U.S.A. What are your expectations for the upcoming presidential election?

Joseph Snapple

You don't know how to treat the Crypt Keeper!
GW Elder
I expect Trump to win because the Democratic party of 2024, corporate-beholden as it is, has no answer to fascism and really no answer for much of anything. It's an ineffectual party of career climbers who can make vague allusions to progressive values here and there but that's about it. Genocidin' Joe and his decades-out-of-date politics certainly ain't helping.

Related, a secondary thing I expect is for anyone who gives a shit about Palestine to be blamed for a Biden loss if voter disengagement can be blamed on that.
Related, a secondary thing I expect is for anyone who gives a shit about Palestine to be blamed for a Biden loss if voter disengagement can be blamed on that
I don't think it's an unfair critique, given how many Muslim voters there are in some of the swing states, and given how Biden's stance on Israel has completely turned some voters away from the Dem party. The only problem is that there's no viable alternative if you're a single-issue voter. Trump would not be better, and arguably would be worse.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I expect Trump to win because the Democratic party of 2024, corporate-beholden as it is, has no answer to fascism and really no answer for much of anything. It's an ineffectual party of career climbers who can make vague allusions to progressive values here and there but that's about it. Genocidin' Joe and his decades-out-of-date politics certainly ain't helping.

Related, a secondary thing I expect is for anyone who gives a shit about Palestine to be blamed for a Biden loss if voter disengagement can be blamed on that.

That’s a good point, and feeds into the “divide and conquer” mentality that allows idiots like Trump to be voted in in the first place. As many people that liked and respected Bernie Sanders’ views… how many people effectively wasted their votes on him that could have potentially contributed to a more suitable democratic candidate? The same thing seems to be barely in the works now, with the likes of RFK Jr. and others trying to dip their feet in the pool early on. More candidates seem good on paper, but they end up breaking up the votes from what I’ve seen.

I don't think it's an unfair critique, given how many Muslim voters there are in some of the swing states, and given how Biden's stance on Israel has completely turned some voters away from the Dem party. The only problem is that there's no viable alternative if you're a single-issue voter. Trump would not be better, and arguably would be worse.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. That’s what I’m getting at… it’s easy to pick on the right and call out their bullshit because it’s clear as day, just like it’s easy to pick on the left as well, but their bullshit is steeped in layer upon layer and decade upon decade of bad decision making and opportunistic behavior.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I don't have time to quote and respond with huge paragraphs but there are two points I would like to make.

One is the fundamental brain differences between those who trend conservative and those who trend liberal. Yes, there have been studies about this. I am making a generalization of course, there are exceptions, but basically: the right amygdala tends to be larger in conservative-leaning humans. This part of the brain is important for threat assessment and emotional regulation. Liberals tend to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex, which can lead to more tolerance of uncertainty.

When watching the same video, there are measurably different neural responses in conservatives/liberals.

Obviously other factors apply, such as your environment and experiences.

Now a whole thread could touch on this subject, but to bring it back to here, I'm seeing some sentences about how the Democratic Party is ineffective. (To make my stance clear for transparency, I am registered with the Democratic Party, however I do not agree with everything they do, we don't have an effective third party system and so out of my options this is where I feel I fit best).

I believe part of this is because our different reactions to things, including the brain differences. Republicans (who themselves are a big tent party, though there are cracks; divided between wall street rich types [the Dems also have these], one-issue voters, Christians, conspiracy theorists, the gamut...) generally circle the wagons when something is threatening one of their own, NOT ALWAYS (such as when the politician does something bad to their own Republican donors, that's a no no), but generally. Democrats don't do this on the same level. Anyone remember Al Franken? We are also more likely to sit out, to not use the one major power we have (voting).

This often leads to split branches of government. Like I think about the Obama years and how he was trying to compromise and get stuff passed, but he was stonewalled every step of the way, cumulating in a watered down version of his healthcare law and supreme court seat gone wrong. The republicans in power want as little government as possible, so they don't have meaningful solutions to problems. They generally will do whatever legally possible to gain power, and what is left is generally on the other side. This can show as ineffectiveness because we don't circle the wagons and meaningful solutions are hard. The status quo is easier but lazier.

I also think it's somewhat unfair to say examine Biden's 40 year political history and say it's on par with Trump or whatever. A politician always has to play the political game and what is going on at the time. Like I think about Obama and how he "evolved" on gay marriage. Yeah, that whole thing sucked, I don't want to discount a gay person's experience then. But he also had to be careful to get really important legislation passed with a razor thin majority. He had to weigh the views of the time in order to do what he thought was the most pressing thing at the time. He made a call about what to do back then, right or wrong.

I want to be very clear that I am NOT super excited about Biden. I am unhappy about a number of his "stuff." YES, the Dems also have problematic stuff going on. But these are the two parties we have. Which leads me to the second point.

The presidential election is not the time to sit out. Again, we've built a system that discourages third parties, so one of these two people are going to be president. The presidential election has always been "pick what you feel is the least worst option." Not voting diminishes the only power you have. In fact, the presidential election is the only thing we do on a national level for a vote...we don't vote on initiatives nationally for example, unlike famous Brexit.

Yeah it'd be great if this wasn't the case, if we had maybe ranked voting, more viable third parties, etc etc. But that work begins far before the election. And you have to collectively put in the work. Not just bitch on the internet.


Horror Movie Guru
I kind of expect Trump to win this time.

I just hope Obama runs against him in 2028 and mops the floor.

Yes I know Presidents are supposed to be two-term only. It doesn't matter; Trump will run for a third term arguing that non-consecutive terms don't count or some stupid shit that everyone will just go along with anyway.

That would get shot down as soon as he tried it and he'd end up looking like an idiot in the process.

Fire Queen

official GWF wolfmistress (sometimes) | she/they
GW Elder
As many people that liked and respected Bernie Sanders’ views… how many people effectively wasted their votes on him that could have potentially contributed to a more suitable democratic candidate?
help me understand here—did a lot of people write bernie in in 2016? should i not have voted for him in the 2020 democratic primary? because something a lot of people forget about is that as soon as bernie had even a shot in the dark chance of getting the nom that year, several candidates dropped out in exchange for future positions in biden’s cabinet, he won the SC primary, and was basically handed the nomination on a silver platter while snow was still falling in some states

editing in another point: ballot access comes down to how much money you have full stop. there will never be a candidate that exists in the same income bracket as most americans and that goes for both parties. it is patently unreal and bizarre how trump is simultaneously the master of the deal and got sooooo rich because he’s soooooo good at business but at the same time he NEEDS your money and your donations to make sure that the evil woke far-left democratic party doesn’t *checks notes* replace elementary school sex ed with whore moans


Horror Movie Guru
help me understand here—did a lot of people write bernie in in 2016? should i not have voted for him in the 2020 democratic primary? because something a lot of people forget about is that as soon as bernie had even a shot in the dark chance of getting the nom that year, several candidates dropped out in exchange for future positions in biden’s cabinet, he won the SC primary, and was basically handed the nomination on a silver platter while snow was still falling in some states

Bernie Sanders was fucked over not once, but twice, in back to back primaries. It's hard to fathom he had a shot whatsoever of defeating Clinton OR Biden. The DNC didnt want him as their nominee.
  • Agree
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
help me understand here—did a lot of people write bernie in in 2016? should i not have voted for him in the 2020 democratic primary? because something a lot of people forget about is that as soon as bernie had even a shot in the dark chance of getting the nom that year, several candidates dropped out in exchange for future positions in biden’s cabinet, he won the SC primary, and was basically handed the nomination on a silver platter while snow was still falling in some states

