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Campaign Lost Mines of Phandelver (Chapter 1)

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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude lets out a gentle smirk as he realizes he is not the only one who wants goblin blood.

Dude continues to stand firm with T'anks behind him, gripping his sword firmly - he's not going to stop any of this...

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
Message >> Sildar Hallwinter
"Thank you. I will pass this along to the others as soon as it is safe to do so. As for you... if we leave you here, I fear they will kill you. Please do not hesitate to flee if things turn ugly, we can regroup at the cave entrance. Hold your tongue for now."

Hearing the excited Dragmire run in T'anks affects an uncharacteristic giggle, much more loudly than she needs to, in order to draw attention. She carefully motions to him to hold, and then looks at the Goblin Boss.

Of course Klarg isn't a Goblin! As my boy told you, we're doing a stint for your boss - your Bugbear boss. But you know how Humans are, they can't tell one species from another. They still think I'm a Devil! Can ya believe that?

She gives Dude a playful smile.

But listen... we're definitely at an impasse here. We can't leave the prisoner with your goons. It's our heads if anything happens to him, and we need to deliver him. Plus, we can't take you with us, now can we? I told your goons to stand down and they tried to murder me!

Intimidation >> Goblin Boss
So let's take this from the top, shall we love? And this time... being a little more honest. You want Klarg dead. We want more information on why that's a good idea. You give us information, you take your sorry hide out of this cave alongside whatever other vermin want to join you, and we kill anything left inside when we're ready. When you come back in a week, ta-da, you're in charge.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
After a tense pause, the goblin responds, the bravado in its voice noticeably diminished. "Alright, alright! I see you're not to be trifled with," it says, glancing nervously at its surroundings as if seeking an escape from T'anks's piercing gaze. "Killing Klarg not only serves my interests but yours as well. With Klarg gone, the goblin tribe will be in disarray, easing your path forward. And as the new leader, I can guarantee safe passage through our territory. It's more than just my ascension; it's about making your mission easier. Whatever that is. Plus, I can provide you with valuable information about the cave's layout and potential hazards ahead!"


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude can't help but hear Grandtorty in his head - "the goblin is stalling, do something". Despite what his Grandtorty would do, Dude is able to stave off the desire for goblin blood shed... for now, but Dude seems to be getting more and more antsy for something to happen. Devil had a way with words with this bigger goblin, but Dude doesn't know how much longer he can sit here and have a conversation with the goblins... this is certainly not what Grandtorty would do.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
A heavy sigh, followed by an exaggerated eyeroll, serve as T'anks's reaction.

...So? Get on with it. Start making with the information. She steps away from Dude, slightly. We'll kill your Bugbear.

The prisoner will come with us. And because this is in your best interest, I trust the intel will be accurate - and your troops, scarce.

She puts a hand to her forehead.

Is that acceptable for everyone?


Senior Member
Guys, the Goblin Tribe may be a valuable ally to have in the future should we need it. If we kill this "Hop-Goblin" boss guy then this Goblin here will become chief and become our diplomatic ally? That sounds like a good deal to me.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
"Listen, listen! There's something you need to know before you go barging into Klarg's room," the goblin hastily adds, its voice a mixture of eagerness and caution. "Klarg's not just strong; he's cunning. He's set up a trap for unwelcome visitors, something you'd do well to avoid if you want to survive."

"In his room, there are large pools of water, collected from the cave's natural drippings. It might look harmless, but it's a death trap,"
the goblin explains, its eyes darting between the party members to gauge their reactions. "The walls around these pools, they're weak. Brittle. Klarg has rigged them so he can yank them out of place, flooding the cave on command. It's his way of washing out intruders, or punishing those who displease him. If you're not careful, you could find yourselves swimming—or worse."

"It is very important Klarg does not know you are coming to hurt him. Thankfully you are working for him, so you should have nothing to worry about!"


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude visibly goes to blurt out something but he holds his tongue. His patience is running thin with the goblin boss, Dude has long had a hatred for goblins. As the situation is becoming more and more frustrating for him as the group seems to be starting to trust a thing the goblin says. Dude looks down at the his sticky snake blood sword as the light from it still radiates. He can hear his Grandtorty in his head again "...the tunnel is right there". He looks around the room, 2 goblins, 2 bigger goblins. He looks at Dragmire, who seems to have been won over, Kutshort who wants to set up camp with the goblins, and T'anks who has left the protection of his shell. The only other one who seems to not trust this goblin is... Sildar.

Dude attempts to make eye contact with Sildar and to get a read on his body language.

((Insight, I think?))


