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30 Days of Movies


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Film that made me cheer at the cinema:
I know this has happened to me once or twice, but I can't remember the exact film... Definitely Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix cause I saw it at midnight with a bunch of Potter nerds and probably got caught up in the moment

I think I also cheered for Star Wars VII in cinemas because everyone there was just having an awesome time, you could feel the vibes. Maybe Avatar, too. I saw that movie like 3 times.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
A Film With a Soundtrack You Love

...I dunno. Too many to think of one specific example.

A Film That Is Also a Book You Love

To avoid being a cliche and just saying LotR again, because that's clearly the right answer here, I'm going to say The Book Thief, because the film was mediocre, but the book is amazing.

A Film That Made You Cheer At the Cinema

I can't do that. Social anxiety. I barely go to the cinema, so the thought of cheering? No.......

Fool's Requiem

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GW Elder
Wolf Players
A film that left me confused:

The original Super Mario live action movie. I was confused as to why it was made.
It was made because Super Mario was popular, just like the Double Dragon movie getting made.

WHY it was as bad as it was had everything to do with the director duo that was hired. They fucked EVERYTHING.

Day 12: mother.

Probably the only time I've never been sure whether to call it a good or bad movie. It's definitely A movie, but their third act is so fucking bonkers insane (and graphic), that I had to go get comfort food after the movie. I feel like films of allegories should not be a thing unless you make it clear what the fuck you're making an allegory towards.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
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A Film That Made You Cheer in the Cinema: Back when they released the "special editions" of the original Star Wars trilogy in the theater, the explosion of the first Death Star at the end of A New Hope was a great moment in that room.

A Film That Left You Feeling Confused: Fuckin Primer. I know exactly what happened, but trying to figure out the order of events is a mindfuck.



Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
The Cagening Strikes Back

A Film That You Would Love to See on a Big Screen:
Oh that would be Mandy.

mandymovie andrearisborough GIF by Mandy The Film

To the best of my knowledge, Nic Cage has not done a movie set in space. Certainly not one that I have seen.

A Film with a Soundtrack You Love:

Teen Titans Go!: To the Movies  strikes again, mainly due to Michael Bolton's "Upbeat Inspirational Song About Life".

Fool's Requiem

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GW Elder
Wolf Players
Didn't mean to offend anyone, I figure that saying "has been" as opposed to "is" makes it clear that I'm speaking to my own experiences and not making generalizations.
I don't have kids. I also don't want to rain on your parade for having a solid experience raising kids (so far). I've had others tell me that raising kids has been the most rewarding experience of their life.

Me, I just see lost free and quiet time. If I could be guaranteed that I could have a kid that is a quiet introvert who likes to do things with their folks, I'd be all over it, but there is no guarantee, and introversion can be a result of being ostracized as a kid, which honestly kinda blows (I speak from experience).


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
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GW Elder
Wolf Players
Me, I just see lost free and quiet time. If I could be guaranteed that I could have a kid that is a quiet introvert who likes to do things with their folks, I'd be all over it, but there is no guarantee, and introversion can be a result of being ostracized as a kid, which honestly kinda blows (I speak from experience).

Yeah, I totally understand this mindset as it was basically how I felt for much of my life.

Fool's Requiem

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GW Elder
Wolf Players
Day 13. Yes Man is probably the closest movie that made me want to travel, but only because of the spontaneous traveling scene where they pick a random city and fly to it. Still haven't done something like that. Traveling to somewhere is easy. It's the trip back and making sure you're on time for work.

Movies haven't made me want to travel and see new places. Getting stationed in Key West on a cutter that visited numerous Caribbean locations did that.

Oh, and then an anime called A Place Further than the Universe.

I'd go overseas, but it's honestly a pain in the ass to conduct foreign travel while in the military. There are more hoops and limitations than just getting a passport. Even if I wanted to go to Canada.
Day 5: A film you think is underrated

National Lampoon's European Vacation
- This was the second Vacation movie, released between the original and Christmas Vacation, and I never hear anyone talk about it. European is actually the one I grew up with because we had it taped off of tv, so I've seen it like a million times. Obviously that makes me biased, but I do think it has a lot of great jokes.

