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Sensitive First Presidential Debate of 2024


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I'm very concerned especially for LGBTQ+ individuals (even more so that my girlfriend currently lives there!). Given that the conservative base looks down upon them as sub-human trash, wants to criminalize them, and is trying to make anything LGBTQ+ related out to be some dangerous, cancerous ideology, I fear they're going to crack down heavily on them like what has happened to other minority groups at the hands of authoritarian regimes.

Also, the issue with attacking minorities of any kind is that it serves as an exercise for taking on larger demographics. If you chip away at everyone based on this or that, you gradually whittle down those larger demographics. If someone takes down white gay, lesbian, and trans folks… suddenly you only have other races left in those demographics. On the flip side, when it comes time to take on each race, you’ve already eliminated those populations from the numbers. That’s what makes the “divide and conquer” tactic so appealing… it requires much less effort spread out over a longer period of time, and because it’s thorough… it’s effective.
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This. They are already trying to shove the 10 Commandments down our throats. But because that serves conservative ideologies, nothing will be done.

It's illegal to talk about gender and black history in classrooms. But, religion, which is a core tenet that is NOT to be discriminated against is being shoved down our throats. It's not going to be long before laws are passed because they are against the fucking bible.

Clarence Thomas better watch out. They could come for interracial marriages next!
Not unlike how there are some countries out there that are ruled under a radical theocratic government. These should serve as prime examples of why you don't mix religion with politics.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I'm very concerned especially for LGBTQ+ individuals (even more so that my girlfriend currently lives there!). Given that the conservative base looks down upon them as sub-human trash, wants to criminalize them, and is trying to make anything LGBTQ+ related out to be some dangerous, cancerous ideology, I fear they're going to crack down heavily on them like what has happened to other minority groups at the hands of authoritarian regimes.
Oh, 100%. Part of the reason I haven't sought an official autism diagnosis is because I fear being on a list for a future fascist government to run down should they decide they think eugenics is a good idea again... It already stings that 'Aspergers Syndrome' was named by a guy who turned people like me over to the nazis.

Definitely fear for my kids in that regard, one already got a diagnosis, and I'm sure my others may eventually too.

And I feel for all the people who can't hide their "oppress this minority" thing quite as easily...
Oh, 100%. Part of the reason I haven't sought an official autism diagnosis is because I fear being on a list for a future fascist government to run down should they decide they think eugenics is a good idea again... It already stings that 'Aspergers Syndrome' was named by a guy who turned people like me over to the nazis.

Definitely fear for my kids in that regard, one already got a diagnosis, and I'm sure my others may eventually too.

And I feel for all the people who can't hide their "oppress this minority" thing quite as easily...
Oh, you can be most certain eugenics is absolutely on the table with these types. I mean, Jesus Christ, when you have people going on record and openly advocating for genocide, you know damn well they're willing to go that far.
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And remember the part I talked about when I mentioned them wanting to criminalize LGBTQ+ people? Well, the far right have a proposal in place that will see trans people (and no doubt LGBTQ+ people as a whole), as well as those who support the community branded as criminals.

This is the type of stuff that just disgusts me...


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
(even more so that my girlfriend currently lives there!).
...you have another one?!

Sad Penguin GIF by Pudgy Penguins
This is the type of stuff that just disgusts me...
A bunch of fucking hypocrites. Bitches about how LGBTQ+ inclusivity is being shoved down their throats, and here they are trying to impose their ideals onto everyone else, and in a way that dictates how people are to live their lives might I add.

...you have another one?!

Sad Penguin GIF by Pudgy Penguins
No, you're the only girl for me, bae. Without you, my life has no meaning.:hugs


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Office Space GIF by #GoVote

I posted this in the other thread, but it made me realize, would this not be a relatively innocuous yet powerful move for Biden to use? Making election day a federal "you have to pay people while they go vote" holiday?

It's not as in your face as stacking the court, but it would enable a ton of young people to go to the polls, which would help democracy in a big way...


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
No, you're the only girl for me, bae. Without you, my life has no meaning.:hugs
Good answer! Otherwise we would have to find you
I was so annoyed watching the debate that I decided I was no longer going to do any more election volunteering but the alternative is just.. ugh.. you're right. We need to go out and vote and we need to do what we can to get (blue) voters to the polls. ~long sigh


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Good answer! Otherwise we would have to find you

I was so annoyed watching the debate that I decided I was no longer going to do any more election volunteering but the alternative is just.. ugh.. you're right. We need to go out and vote and we need to do what we can to get (blue) voters to the polls. ~long sigh
Go Tu the polls.

