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Sensitive First Presidential Debate of 2024

Correct. If he doesn't step down it'll be the delegates who make the choice at the convention, and voting for someone other than the person who won all the primaries will be utter chaos and guarantee a defeat and down ballot candidates losing as well. Also the new nominee wouldn't even be on the ballot in Ohio.

It has to be Biden to do it.
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Do It Episode 3 GIF by Star Wars
I meant to say something regarding this yesterday, but I got really busy.

This SCOTUS ruling is probably worse than anything other than overturning Roe v. Wade. This legit gives presidents Carte Blanche to do anything they want provided it's "official" president business. This effectively ends all cases against Trump, or at least makes them incredibly difficult to proceed against.

It's also already spiked another appeal in the hush money case. I already stressed the sentencing was irrelevant, but now it's pushed out to September while Trump argues immunity.

Something has to be done and done fast. I know AOC has said she's going to move on impeaching members of SCOTUS (which will fail, sadly). Thomas and Alito both should be impeached. They both should have been forced to recuse themselves. The checks and balances in this country have been destroyed because of MAGA control. The president can no longer be held accountable. SCOTUS has no check unless there's a Supermajority in congress.

And I'm not sure the recourse. But Biden is already saying he won't abuse this new power. Which is also dangerous because the SCOTUS just gave you Carte Blanche to protect America. I've always been against adding more seats to the SCOTUS, but it may be the only way to save us at this point. Four more liberal justices to counter the effects of extreme conservatism bordering on neo-Nazi regime...

This ruling legit has me concerned. Coupled with Biden's failing polling numbers, this is the beginning of the end of democracy in our country.

As Alu keeps pointing out again and again, "they" don't make the decision. Biden can't be removed, he'd have to voluntarily step down.
Conceptually, yes... we know... the idea is pressure on Biden to step down. In reality, this isn't 100% accurate as the electors are "pledged" to him and they could arrange a scheme for them to elect someone different without Biden's consent. That is not the Dem way, nor is it what they want. And it's incredibly unlikely they do. This is all meant to put pressure on Biden and more specifically his family, to put pressure on him to step aside.
The closest is 1968, but not quite the same. Johnson had declined to run super early because it was obvious he wouldn't win.

The convention was chaos that year as well though... But there are many reasons for that. Anti war protests outside and the Democrats choosing an establishment candidate over an anti-war one even though anti-war candidates combined for a majority of the votes.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder

The White House have since dismissed these claims.

Could this be the Dems putting feelers out there? Wishing it into existence, even? Maybe even hoping Biden hears it, doesn’t remember otherwise, and follows through?

We’ve been seeing an awful lot of this talk for there to be absolutely no basis in reality for it…


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
View attachment 17673

The White House have since dismissed these claims.

Could this be the Dems putting feelers out there? Wishing it into existence, even? Maybe even hoping Biden hears it, doesn’t remember otherwise, and follows through?

We’ve been seeing an awful lot of this talk for there to be absolutely no basis in reality for it…
I just don't really trust media anymore, regardless of the 'source'. Especially when they rush to be the first with a story, and/or echo what everyone else is reporting.

It also seems pretty easy for the right-wing media to push the same rhetoric and try to throw doubt on Biden's ability... Although they'd also probably want to keep him in assuming it an easy win...

Dunno, torn. But he's got to have heard everyone calling him into question and I'd imagine that would make anyone second guess it.

I also saw an article where Biden blamed jet lag for his debate performance and he said he nearly fell asleep on stage. Which doesn't exactly sound better.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I just don't really trust media anymore, regardless of the 'source'. Especially when they rush to be the first with a story, and/or echo what everyone else is reporting.

It also seems pretty easy for the right-wing media to push the same rhetoric and try to throw doubt on Biden's ability... Although they'd also probably want to keep him in assuming it an easy win...

Dunno, torn. But he's got to have heard everyone calling him into question and I'd imagine that would make anyone second guess it.

I also saw an article where Biden blamed jet lag for his debate performance and he said he nearly fell asleep on stage. Which doesn't exactly sound better.

Normally, I’d be right there with you, but when you see Reuters as the source… it makes you think about how much traction the story actually has.
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Blind Guardian
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GW Elder
Normally, I’d be right there with you, but when you see Reuters as the source… it makes you think about how much traction the story actually has.
True, I did notice the source and acknowledge they're pretty good at fact checking.

I just always read "someone close to the matter" and other anonymous attribution as suspect. All anonymity considered, it just doesn't give any confirmable weight to the statement. Did he say it to Obama? Did he say it to his milkman? Was he mumbling to the deli meat in Hannaford? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Blind Guardian
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GW Elder
That would be quite the distance to get lost to. Next debate is in Maine in the dairy aisle.
FTC tells me they're in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Virginia and North & South Carolina.

So while yeah I was thinking Maine in my head, they're definitely all over New England.

The Carolinas surprised me. I expected they were still Publix territory, like the rest of the South.
FTC tells me they're in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Virginia and North & South Carolina.