Day 7: A film you would like to see on the big screen

It would have been cool to see the original Star Wars trilogy films during their original theatrical releases (I saw the rereleases in the 90s). Seeing Airplane! during its original release in a packed theater would have been a lot of fun.

Day 8: Your favorite film set in space

(the movie!)

Day 9: A film with a soundtrack you love

Orchestrated score - Jurassic Park and Lord of the Rings

Regular songs - I thought of this in terms of movies that have songs that I wouldn't necessarily listen to on their own, but whenever I happen to hear them in any context other than the movie, I immediately picture theses movies and the scenes that contain these songs. The first two that came to mind were Dumb and Dumber and Office Space.

Day 10: A film that is also a book you love

Lord of the Rings
- I saw Fellowship in the theater after reading The Hobbit but before reading LotR, and then I read all of LotR before the second movie came out. The first movie will always have a personal place with me because I had the background of The Hobbit and could recognize those references, otherwise it was my first foray into Tolkien's world, and it was such an adventure.

Day 13: A Film that made you want to travel

Jurassic Park
So as not to say Lord of the Rings again, I'll go with Indiana Jones.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
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GW Elder
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The Cagening 3: Cage of Vengeance

A Film That is Also a Book You Love:
Even though I wasn't a huge fan of the Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider, I did enjoy the Danny Ketch era, and Danny appeared as a young boy in Ghost Rider: Spirits of Vengeance.

on fire GIF

A Film That Made You Cheer at the Cinema:

I saw Con Air in Fresno, California.

Dave Chappelle's dead body falls from the plane onto a car in Fresno.

We cheered.

Nic Cage Lol GIF by IFC

A Film That Left You Feeling Confused: Gonna go with Prisoners of the Ghostland. I was confused as to how anyone thought that movie was a good idea.

Especially the scene where explosives are attached to Nic Cage's testicles, set to explode if he gets the hots for the villain's daughter.

A Film That Makes You Want to Travel: Honeymoon in Vegas, as I've always wanted to go to Vegas. This is easily refused by watching Leaving Las Vegas, which is maybe ironic?


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
The Cagening 3: Cage of Vengeance

A Film That is Also a Book You Love:
Even though I wasn't a huge fan of the Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider, I did enjoy the Danny Ketch era, and Danny appeared as a young boy in Ghost Rider: Spirits of Vengeance.

on fire GIF

A Film That Made You Cheer at the Cinema:

I saw Con Air in Fresno, California.

Dave Chappelle's dead body falls from the plane onto a car in Fresno.

We cheered.

Nic Cage Lol GIF by IFC

A Film That Left You Feeling Confused: Gonna go with Prisoners of the Ghostland. I was confused as to how anyone thought that movie was a good idea.

Especially the scene where explosives are attached to Nic Cage's testicles, set to explode if he gets the hots for the villain's daughter.

A Film That Makes You Want to Travel: Honeymoon in Vegas, as I've always wanted to go to Vegas. This is easily refused by watching Leaving Las Vegas, which is maybe ironic?
Where is your best soundtrack film for Nic Cage?

Fool's Requiem

Anyone want a popsicle?
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Favorite film from your least favorite genre:

- Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I prefer romcoms in tv shows and anime. More time for character development, IMO. Movies are bad for romcoms. Forgetting Sarah Marshall is fantastic. Just about everything is perfect. Also, my fucking phone keeps trying to change romcom to Roscommon. So annoying.

Musical: Not including Disney movies, La La Land is probably my favorite. I dislike characters randomly breaking out in song for no fucking reason. La La Land has those same issues, but it's more bearable, somehow. Might be the chemistry between the leads.