That I’m not sure of, but I personally think he would have been a better candidate than Biden or Clinton on his principles alone. It’s just a shame that he wasn’t given the backing the other candidates got, because I think we would have seen a different outcome had it been Sanders vs. Trump.

editing in another point: ballot access comes down to how much money you have full stop. there will never be a candidate that exists in the same income bracket as most americans and that goes for both parties. it is patently unreal and bizarre how trump is simultaneously the master of the deal and got sooooo rich because he’s soooooo good at business but at the same time he NEEDS your money and your donations to make sure that the evil woke far-left democratic party doesn’t *checks notes* replace elementary school sex ed with whore moans

I won’t argue that at all… how any politician needs OUR money to win an election is beyond me. If your cause is just enough, you shouldn’t need flashy commercials and tour buses. Make your points. Stand on your position. Run your race. If only politics was as simple as I want it to be in my head…
Bernie Sanders was fucked over not once, but twice, in back to back primaries. It's hard to fathom he had a shot whatsoever of defeating Clinton OR Biden. The DNC didnt want him as their nominee.

lol yeah my least favorite word of the year for 2016 was “superdelegates”
I still think it's kind of suss that in the 2020 primary, everyone trailing Biden suddenly decided to drop out and back him even though they were still doing pretty well, just because Sanders was projected to rack up most of the states in Super Tuesday.
Which is exactly why when someone like me makes a comment down those lines, it’s perceived that way. I get it. It’s a form of deflection, but there’s nothing for me to deflect from. I just happen to think they’re two different kinds of garbage human being that represent two ends of a system that hasn’t done anything to truly help anyone but themselves in quite some time.

I would definitely agree with that sentiment if they were more successful than they were, but despite breaching the Capitol and the assaults, they really didn’t accomplish much for their numbers. Maybe I’m thinking too theoretically, but I can’t help but think that if a mob of that size really wanted to seize control, they would have at least made a better attempt. I’m not trying to downplay what they did manage to do, but I don’t think those clowns collectively had it in them to actually pull off something of that scale. With that in my mind, it’s hard for me to see a single day of dumbasses being dumbasses as a situation more or less destructive than people that were actually in a position of power and actively contributing to decisions that negatively impacted generations of people. Is it the implication that they could have overturned the government that makes people think it’s such a bad situation? I’m genuinely asking, because I have always been of the mentality that people who are bold enough to do things like think they can overthrow the federal government dressed like wannabe soldiers do them for attention and a reaction from people, and the only way that they’ll go away is if you just don’t feed into it. Terrorism wins if you’re terrorized, you know? I’ll gladly admit if I got this wrong, but I just don’t like the idea of treating those fools like a force to reckon with because as soon as there’s fear… they’ve already won. That doesn’t mean they should be ignored, either, it’s just not something I think we should fear as much as the media made it out to be. Call it a riot, call it breaking and entering a federal building, call it murder and assault, but those clowns were no closer to running the show than you or I.
That's your counter argument? That yeah they did it but they didn't succeed so who cares? Sorry but that doesn't cut it.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Biden’s a career politician, which makes him a crook by default. You don’t get to stay in politics for as long as he has without serving a couple special interests, a few quid pro quo’s, or some sore knees. Look no further than his track record of legislation dating back to before his run as VP for examples regarding the demographics he’s attempting to represent and you tell me if that’s someone you want on your side. He’s just as prejudice and judgemental as any other white bread politician, he just isn’t as blatant as the competition and he thinks everyone’s memory of his political past is as hazy as his.
I'm not saying his track record is perfect or even great. You stated, "the idea that one of these guys is better than the other is not something I believe". I am saying Biden is objectively, without question, better than Trump.

Although I do also think he's done a lot more good than he gets credit for. And I don't think we should penalize somebody who changes their stance on issues over a 40 year career. The alternative is if somebody is on the wrong side of an issue at the start, they must stay there forever, which is obviously ridiculous.

It becomes a problem when politicians flip flop so often that you can't trust them to keep to what they said for any length of time, or if they can't justify their change in stance. I'll admit I haven't followed Biden's entire career closely enough to know if he's guilty of that.

Pre-wake and bake. You get it.
Haha, fair enough!

Both being bad doesn't mean equally bad, but that's something a lot of people tend to say.
To be clear, I'm all for criticizing Biden. Even Obama did things I very much disagree with. But when you throw your hands up and say everybody is equally bad, you're allowing the truly evil to thrive.

Economy? Come on now... You have to know that each new incoming president inherits his predecessor's economy for AT LEAST the first two years. Meaning that great economy Trump touted? A result of holdover Obama stuff. The terrible economy the Republicans and Trump are pushing on Biden? A result of the holdover Trump policies.
He also inherited a pandemic! Of course the economy was going to have problems. That's not Biden's fault. It's not anyone's fault.

I'm sure there is PLENTY more [awful things Trump did] I'm missing, but this is what came to mind just off the top.
Yeah, my list was obviously not exhaustive because who has that much time? But even the top five things are enough to make it no competition at all.

I’m simply trying to look at the big picture, and I can’t help but blame those guys that set everything in motion for a guy like Trump to get elected in the first place. Democrat. Republican. Doesn’t really matter which side they’re on, because there are career guys on both sides that have contributed to the mess that led up to 2016 and 2020.
The fact that they both do harm and both contributed to our broken system does not make them equal. Yes, the Dems have lots of problems. But I'd still choose them over a party that is willing to burn down democracy to stay in power, or wants to roll back civil rights, or refuses to acknowledge that presenting our environment is essential for our survival.

Say Dems are bad all you like! There's plenty to criticize, so I doubt you'll get much argument. But please stop saying they are the same. They are not.

If you’re a democrat, and you couldn’t collectively come up with a candidate to secure a victory over him, what does that say about your party? If you’re a Republican, and you couldn’t come up with a candidate better than him, what does that say about your party?
Yeah, I completely agree with this. It's pathetic we can't run a better pair of candidates out of hundreds of millions of people in this country.

For the record, I haven’t voted for Trump either time he ran, and I don’t intend to this. He’s a clown, and the only redeeming thing about him is the jokes that come at his expense.
I never thought that you did. But did you vote against him? I kinda doubt you voted at all. If everyone voted, Trump never would have won.

just happen to think they’re two different kinds of garbage human being that represent two ends of a system that hasn’t done anything to truly help anyone but themselves in quite some time.
It's not true that Biden's administration has never helped anyone. A few things off the top of my head:
- Got rid of non compete agreements for everybody except highly bad executives
- Is getting the DEA to move cannabis to schedule 3
- Got student loans forgiven for many students that were suffering financial hardship, had dedicated themselves to public service, or were defrauded by their schools (thanks Trump for refusing to process all applications to cancel debts due to fraud by schools and costing me tens of thousands of dollars!)

There's plenty more, and those things really do help people who need it in tangible ways. He doesn't get everything right, he doesn't do as much as he should, but he's not only doing harm. You just don't hear about boring stuff like non compete agreements because Trump farting in a courtroom gets more clicks.

