Discussion Tavern: Sleeping Giant

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Caterpillar Accountant
Nestled on the northern Sword Coast, between Neverwinter Wood and the Sword Mountains, is the town of Phandalin. Centuries ago, Phandalin was a thriving settlement with deep ties to its neighboring communities. But then bandits overran the town, and Phandalin lay abandoned for centuries.

Only in the past few years have settlers built a new village on the ruins of the old. These townfolk hope to grow Phandalin through hard work, camaraderie, and the shared purpose of building a lasting home. Threatening their efforts and their survival are bandits, brigands, and monsters.


This is a Tavern thread for a campaign entitled The Lost Mines of Phandelver.

The setting is the Sword Coast region of Faerûn. The campaign will begin on the road south from Neverwinter to Phandalin, as the party has business there. We will also journey around the surrounding region, and into the Underdark. This campaign will appear to be, on the surface, of a standard Heroic Fantasy theme. But there may be more than meets the eye...

We have room for 5 characters in this campaign.

Characters will begin at 1st level and if they survive to the end of the campaign, should end at 5th level. There will be an option to continue to a 2nd campaign, continuing the story, upon completion...


We will use this thread for the following Out Of Character purposes.

1. Gather a party: Sign up with your interest to join this campaign. First come, first served. Once we have a full team, I will create a "Session 0" campaign thread to go into more detail on the start of the campaign.

2. Party In-Depth Discussion: To prevent the main campaign thread from becoming too difficult to follow, any OOC discussions will take place in this thread.

3. Questions for the DM: Please tag me with any questions for visibility.

4. General Campaign Discussion: Even if you aren't able to participate in the campaign, feel free to follow along and comment in this thread.


@The Flame

The Party is full
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Caterpillar Accountant
We've both made sure to choose campaigns that were made specifically to be beginner friendly.

I've seen some of the stuff Ben's got brewing and...holy crap its gonna be so cool. I can't wait to see it in action.

Mine is gonna be...significantly more low-fi.


Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
{{I think there is a significant party already established from Ben's thread. I do not mind either campaign, so I'll slide into either. Just tell me what to do and I'll post or whatever needs to occur. I've been pretty much ignored in Ben's tavern so... Not complaining mind you.}}

Tortle Dude

ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Is there a difference in what my expected end level will be?

If I join say Ben's campaign can I join Vash's 2nd or am I stuck to my one story?

Nootie Plucker

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
Is there a difference in what my expected end level will be?

If I join say Ben's campaign can I join Vash's 2nd or am I stuck to my one story?
@VashTheStampede I have this question as well since it might be relevant to this: I want to join, but I will say Phandelver is the only adventure I'm already slightly familiar with because I ran a single session of it for other friends of mine. I only really have knowledge of Part 1 because that's how far they got, but I can play dumb and let others take the lead if that works for you. Otherwise I could also join after that part or something too.
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Caterpillar Accountant
@VashTheStampede I have this question as well since it might be relevant to this: I want to join, but I will say Phandelver is the only adventure I'm already slightly familiar with because I ran a single session of it for other friends of mine. I only really have knowledge of Part 1 because that's how far they got, but I can play dumb and let others take the lead if that works for you. Otherwise I could also join after that part or something too.
It doesn't bother me at all if you have knowledge of the module already.

1. I'm going off of the expanded version so the "second half" of the adventure would likely be brand new to you even if you ran the whole Lost Mines of Phandelver campaign.

2. There's been a bit of talk of having different parties run the same campaign (possibly by different DMs) to play with how different things can go. So having knowledge of a campaign definitely isn't a deal breaker.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Oh shit, I took your post to mean you were still trying to decide...

I could totally balance it for 6 players if you're wanting in on this one.
It's good man, I have no problem with Ben's for sure. It was less me trying to decide and more indifference as to which campaign I was involved in. This is all good. I'll get in on one of yours at some point. I want to experience both sides! :)
Something like that. You've got an AC of 17 which is no joke for lvl 1. I think my 18 might be the only one to beat that. I have 18 because I have a shield. You pretty much have a built in one.

