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Ok, Ok, Let's Talk Trans

Unfortunately not, trans rights are being stifled at an alarming rate in states like Florida, it won't be long before being trans is flat out impossible in places like that. I feel for trans people stuck there.
Yeah, and soon enough, it'll be illegal to be trans if we let them have their way. Considering that the agenda wants to make that happen at the federal level, it's a scary prospect.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Once a safe haven, PinkNews have now abandoned Trans people because we cost them and revenue. Instead PinkNews are focusing on more click bait content causing staff and former staff to whistle blow on the company's CEO and his husband for several questionable decisions in recent times that cast a not so pleasant light on a once decent publication. (Sharing what was shared in a private convo, not content I discovered)

Texas passed a law that now forbids trans people from changing their gender markers on their driver's license.

Also, there's a lot of smoke about a couple of whistleblowers saying that a children's hospital in Houston delivered illegal trans healthcare. The matter is being under investigation, although no evidence was found. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if the staff were fired and put up for criminal charges.

Trans healthcare for adults is now completely cut in Florida following a court ruling. Also, adults who were already getting care are also on the chopping block as they've been informed by their doctors that it's been terminated.



Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
You know the kids go to school and they come back with these operations. The parents have no say, and these childs, these poor, poor childs, 15 years later they say what the hell? Who did this to me? Who did this to the childs?

Because, ya know, regret rates are so high at less than 1%... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/

But those poor childs at school getting surgery!! How awful!
You know the kids go to school and they come back with these operations. The parents have no say, and these childs, these poor, poor childs, 15 years later they say what the hell? Who did this to me? Who did this to the childs?

Because, ya know, regret rates are so high at less than 1%... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/

But those poor childs at school getting surgery!! How awful!
I remember my high school offered elective surgeries instead of regular electives
Stanley and Black & Decker are being targeted by the same group that caused companies to cave in and drop their so-called "support" for the LGBTQ+ community. They too, could very well follow suit.

Also, another reason to say fuck people, but hey, it's completely justified, right?

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