I would definitely agree with that sentiment if they were more successful than they were, but despite breaching the Capitol and the assaults, they really didn’t accomplish much for their numbers. ... With that in my mind, it’s hard for me to see a single day of dumbasses being dumbasses as a situation more or less destructive than people that were actually in a position of power and actively contributing to decisions that negatively impacted generations of people. Is it the implication that they could have overturned the government that makes people think it’s such a bad situation?
The harm is that a whole bunch of people lost faith in our elections being fair to the point where they violently attempted to overthrow our government. People have to trust our elections are free and fair, or our entire democracy will fall apart. And if the only consequence to Trump is that it didn't work, then there's no reason other people won't try the same thing. And they already have! Kari Lake spun the same stolen election nonsense and wasn't meaningfully punished for it. Elected officials have refused to certify elections! It's only a matter of time before somebody is successful.

That’s a good point, and feeds into the “divide and conquer” mentality that allows idiots like Trump to be voted in in the first place. As many people that liked and respected Bernie Sanders’ views… how many people effectively wasted their votes on him that could have potentially contributed to a more suitable democratic candidate? The same thing seems to be barely in the works now, with the likes of RFK Jr. and others trying to dip their feet in the pool early on. More candidates seem good on paper, but they end up breaking up the votes from what I’ve seen.
I don't know what you mean by wasted their votes on Bernie. I voted for him in the primary, but I was still able to for for Clinton in the general election. Unless you think he split the primary vote with another candidate? I don't remember that happening, but it's possible.

Again, ranked choice voting would fix this (not saying it solves every problem, but it does solve this one).

One is the fundamental brain differences between those who trend conservative and those who trend liberal. Yes, there have been studies about this. I am making a generalization of course, there are exceptions, but basically: the right amygdala tends to be larger in conservative-leaning humans. This part of the brain is important for threat assessment and emotional regulation. Liberals tend to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex, which can lead to more tolerance of uncertainty.
Hmm, this is really interesting. I hate uncertainty, so it surprises me to hear that. I would've guessed the difference is more that conservatives prioritize themselves to the point where they are unwilling to accept a small harm in order to do a large amount of good for others, whereas progressive are willing to make that tradeoff. IMO that's also why even our "left wing" is so conservative, because Americans in general highly value independence and caring for themselves, and caring for the community generally comes second.

Republicans are oddly unconcerned with things like climate change and pandemics if they're generally worried about risk and uncertainty. Or maybe it's easier to deny those things exist so they don't have to face the uncertainty at all?

The presidential election is not the time to sit out. Again, we've built a system that discourages third parties, so one of these two people are going to be president. The presidential election has always been "pick what you feel is the least worst option." Not voting diminishes the only power you have. In fact, the presidential election is the only thing we do on a national level for a vote...we don't vote on initiatives nationally for example, unlike famous Brexit.
Yes, thank you! Well said. You don't have to like your choices, but refusing to make a choice isn't going to change that one of those guys will be president. Vote for the one that's closest to what you want, even if it's still very far.

If your cause is just enough, you shouldn’t need flashy commercials and tour buses. Make your points. Stand on your position. Run your race. If only politics was as simple as I want it to be in my head…
Lololol. Oh man, you're funny.

In all seriousness, another major problem with our elections is that money is considered speech. You can't possibly complete against somebody who has a billion dollars to get their name out there if you have only pennies to spend. IMO there should be a small budget for campaigning, maybe even paid for by the government, and you can't spend any money in addition to that. It'd level the playing field and take away a lot of power from the rich.
It becomes a problem when politicians flip flop so often that you can't trust them to keep to what they said for any length of time, or if they can't justify their change in stance. I'll admit I haven't followed Biden's entire career closely enough to know if he's guilty of that.
The biggest knock on Biden from a Democrat position is his voting patterns while in the Senate were completely counter to what he ran on. He ran on Democrat policy then voted for big business, capitalism and pharma. He was easily bought as a politician and everyone knew it.

He also inherited a pandemic! Of course the economy was going to have problems. That's not Biden's fault. It's not anyone's fault.
I completely and wholeheartedly agree.

Yeah, my list was obviously not exhaustive because who has that much time? But even the top five things are enough to make it no competition at all.
Again, no argument from me. The man shouldn't be an option. He should be in jail.

Yeah, I completely agree with this. It's pathetic we can't run a better pair of candidates out of hundreds of millions of people in this country.
I don't think it's that we can't. It's that we won't.

The way candidates are chosen is in itself, political. It's why Hilary won out in 16. She was the Dem darling that they thought would easily win women and progressive votes to just waltz in to the White House. Of course, that didn't work because she's not very likeable. And, as we've now seen, Trump was fabricating stories effectively against everyone. So, with Biden, the Dems are now hoping and leaning on him getting the incumbency boost. Which won't be enough unless 1) people GET OUT AND ACTUALLY VOTE FOR HIM and 2) he starts winning over more of the independent voters in swing states.

To expand on 1 briefly, the mentality of "I don't like either so I won't vote for either" mentality is a VERY real and VERY dangerous one this year. Choosing to not vote or choosing a third party inherently hurts Dems more (which is why RFK's family supporting Biden was so important; that and it appears, as of now, he's pulling more right leaning independents off Trump... but that's not likely to hold up). Typically, conservatives are the ones that are guaranteed to go out to the polls and vote as they believe in their "civic duty." Liberals are more likely to not vote if they don't care about the candidates. Doing so here, leans things in favor of Republicans. Additionally, and by the same token, voting for a third party or a random write in also favors the Republicans. (Funny story, I admittedly had a bipartisan write in of Donald Duck for president with a running mate of Daffy Duck during the Obama reelection year. I was funnily enough, I was one of three people that voted for Donald Duck that year! It was in the news... Hilary had the most write in, which expands my point above that she was their darling, but I digress...)

This is amplified by the fact that 2020 was the largest ever turnout BECAUSE of COVID and mail in ballots, which the Republicans have worked hard to mostly eradicate for this cycle. You will NOT see 140 million+ vote this cycle in what's projected close again. And that is again, dangerous as all fuck. The only way to shut Trump up is to beat his ass so badly, he cannot debate losing. That will never happen, I know, but imagine if he wins... imagine if he loses and it's close... He can't come up with a single piece of evidence of fraud but the fucking idiot hasn't shut up about it for four years. Why?

Because the mantra he learned and lives every aspect of his life as is: Deny, Divert, Discredit and above all Never Admit Defeat.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Because the mantra he learned and lives every aspect of his life as is: Deny, Divert, Discredit and above all Never Admit Defeat.

You forgot:

dodgeball GIF

I’ll write up more tomorrow. I’m baked, and I don’t wanna fry anyone else’s brain cells with replies to good points.
  • Chef’s Kiss
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Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
This is amplified by the fact that 2020 was the largest ever turnout BECAUSE of COVID and mail in ballots, which the Republicans have worked hard to mostly eradicate for this cycle. You will NOT see 140 million+ vote this cycle in what's projected close again. And that is again, dangerous as all fuck.
Ugh, I hate this so much. I live in a state that does all voting by mail and it's the best. Everybody loves it, regardless of political affiliation. It's so stupid this got politicized.

Funnily enough, Democrats originally opposed it because they thought it would make it easier for rural residents to vote and give Republicans an edge. However, it's been shown to not give either party an advantage. It just increases voter participation in general, which is a good thing that everyone should support.

So yeah, Mark is not wrong about the parties being equally shitty in some ways.