Tubby's ranger for example has an AC of 12. I can't see the rest of the group because DnD beyond is hating me right now and not loading their pages.
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Nootie Plucker

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
I was kinda just basing it off what the default google result said were the tank classes, but I know most are pretty versatile so we might be fine. And yeah I keep forgetting about the tortle shell.

I'm sitting at 14 AC currently. Was looking more into dual-wielding than I was shields, but I did fill my repertoire with debuffing spells so even if it is an issue we might be able to compensate with support to some extent.
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Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Tortle Dude runs to the front and hides in his shell.

...something like that?
  1. Natural Armor: Tortles have a natural armor ability, which means they have a base AC (Armor Class) of 17. This natural armor is due to their tough, turtle-like shells.
  2. Shell Defense: Tortles can retract into their shells as a bonus action, providing them with additional protection. While in this state, they gain even higher AC but can't take any actions. They can come out of their shells as a bonus action on a subsequent turn.
    • Increased Armor Class (AC): While in Shell Defense, a Tortle's AC increases to 20. This makes them significantly harder to hit by attacks, spells, or other forms of damage.
    • Immobilization: While in Shell Defense, a Tortle cannot take any actions, move, or react. They essentially retreat into their shell, becoming a defensive fortress but unable to participate in combat or perform any other actions.
    • Defensive Duration: A Tortle can remain in Shell Defense for as long as they wish, but they must use a bonus action to come out of their shell. This means they can choose to stay in this defensive state for multiple rounds if needed, maintaining the increased AC.
So, yeah, you could act as a tank.
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I made my threa lid and a character background. I figured if u wanted my magical wood to stop me from dying, there needed to be a trade off. Let me know if I need to make any changes
Honest not sure about the boxes as I've never played bard. It looks like spell slot boxes. Is that spell a cantrip or does it use up a spell slot?

Speaking of spell slots. I noticed you have a spell marked as a ritual. A spell that can be cast as a ritual means instead of using a spell slot you cast the spell as a ritual, which takes an extra 10 minutes to cast. What this is for, is so that you can cast the spell outside of battle for free instead of using up a spell slot. You can't ritual cast in battle because battle time is much quicker than that.

I think Vash is going to be adding a whole thing in the guide about spells soonish.

Tortle Dude

ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Speaking of spell slots. I noticed you have a spell marked as a ritual. A spell that can be cast as a ritual means instead of using a spell slot you cast the spell as a ritual, which takes an extra 10 minutes to cast. What this is for, is so that you can cast the spell outside of battle for free instead of using up a spell slot. You can't ritual cast in battle because battle time is much quicker than that.
Did I mark that spell as a ritual or is this predetermined for spells?

I'm not quite sure I fully get this.
Is everyone just screenshotting the pages of their player sheets to add them to their post?
I am

I use this app to make it into one long image


Nootie Plucker

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
This is super helpful - thank you!

I'm assuming Bardic Inspiration is basically a buff for a party member? Any idea what the 4 check boxes and long rest mean?
Pretty sure the boxes are how many times you can use it before you have to take a long rest and recharge them. You check one off each time.

In addition to Actions and Bonus Actions that you get each round of combat, there's also Reactions that you can take on other people's turn when something happens to trigger them, like Opportunity Attacks or the Feather Fall spell I took. And then Free Actions like dropping something or speaking. I believe you can only do one of each per round.
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Nootie Plucker

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's a lot of crap to learn and will probably be information overload for most until you get used to it. Combat is going to be the rough part, but I think this is a pretty good cheat sheet to use: https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Combat#content

Also I plan on putting a lot of focus onto healing and defense, so hopefully that helps with the whole dying thing as well :tease
That's how I just did mine to. Also just learned how to crop a screen shot image on my phone. Surprisingly easy to do these days. Would have been easier with the snip it tool on a computer, but then I have to log into a computer.

I believe the purpose Vash had with this is so that he as a DM could have a copy of your character stat info easy for reference. It's also a cool way as you level up and stuff to see where you started and how you've grown.
  • Hmm
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