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Breaking Joe Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Why would a pissed off redneck care if she's not black though? How is that a vote they didn't already have?

Like Alu said, they already have those people in their pocket and if anything, they'd prefer their president NOT to be black.

Look, I’m not saying it makes sense, that’s just the only rationale I can think of based on what I’ve seen of their voter base.

He also needs to not motivate people of color to vote against him.

Also, remember, they tried this against Obama because he had a white mother. "He's not really black" didn't play well then either.

The problem with that is… black people don’t equate to black voters in some places. I couldn’t tell you how many people I know that have never voted, or even registered to vote where I grew up. Combine that with every other factor from too blue collar to vote (always working) to felony restrictions and you have a good sum of people that might be pissed off if they hear it, but aren’t going to vote to influence anything anyway.

Keep in mind, I’m not really considering swing states in this thought, or statistics for that matter either. I’m just basing it solely off of the percentage of people I know, and presuming that it must be the same or similar elsewhere.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Mmmm... How Presidential.

The irony is as thick as the average republican skull.

The swing state of Georgia would like a word with you about their past few federal elections.

That may be the case for them, and I’m glad to hear it, but we wouldn’t be talking about Georgia being a swing state if turnout was higher. All of that gerrymandering nonsense is still a very real thing in some places, and in others, people just don’t vote.

They have two blue senators and voted for Biden on the heels of voters of color turning out in large numbers.

Your backyard doesn't translate to other areas so you can't assume that.

Nah, but if I’m one dude that knows X amount of people that don’t or can’t vote, there has to be some degree of merit that at the very least there is similar elsewhere. Even if there are just pockets of people scattered around the country, that shit could add up and shift swing states one way or the other.
You knowing some people and it potentially being the same elsewhere isn't the point. I said the goal is to not give those people who may otherwise sit out another reason to not sit out. You're agreeing with me saying you know people who are otherwise not motivated.

If you think they won't, that's a different argument than "you don't want to take the risk and tempt them"
I don't think it's a particularly unfair comment. Black turnout is much lower than white turnout in Georgia, and the gap actually grew in 2022 even as Warnock won the senate race. Nationwide there's a similar trend with the turnout gap growing.

If black people voted at the same rate as whites then Biden would have carried the state by about 4.5%.
And how does that change the statement of "he doesn't want to motivate them to vote more" when of they vote more be easily loses?

I think you guys are missing the actual argument here.

A claim was "it might motivate rednecks who weren't already voting for him to come out and actually vote" and a counter was "he also wants to not motivate more people to vote against him that weren't already voting.

Why is one group who wasn't planning on voting more likely to turn out because if this than another?


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
And how does that change the statement of "he doesn't want to motivate them to vote more" when of they vote more be easily loses?

I think you guys are missing the actual argument here.

A claim was "it might motivate rednecks who weren't already voting for him to come out and actually vote" and a counter was "he also wants to not motivate more people to vote against him that weren't already voting.

Why is one group who wasn't planning on voting more likely to turn out because if this than another?

I get what you’re saying, but I think it boils down to arrogance. The people crunching the numbers for him know who is going to turn out, who might, and who to not even waste their time on because they don’t vote in large enough numbers to reflect their choices. All politicians employ the same number-crunching tactics, how it appears to us in the public varies. When you’re running an aggressive campaign like he’s projecting he is, you’re not gonna think twice about shitting on this demographic or that demographic that could maybe turn out if you sweeten them up a bit if your defecation means you end up drawing more votes elsewhere with less effort. There might be a lot of potential black voters in Georgia, but would you bet that there are equally enough rednecks or more that they can draw out in their place to make up for it? That’s what I’m getting at, dude… it’s a disgusting way to look at it, but these people are paid to tell the candidates whose votes matter most, who they can afford to lose, and who they don’t even stand a chance of catching.
I get what you’re saying, but I think it boils down to arrogance. The people crunching the numbers for him know who is going to turn out, who might, and who to not even waste their time on because they don’t vote in large enough numbers to reflect their choices. All politicians employ the same number-crunching tactics, how it appears to us in the public varies. When you’re running an aggressive campaign like he’s projecting he is, you’re not gonna think twice about shitting on this demographic or that demographic that could maybe turn out if you sweeten them up a bit if your defecation means you end up drawing more votes elsewhere with less effort. There might be a lot of potential black voters in Georgia, but would you bet that there are equally enough rednecks or more that they can draw out in their place to make up for it? That’s what I’m getting at, dude… it’s a disgusting way to look at it, but these people are paid to tell the candidates whose votes matter most, who they can afford to lose, and who they don’t even stand a chance of catching.
That's why I brought up Georgia specifically. People of color were more motivated in the last few elections going against his rhetoric.