Active Member
GW Elder

The idea of the lesser of two evils is still evil is a solid point 99.999999% of the time. Unfortunately the .000001% of the time is this election. A Trump win, and/or one or both of the houses falling into republican hands along with the supreme court will lead to the end of this country, or at least the end of the constitution it is based on. A weakened USA will lead to a lot of bad things happening around the world; not anything less than Russia continuing an expanding campaign, China possibly invading Taiwan, worse, Korea, the Middle East exploding into possibly nuclear war, all at the same time, a lot of facist shit happening domestically from police, state, national leaders to suppress people worse than what we are seeing today,

While I heavily agree with the point of the comic, it's that kind of stuff that will deter voters and lead to another Trump presidency and the initiation of Project 2025. Let's get through the election, avoid disaster, and fight and oppose our leaders after Trump had no power and dies from dementia


Northern Lights
GW Elder
Surprised that Biden didn’t stand down at some point during his time in office. I know he’s wanted this his whole life but there would have never been a better opportunity to have a woman in the Oval Office. Would have been a huge moment for history. Regardless of opinion on Kamala.
To be clear, I'm all for criticizing Biden. Even Obama did things I very much disagree with. But when you throw your hands up and say everybody is equally bad, you're allowing the truly evil to thrive.
100% agree, and that is 99% of the time when "both sides" argument is thrown out, is to let the obvious more evil survive

Ugh, I hate this so much. I live in a state that does all voting by mail and it's the best. Everybody loves it, regardless of political affiliation. It's so stupid this got politicized.
It just increases voter participation in general, which is a good thing that everyone should support.

Technically higher voter turn out usually favors the Dems, at least of now. Those rural and always R voters will always come out and vote
  • They’re Right, You Know?
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I still think it's kind of suss that in the 2020 primary, everyone trailing Biden suddenly decided to drop out and back him even though they were still doing pretty well, just because Sanders was projected to rack up most of the states in Super Tuesday.

That’s a good example of my rationale for candidates like Sanders dropping out late into campaigning, and why I feel like they’re wasting votes, @Kat . Although I don’t follow politics as heavy as some people here, it always struck me as odd that candidates in serious contention for a nomination are all-in one week and throwing their support behind their competitor the next.

That's your counter argument? That yeah they did it but they didn't succeed so who cares? Sorry but that doesn't cut it.

I dunno what to tell you, dude. If these are the boogeymen that you think honestly stand a chance at taking over this country from the federal government, then by all means…


…but from where I’m from, and where I’m sitting, I would certainly be more concerned about those clowns with congressional pins and ID lanyards instead of these cosplaying fools. That’s all, I’m not trying to be argumentative and say you’re wrong for thinking they’re a problem, because you and everyone else are right, they are a problem. The suits just stand a better chance at making me lose sleep over the Trump loyalists.

I'm not saying his track record is perfect or even great. You stated, "the idea that one of these guys is better than the other is not something I believe". I am saying Biden is objectively, without question, better than Trump.

Generally speaking, as a character? Yes. The wolf in sheep’s clothing will always appear to be the lesser threat than the wolf baring its fangs. Ask any non-white person with a general knowledge of politics above the age of 50 what they think of Biden, and you’ll hear about a totally different man than the ice cream-loving, Corvette-driving, friend of Barack Obama. You’ll hear about an out of touch white dude from Delaware that lies about having friends from all types of backgrounds despite being from the whitest part of one of the whitest Mid-Atlantic states who either authored, backed, contributed to, or signed off on all kinds of destructive legislation that directed affected “colored people” (you know… what he called “them” before he got tied into a campaign with his buddy Barry) in his neighboring states because he didn’t want that kind of trouble bleeding into his state. You’ll hear about a guy that had the same feelings towards women’s rights as your great great grandpappy that could have married a minor and owned her for life if he wanted to. This isn’t a guy that can have a change of heart without it directly affecting his bottom line first. He didn’t give two shits about anyone that didn’t fit into the white picket fence in suburban America mold no different than the very Trump supporters we’re tired of hearing about.

Although I do also think he's done a lot more good than he gets credit for. And I don't think we should penalize somebody who changes their stance on issues over a 40 year career. The alternative is if somebody is on the wrong side of an issue at the start, they must stay there forever, which is obviously ridiculous.

It’s alarming in the same sense that someone like Webster is alarming to the trans community here. Posing as an ally, a friend even, when your heart lies elsewhere is a dangerous angle to play. While I agree that you’re right about the alternative, being on the wrong side and staying there, I don’t believe that someone posing as a supporter of a cause in order to gather a few thousand more votes is someone I want on my side. Obvious enemies are easy to deal with… the ones posing as friends aren’t.

It becomes a problem when politicians flip flop so often that you can't trust them to keep to what they said for any length of time, or if they can't justify their change in stance. I'll admit I haven't followed Biden's entire career closely enough to know if he's guilty of that.

You’ve essentially defined what older voters who’ve been around for Biden’s earlier years see when they think of him. Beyond the party’s need for votes, there’s a reason why they’ve targeted younger voters that aren’t as familiar with his handiwork as the older ones that he’s already soured. Again, not saying he’s any worse than Trump, he’s just a different kind of fucked up.

Haha, fair enough!

It’s alright, you got me post-wake and bake today. I can make words.

To be clear, I'm all for criticizing Biden. Even Obama did things I very much disagree with. But when you throw your hands up and say everybody is equally bad, you're allowing the truly evil to thrive.

I don’t disagree with this at all, but I refuse to give points to one just because I take them away from another, you know? Trump being a piece of shit doesn’t excuse the shitty things Biden has done, and vice-versa.

He also inherited a pandemic! Of course the economy was going to have problems. That's not Biden's fault. It's not anyone's fault.

I don’t think any president could have handled the pandemic any better or worse than what we saw. Unfortunately, we can attribute most of how we were affected by the other shitheads in politics playing games while the public died off and suffered. They didn’t need to care… they still got their salary, they still had their jobs and homes, and the lockdowns clearly didn’t affect any of them beyond giving them an excuse to skip work. I say shame on the entirety of the federal government for the pandemic response, they all deserve the be blamed.

The fact that they both do harm and both contributed to our broken system does not make them equal. Yes, the Dems have lots of problems. But I'd still choose them over a party that is willing to burn down democracy to stay in power, or wants to roll back civil rights, or refuses to acknowledge that presenting our environment is essential for our survival.

I like the fact that you use the phrase “burn down democracy” when referring to the very same political party that was in charge of the city I grew up in back in 2015 when the mayor instructed the police and citizens to “give protestors space to destroy” when myself and others got to look out of our car windows and front doors and see our city burning while the people in charge did nothing but watch and excuse it. It’s a pretty good metaphor for what happens on a national scale given the opportunity, as we saw in 2020. Both sides want to burn down democracy as we knew it in favor of their flavor of democracy, and neither are acceptable for the average American of any race, religion, or gender. They both put us all at risk, but to different threats.

Say Dems are bad all you like! There's plenty to criticize, so I doubt you'll get much argument. But please stop saying they are the same. They are not.

I’ll give you that, they’re two totally different sides of the spectrum of wrong.

Yeah, I completely agree with this. It's pathetic we can't run a better pair of candidates out of hundreds of millions of people in this country.

And you KNOW there are far more people qualified for the job floating around out there than those we hear about.

I never thought that you did. But did you vote against him? I kinda doubt you voted at all. If everyone voted, Trump never would have won.

In 2016, yes. In 2020, I didn’t vote.

It's not true that Biden's administration has never helped anyone. A few things off the top of my head:
- Got rid of non compete agreements for everybody except highly bad executives
- Is getting the DEA to move cannabis to schedule 3
- Got student loans forgiven for many students that were suffering financial hardship, had dedicated themselves to public service, or were defrauded by their schools (thanks Trump for refusing to process all applications to cancel debts due to fraud by schools and costing me tens of thousands of dollars!)

