• This News Doesn't Suck!

    Everyone stop what you're doing! It's happening! GW's own Alu is having a baby!! Come and congratulate him here: Need some help identifying this picture.

    We're so happy for you, Alu!

Mobile Marvel Snap


No Problem Here
GW Elder
Yeah I had no idea ByteDance was involved in this, but it’s an official Marvel product. Surely it’ll be back in the US reasonably soon?

I don't know anything about typical game contracts between developers, publishers, and the company who licensed the material. Who actually owns the user data? What about the game outside the US, would everyone get a new publisher or would it split off?

Edit: lol the guy who is the owner or founder or whatever of Second Dinner literally asked Nuverse if this game would be affected and they assured him no
I have to admit that I am strongly considering taking a break from Snap. This is part of me reducing my dependency on my phone generally. I had a near 1,000 day streak on Duolingo, and deleted that app yesterday. I actually used that to keep my Dutch vocab up, so it was of some use, but equally I really did not like having to use it twice a day to keep competitive in a league or to keep my streak going. Snap is different because I do enjoy it, but it also comes with obligation and I know that it is essentially an endless experience that is hitting me with dopamine in all the right places to keep me playing. Given that I'm now using my spare time better to play more substantial video games more (and, crucially, when it is convenient, and not necessarily every day), I don't think I need Snap anymore. I'm not wholly decided yet but it feels very likely.
I've played some Sanctum. It's a good game mode, which I think got better after they banned a few cards yesterday.

I got to Infinite pretty easily this month too, but honestly I am waiting for the moment that I delete the game. I'm hammering Sanctum and I don't like the time I'm spending on it. I genuinely don't think that this game has a place in my day to day life anymore. It's just taking time away from other things. I'm hooked on the Dopamine though. So much like MCOC, I just need to wait for that moment when pull the plug.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I've played some Sanctum. It's a good game mode, which I think got better after they banned a few cards yesterday.

I got to Infinite pretty easily this month too, but honestly I am waiting for the moment that I delete the game. I'm hammering Sanctum and I don't like the time I'm spending on it. I genuinely don't think that this game has a place in my day to day life anymore. It's just taking time away from other things. I'm hooked on the Dopamine though. So much like MCOC, I just need to wait for that moment when pull the plug.
There are twitch drops that make it very easy to get the 3 new cards. I got them all and I was hoping to get some of the 4/5 drops but it’s so grindy, I don’t think I will



Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Ranking the Snap alternate game modes:

1. Deadpool's Diner

You get a bunch of stuff and it shows the goodness of humanity with people donating bubs after achieving their goals.

2. High Voltage

Quick and fun.

3. Conquest

Well at least I get a variant or three every month.

4. Sanctum Sanctorum

Traaaaaash. Griiiiiiiind. Feels like 85% of cards are banned so I have to see a fuckin talking trash panda and his non-verbal autistic tree friend every 5 seconds.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Ranking the Snap alternate game modes:

1. Deadpool's Diner

You get a bunch of stuff and it shows the goodness of humanity with people donating bubs after achieving their goals.

2. High Voltage

Quick and fun.

3. Conquest

Well at least I get a variant or three every month.

4. Sanctum Sanctorum

Traaaaaash. Griiiiiiiind. Feels like 85% of cards are banned so I have to see a fuckin talking trash panda and his non-verbal autistic tree friend every 5 seconds.
I’m just glad there were the twitch drops so I got all 3 new cards


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players

Avenger is not a fan of the sanctum. He's 800 points away from sorcerer supreme and then will never play it again haha.
Same. I’m just under 900 away.

I don’t mind the new game mode itself, but I dislike the grind to get rewards/how over priced the rewards are


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
But guys have you considered playing the exact same deck as literally everyone else???

Its so fun!!!
I’m playing a deck where I inflict negative power on my opponent but I don’t have Ajax yet. I still win more than I lose on this mode. Though I was about to win a lot and someone rage quit costing me an additional 5. I hate when people quit in this mode


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I’m playing a deck where I inflict negative power on my opponent but I don’t have Ajax yet. I still win more than I lose on this mode. Though I was about to win a lot and someone rage quit costing me an additional 5. I hate when people quit in this mode
I once made an amazing slowplay that ended with the opponent having 15 points but locked out of all 3 locations. One more quick turn and i would have gone from 9 points to the win. All he had to do was End Turn and I could have gotten my points, but he retreated. All he would have lost was 15 seconds of his time, he was already out the scroll.

That's when I stopped giving a damn about this shit event.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I was having a lot of success with move and Strange specifically early on, but move stresses me out because I have to actually think sometimes lol
I just let them win the first two locations/points so that they don’t get extra points for Rocket or Star lord and I win most matches. I just don’t want to play


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
His spells are all pretty powerful.

One turns all your cards in a location into copies of the strongest one there.

Another gives you +4 energy next turn.

Another moves an opponent card to the right and gives it like -5 (maybe 4 or 6 can't remember)

And the other gives Agamotto +3 and pulls him into your hand if he isn't already in play, making him a 5/13.

Plus the spells all disappear when played, so they don't even take up space on the board.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
His spells are all pretty powerful.

One turns all your cards in a location into copies of the strongest one there.

Another gives you +4 energy next turn.

Another moves an opponent card to the right and gives it like -5 (maybe 4 or 6 can't remember)

And the other gives Agamotto +3 and pulls him into your hand if he isn't already in play, making him a 5/13.

Plus the spells all disappear when played, so they don't even take up space on the board.
That is so broken
So, it has happened. I finished the Sanctum grind as much for closure as anything else, and then I deleted the game. Not intending to ever go back, and I don't think I will.

Why? It's like I've said previously really. Life has been really good the last couple of weeks. Got into a really good rhythm with work and home life. My relationships with my kids are great. My relationship with my wife is great. I've found plenty of time to do some actually PC gaming. And throughout that time, I rarely wanted to play Snap. I did because I wanted to complete missions and keep up with the game. But it really did show me that I am playing the game mostly through obligation. When my life is going how I want it to, there's no room for this game in it.

I also wanted to remove games entirely from my phone to reduce my dependency on it, and I have done that. So again, another reason why this game can't be in my life.

I like video games. I like this game. The core gameplay is very good. But the problem with it is that the draw to keep playing is based as much on the manufactured dopamine hits and requirement to keep up with the economy as it is any sort of innovation in the game. And I just don't want to play that sort of game. I want to play 'proper' video games where I can finish them and move on, or play them, take a break, and not come back a few months later unable to compete because I don't have all the new stuff from the previous months.

So yeah. It's been fun, and I really appreciate the recommendation from you guys to play it. I've had a good time with this game, and a good time in this thread. But life moves on, and my time with this game is over.

As a final contribution to the chat, Agomotto is outrageously broken. Just far, far too powerful. It follows a theme of Second Dinner releasing very powerful and either borderline or actually broken season pass cards, with free to play players having to play catchup through tokens. It hasn't ever stopped me hitting Infinite admittedly, so I can't say that the game is strictly pay to win, but paying does give a significant advantage. More than I think it should, especially as the card acquisition problems continue to get worse, at least in my view. But hey, that's neither here nor there for me now. Hope you guys continue to get what you want to from the game.
I guess I’m lucky that I use the game as a time waster or to occupy my adhd brain for a short span while I’m doing other things. I don’t expect to win. I’ve never reached infinite, but it does what I need it to
Perfectly valid, and exactly the sort of mindset that I don't have with a game like that. As you well know from our MCOC days.
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