So while yeah I was thinking Maine in my head, they're definitely all over New England.

The Carolinas surprised me. I expected they were still Publix territory, like the rest of the South.
Random acquisitions and such. They're also in the Ahold family, so they've recently become part of Stop & Shop. They're still mostly just in Maine for sure though. Only place I've gone to them is in Maine when we needed something on a trip.

We're Market Basket territory here though.
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As Alu keeps pointing out again and again, "they" don't make the decision. Biden can't be removed, he'd have to voluntarily step down.
Of course Biden has to volunteer to step down, but it'd be foolish to think that him doing so would be an entirely voluntary act with no input or discussion or influence from anyone else.

For all his foibles, I don't see Biden to be the type to -- when confronted with angry donors and fearful Liberal allies -- go "Well I don't care, I'm going to run anyway, na na na na na na you can't stop me".

The point is that real discussions are taking place to replace him. Or if you take issue with that verbiage -- for him to allow someone else to replace himself.
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Holy shit... I was looking up street-view on Google Maps for the DMV near me, and made the mistake of panning to the other side of the street....

I don't even know how these people think they're acting normally.

View attachment 17675

Today, I saw a pickup truck with the license plate replaced by a plate that says "Fuck you, Joe Biden, and fuck you if you voted for him" and I knew that it was obviously operated by a mature, well adjusted person.
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Normally, I’d be right there with you, but when you see Reuters as the source… it makes you think about how much traction the story actually has.
Yeah, Reuters is one of the few I give serious consideration to.

There is NO way he isn't hearing the noise, and even the most ardent and stubborn person has to give serious thought to it.
Today, I saw a pickup truck with the license plate replaced by a plate that says "Fuck you, Joe Biden, and fuck you if you voted for him" and I knew that it was obviously operated by a mature, well adjusted person.
Try living in Florida, man. This shit is commonplace.

I just don't know how ANY sane individual isn't scared shitless of the idea of another four years of Trump, especially with the way SCOTUS is going.

The man encouraged hanging his VP... the second highest position in our country... because he wouldn't willfully violate the constitution (that Trump claims to be defending). It's mind boggling how many idiots there are.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Today, I saw a pickup truck with the license plate replaced by a plate that says "Fuck you, Joe Biden, and fuck you if you voted for him" and I knew that it was obviously operated by a mature, well adjusted person.
I bet it was lifted, with tires so fat they wouldn't fit into the truck's wheel-wells... Right?

I drove past said house after leaving the DMV. They've now got an "this is ULTRA MAGA county" (it's not) banner, as well as "JESUS 2024 OUR ONLY HOPE" or something on the garage door.

I mean I don't entirely disagree that Jesus showing up on C-SPAN and asking "Really?... Really?!" wouldn't do some good... I mean like, magical descending from the sky to a herald of angels appearing, not just "Hi I'm Jesus" where they'd just call him an immigrant.
I bet it was lifted, with tires so fat they wouldn't fit into the truck's wheel-wells... Right?
It wasn't extreme, but they were definitely larger than typically necessary. They were in the Jersey Mike's I went into, and they definitely looked like people who needed such a truck considering their pants were covered in mud or clay or something. On the plus side, they seemed respectful to the people that worked there, but man... if looks and demeanor could speak, they'd definitely shout out "I am an unintelligent person who votes blindly and listens to everything Breitbart tells me."

Am I being judgy? Your damn right I am, their fucking truck has "FUCK YOU" in big letters on their license plate instead of an actual license plate (which was in the front instead).


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
It wasn't extreme, but they were definitely larger than typically necessary. They were in the Jersey Mike's I went into, and they definitely looked like people who needed such a truck considering their pants were covered in mud or clay or something. On the plus side, they seemed respectful to the people that worked there, but man... if looks and demeanor could speak, they'd definitely shout out "I am an unintelligent person who votes blindly and listens to everything Breitbart tells me."

Am I being judgy? Your damn right I am, their fucking truck has "FUCK YOU" in big letters on their license plate instead of an actual license plate (which was in the front instead).
Huh. At least the usage of the truck sounds justified, even if the humans and plates aren't.

I don't see many thankfully, but there's the occasional pickup with 6 foot long flag poles sticking out the bed that's probably driven by some sexually repressed accountant who's convinced they'll get a spot at the top of the food chain when society falls.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Imagine living next to that dumpster fire.

Kind of makes sense why the neighbors seem to have screens in front of their windows... Just, don't acknowledge the outside world.

View attachment 17677

Allegedly, not far from where we’re at here, there’s a “local KKK chapter” that is apparently just one family… with a couple trailers on the property… and some MAGA flags… and some rebel flags… and some broken down vehicles.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Allegedly, not far from where we’re at here, there’s a “local KKK chapter” that is apparently just one family… with a couple trailers on the property… and some MAGA flags… and some rebel flags… and some broken down vehicles.
Karen, Kurtis, and little Kletus are trying their hardest. Visit their AirBnB.