Wasn’t the non-compete thing and the student loan thing both things he campaigned on to a large demographic that he was kinda obligated to go for, and yet he still ended up agreeing on different terms on both than what was originally proposed?

As far as rescheduling cannabis… as happy as it makes me, it isn’t lost on me that it was conveniently announced shortly after a cannabis “holiday” and roughly 6 months out from the election.

There's plenty more, and those things really do help people who need it in tangible ways. He doesn't get everything right, he doesn't do as much as he should, but he's not only doing harm. You just don't hear about boring stuff like non compete agreements because Trump farting in a courtroom gets more clicks.

Sensational political reporting does have to go, I agree with that. However, I can’t help but think that kind of bullshit is used to distract us from the actual bullshit going on in Washington year after year.

The harm is that a whole bunch of people lost faith in our elections being fair to the point where they violently attempted to overthrow our government. People have to trust our elections are free and fair, or our entire democracy will fall apart. And if the only consequence to Trump is that it didn't work, then there's no reason other people won't try the same thing. And they already have! Kari Lake spun the same stolen election nonsense and wasn't meaningfully punished for it. Elected officials have refused to certify elections! It's only a matter of time before somebody is successful.

I don’t believe that. I believe that it’s a fear campaign that led those idiots to Washington in the first place on the 6th, and it’s a fear campaign on the other side to convince people that the end is near if some dipshit breaks into the Capitol and puts his feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk. Far more offensive and dangerous stuff happens there on a daily basis. To think that the crowd we saw on the 6th even possesses a fraction of what it takes to overthrow the government gives them far more credit than they deserve.

I don't know what you mean by wasted their votes on Bernie. I voted for him in the primary, but I was still able to for for Clinton in the general election. Unless you think he split the primary vote with another candidate? I don't remember that happening, but it's possible.

Again, ranked choice voting would fix this (not saying it solves every problem, but it does solve this one).

Maybe “wasted” was a misrepresentation of what you or others intended, but in the grand scheme… there was Trump representing the republicans and multiple candidates representing everyone else, splitting votes that could have potentially worked together to defeat him.

Lololol. Oh man, you're funny.

Thank you, thank you, I try… when I’m not systematically shitting on the entire government.

In all seriousness, another major problem with our elections is that money is considered speech. You can't possibly complete against somebody who has a billion dollars to get their name out there if you have only pennies to spend. IMO there should be a small budget for campaigning, maybe even paid for by the government, and you can't spend any money in addition to that. It'd level the playing field and take away a lot of power from the rich.

I love this idea. It could be done like a loan, if you don’t win, you pay it back and it goes into the pool for next time. If you do win, you pay it back anyway as part of your reinvestment into the government to keep the wheels turning. No one gets a free campaign, but no one gets unlimited cap space either.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Technically higher voter turn out usually favors the Dems, at least of now. Those rural and always R voters will always come out and vote
People think that, but that's not what data has shown. Some red states, like Utah, use the same system. Surely they'd get rid of it if it were hurting the politicians in power there.

You can Google yourself if you don't believe me, but here are a couple sources:

I scrolled through the first page of results and couldn't find any that said otherwise. My search was "does mail in voting favor either party".
Generally speaking, as a character? Yes. The wolf in sheep’s clothing will always appear to be the lesser threat than the wolf baring its fangs. Ask any non-white person with a general knowledge of politics above the age of 50 what they think of Biden, and you’ll hear about a totally different man than the ice cream-loving, Corvette-driving, friend of Barack Obama. You’ll hear about an out of touch white dude from Delaware that lies about having friends from all types of backgrounds despite being from the whitest part of one of the whitest Mid-Atlantic states who either authored, backed, contributed to, or signed off on all kinds of destructive legislation that directed affected “colored people” (you know… what he called “them” before he got tied into a campaign with his buddy Barry) in his neighboring states because he didn’t want that kind of trouble bleeding into his state. You’ll hear about a guy that had the same feelings towards women’s rights as your great great grandpappy that could have married a minor and owned her for life if he wanted to. This isn’t a guy that can have a change of heart without it directly affecting his bottom line first. He didn’t give two shits about anyone that didn’t fit into the white picket fence in suburban America mold no different than the very Trump supporters we’re tired of hearing about.

This doesn't really make much sense when you remember that in 2020 Biden turned up to the first primary with a majority black population (South Carolina) and steamrollered everyone to such an extent that it effectively made everyone else bar Sanders pack it in there and then.

Looking at age, in that SC primary Biden won black voters aged over 60 by 75%-9%, black voters aged 45-59 by 62%-15% and black voters aged 30-44 by 44%-22%. Sanders actually won black voters aged under 30 by a narrow 38%-36% margin. So really his popularity with black voters scales with age in more or less the opposite direction to what you claimed.
Dude did I not earlier express my extreme skepticism over these loons conducting a successful "civil war"?

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about a sitting president literally trying to rewrite the rules so he can't lose elections (like other despots around the world have been known to do). He called up polling places trying to pressure everyone from governors down to polling-place workers to lie about the ballots, tried to pressure his own VP to throw out the results, and when all that failed he tried to get his followers to take the capital by force.

You boiling the whole thing down to just the shaman guy is just plain asinine.
…but from where I’m from, and where I’m sitting, I would certainly be more concerned about those clowns with congressional pins and ID lanyards instead of these cosplaying fools. That’s all, I’m not trying to be argumentative and say you’re wrong for thinking they’re a problem, because you and everyone else are right, they are a problem. The suits just stand a better chance at making me lose sleep over the Trump loyalists.
While I agree with the premise of your post wholeheartedly, you can't ignore the cosplaying fools either, because they are unhinged, gun toting assholes. Remember what Trump said about them at the rally. He didn't care about them carrying firearms and to let them in.. because they weren't here for him. That's the danger here. Those are brainwashed idiots with a cult leader willing to let them run amok and legit HANG his VP for not committing a Federal crime for him. They are just as dangerous, but in a different way.

Obvious enemies are easy to deal with… the ones posing as friends aren’t.
"Know your enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster."

I don’t think any president could have handled the pandemic any better or worse than what we saw.
I mean... we saw two dramatically different takes. One suggesting to inject bleach into your body and blaming China vs one working with science to come to an fundamental end to the pandemic. I think there's a right way and a wrong way for sure.

Wasn’t the non-compete thing and the student loan thing both things he campaigned on to a large demographic that he was kinda obligated to go for, and yet he still ended up agreeing on different terms on both than what was originally proposed?
He actually didn't run on the student loan thing. That was Warren and Sanders. He actually was very against it. He only said he wanted to AFTER they dropped out to help pick up the people voting for them. It was another example of Biden flipping beliefs to whomever gives him more. Plus, as a person who fell victim to predatory student loans, I was all in for the forgiveness. But they could never get that to pass short of Dems having a supermajority. Republicans know the interest from those loans are a HUGE piece of the Washington income. What they NEED to do is fix private student loan issues. One of my private loans was for $15k. I've had been paying it consistently, after working out "deals and arrangements" with Navient. Know how much I have left on that loan 20 years later? $40k. Tell me on WHAT planet is that sustainable? And doing that to hundred of thousands of student every year for decades? THAT is the problem they need to fix. But Republicans will never allow it. Hence the courts slapping it down.

Because companies like Sallie Mae and Navient pay the Republicans a fuck ton of campaign money... like the NRA.
For me I think it'll be a pretty clear Biden win, Senate goes R, House moves to barely blue.