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
Using his innate empathy and his keen sense for reading others, honed through years of interaction and storytelling, the Dude observes Sildar closely. He notes the subtle shifts in Sildar's posture, the hard set of his jaw, and the flickers of expression that cross his face as the goblin speaks of traps and alliances.

The Bard uses his insight to pierce through the veil of stoicism that Sildar has maintained. What he finds is a mix of skepticism and cautious pragmatism. Sildar, having dealt with goblins and their ilk in the past, harbors a deep-seated mistrust for the creature's kind. However, he also understands the dire circumstances they find themselves in and the potential value of the information provided by their unlikely ally.

Sildar's apprehension about relying too heavily on the goblin's guidance is clear, yet he recognizes the tactical advantage of being forewarned about Klarg's trap. His concern is not solely for his own safety but for the well-being of the party and the success of their mission. Sildar believes in preparedness and the importance of weighing every piece of information carefully, especially when it comes from a source as dubious as a goblin seeking power.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude, not feeling comfortable with the situation, grows restless. Upon observing Sildar, he finds comfort that somebody in the room seems to share his apprehensions. Dude is content with the information that the boss has provided but will keep in mind it may be a lie. Alas, Kutshort and T'anks did tell him there was a rope bridge around these parts so that seems to be the safest route... or so Dude thinks. Dude has seen and heard enough.

Dude lifts the sword back to his shoulder as the light brightens the ceiling of the Den. He moves to the tunnel entrance.

If we're going to be on our way, then let's go. But I'm in front - and stay out of the light.

Dude swings his sword around the cavern, demonstrating that it is at it's brightest within 15 feet.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
T'anks watches Dude, the gears turning in her mind. Not the result she wanted, but... it could work. She turns back towards Goblin Boss.

He don't like Gobbies much, is all. I'd say you'll get used to him, but I reckon there's no need after this.

...She's completely out of her depth with this adopted persona.

Suppose we're heading out, then. Fall in, prisoner! And remember, vermin. If I see you tailing us? You're joining Klarg in whatever pit we drop him into.

T'anks saunters out of the den and back into the hallway.
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Try using them for something and see if it helps.

Sigourney Weaver Aliens GIF

Say Groot three times.

Find out the hard way.
Kutshort stands in front of their new goblin “friend,” and starts to rub his magical wood

groot. Groot. GROOT!


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
As Kutshort concentrates, something extraordinary happens. Tiny roots sprout from the feet of his wooden legs, but instead of anchoring him to the ground as one might expect, they begin to move and adjust, creating a connection between Kutshort and the cave floor that feels both secure and flexible.

Experimenting with this sensation, Kutshort cautiously lifts one foot and then the other, finding to his amazement that he can walk up the nearby massive stalagmite with the same ease as if he were strolling on flat ground. The roots retract and extend with each step, adhering to the surfaces without any need for physical exertion on his part.

The goblin's eyes widen in shock and fear, its mouth agape as it watches Kutshort move with spider-like agility. The creature takes a few involuntary steps back, clearly unnerved by this display of arcane power. For the goblin, who has lived in a world where magic is often wielded by powerful and sometimes malevolent forces, the sight of Kutshort's ability triggers a deep-seated fear of the unknown and the potentially dangerous.

"By Maglubiyet's eye, what sorcery is this?!" the goblin exclaims, its voice tinged with panic. It looks around to the other members of the party, searching for an explanation or perhaps reassurance that this isn't the precursor to some darker, more threatening magic.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
The goblin, still eyeing Kutshort warily as he descends back to the cave floor, swallows hard and nods, the implications of the party's abilities sinking in. "Very well, let's... let's just get on with it," it stammers, clearly shaken but now more convinced than ever of the adventurers' capability to take on Klarg.

"We will remove ourselves from the lair while you take care of Klarg. Should we tie the captive back up so Klarg doesn't suspect your treachery?"
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The goblin, still eyeing Kutshort warily as he descends back to the cave floor, swallows hard and nods, the implications of the party's abilities sinking in. "Very well, let's... let's just get on with it," it stammers, clearly shaken but now more convinced than ever of the adventurers' capability to take on Klarg.

"We will remove ourselves from the lair while you take care of Klarg. Should we tie the captive back up so Klarg doesn't suspect your treachery?"
We will handle securing the prisoner
"We will remove ourselves from the lair while you take care of Klarg. Should we tie the captive back up so Klarg doesn't suspect your treachery?"
Kutshort continues to pace on the ceiling

First, before you leave, do you have any additional information that may be of value to us? And how will we know when all your followers are out of the cave?