I've always wondered how successful a campaign to get your average-red-Cletus to the polls, but telling them election day is Wednesday November 6th, would be...
Nate Silver:
I wimped out in today's column and deleted a line saying he should formulate a plan to transition the presidency to Harris within 30-60 days, but I'm there now. Something is clearly wrong here.

Also in the news, a bunch of right-wing people are saying Biden is having a medical emergency right now. Take with a healthy heaping of salt.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Nate Silver:

Also in the news, a bunch of right-wing people are saying Biden is having a medical emergency right now. Take with a healthy heaping of salt.

Man… the writers for this season of ‘Murica are hack jobs hired post-writer’s guild strike. This is wild.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
It's crazy, right? I think they're using AI to generate Biden's speech, too. But like, ChatGPT-2 AI.

You know, it takes quite a bit to surprise me. I find myself uttering the phrase “wow… what the fuck?” a lot more these days than I have in the past. It used to be that in order to surprise me, it had to be gruesome, or gratuitous in some way. Not anymore… all I have to do is turn on the regular news and get the same shock value pre-teen me found on Rotten dot com from geriatric patients and compulsive liars.
  • Agree
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Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
You know, it takes quite a bit to surprise me. I find myself uttering the phrase “wow… what the fuck?” a lot more these days than I have in the past. It used to be that in order to surprise me, it had to be gruesome, or gratuitous in some way. Not anymore… all I have to do is turn on the regular news and get the same shock value pre-teen me found on Rotten dot com from geriatric patients and compulsive liars.
Yep. That and ogrish were some fucked up shit.

I'm not really surprised by anything anymore, I think that ended with Trump winning the first time. Now I'm just... Expecting the next fucking horrible thing to happen.

When someone preemptively nukes America to save the rest of the world, I'm sure my last thought is going to be

nuclear explosion bomb GIF
"Oh, it took this long? Huh"


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yep. That and ogrish were some fucked up shit.

I'm not really surprised by anything anymore, I think that ended with Trump winning the first time. Now I'm just... Expecting the next fucking horrible thing to happen.

When someone preemptively nukes America to save the rest of the world, I'm sure my last thought is going to be

nuclear explosion bomb GIF
"Oh, it took this long? Huh"

In the event of that… peace, y’all.

I can see Raven Rock’s antenna array from here.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Assuming they go for the state capitals too, yup, fucked. My only hope is that they're dumb at geography and think NYC is the capital of New York.

Peace Out Reaction GIF

I mean… everyone kinda already knows where NYC is after that last thing…

We should just make outsiders think that New Jersey is important, get that whole situation taken care of while we’re at it.
So far the best option I've seen for a replacement ticket for Biden Harris is Harris Cooper (current NC governor).

While Harris is a cop, that actually works when running against a felon. And Cooper is a mostly boring but decent candidate in that he's a popular Democrat from a state that's technically a swing state.

Biden just needs to come to reality.
  • Hmm
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If there were no way to transfer Biden's donations to a non-Harris candidate, why are people like Newsom, Whitmer, and Buttigeig being floated as potential replacements? With all of the legal workaround fuckery Trump has engaged in over the past 8 years, I'm sure Dems could resurrect some poorly-worded phrase from 1832 in their charter and use it to justify transferring funds to their nominee, no?

I definitely got some details wrong there.
If there were no way to transfer Biden's donations to a non-Harris candidate, why are people like Newsom, Whitmer, and Buttigeig being floated as potential replacements? With all of the legal workaround fuckery Trump has engaged in over the past 8 years, I'm sure Dems could resurrect some poorly-worded phrase from 1832 in their charter and use it to justify transferring funds to their nominee, no?

I definitely got some details wrong there.
The dems don't act that way though. At least not maliciously like MAGA does.
A couple of choice quotes from the most recent interview:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You've had months to challenge him.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Oh, sure, I had months, but I was also doin' a hell of a lot of other things, like wars around the world
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: And if you stay in and Trump is elected and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I'll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that's what this is about.

What the fuck guys


No Problem Here
GW Elder
So far the best option I've seen for a replacement ticket for Biden Harris is Harris Cooper (current NC governor).

While Harris is a cop, that actually works when running against a felon. And Cooper is a mostly boring but decent candidate in that he's a popular Democrat from a state that's technically a swing state.

