30 Days of Movies


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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The second you see the alien it stops being even remotely scary or suspenseful
Yeah but at that point the movie is basically over.

Unless you're talking about when you get the glimpse on the TV, in which case I must vehemently disagree.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Yeah but at that point the movie is basically over.

Unless you're talking about when you get the glimpse on the TV, in which case I must vehemently disagree.
When the tv broadcast rewinds and pauses on the alien. That is when it goes downhill. The first full body shot of the alien is fine, but then M. Night goes and Shyamalans it all up and the rest of movie sucks


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
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sci-fi signs GIF


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
You Favourite Film From Your Least Favourite Genre


A Film The Broke Your Heart

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. If you haven't, don't. Holy fuck, the ending...

A Film With A Number In the Title

I guess to not be obvious -- The Taking of Pelham 123


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
A Film That Broke Your Heart: Fuck it, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. I have issues with cruelty to animals so this hit extra hard for me.

Nic Cage Version: Matchstick Men, great con artist movie that pulled a fast one on me.

A Film with a Number in the Title: The Hateful Eight. Maybe my least favorite Tarantino, but still a good watch.

Nic Cage Version: Well obviously this is a perfect spot for 8MM. Hard to find many spots for movies about snuff films.


Connoisseur of fine video games
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Favorite animated film:
This is a tough one. Fox and the Hound was my favorite as a kid, but I haven't watched it in a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Up is an excellent film, with a fantastic opening and closing, but the middle does drag a bit. Kung Fu Panda 2 is genuinely such a good, underrated film. I watched this one multiple times because of end-of-semester school days when only 2 kids would show up, and we didn't have many other films on offer. Each time I watched it, I noticed something new or different that made me appreciate it even more. I feel like it could stick out on my mind more because I've watched it more, and more recently, than some of the others.
Favorite animated film

Hmm, I'm back and forth between Aladdin and Lion King, both massive parts of my childhood. Lion King had better music and was much bigger... but I always loved Aladdin's setting, art style, and humor. It was my introduction to Robin Williams (aside from knowing him as the silly guy in Mork and Mindy that my dad watched) and Gilbert Godfried, both of whom I loved so much. Princess Jasmine was one of my first crushes as a wittle boy as well.

Going with Aladdin.
fav animated film: foodfight!

no but seriously i have a bunch of ones from my childhood i could pick, but for this one i want to choose a movie that shows off what makes animation so amazing and a movie that could never be made outside of animation. akira is a good pick but i think i'm gonna go with another classic of japanese cinema: paprika. inception fucking wishes.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
fav animated film: foodfight!

no but seriously i have a bunch of ones from my childhood i could pick, but for this one i want to choose a movie that shows off what makes animation so amazing and a movie that could never be made outside of animation. akira is a good pick but i think i'm gonna go with another classic of japanese cinema: paprika. inception fucking wishes.
Oh god I forgot about Satoshi Kon

I'm changing my pick to Perfect Blue. Black Swan fucking wishes. :link
A film that you would love to see on a big screen: The Martian

Your favourite film set in space: The Martian

A film with a soundtrack you love: Hercules (1997 film)

A film that is also a book you love: The Hobbit. Shout out to Fantastic Mr Fox.

A film that made you cheer at the cinema: get real jesus christ

A film that left you feeling confused: none

A film that made you want to travel: The Martian

Your favourite film from your least favourite genre: Romance is my least favourite genre and I don't think I have an answer

A film that broke your heart: what are you talking about

A film with a number in the title: Se7en was nice

Your favourite animated film: Hercules

A film you couldn't stop thinking about: none


Connoisseur of fine video games
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A film you couldn't stop thinking about:
I think about the rooftop beer scene from Shawshank Redemption all the time. It didn't really need to be in the movie, but it made the movie that much nicer. Just simple, soulful character development.

Also, whenever I think of "damn that's a good fucking movie", I think of Memento. I've watched that movie probably 6 times. I've watched it three separate times -- but each time after I watch it, I immediately watch it again.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
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Also, whenever I think of "damn that's a good fucking movie", I think of Memento. I've watched that movie probably 6 times. I've watched it three separate times -- but each time after I watch it, I immediately watch it again.

I've got a spot picked out later in the list for this film. Its a big one for me.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
A film you couldn't stop thinking about:
I think about the rooftop beer scene from Shawshank Redemption all the time. It didn't really need to be in the movie, but it made the movie that much nicer. Just simple, soulful character development
One of my all time favorite movies… but now I can’t stop thinking about it, so I will take some time before answering


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
You have to admit, Gump would have been deserving any other year, but Shawshank should have won
I personally side with Pulp Fiction (especially in retrospect and how influential it turned out to be) but Shawshank is also incredible.

And I like Gump, but it doesn't hold up as well to the test of time.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I personally side with Pulp Fiction (especially in retrospect and how influential it turned out to be) but Shawshank is also incredible.

And I like Gump, but it doesn't hold up as well to the test of time.
I love all 3, but I would rank pulp fiction 3rd in a best picture ranking… first in a quoting ranking

Fool's Requiem

Anyone want a popsicle?
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I stopped getting notifications for this thread amd completely forgot about it.

Day 17 - Favorite Animated Film:

The Emperor's New Groove
Anime: Weathering With You.
3D: Toy Story 2

HMs: Aladdin, Tangled, Shrek 2, How to Train Your Dragon, Spirited Away, Titan AE, The Incredibles.