Western: I actively avoid westerns. I dislike the setting. I saw American Tale: Fievel Goes West a bunch and outside of scenes involving the big cat character, I can't say I liked it... Tarantino's The Hateful Eight was the one Western film I watched that didn't feel like a Western film.


idea man
10K Post Club
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Favorite film from my least favorite genre

Horror (disgusting or shock horror for the sake of it without benefiting the screenwriting) movies are probably my least favorite genre. I like ones that are psychological thrillers, or comedy-horrors, or just well written movies. That being said, I did like Saw


Connoisseur of fine video games
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Favorite film from least favorite genre
I'm generally not a fan of musicals, but I did really enjoy La La Land and fuckin LOVED Hamilton.

Still, my answer goes to Hairspray. My HS GF made me see it with her in theatres. I couldn't EVER see myself saying I enjoyed a bubblegum musical, but I actually really enjoyed Hairspray. It was fun, thoughtful, funny, and some of the songs were really catchy.

It's been like 15 years since I watched it so maybe my opinion would be different now, but I surprisingly liked it as a teenaged boy.

Fool's Requiem

Anyone want a popsicle?
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Favorite film from my least favorite genre

Horror (disgusting or shock horror for the sake of it without benefiting the screenwriting) movies are probably my least favorite genre. I like ones that are psychological thrillers, or comedy-horrors, or just well written movies. That being said, I did like Saw
ooh, I forgot about horror.

I loved Cabin in the Woods and felt that The Ring was a quality film. However, I like them despite the horror elements. I like Cabin in the Woods because it's more of a parody of all the shit I dislike, and just has fun with the story. It made me more okay with the downer ending, and the pointless killing of people. It also provided a believable explanation for the lack of motive in many horror movie villains. I like The Ring because it's a mystery movie with horror elements. I'm all over mystery films. Also, the final scene where they finally show you what people who died saw before they died was genuinely terrifying.

HM to zombie (or zombie like films) movies like 28 Days Later and The Crazies, and monster movies like The Thing (1982).
Movie that left me confused: Don't really have an answer for this one..

Movie that made me want to travel: LotR made me want to go to New Zeeland!

Movie from my least favorite genre:
Romcom- Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
This is my answer too. Loved the Dracula musical at the end!

Movie that broke my heart: Kid me was devastated by E.T. so I'll go with that one.,


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Your Favorite Film From Your Least Favorite Genre: Wong Kar-wai's In the Mood for Love is an amazing, incredible romance film. I still need to check out the sequel...

Nic Cage Edition: The only thing worse than a romance film is a heart-warming romance film. Yuck. But The Family Man is one that still pulls me in and I end up watching parts of it every time I see it playing on TV.

Nic Cage Hot Ones GIF by First We Feast
Your Favorite Film From Your Least Favorite Genre:

Horror - I'm a big scaredy cat. The only one I've watched that can be considered is Shaun of the Dead since there were zombies, and zombies are the things that scare me most. The movie was so funny that I toughed it through. Gave me nightmares for a few days.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

I was reading a random look back article on that movie and realized I haven't seen it since it came out. What an all star lineup before they all started headlining their own movies. Island life Paul Rudd is one of my favorite characters. I could never stand Russell Brand, but he was really good in this.
A film that broke your heart:

Saving Private Ryan. It was visceral and had so many moments of just terror, but every quiet moment seeing young men that will never go home really hurt when I saw it. I watched it during college when the war in Iraq was taking off and there was that national feeling of uncertainty for young men in their 20s looking at what could happen.

The line "please stop." Haunts me to this day.
WHY it was as bad as it was had everything to do with the director duo that was hired. They fucked EVERYTHING.
the directors weren't as responsible for what got put in theaters as the producers were. they changed screenwriters like three times and had no idea what tone they wanted the directors to go for. i'm not saying that those directors were angels to work with because everything the actors have said since paints the opposite picture, but after watching both the original cut and the fanmade recut i will die on the hill that the original smb movie has more heart and substance than the one they put out a year ago

anyway i gotta catch up

film that is also book i love. i already mentioned h2g2. i honestly can't remember a time that a book i'd read got turned into a movie that i would later go on to watch and enjoy. i wanted to be unique but here's the thing holes is just that good