Biden just needs to come to reality.

Yeah let's replace the black woman next in line with a fucking cop

I'm sure that will go over well in this party which needs every single vote

Not to mention nobody knows who this person is



Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
His typical double speak, he claims he knows nothing but then he also says some of the things are absolutely ridiculous in abysmal, also doesn't claim that all of them are

It isn’t just him with the double speak, though. His allies and adversaries are all guilty in their own respects as well, but we have to be mindful of the shit being fed across the board. Just because Trump is a self-explanatory problem doesn’t mean that the others have anyone’s best interests at heart either, and that’s something very easy to lose focus of when you have a shit show going on like we do in Washington. Trump is the perfect candidate to compete against when you have your own agenda you want to slide through, because it’s easy as hell to put the spotlight on him. I’m not saying that I have specific suspicions about the Democratic Party, either, but, we’d be fools to trust anyone In politics when they’ve all given us zero tangible reason to be trustworthy.

Oh I see, they are both named Harris so I read that wrong. I don't think of a DA as a cop.

A DA or SA is a form of law-enforcement in the sense that their discretion is directly tied to the enforcement of statutes within a state, through the court system. They ultimately decide whether or not to press charges on an individual or group based on evidence, much like how a Fire Marshal is considered law-enforcement in regards to fire-related incidents.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I know all of that. I still don't equate DA with the term "cop", which I think of as a person out on the streets, patrolling.

That's what critics of Harris have been calling her since before she declared to run for president, thought it was a well known thing.

Naturally they are doing that. They know using that term will split a wedge between her and other Dems. Which is probably one of the reasons they are "hiding" her and why she honestly shouldn't be at the front.
I know all of that. I still don't equate DA with the term "cop", which I think of as a person out on the streets, patrolling.

Naturally they are doing that. They know using that term will split a wedge between her and other Dems. Which is probably one of the reasons they are "hiding" her and why she honestly shouldn't be at the front.
The thing is: if she's the nominee it doesn't matter anymore. Republicans aren't going to care, and they also can't be the ones saying "I'm not voting for the cop!"

That's a primary specific issue, and there would be no primary here.
Which is why she won't be the nominee. She has to actually become the nominee.
It's still very unlikely than anyone other than Biden will be the nominee. This was just a "hey this was an idea someone threw out" where I was agreeing that it would likely be one of the better replacement options out there.

Also this is a timely podcast:
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I know all of that. I still don't equate DA with the term "cop", which I think of as a person out on the streets, patrolling.

Well, based on everything I’ve learned over the course of Maryland’s State’s Attorney and her recent legal issues … SA’s are considered “top cop” in the states they represent. They effectively have the power to charge you with a crime the same as a LEO, but instead of being a certified LEO and being granted the power to charge someone, they pass the BAR to be able to charge someone that way, on behalf of the district or state. That’s why I mentioned Fire Marshals, because although they don’t walk a beat… they can charge you with arson if you set a car on fire. So, yeah, while I agree with you that she doesn’t fit the bill of a typical cop… those sorry individuals that have faced her wrath in the courtroom for years on trumped up charges to help build her portfolio that led her here might strongly disagree with us.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
Which is why they have been hiding her and why it's a non starter

Btw: I disagree on it not mattering in the general. Some people who may have voted with her as veep, may stay home instead with her at the front. I don't have a crystal ball but that is totally possible.
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Wasn't she also more specifically a prosecution attorney? That would be seen as even worse, putting people away for The Man.

There are two sides to that coin, though: moderates, independents, and undecideds might actually LIKE that she's "a cop", and their votes are way more important than the leftist fringe (and I'm saying this as one of those far left Progressives). People who give her flack about are going to....what? Vote for Trump? I don't think so. A few may be stubborn and stay home based on some poorly-thought-out principle, but I don't think it'll be enough to tank an election. Her opponent is just too damned sinister.

It does kinda sound line he said "the goodest" but like Jon said, it's perfectly possible he said "as good as" but because he can't fucking talk very well, it sounds like goodest.

View attachment 17785

So, grain of salt here, grain of salt there.
I wish... I could believe him. I'm not an immigrants, gay, trans, black, or any other minority, and that Project 2025 thing scares me. Especially with the immunity ruling...

I would like to hope that John Oliver and his writers are just engaging in some fear mongering and/or anti-Trump propaganda but Olvier didn't just say random shit like Fox News does when they're playing the fear mongering game, he provided sources, interviews, and facts.
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