I don't think the Gaza War will hurt Biden and I think he knows it. The vast majority of the people protesting are under the age of 40, and they simply don't vote in significant margins. Therefore their opinion is seen as irrelevant.

The old people, who WILL vote in sizable margins, think what's going on is just dandy.
For me I think it'll be a pretty clear Biden win, Senate goes R, House moves to barely blue.

I don't think the Gaza War will hurt Biden and I think he knows it. The vast majority of the people protesting are under the age of 40, and they simply don't vote in significant margins. Therefore their opinion is seen as irrelevant.

The old people, who WILL vote in sizable margins, think what's going on is just dandy.
I really hope you're right. I don't share the Senate belief necessarily with you though. There are enough Republican Senators in danger that I think it'll be close again. But I'm hoping it stays Dem.

The house has seen too many Republicans leave, and people like Greene and Gaetz have driven enough away I think that goes Dem too.

It would be FANTASTIC if we see a Dem clean sweep. A landslide for a supermajority won't happen, but would be great. Imagine the laws they could finally try to pass to counteract the stupidity of this Supreme Court? I would love to finally see women have the Federal right to choose what happens to their bodies. I would love for the LGBTQ community to not have to be worried about being misclassified and demonized by federal law. It's all a pipe dream because there are still too many idiots out there... but I am hopeful...


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I don’t disagree with this at all, but I refuse to give points to one just because I take them away from another, you know? Trump being a piece of shit doesn’t excuse the shitty things Biden has done, and vice-versa.
I'm not saying you should excuse Biden for anything. I've clearly said the opposite several times, absolutely hold him accountable. I'm saying either Biden or Trump will be president next term. It doesn't matter how lousy they both are, that's the reality. I would rather have somebody besides Biden as president for soo many reasons, but if my only other option is Trump, then that's not acceptable.

Nothing you have said about Biden is a reason to let Trump be president.

I completely agree it's a shitty situation and it never should've gotten to this point. Biden should've said from the start that he was only going to do four years and let somebody else run. But it's the situation we're in, and even if both candidates are bad, we still need to acknowledge and vote against a candidate that will be downright disastrous.

Generally speaking, as a character? Yes.
No, not generally speaking as a character or person. Do you think they will be equally bad as president for the next four years? Do you think the policy they would enact and rhetoric they would spew would affect the nation equally?

I don’t think any president could have handled the pandemic any better or worse than what we saw.
I have to disagree with you there. One guy told people to refuse to accept that the virus was a threat at all, discouraged effective and harmless mitigation actions (like masks), and touted dangerous and ineffective remedies (like eating horse medicine).

No matter what the president did, it would still have been really bad, but Trump caused so much harm that it cost him the election. (IMO he would have won a second term if not for that.)

Wasn’t the non-compete thing and the student loan thing both things he campaigned on to a large demographic that he was kinda obligated to go for, and yet he still ended up agreeing on different terms on both than what was originally proposed?
Biden did everything he could to keep his student loan campaign promise, but was shot down by the supreme court. He's still fighting to forgive loans for as many people as possible. Recently it was announced that Art Institute students will have their loans forgiven.

I'm not sure what his original promise was for non competes, I didn't realize he campaigned on that. The only exception is for highly paid executives, so even if he promised to get rid of them entirely, I'm personally fine with the results. Unless he also promised something else besides simple getting rid of them?

As far as rescheduling cannabis… as happy as it makes me, it isn’t lost on me that it was conveniently announced shortly after a cannabis “holiday” and roughly 6 months out from the election.
It takes time. They've been working on it since 2022, but there are a bunch of steps it had to go through. You're hearing about it now because it's made it to the final step.

Anyway, my point again isn't that he's enacting perfect policy, it's just that he is tangibly helping people who need it, and you said he was not helping anybody at all.

But since you want to discuss nuances of policy and I said criticize him all you want: I'm personally surprised about the rescheduling thing, considering one of the first things he did was fire any staffers who tested positive for pot, which was really shitty.

I don’t believe that. I believe that it’s a fear campaign that led those idiots to Washington in the first place on the 6th, and it’s a fear campaign on the other side to convince people that the end is near if some dipshit breaks into the Capitol and puts his feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk. Far more offensive and dangerous stuff happens there on a daily basis. To think that the crowd we saw on the 6th even possesses a fraction of what it takes to overthrow the government gives them far more credit than they deserve.
You don't believe what? That Trump told repeated lies about the election being stolen? That other politicians have started repeating those same lies when they lose elections fair and square? That people's whose job it is to certify elections were refusing to do so based on those lies? That people are losing faith in our elections being fair? Those are all things that have already happened. It's not speculation or fear mongering. Maybe you're objecting to my saying somebody will be successful in stealing an election eventually. I'll grant that's only speculation at this point, but the fact that people are trying so hard is worrisome. I hope you're right and nothing will ever come of those attempts, but that's more likely to be the outcome if we take the threat seriously.

It's not about the Jan 6 mob. I agree, they did not stand a chance of actually preventing Biden from becoming president. If anything, it's good that the lies escalated into that, because it demonstrated just how dangerous those lies are. The House had a whole bunch of people refusing to acknowledge that Biden had won until their lies directly affected them and put their safety at risk. After that, they finally did the right thing.

The point is a politician who would incite a coup should not be in power. If he's willing to do that to stay president, what else will he do? If his tactics work or at least don't result in negative consequences to him, what stops other people from trying the same thing? What will our democracy look like if nobody believes election results are accurate? That's the real problem, the undermining of our election system in general. Jan 6 just demonstrates how effective his lies were in convincing people.

This is an unpopular opinion, but I personally don't think people who rushed the Capitol because they believed Trump's lies are bad people. They're dumb for believing an obvious con man, and they do need to be punished to send a message so nobody tries that again, but their hearts were in the right place. If you truly believe an election has been stolen, you should go storm the capitol and do everything you can to prevent an illegitimate president from taking office. (People who participated when they didn't believe Trump had fairly won are another matter, of course.) They are a symptom, not the source of the problem.

The stuff you said about protestors rioting in your city is bad too, of course. If it wasn't caused by somebody actively undermining our elections, it's not really related though.

Maybe “wasted” was a misrepresentation of what you or others intended, but in the grand scheme… there was Trump representing the republicans and multiple candidates representing everyone else, splitting votes that could have potentially worked together to defeat him.
That’s a good example of my rationale for candidates like Sanders dropping out late into campaigning, and why I feel like they’re wasting votes, @Kat . Although I don’t follow politics as heavy as some people here, it always struck me as odd that candidates in serious contention for a nomination are all-in one week and throwing their support behind their competitor the next.
I'm still not following this. Candidates drop out and endorse another candidate when they feel they won't win precisely so they don't split the vote or prevent people from voting for another person in their same party.

Are you saying Bernie split the vote with another candidate in the primaries and that caused Hillary and Biden to be the nominees, when otherwise a better candidate would have won? If so, with who? I don't remember any serious contenders besides Bernie and Hillary in 2016. I feel like he lost because the DNC was committed to Hillary and didn't want him to win. (Shame on them. IMO Bernie would've won against Trump.)

Honestly I have no idea who even ran against Biden in the primaries, there was too much going on at the time for me personally to follow it.
Last edited:
I really hope you're right. I don't share the Senate belief necessarily with you though. There are enough Republican Senators in danger that I think it'll be close again. But I'm hoping it stays Dem.

