WHY it was as bad as it was had everything to do with the director duo that was hired. They fucked EVERYTHING.
the directors weren't as responsible for what got put in theaters as the producers were. they changed screenwriters like three times and had no idea what tone they wanted the directors to go for. i'm not saying that those directors were angels to work with because everything the actors have said since paints the opposite picture, but after watching both the original cut and the fanmade recut i will die on the hill that the original smb movie has more heart and substance than the one they put out a year ago
anyway i gotta catch up
film that is also book i love. i already mentioned h2g2. i honestly can't remember a time that a book i'd read got turned into a movie that i would later go on to watch and enjoy. i wanted to be unique but here's the thing
holes is just that good
film that made me cheer at the cinema: so i'm gonna show my weebiness here a little bit. few years back studio trigger (of kill la kill (

) and later on delicious in dungeon

^)) put out a movie that i ended up seeing in theaters 5 times, including a 4DX showing. that movie is
PROMARE. time has kind of dulled it a bit in my eyes but i last rewatched it a couple years ago and it was still pretty fire, pun intended. there is a scene near the end that made me leap out of the chair and pump my fists. speaking as someone who has seen both the sub and the dub i actually recommend the dub. if you like snazzy animation and grew up on eva (studio trigger was founded by former gainax employees) and you love it when giant robots have moves with incredibly long and stupid names, i can't recommend it enough.
film that left me feeling confused: i had to think about
arrival for like a week after i first saw it. this is a positive review
film that made me want to travel: this is a weird question lol. i am someone who very rarely likes leaving the house. honestly what came to mind were like, james bond movies. those seem to always be very oriented towards people's touristy impulses. now i'm gonna tell on myself here but the only bond flicks i've seen are the first three craig ones. one of those isn't worth mentioning so we'll go with
casino royale and
fav film from least favorite genre: so, i'm not really a horror person. i get why people enjoy horror but for me personally i'm like "i jhave spent enough of my life feeling scared to be willing to voluntarily feel scared for any amount of time" but when horror is good it is GOOD. my vote here is for
NOPE. jordan peele at his finest
film that broke your heart: hoo boy.
portrait of a lady on fire had me sobbing for practically the entire second half of the movie. french lesbian films aren't everyone's forte but this film was so good that on the way back from the cinema my future wife and i used the "L" word to describe how we felt about each other for the first time