film that made me cheer at the cinema: so i'm gonna show my weebiness here a little bit. few years back studio trigger (of kill la kill (🤮) and later on delicious in dungeon :)^)) put out a movie that i ended up seeing in theaters 5 times, including a 4DX showing. that movie is PROMARE. time has kind of dulled it a bit in my eyes but i last rewatched it a couple years ago and it was still pretty fire, pun intended. there is a scene near the end that made me leap out of the chair and pump my fists. speaking as someone who has seen both the sub and the dub i actually recommend the dub. if you like snazzy animation and grew up on eva (studio trigger was founded by former gainax employees) and you love it when giant robots have moves with incredibly long and stupid names, i can't recommend it enough.

film that left me feeling confused: i had to think about arrival for like a week after i first saw it. this is a positive review

film that made me want to travel: this is a weird question lol. i am someone who very rarely likes leaving the house. honestly what came to mind were like, james bond movies. those seem to always be very oriented towards people's touristy impulses. now i'm gonna tell on myself here but the only bond flicks i've seen are the first three craig ones. one of those isn't worth mentioning so we'll go with casino royale and skyfall

fav film from least favorite genre
: so, i'm not really a horror person. i get why people enjoy horror but for me personally i'm like "i jhave spent enough of my life feeling scared to be willing to voluntarily feel scared for any amount of time" but when horror is good it is GOOD. my vote here is for NOPE. jordan peele at his finest

film that broke your heart: hoo boy. portrait of a lady on fire had me sobbing for practically the entire second half of the movie. french lesbian films aren't everyone's forte but this film was so good that on the way back from the cinema my future wife and i used the "L" word to describe how we felt about each other for the first time


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
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GW Elder
Wolf Players
film that broke your heart: hoo boy. portrait of a lady on fire had me sobbing for practically the entire second half of the movie. french lesbian films aren't everyone's forte but this film was so good that on the way back from the cinema my future wife and i used the "L" word to describe how we felt about each other for the first time

Noooooo this was gonna be my answer

Just watched it a few weeks back and it was DEVASTATING

But so fuckin good

Fool's Requiem

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GW Elder
Wolf Players
I am literally not afraid of horror movies. I thought it was a being a grown up sort of thing but now I'm thinking my brain is broken
I find it difficult to be scared of something that isn't real. A vast majority of horror films have unrealistic scenarios that make it impossible to put myself in the shoes of the victims. Not to mention just how dumb so many characters are. Some people liked The Conjuring because it was based on a "true" story, and I'm sitting there like "No the fuck it isn't." People consider The Exorcist to be one of the scariest movies of all time, and I was bored out of my mind. Was I supposed to believe that people can actually be possessed by a demon? People screamed at the most obvious of jump scares in Paranormal Activity, and I literally burst out into laughter.

The only enjoyment I can get out horror films are when the movies are fun to watch or have an interesting story. Freddy vs Jason is a terrible movie, but the excessive and over-the-top ending showdown that had a ludicrous amount of blood being spilt was fun and it saved an otherwise miserable movie. The Ring is good because it has an interesting mystery involving the tape, and it's origin.

Oh, and a villain with no real motivation is lazy as fuck. Michael Myers being the "embodiment of evil" is just fucking stupid. There are lots of bad people, but all of them had SOME kind of motive or reason for why they did what they did.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
For me it's about empathy more than anything. If I identify with and feel for the characters, I'm more likely to get sucked in to the fear.

Slasher films aren't scary at all to me. I think they're fun as hell and I have a ball watching them.

Hereditary was lauded as one of the best horror movies in decades. I thought it was a fine film, but not scary in the least. Depressing and off-putting (purposely), sure. But not scary.

But then there's a movie like Skinamarink, which is incredibly divisive. A LOT of people find it to be utterly boring and a waste of 90 minutes or whatever. Me, I was TERRIFIED for the kids in that movie and it was a harrowing experience.

Honestly, the most I've ever been "scared" in the theater is when I saw Signs. Seems laughable now, but good lord I was in a state during the climax of that movie.
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