The laughing/crying emoji has never been as appropriate as for this post
I'm trying to imagine what's painted on the house-facing side of the screens.

I'm thinking a beautiful mountain range with Obama riding a horse bareback.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
The master race, clearly

I can’t wait to see if they’re as bad as I’m imagining, every time I’ve been past the place it has been a ghost town. Definitely looks like the go-to place if shake and bake methamphetamine is your thing.

Karen, Kurtis, and little Kletus are trying their hardest. Visit their AirBnB.

I’d rather not. It’s summer, and I’m a little tan now.

I'm trying to imagine what's painted on the house-facing side of the screens.

I’m picturing some deranged picturesque nuclear family era white picket fences with some flaming crosses in the background.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Meanwhile, happy 4th from this guy:


Everything this dude says reads like a jealous ex or a raging lunatic, no in-between.

On the other side, it appears that Biden’s first interview post-debate is going to be pre-recorded, not a good look if your goal is to appear uh… alive.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
dude is totally going to have people killed if he becomes president again...

This is going to be the Boeing whistleblowers thing, except not as joke.

It’s all just one giant powder keg waiting to go off, dude. While we’re distracted with that shit show, Hezbollah and Israel are stepping up their beef.
The Legal Eagle posted a highly detailed video on the the immunity ruling today.

The thing that scares me most of all is what he repeated multiple times: there is no longer a check on the POTUS. The FOUNDATION of our democracy is on the separation of powers. And now, the POTUS has NONE. Congress cannot create a law to stop this. And the judicial system cannot prosecute the POTUS in almost any circumstance. The ONLY hope is that a one day liberal supermajority in the SCOTUS retracts this opinion. And that may never, ever come. Imagine the difference if SCOTUS was a liberal supermajority instead of conservative...

This is exactly how Hitler came to power. It takes ONE power crazed individual to wield this immense power. What happens when a president says that he is a permanent president and term limits no longer apply? It's my core duty to serve this country forever. Oh, you disagree? Lets hope you don't have a Russian style accident.

This is a dangerous, and country breaking decision. And I fear for our future and my kids' futures.

Can Biden PLEASE order 4 more justices be added to SCOTUS and say it's a core duty?


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Can Biden PLEASE order 4 more justices be added to SCOTUS and say it's a core duty?

That’s only a solution to the here and now problem, though. What happens if they get flipped down the line? You can’t just keep adding more judges without addressing the core issue, which is essentially the defeat of checks and balances.
The thing that scares me most of all is what he repeated multiple times: there is no longer a check on the POTUS. The FOUNDATION of our democracy is on the separation of powers. And now, the POTUS has NONE. Congress cannot create a law to stop this. And the judicial system cannot prosecute the POTUS in almost any circumstance. The ONLY hope is that a one day liberal supermajority in the SCOTUS retracts this opinion. And that may never, ever come. Imagine the difference if SCOTUS was a liberal supermajority instead of conservative...

This is exactly how Hitler came to power. It takes ONE power crazed individual to wield this immense power. What happens when a president says that he is a permanent president and term limits no longer apply? It's my core duty to serve this country forever. Oh, you disagree? Lets hope you don't have a Russian style accident.

This is a dangerous, and country breaking decision. And I fear for our future and my kids' futures.

Can Biden PLEASE order 4 more justices be added to SCOTUS and say it's a core duty?
Yup, and that's what I meant when I said we might see the world burn, and believe me, burn it will if we let it. That's what happened almost a hundred years ago and we're this close to seeing it unfold again.
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Blind Guardian
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America has a real shit track record with human rights. I believe Hitler was trying to emulate what America had accomplished, so... America being unchained is pretty bad for everyone.

There really does need to be some major move to combat this, or the whole "democracy is dead" thing isn't an exaggeration.
That’s only a solution to the here and now problem, though. What happens if they get flipped down the line? You can’t just keep adding more judges without addressing the core issue, which is essentially the defeat of checks and balances.
You are not wrong, but at this rate there will not be a future if these 6 conservative shitsticks aren't checked before they take EVERY freedom away.
America has a real shit track record with human rights. I believe Hitler was trying to emulate what America had accomplished, so... America being unchained is pretty bad for everyone.

There really does need to be some major move to combat this, or the whole "democracy is dead" thing isn't an exaggeration.
I'm very concerned especially for LGBTQ+ individuals (even more so that my girlfriend currently lives there!). Given that the conservative base looks down upon them as sub-human trash, wants to criminalize them, and is trying to make anything LGBTQ+ related out to be some dangerous, cancerous ideology, I fear they're going to crack down heavily on them like what has happened to other minority groups at the hands of authoritarian regimes.
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This. They are already trying to shove the 10 Commandments down our throats. But because that serves conservative ideologies, nothing will be done.

It's illegal to talk about gender and black history in classrooms. But, religion, which is a core tenet that is NOT to be discriminated against is being shoved down our throats. It's not going to be long before laws are passed because they are against the fucking bible.

Clarence Thomas better watch out. They could come for interracial marriages next!
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