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VTS Mafia VTS Mafia Night 3/Day 3

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GW Elder
okay, I got super fucking busy today getting ready to travel.

I think within that time frame I can write up a final post.

I don't have a vote yet, but Zell and shortkut remain the "highest", one is fairly higher than the other. but I have other suspects.
okay, I got super fucking busy today getting ready to travel.

I think within that time frame I can write up a final post.

I don't have a vote yet, but Zell and shortkut remain the "highest", one is fairly higher than the other. but I have other suspects.

Crank it out because you may very well be dead soon.

I’ll add again that I think kut and I are both likely citizens so I hope you expand beyond the top two.
Remember, protect local.
its just that simple dan aykroyd GIF by Saturday Night Live


GW Elder
I'm gonna do this relatively fast and in relative spurts so if it's not up to my usual standard... well whatever.

obviously good chance I'm dead tomorrow. I have a lot of information from my discussions with people.

I said I believed some, and others I didn't. frankly I know one of them is lying to me. just so they know who I'm talking about, when I DMed you what I DMed you, you asked me if Vash was supposed to be the one DMing you, not me.

I know you were lying, and that's fine, I respect it. but I hope you're paying close attention, because there's a good chance I'm dead tonight. your services may be required.

moving along.

Zell has been at the "top" of my suspicions since day 1, since he said he'd convict me even if he knew I was a townie. some stuff he has done has lowered that suspicion, and some of it has raised that suspicion. I'm not gonna bother giving you guys a fake arbitrary numbering system, but I think there's an above 50% chance Zell is a mobster. ...but it's not much higher than 50%. frankly, I think Zell THINKS he has a better concept of strategy than he actually does. and it's possible some of his strategy that has looked suspicious is just severely misguided. or he IS really good, and he's playing me very well.

shortkut has been on my radar since the moment he told Zell about my hidden message in my first post of day 2. whether or not the message was subtle or it wasn't, it doesn't change anything from my perspective. there's no real justification for outing someone as a powerful role util they openly do it themselves, UNLESS they're mob. some of his actions seem very suspicious to me. how many times have shortkut and I been in the same game, and how many of them have had us tearing each other's heads off? but instead shortkut "fell in line" right behind me. I lied when I said "my gut said townie" about shortkut. I am by no means positive, but my gut has been saying mob since he outed me. maybe even before that when we weren't arguing on day 1.

other people that have flown into my radar.

canadaguy has flown on my radar for a while (and is a possible check tonight depending on who's on trial, to be honest). for starters, I'm not dead. and canadaguy LOVES killing me. it's one of those things where he definitely would have done it first chance he got. but more over. canadaguy enjoys these games. but he hasn't been as active this game. not even as much shitposts. a couple of times I think he even chimed in with questions but never waited for the followup. he, like shortkut, has also been fairly agreeable with me this game, which is also uncommon. cg has enjoyed antagonizing me since the old days.

Fire Queen is another person that I know enjoys these games but hasn't been around much. I know she has said in the past she much prefers hosting and doesn't consider herself a good player. she's also admitted to being bad at being in the evil side, so maybe staying quiet is her way of not needing to lie? the part I found most suspicious, is the EXTREMELY fast guilty vote on Alu. obviously I knew it was the right vote, but no one else had confirmation by that point. but Fire Queen seemingly just took me at my word. the only reason I can think to do that is if she knew I was right. and short of having a second gumshoe the only way she could have known I was right was if she was in the mob.

Tubby similarly, I think I was the first people to even vaguely point a finger at Tubby back on day 1. (this parts gonna lack so much detail, I can't remember it and I literally don't have time to go back and read) Tubby, responding to... someone I forget now, was insistent he was right about something, while the other person was insistent he was right. I asked both why they were so certain, and pointed out to him it was odd.