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude looks up at Dragmire and Kutshort as they continue to have a conversation with the goblin boss when he has already agreed to exit the cavern.

...goblin friends...

Dude has noticeably become impatient. His hatred for goblins runs deep, one that he feels will never be changed. Dude feels as though this conversation has run it's course. They can find all of this themselves and shed some goblin blood while they're at it. Dude turns to face T'anks, there's a part of him that is in disbelief that of the group, she is the one that is ready to follow him.

...remember, stay out of the light.

Dude lifts the sticky snake blood sword imbued with moonlight into the air, illuminating his path. Stealth is no longer an option he feels - not that it was working. The others will catch up when they're ready - but they should keep their distance. Water is the friend of a Tortle, but not so much for them.

Tortle Dude begins slowly making his way through the tunnel, going straight ahead, while keeping alert for goblins, bugbears, snakes and whatever else may lurk...
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Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
"The armory is in the west wing. Just head to the mezzanine and head past the sitting room but before you hit the reading nook. The kitchen is attached to the wine cellar. Maybe I could order you up a little something and we can enjoy an amuse-bouche in the parlor?
ITS A BLOODY CAVE, MATE. We keep all the shiny in Klarg's room."

[character ]
Angry Miles Teller GIF by Peacock

Kutshort uses his new vantage point to search the room for loot, weapons, hidden secrets

Using his keen perception and experience as a rogue, Kutshort meticulously examines the room. He checks behind loose stones, under any scraps of cloth or furniture left by the goblins, and in the shadows where anything of value might be concealed. His search is systematic, leaving no stone unturned, no corner unchecked.

Despite Kutshort's diligent efforts, the search yields no results. The room, it seems, is devoid of treasure or hidden secrets. It's a stark reminder of the goblins' simplistic lifestyle and the fact that not every corner of the cave holds riches or mysteries waiting to be discovered. The realization is a bit disheartening, especially given the dangers they've faced and the challenges that lie ahead.


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
After the unsettling demonstration of Kutshort's newfound abilities and the subsequent negotiations with the goblin, the adventurers prepare to part ways with their temporary allies. The agreement, albeit fraught with tension and mistrust, has been set: the party will confront Klarg, the tyrannical bugbear leader, in hopes of destabilizing the goblin tribe's power structure and ensuring their safe passage through the cave.

As the adventurers ready themselves to head towards Klarg's chambers, the goblins, still somewhat rattled by the display of magical prowess and the implications of their deal, hastily make their own preparations to leave the cave. The goblin who negotiated with the party gives a final, wary nod, a silent acknowledgment of the agreement and a hope for its successful conclusion.

With that, the two groups part ways. The adventurers move deeper into the cave system, their steps resolute and their spirits bolstered by their diverse abilities and the bonds that unite them. The goblins, on the other hand, scurry away, eager to distance themselves from the dangers that lie ahead and perhaps reconsider their own positions within the tribe's hierarchy in the wake of Klarg's anticipated downfall.

(( Dude in the lead, Kut above/behind him...is T'anks or Dragmire the rearguard? ))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
((Stick Sildar with T'anks, since she can see in the dark and Kutshort being on the ceiling can't help guide, I'd think))


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
As the party and the goblins part ways, Sildar Hallwinter, still recovering from his ordeal at the hands of the goblins, addresses the adventurers with a note of concern in his voice. His experiences in captivity have left him weakened, and the prospect of facing Klarg in his current state is daunting.

"Friends," Sildar begins, his voice carrying the weight of his recent torture, "before we venture deeper into the cave, I must ask—do we plan to rest? I fear that after what the goblins have put me through, I'm not at my full strength. I worry that I'll be more of a liability than an asset in a confrontation with Klarg."

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
I would agree, a rest is in order. My wounds are not life-threatening thanks to Dude's magics, but these past minutes have been difficult. Plus, I... W-Well, we, have information you must know immediately. And I assume some of you have many questions.

T'anks looks at Sildar, and carefully removes the scabbard with a Longsword inside strapped across her back. She offers the sword to Sildar, her head bowed and body trembling slightly.

...Starting with why I have this.
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I would agree, a rest is in order. My wounds are not life-threatening thanks to Dude's magics, but these past minutes have been difficult. Plus, I... W-Well, we, have information you must know immediately. And I assume some of you have many questions.

T'anks looks at Sildar, and carefully removes the scabbard with a Longsword inside strapped across her back. She offers the sword to Sildar, her head bowed and body trembling slightly.