Day 18 - Movie You Couldn't Stop Thinking About:

I guess mother! And that was kinda the problem. I wanted that shit out of my mind after I saw it. Life will never prepare you for seeing
a mob take a newly born baby and rip it to shreds and then beat the mother to a pulp for reacting violently to seeing her baby be murdered in front of her eyes.

It's an analogy for how we're treating the planet, but man, fuck that movie.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I have an answer

A film you couldn't stop thinking about:

Ghostbusters (1984). One of my all time favorites, and I have started getting my girls into it. They constantly ask questions about what happens if a terror dog takes over someone, but if it were to happen to them, they would break out like at the end of the movie


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
A Film You Couldn't Stop Thinking About: Gonna go with Whiplash here. I held off on watching it for years because it was so hyped up to me that I figured it was overrated. Boy was I wrong. Such a great movie, and that ending is absolutely perfect.

Nic Cage Edition: Color Out of Space. Nic Cage's performance specifically sticks with me here, as he kind of lapses into a pseudo-Trump impression as the film wears on and his character devolves into an imitation of his own father. Also I've never heard the word "alpacas" said more in my life.

Nicolas Cage Movie GIF by Studiocanal UK

Fool's Requiem

Anyone want a popsicle?
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I was Jayne for Halloween this year
I finally dressed as Mal Reynolds in 2023. I don't usually do the whole Halloween costume thing because I usually don't do Halloween in general, but I did two Halloweens ago. Didn't just buy one of those cheap all in one kits. I bought items individually. It took me far too long to find a maroon shirt that was like his, though. Eddie Bauer actually had something for me for once.
Time to catch up

Underrated - Little Nicky, it made me laugh so much, it is so dumb, but in a funny way

When sad - Usually comedy, Tropic Thunder is first that comes to mind. But something like Cinema Paradiso when I am more reflective/nostalgic sad

Big Screen - Die Hard, my friends and I watch it every christmas, would be awesome to have it on the big screen

Space - A New Hope, I do concede that Empire is better though

Soundtrack - Cinema Paradiso

Book - Godfather, not sure if it is my favorite, but first I thought of that I was 100% for sure was based on a bookd

Cheer - None, I dont do that

Confused - No Country for Old Men, the ending wasnt expecting and I really had to think about the themes of the movie and how it made sense

Travel - Cinema Pardios, Italy is not at the top of my list of places I want to go, but makes me want to travel to an tiny Italian town

Fav from least favorite - Alien, Im not a huge horror fan, but some do it right

Broke Heart - Life Is Beautiful, About Time, Cinema Pardiso and Jo Jo Rabbit are the first that come to mind

Numbered title - 12 Angry Men

Animated - Lion King or Aladdin

Cant stop thinking about - Wicked, fresh on my mind, Defying Gravity is a hell of an ending and it has made me deep dive into the play and and book, so not so much thinking of the movie, but it was the catalyst

Future - Aliens

Scared me - Alien


Connoisseur of fine video games
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GW Elder
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A film that made you want to fall in love:
Before Sunrise

Even before this sort of thing had ever happened to me, this movie felt very genuine. It's not over-the-top, it's not clichéd, it doesn't try too hard. It's just two people walking around talking, falling in love as they get to know each other more and more.
Movie I can't stop thinking about: Shawshank Redemption. Andy's escape and revenge against the warden blew me away the first time I saw it and still does.

Movie set in the future: Back to the Future II. Technically it's not set in the future anymore, but when it came out it did atleast! :D

Movie that scared me: Ghostbusters II. Gave me nightmares as a kid. I was scared of taking baths for a while after seeing it.

Movie that made me want to fall in love: The Princess Bride. Greatest love story ever told.

Favorite movie set in a fantasy world: LotR: Fellowship of the Ring
film that i couldn't stop thinking about: it's a mouthful of a title but everything everywhere all at once deserves every word and letter of it.

film set in the future: this is definitely cheating, because i haven't even technically seen these movies even though they're just glorified compilations with some new footage, but my wife and i have been on a mobile suit gundam kick lately. they have movies for people who don't want to watch the entire original series, but we watched the entire original series anyway and had a great time. the compilation movies are probably good too.

film that scared me: not much of a horror person, as previously stated. but get out left my friends and us so tense that when we walked out of the theater my friend deshawn picked up an apple (no idea why there was an entire apple on the ground) and threw it as hard as he could

film that made me want to fall in love: well i already said portrait of a lady on fire for another one. so here's a story. on our third-ever date, my future wife and i tried to go see a movie but it ended up being sold out. she pitched just going back to my apartment and watching a movie there and i was like holy shit yes. we sat under a blanket and got so transfixed by the movie that we didn't like, even spend the entire time making out or anything. but before she left i did give her the first kiss we ever shared. what movie could have possibly led to a wonderfully cute moment like that? why, none other than the inimitable face/off.
A film set in the future: Wall-E. We are slowly heading there!

A film that scared me: All of them that are even a little bit scary. Let's go with the comedy option - Mars Attacks! I saw it when I was young and their blasters that slowly vaporize the many actors I knew scared the daylights out of me.

A film that made me want to fall in love: Can't think of a real answer so I'll go with my wife and I's first date - How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days staring a less revered Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson. The movie was terrible but my wife let me put my arm around her during the movie so it wins this category.
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