I kinda expected the older houses to have window units, because even newer homes supplement with them, but space heaters? I didn’t think it got cold enough to necessitate them.


Queen of the Dead
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
The elderly down there are like the iguanas after a while… if it drops below 60, they fall out of the trees. I kinda expected the older houses to have window units, because even newer homes supplement with them, but space heaters? I didn’t think it got cold enough to necessitate them.
Are cold is more cold feeling because the humidity never leaves us. Normal our cold is lows of 40s high in the 50s. This January we have been living in the 30s and 40s. This is probably more for northern Florida. It never gets cold in Miami because it's impossible for hell to get that cold.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Are cold is more cold feeling because the humidity never leaves us. Normal our cold is lows of 40s high in the 50s. This January we have been living in the 30s and 40s. This is probably more for northern Florida. It never gets cold in Miami because it's impossible for hell to get that cold.

Learn something new everyday. I did not think it got that cold down there regularly.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
The elderly down there are like the iguanas after a while… if it drops below 60, they fall out of the trees. I kinda expected the older houses to have window units, because even newer homes supplement with them, but space heaters? I didn’t think it got cold enough to necessitate them.

I read a story that the last time we had a big freeze around here there was a guy who gathered up a bunch of iguanas that fell out of the trees and stuffed them in a bag to take home and eat

But they thawed out in the car and got free and attacked him while he was driving


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
A friend of mine spent Christmas in the Miami area a couple of years ago and was met with one of the coldest Christmases ever.

Looking back it seems Miami only hit 50F that day.

See, I’ve only been to Florida once, to Orlando, in 2001 or 2002. During one of the hottest Aprils they recorded… where it was regularly triple digits, sunny, and humid. My three least-favorite weather conditions. I have very limited and biased experience with that hellhole.

I read a story that the last time we had a big freeze around here there was a guy who gathered up a bunch of iguanas that fell out of the trees and stuffed them in a bag to take home and eat

But they thawed out in the car and got free and attacked him while he was driving

This is the quality content I expect to hear about Florida.


Queen of the Dead
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
See, I’ve only been to Florida once, to Orlando, in 2001 or 2002. During one of the hottest Aprils they recorded… where it was regularly triple digits, sunny, and humid. My three least-favorite weather conditions. I have very limited and biased experience with that hellhole.

This is the quality content I expect to hear about Florida.
I know April is not summer, but how do people go to Disney in the summer? How can it even be fun to feel like you are being steamed alive like a lobster?


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I know April is not summer, but how do people go to Disney in the summer? How can it even be fun to feel like you are being steamed alive like a lobster?

Dude, I got sun poisoning on my goddamn nose, head, and neck. In APRIL. I’m regularly pretty pigmented, I can look outside at the sun reflecting off of the ground and get a few shades darker and I run the risk of deportation if I spend more than a few days working in the sun. I don’t burn. Ever. I was fried.

Ain’t no wonder my parents divorced shortly after that vacation…


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
I know April is not summer, but how do people go to Disney in the summer? How can it even be fun to feel like you are being steamed alive like a lobster?
I really don't understand that either. I do not go outside between the months of late May-early September because I can't stand being hot. No way you would find me central/south Florida during the summer by choice. The state does host a couple music festivals that I'd be interested in but.. summer so I guess I'll never go 🤭
I really don't understand that either. I do not go outside between the months of late May-early September because I can't stand being hot. No way you would find me central/south Florida during the summer by choice. The state does host a couple music festivals that I'd be interested in but.. summer so I guess I'll never go 🤭
Your ancestors are crying!


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I really don't understand that either. I do not go outside between the months of late May-early September because I can't stand being hot. No way you would find me central/south Florida during the summer by choice. The state does host a couple music festivals that I'd be interested in but.. summer so I guess I'll never go 🤭

I was just talking to someone else about this in the real world the other day… there was a time when I could not only deal with the heat, but work out in it for weeks at a time with no issue other than getting a tan. These days? After spending over a decade on graveyard shift? I just can’t deal with it anymore. That could be the case for you, too, you could have adapted to more tolerable conditions and your body recognizes that and says “heat? Nah, we good, we cool” or something like that. Conditioning is a major factor, unless, you’re a psychopath like @Quagmire that likes to roast in the sun eating Dole Whips all day while watching the sweat pour off of him.


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
I was just talking to someone else about this in the real world the other day… there was a time when I could not only deal with the heat, but work out in it for weeks at a time with no issue other than getting a tan. These days? After spending over a decade on graveyard shift? I just can’t deal with it anymore. That could be the case for you, too, you could have adapted to more tolerable conditions and your body recognizes that and says “heat? Nah, we good, we cool” or something like that. Conditioning is a major factor, unless, you’re a psychopath like @Quagmire that likes to roast in the sun eating Dole Whips all day while watching the sweat pour off of him.
Yeah I spent full days outside in Texas summer wearing jeans and black when I was growing up. Then I "grew up" and didn't do that much outside extra curriculars so yeah... this is just how I am now. My ex-roommate referred to me as "the vampire." Her boyfriend was so sweet and would just invite me to stuff with them if he saw me hanging out by myself and I'd be like "aaw thank you but no. It's summer so I don't go out during the day."

With the caveat that I don't know if I necessarily will enjoy winter way up north like some of yall, I prefer and typically enjoy the cold. 50F is around the temperature where I'm like "let's go outside!" whereas everyone else down here is like "excuse me???"