Also this was not calculated on his part. It was him going off the cuff and then getting called out on it and then doubling down because he can never admit a mistake. Try not to give him too much credit.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
That's why I brought up Georgia specifically. People of color were more motivated in the last few elections going against his rhetoric.

Also this was not calculated on his part. It was him going off the cuff and then getting called out on it and then doubling down because he can never admit a mistake. Try not to give him too much credit.

I wouldn’t even give him credit to begin with, his statisticians are the ones feeding him his odds.
I wouldn’t even give him credit to begin with, his statisticians are the ones feeding him his odds.
They didn't feed him anything. He did it on his own.

His entire presidency, and candidacy, has been him just saying things and his team needing to throw something together after to make up for it.

He didn't pick Vance because statisticians told him it would play well. He picked Vance because his oldest sons told him it was good. He didn't get told to say this about Harris, he just did. Now people are repeating it to try to make it a thing.
"Nobody's ever called me weird. I'm a lot of things, but weird I'm not. And I'm upfront. And he's not either, I will tell you. J.D. is not at all. They are."
"We're not weird people," Trump added. "We're we're actually just the opposite.

This is really getting under his skin

Yup. He's doing some flailing now and it's wonderful to see.

Harris is mostly just watching an the Trump campaign is losing ground with self inflicted wounds.

Funny how this is the thing that gets under his and his supporters skin. Not the pedophilia, sexual assault, dictator worship, creeping on his daughter, or diapers, it is being weird that bugs them


New Member
"Nobody's ever called me weird. I'm a lot of things, but weird I'm not. And I'm upfront. And he's not either, I will tell you. J.D. is not at all. They are."
"We're not weird people," Trump added. "We're we're actually just the opposite."
I'm sure I saw reports somewhere about JD beating one out to dolphins. That's... not... weird.
I'm so here for this catastrophic collapse of the repulsed strategy. It's just delightful watching this all flip, and it's been like 1 month. Literally from the doom of democracy to 'what weirdos' in under a month.
It'll be funny if all it took this whole time was to call Trump weird and watch him wriggle.
I'm sure I saw reports somewhere about JD beating one out to dolphins. That's... not... weird.
Your mic drop moment on Trump during the prisoner exchange presser?

Stick Around Bob Ross GIF by Originals
I'm so here for this catastrophic collapse of the repulsed strategy. It's just delightful watching this all flip, and it's been like 1 month. Literally from the doom of democracy to 'what weirdos' in under a month.
I've been feeling this too. It's such a relief to suddenly be on the energized side while watching the other side be the ones in disarray. And so satisfying.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
When I switched my license from ME to NY they asked if I wanted to register to vote. I declined, what with the whole not-being-a-citizen thing, but wonder whether it would have worked.

Don't want to actually fuel those "illegal voters!" claims from the right, though.
With the exception of a few areas my state is deep deep red as far as the electoral college is concerned, but I'm excited to go vote anyway.

Also at my work right now I temporarily have a button maker on loan from the main branch so if she announces her VP this weekend and they come up with a "Harris/(name)" logo I'm going to make a few buttons. Mostly for myself, because I'm not allowed to promote politics at work and most of my friends/family aren't democrats. lol

Saw this Daily Show segment about Josh Shaprio, pointing out that when he speaks he sounds just like Obama, and now I can't unhear it.

Really? Because I get that his mannerisms and tone are similar, but the voice just does not sound alike to me at all, even if I close my eyes.

Also, who is this guy? He's neither Jon nor Trevor.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Really? Because I get that his mannerisms and tone are similar, but the voice just does not sound alike to me at all, even if I close my eyes.

Also, who is this guy? He's neither Jon nor Trevor.
It's the general cadence and inflection. Maybe I was led into thinking it, since it's the first time I've heard him speak and Ronnie said it just prior.

I don't watch it all that often but he was a correspondent when Trevor was on. Now he's the main host. I guess when their other option for host was Michael Costa, Ronnie seemed like a better option.

Does telling your children to shut up poll well?

There is probably a certain group of people it does and with those they were probably die hard MAGA already

Have I ever told my kid that? Regrettably yes, but not when Im on the phone, I might want to, but I can at least hold it together, also it is when my kid is really pushing my buttons, this doesnt sound like his kid was doing that

It can be tough to be a parent, but this dosent sound like a moment where the kid was driving his parent to the edge of sanity
  • They’re Right, You Know?
Reactions: Jon
Right now, I think momentum will continue to favor Harris at least for a little while. The Republicans have already had their convention and their VP pick, both of those things are still ahead for the Democrats. There is nothing left for the Republicans over the next few months except for constant damage control.
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