There aren't any Republican senators in danger and the Dems are trying to defend seats in West Virginia, Montana, Ohio and (effectively) Arizona in an election where they can't afford to lose a single one even if Biden wins.

Edit: OK, I can't count and they could lose one if Biden wins. Point still stands though!
There aren't any Republican senators in danger and the Dems are trying to defend seats in West Virginia, Montana, Ohio and (effectively) Arizona in an election where they can't afford to lose a single one even if Biden wins.

Edit: OK, I can't count and they could lose one if Biden wins. Point still stands though!
I don't believe that's true, personally. I've heard and read various stories recently of several Republican senators in danger (with temp levels ranging from lukewarm to scalding).

Including: Toomey, Boozeman, Collins, Murkowski, Lee, Scott and Cornyn.

Of course, some if not all, would just be replaced with other Republicans, but to say they aren't defending would be narrow in view.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Of course, some if not all, would just be replaced with other Republicans, but to say they aren't defending would be narrow in view.
When it comes to discussing which party will control the house, I think it's implied that "defending" means "defending against the other party". How many of those are at risk of losing to a Democrat?
When it comes to discussing which party will control the house, I think it's implied that "defending" means "defending against the other party". How many of those are at risk of losing to a Democrat?
For the House? I'm not sure. It's a lot harder to know over 400 seats as opposed to 100 with the Senate. My post was regarding the Senate, which as dimmerwit pointed out, most aren't up for reelection this cycle. In the House? There are quite a few hot seats I've heard of. Names escape me, so I couldn't tell you if they are at risk for Dem overtake or another Republican.

But at this rate, I'd take a moderate Republican over a MAGA moron in any of those seats.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
For the House? I'm not sure. It's a lot harder to know over 400 seats as opposed to 100 with the Senate. My post was regarding the Senate, which as dimmerwit pointed out, most aren't up for reelection this cycle. In the House? There are quite a few hot seats I've heard of. Names escape me, so I couldn't tell you if they are at risk for Dem overtake or another Republican.

But at this rate, I'd take a moderate Republican over a MAGA moron in any of those seats.
I meant to include your list of people in the Senate that you said were defending.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
This doesn't really make much sense when you remember that in 2020 Biden turned up to the first primary with a majority black population (South Carolina) and steamrollered everyone to such an extent that it effectively made everyone else bar Sanders pack it in there and then.

Looking at age, in that SC primary Biden won black voters aged over 60 by 75%-9%, black voters aged 45-59 by 62%-15% and black voters aged 30-44 by 44%-22%. Sanders actually won black voters aged under 30 by a narrow 38%-36% margin. So really his popularity with black voters scales with age in more or less the opposite direction to what you claimed.

That very well be how southern democrats vote, but I don’t *think* it’s representative of how others perceive him, at least here a bit further north. I know quite a few older black people from Baltimore that voted Republican, purely out of knowledge of pre-VP Biden. I could be wrong, but in the groups of people I’ve been around… democrat support has been waning for a long time. Call it dissatisfaction with the current state of blue cities, call it dissatisfaction with Biden, call it whatever you will… but I’ve been noticing a red tinge to a historically blue city over the last several years. It might not be reflective in the polls yet, but something is happening where people are waking up and realizing that the Dems don’t necessarily have their best interests at heart, and at-best, pander to them come election season.

Dude did I not earlier express my extreme skepticism over these loons conducting a successful "civil war"?

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about a sitting president literally trying to rewrite the rules so he can't lose elections (like other despots around the world have been known to do). He called up polling places trying to pressure everyone from governors down to polling-place workers to lie about the ballots, tried to pressure his own VP to throw out the results, and when all that failed he tried to get his followers to take the capital by force.

You boiling the whole thing down to just the shaman guy is just plain asinine.

See, I can’t help but write that off as being a sore loser no different than the recount bullshit of the early 00’s election cycle. Acts of desperation that ultimately failed.

Boiling it down to the faces of the people that actually stood up for Trump isn’t meant for me to be asinine, it’s meant to show how asinine it is to fear these people… and that they exist on both sides. Remember how comical it was when Kathy Lee had that decapitated Trump head cake? Everyone had a good laugh then, but, that was still no closer or further than those idiots parading around with those shoddily constructed gallows got to actually eliminating someone from a position. If anything… their actions have made it HARDER for someone to overthrow the government, since quite a few of them have been given hefty sentences to send a message. People are going to think twice before blindly marching off to the rallies, and then the polls, and ultimately, the district.

While I agree with the premise of your post wholeheartedly, you can't ignore the cosplaying fools either, because they are unhinged, gun toting assholes. Remember what Trump said about them at the rally. He didn't care about them carrying firearms and to let them in.. because they weren't here for him. That's the danger here. Those are brainwashed idiots with a cult leader willing to let them run amok and legit HANG his VP for not committing a Federal crime for him. They are just as dangerous, but in a different way.

They are dangerous because they are the same kind of idiots that will shoot themselves in the foot removing their gun from their holster, but not because they are meticulously calculated extremists. We’ve seen how disorganized they become when their claims are shot down. We’ve seen how disorganized they become when their leadership is disrupted. David Koresh stood a better chance of organizing a mob for this kind of task, at least he knew how to control his people. The best you can expect out of Trump’s crowd is a bunch of illiterate fucks misinterpreting his misinterpretation/manipulation of the constitution. Dangerous, but manageable, as we’ve seen.

I mean... we saw two dramatically different takes. One suggesting to inject bleach into your body and blaming China vs one working with science to come to an fundamental end to the pandemic. I think there's a right way and a wrong way for sure.

Yeaaah, but, without diving into the whole Covid thing… we all were fed a lot of conflicting information all across the board. That’s why I’m so quick to say it didn’t matter who was president at the time, because nobody else seemed to have all the answers at the time either. We couldn’t solely rely on the opinion or decision of a single individual, president or not.

He actually didn't run on the student loan thing. That was Warren and Sanders. He actually was very against it. He only said he wanted to AFTER they dropped out to help pick up the people voting for them. It was another example of Biden flipping beliefs to whomever gives him more. Plus, as a person who fell victim to predatory student loans, I was all in for the forgiveness. But they could never get that to pass short of Dems having a supermajority. Republicans know the interest from those loans are a HUGE piece of the Washington income. What they NEED to do is fix private student loan issues. One of my private loans was for $15k. I've had been paying it consistently, after working out "deals and arrangements" with Navient. Know how much I have left on that loan 20 years later? $40k. Tell me on WHAT planet is that sustainable? And doing that to hundred of thousands of student every year for decades? THAT is the problem they need to fix. But Republicans will never allow it. Hence the courts slapping it down.

I stand corrected, then. If anything, that’s worse than if I was right from the start. Fuck those pandering pacifist politicians. Student loans shouldn’t be a question, especially in fields we need more of. I don’t think an elective degree should necessarily be free, but essential stuff like STEM? C’mon, looking out for our future generations should be common sense on both sides of the aisle, and the fact that it’s not is a problem.

Because companies like Sallie Mae and Navient pay the Republicans a fuck ton of campaign money... like the NRA.

Special interests in politics… another problem for another day.

I'm not saying you should excuse Biden for anything. I've clearly said the opposite several times, absolutely hold him accountable. I'm saying either Biden or Trump will be president next term. It doesn't matter how lousy they both are, that's the reality. I would rather have somebody besides Biden as president for soo many reasons, but if my only other option is Trump, then that's not acceptable.

Nothing you have said about Biden is a reason to let Trump be president.