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yeah I spent full days outside in Texas summer wearing jeans and black when I was growing up. Then I "grew up" and didn't do that much outside extra curriculars so yeah... this is just how I am now. My ex-roommate referred to me as "the vampire." Her boyfriend was so sweet and would just invite me to stuff with them if he saw me hanging out by myself and I'd be like "aaw thank you but no. It's summer so I don't go out during the day."

With the caveat that I don't know if I necessarily will enjoy winter way up north like some of yall, I prefer and typically enjoy the cold. 50F is around the temperature where I'm like "let's go outside!" whereas everyone else down here is like "excuse me???"

It really depends on your body. Like, right now for example… the cold and dry air is fucking my hands up, to the point where creases are splitting and bleeding. Lotion doesn’t work, only O’Keefe’s does. Do you have arthritis? Well, if you do, you’re fucked in the cold. My hands, knees, shoulder, and back are all simultaneously angry at me because of the weather, and I quite frankly couldn’t give a shit because it’s only January and it’s gonna get worse, so my body is just gonna have to deal with it.

There are absolute pros and cons about the heat and the cold, but, you’re only gonna hear about the cons from me because I’m a miserable bastard. The worst? I’d have to say humid heat and sun. You can escape the cold, you can wear more layers, etc. In the heat? You can only take off so much before you start catching charges or get fried. I’ve also heard horror stories about dry heat, but, that’s one I haven’t had to experience.
Yes, you acclimatise, e.g. if you spend a prolonged period in hot climates then your sweat dilutes.

I've got more used to the cold now, but I still dress quite warm. I'd say my threshold for describing something as warm would be ~25C/77F even though I could take just a T-shirt below that.

Also fun fact - Singapore recorded two daily highs of 97 last month (mid-winter), but has never hit 100 ever.


Queen of the Dead
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Yeah I spent full days outside in Texas summer wearing jeans and black when I was growing up. Then I "grew up" and didn't do that much outside extra curriculars so yeah... this is just how I am now. My ex-roommate referred to me as "the vampire." Her boyfriend was so sweet and would just invite me to stuff with them if he saw me hanging out by myself and I'd be like "aaw thank you but no. It's summer so I don't go out during the day."

With the caveat that I don't know if I necessarily will enjoy winter way up north like some of yall, I prefer and typically enjoy the cold. 50F is around the temperature where I'm like "let's go outside!" whereas everyone else down here is like "excuse me???"
I miss dry Texas heat. Your sweat evaporates and cools you off instead adding to the think air water that makes it hard to breath that Florida has. I also have a theory that since our clothes are all made of plastic now instead of natural fibers that it makes dealing with heat worse.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yes, you acclimatise, e.g. if you spend a prolonged period in hot climates then your sweat dilutes.

I've got more used to the cold now, but I still dress quite warm. I'd say my threshold for describing something as warm would be ~25C/77F even though I could take just a T-shirt below that.

Also fun fact - Singapore recorded two daily highs of 97 last month (mid-winter), but has never hit 100 ever.

Y’all get that tropical heat there, though, right? If so, those heat indexes have to be pretty miserable at times.


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
It really depends on your body. Like, right now for example… the cold and dry air is fucking my hands up, to the point where creases are splitting and bleeding.
Yeah that is the only downside for me about the cold dry air. The back of my hands look mangled from the splitting/bleeding. I'm using Aquaphor but then I just... am greasy lol I do also have arthritis but it's only in my left ankle so it hasn't flared up... Then again, it hasn't really been that cold around here.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yeah that is the only downside for me about the cold dry air. The back of my hands look mangled from the splitting/bleeding. I'm using Aquaphor but then I just... am greasy lol I do also have arthritis but it's only in my left ankle so it hasn't flared up... Then again, it hasn't really been that cold around here.

Oh, if you’re looking for a matte moisturizer, try this stuff:


It’s meant for people to still be able to use their hands after applying it, and is the only thing I recommend as far as skincare products. I swear by this stuff, and their lip balm and foot lotion is just as legit.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I've moved back to the UK now. But again, you did get used to it. Outdoor sport wasn't the most fun, but most other things were OK.

My mistake (I also have not viewed more than a thumbnail on Ben’s map, on a related note), I just recall you mentioning Singapore more than anywhere else, but I also know you’re one of those folks that have moved around a bit.


Tea Wrecks
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Well, this is a bad time for someone.

Perspective isn't great, but this car is halfway across the road in my complex. There is no one in it. From the tire marks, it slid backwards down the sight incline.

It is a Porsche car.


Those garages aren't attached to specific apartments so I can't go find who it belongs to.

Edit: I'm now paranoid about my own vehicle I had to put on an income. I put the parking brake on, but it's around a corner so anxiety.
Last edited:


Tea Wrecks
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
It's actually a Ford Mustang Mach-E.

Obviously without the "don't slide backwards on ice" subscription package.
Ooooooh. You're right. Shows how much I know about cars.

Oh! I'm thinking of Ferrari anyway, I think... That's the 'fancy car with horse'.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
It's actually a Ford Mustang Mach-E.

Obviously without the "don't slide backwards on ice" subscription package.

I’m sure it has all the bells and whistles… but it’s still hot garbage.

On the topic of cars I saw this today.

View attachment 26779

One of my favorite repos was an Aston Martin, those cars drive amazingly on shitty roads.

To be fair every manufacturer makes a crossover SUV like that these days that all look pretty identical. Even Ferrari have one, the Purosangue.

…and most can be defeated by a thin sheet of ice just like the one pictured. I saw an infographic years ago about the “dullness” of cars from the start of EPA regulations here in the states, and I guess that was the start of that trend.

Looks like a Pixar mom.

Tires are wide as fuck on it, too.
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