...Starting with why I have this.
((I don’t remember you picking that up))


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude, becoming increasingly more paranoid the longer they spend in this cave mutters few words...

...goblin friends... goblin friends... goblin friends...

Dude's eyes dart around the cave, he is clearly in a state of distrust already... and then he hears devil's words. He lowers his head, shaking it slightly...

...what now?


Jawneh is possibly The Sorcerer
I would agree, a rest is in order. My wounds are not life-threatening thanks to Dude's magics, but these past minutes have been difficult. Plus, I... W-Well, we, have information you must know immediately. And I assume some of you have many questions.

T'anks looks at Sildar, and carefully removes the scabbard with a Longsword inside strapped across her back. She offers the sword to Sildar, her head bowed and body trembling slightly.

...Starting with why I have this.

"Tiefling... is that—?" Sildar begins, his voice trailing off as he reaches out to take the sword, his fingers brushing against the familiar metal.

The sight of his sword, a trusted companion in countless battles and a symbol of his commitment to the Lords' Alliance, visibly shocks Sildar.

Grasping the hilt of his longsword, Sildar takes a moment to feel the weight and balance of the weapon in his hands once more.

"My good bard, this is a welcome sight, indeed. But how did you come to be in possession of my sword? I feared it lost when the goblins took me."
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude's ears start ringing when he hears that T'anks has Sildar's sword. How? Is he surrounded by goblin friends? Did he just save a goblin friend? His mind is racing. His impatience shows when he turns around and points it directly at devil, stepping closer to her while his paranoia gets the best of him.

...yes devil. Enlighten us. HOW?

Dude with his sword pointed right at devil's face immediately jumps to trying to intimidate her.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
"Tiefling... is that—?" Sildar begins, his voice trailing off as he reaches out to take the sword, his fingers brushing against the familiar metal.

The sight of his sword, a trusted companion in countless battles and a symbol of his commitment to the Lords' Alliance, visibly shocks Sildar.

Grasping the hilt of his longsword, Sildar takes a moment to feel the weight and balance of the weapon in his hands once more.

"My good bard, this is a welcome sight, indeed. But how did you come to be in possession of my sword? I feared it lost when the goblins took me."
T'anks lets the question linger, trying to convince herself this is the right thing to do. To be honest. Even if... But no. Without the group she would already be dead, so it doesn't matter. Resolved, she places her hands at her side.

...I am many things. A... liar, plainly. A cheat. A-And a thief. I witnessed you and your companion being ambushed by the Goblins. Had followed you, intending to rob you myself. She casts her gaze about, trying to avoid eye contact After they finished dragging you off, I investigated what remained--claimed that sword for myself. And then, I thought to follow... and take the rest.

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
Dude's ears start ringing when he hears that T'anks has Sildar's sword. How? Is he surrounded by goblin friends? Did he just save a goblin friend? His mind is racing. His impatience shows when he turns around and points it directly at devil, stepping closer to her while his paranoia gets the best of him.

...yes devil. Enlighten us. HOW?

Dude with his sword pointed right at devil's face immediately jumps to trying to intimidate her.
T'anks immediately flinches, eyes shut tight, hands going out--unarmed, unresisting.

I-I'm sorry. I lied to you, tricked you. I... It was too good an opportunity to pass up!
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kutshort gracefully drops from the ceiling and points his sword at T’anks as well

give me one reason not to run you through right here. Remember, it was you who alerted the goblins to our presence by running off, and it was you, they seemed to make a deal with. How do we know you’re not in league with them?


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude hears the whispers of Grandtorty in his head... "goblin friend". Looking at Dude's face, you can see it tense up. He just started to think he could trust devil... and now this. He keeps his sword raised.

Don't you dare shut your eyes on me. I risked my life for you. I chose to save you and resisted my need for goblin blood... and now, THIS?

Dude exhales.

I'm going to ask once. Are you working with goblins?

T'anks Kiraine

Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
She can't answer that. She absolutely, definitely, can not answer that. They won't understand.

T'anks looks at Dude, to Kutshort, to Sildar... back to Dude, locks his gaze.


A look of terror is written plain on her face.

...Yes. I-I work with the Goblin, sometimes. But not now! Not right now. Not for this. I didn't--I was trying to... they tried to kill me? But you! And?

She's a wreck. Maybe some intervention would work.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Dude is fuming. He grips his sword tightly, thinking about slitting devil's throat right here, right now.


Dude hoists his sword into the air and swings, but shifts his momentum so the sword hits a nearby rock, the clang of the metal echoing throughout the cave - again.


Dude turns his back to her, falling silent.
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