I completely agree it's a shitty situation and it never should've gotten to this point. Biden should've said from the start that he was only going to do four years and let somebody else run. But it's the situation we're in, and even if both candidates are bad, we still need to acknowledge and vote against a candidate that will be downright disastrous.

I definitely agree that he shouldn’t have sought a second term. It’s a wonder he made it this far.

No, not generally speaking as a character or person. Do you think they will be equally bad as president for the next four years? Do you think the policy they would enact and rhetoric they would spew would affect the nation equally?

It’s hard to say right now. There are a lot of factors that’ll decide if we end up with 4 uneventful years from Biden or 4 messy years. It really all depends on how well the rest of the government plays with him during that time, and what campaign promises he doesn’t follow through with this time around. He has lost a good deal of support from some of his base voters, as has Trump with his on-the-fence voters. Unfortunately, I don’t think any of us can predict how these next 4 years are going to play out with the state of affairs here and internationally.

On the flip side… if we get 4 years of Trump, I fully expect there to be a lot of scorched earth, and a push to more of an isolationist state whilst backing the wrong people setting up an international shit show in the future.

I don’t really see a positive outcome unless people start working together and stop dividing themselves up. This country had so much potential if we had just embraced the duality of man and worked together to find a common ground, but you and I both know that the climate is set to never allow that… at least in our lifetimes.

I have to disagree with you there. One guy told people to refuse to accept that the virus was a threat at all, discouraged effective and harmless mitigation actions (like masks), and touted dangerous and ineffective remedies (like eating horse medicine).

…and positions on all of those have changed on a large scale since, both his and others.

No matter what the president did, it would still have been really bad, but Trump caused so much harm that it cost him the election. (IMO he would have won a second term if not for that.)

Agreed. Blessing in disguise, maybe.

Biden did everything he could to keep his student loan campaign promise, but was shot down by the supreme court. He's still fighting to forgive loans for as many people as possible. Recently it was announced that Art Institute students will have their loans forgiven.

That’s probably why he’s fighting so hard, because if there are art students getting their loans forgiven and not civil engineers or doctors, then we’ve got a problem of pandering going on here… since a good chunk of art students are going to be liberally-minded and democrat voters.

I'm not sure what his original promise was for non competes, I didn't realize he campaigned on that. The only exception is for highly paid executives, so even if he promised to get rid of them entirely, I'm personally fine with the results. Unless he also promised something else besides simple getting rid of them?

That I’m not sure about.

It takes time. They've been working on it since 2022, but there are a bunch of steps it had to go through. You're hearing about it now because it's made it to the final step.

Anyway, my point again isn't that he's enacting perfect policy, it's just that he is tangibly helping people who need it, and you said he was not helping anybody at all.

But since you want to discuss nuances of policy and I said criticize him all you want: I'm personally surprised about the rescheduling thing, considering one of the first things he did was fire any staffers who tested positive for pot, which was really shitty.

It takes time, or timing? There’s a difference, and I think it’s the latter.

You don't believe what? That Trump told repeated lies about the election being stolen? That other politicians have started repeating those same lies when they lose elections fair and square? That people's whose job it is to certify elections were refusing to do so based on those lies? That people are losing faith in our elections being fair? Those are all things that have already happened. It's not speculation or fear mongering. Maybe you're objecting to my saying somebody will be successful in stealing an election eventually. I'll grant that's only speculation at this point, but the fact that people are trying so hard is worrisome. I hope you're right and nothing will ever come of those attempts, but that's more likely to be the outcome if we take the threat seriously.

That people lost faith in the elections. If anything, I think this served as a reminder to all the importance of it. Those that complained about mail-in ballots might turn up now, those that thought their votes wouldn’t make a difference might get involved after how close it was for a while. I could be hopelessly optimistic, but I think we’re going to see a more substantial turnout this time around, and it’ll result in more of a marginal victory.

It's not about the Jan 6 mob. I agree, they did not stand a chance of actually preventing Biden from becoming president. If anything, it's good that the lies escalated into that, because it demonstrated just how dangerous those lies are. The House had a whole bunch of people refusing to acknowledge that Biden had won until their lies directly affected them and put their safety at risk. After that, they finally did the right thing.

It demonstrated two things:

1. You can’t take everything your perfect leader says at face-value.

2. Actions have consequence.

Those are two things that crowd seemed to have forgotten leading up to that event. All they did was drone on the same points, make an ass of themselves, and for what? Felony records and prison time at worst? Mocked by shitheads like me on the internet for looking silly at best?

The point is a politician who would incite a coup should not be in power. If he's willing to do that to stay president, what else will he do? If his tactics work or at least don't result in negative consequences to him, what stops other people from trying the same thing? What will our democracy look like if nobody believes election results are accurate? That's the real problem, the undermining of our election system in general. Jan 6 just demonstrates how effective his lies were in convincing people.

You’re not wrong, but there is a very real flip side to this. Call it the boy who cried wolf, for simplicity’s sake. What happens if we do find ourselves in a position where undermining the government is required and we kneecap ourselves from doing so because of this? That’s the argument that a lot of people on the right have a hard time explaining, but are actually closer to agreeing to the left than they’d like to think. Even if Joe Biden isn’t the devil, even if Trump isn’t a saint sent from the bronzed oranged gods, what happens if we find ourselves in a situation where people are afraid to stand up and fight because of what happened on the 6th? An authoritarian government only has one side, their side. It can come in any form, but the most likely form is the one that’ll ease into power by making people complacent, not the one who seizes by force and starts things off with chaos. Sure, it sounds very tin-foil-y, but it’s certainly not outside the realm of possibility considering the wild shit we’ve seen, no?

This is an unpopular opinion, but I personally don't think people who rushed the Capitol because they believed Trump's lies are bad people. They're dumb for believing an obvious con man, and they do need to be punished to send a message so nobody tries that again, but their hearts were in the right place. If you truly believe an election has been stolen, you should go storm the capitol and do everything you can to prevent an illegitimate president from taking office. (People who participated when they didn't believe Trump had fairly won are another matter, of course.) They are a symptom, not the source of the problem.

Agreed, and that goes in line with what I said above.

The stuff you said about protestors rioting in your city is bad too, of course. If it wasn't caused by somebody actively undermining our elections, it's not really related though.

It’s still a byproduct of the same thing, on a much smaller and much more isolated scale. Look at the election history for Baltimore city and the controversy that surround each mayor for the last couple decades. Nothing but self-serving democrats that promise hope and change and leave people angry and pissed off at the world around them. I’m one of them, and look at how despicable I think the government is.

I'm still not following this. Candidates drop out and endorse another candidate when they feel they won't win precisely so they don't split the vote or prevent people from voting for another person in their same party.

Are you saying Bernie split the vote with another candidate in the primaries and that caused Hillary and Biden to be the nominees, when otherwise a better candidate would have won? If so, with who? I don't remember any serious contenders besides Bernie and Hillary in 2016. I feel like he lost because the DNC was committed to Hillary and didn't want him to win. (Shame on them. IMO Bernie would've won against Trump.)

Honestly I have no idea who even ran against Biden in the primaries, there was too much going on at the time for me personally to follow it.

I’ll just come out and say it, Hilary was the party’s choice, but I think Bernie was the better fit for the people. Same goes for him over Biden. If those two didn’t get the push they did, and people got behind Bernie’s principles since they were more in-line with democratic values, we would be having a totally different conversation right now.


I don't like this. He's not outright saying, but it's pretty obvious what he's trying a relay. "If I win, all is fine. If I lose, kick the tires and light the fires."
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