Benzine full disclosure, Benzine informed me via DM that he was a normal citizen. to digress a second, last night changed my mind on something. I've always thought some outside communication in these games could be good. but I learned last night why it's not. Zell thinks its because a good player could then basically hand hold worse players through the game, effectively giving one person god mode. and while that could theoretically true, the bigger problem is in a 1 on 1 scenario, human beings are more prone to telling the truth. it's easier to lie in/to a crowd than it is to an individual. some people last night told me things they shouldn't have, luckily for them, I am the person I said I was, but they had no reason to believe it. and this information could have ended the game if I was in the mob. allowing 1 on 1 communication outside of the thread is too east to abuse.

HOWEVER. I think Benzine lied to me. I think he's one of the people that's capable of lying in a 1 on 1 scenario and committing to it. our conversation was brief, but I do have reason to suspect he wasn't being honest.

I think that's it. it's not a long list, but it ain't the shortest and were only missing 3.

I'll try to keep an eye on this as best I can for the remaining time.

finally, I think I have to land on Zell here, and hope the vigilante hits a mobster tonight.

i vote for Zell to stand trial and encourage others to do the same. we'll get the truth out of him one way or another.


GW Elder
Yeah much like when Kat was “the most suspicious Townie” I’m guessing I get vindicated here in the end regarding shortkut’s innocence.

EDIT: oh and TD of course
yeah, much like that.

heres the thing you always fail to understand in these games. there are people playing.

if someone makes themselves look suspicious, theyre gonna die. That's HOW THE GAME WORKS. you can argue that Kat didn't make herself look suspicious, I disagree.

we all know TD did, and frankly, he was harming the town AS A TOWNIE, and if someone else wanted to pull a trigger on them I wouldn't have said no.

if you made yourself look suspicious, that's on *YOU*. not anyone else, I am not perfect, I am not a robot, I don't spot read the entire game and know everyones role. I don't have a 100% track record in nailing evil, and I'm not even the best strategist here.

if you made yourself look suspicious in a way that activated my brain, so be it.

maybe the more I'm wrong, the less people will try to kill me in these games.

but until I'm PROVEN wrong, you're still on my list.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Yeah much like when Kat was “the most suspicious Townie” I’m guessing I get vindicated here in the end regarding shortkut’s innocence.

EDIT: oh and TD of course
I trust Cole’s reads when they are cold reads. If the discourse seems to get personal, then the reads get a little biased as we saw with TD and my exchange with him. It went from mildly suspicious with a lot of agreement to very confrontational overnight, on a night he was in jail and could not use his abilities


GW Elder
I trust Cole’s reads when they are cold reads. If the discourse seems to get personal, then the reads get a little biased as we saw with TD and my exchange with him. It went from mildly suspicious with a lot of agreement to very confrontational overnight, on a night he was in jail and could not use his abilities
not to agree with one of my suspects.

but I want to point out at this juncture that I don't think I had mentioned yet.

my check of Alu night 1 was not random, and it was not even "hes a good player" (I would've checked shortkut if I was just going to choose someone I'd be most concerned about), it was a cold read. something about the way he was posting on day 1, hes the one I felt was the best chance based on no information.


Ploop Heard
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Woah wait what?

I'm on your radar because I HAVEN'T killed you? I mean I may not act serious, but I do still try to win these game man. I won't try to kill you just because I have a vendetta. That's saved for JoZ.

As far as activity level, my wife had to go out of town for a funeral this week, so full time work and full time dad means less time memeing.

I think it's fairly definitive you are who you say you are and I can get on the train to work with you to win this for the town.

I am not buying Zells reasoning about being more active meaning he's innocent. How convenient to point out something like that as use it as proof. I'll switch to out him on the stand. Voting Zell for trial


Ploop Heard
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Also I can't be mafia since I was offering free gabagool earlier and if I was mafia I would charge an exorbitant fee


GW Elder
I'm on your radar because I HAVEN'T killed you? I mean I may not act serious, but I do still try to win these game man. I won't try to kill you just because I have a vendetta. That's saved for JoZ.

As far as activity level, my wife had to go out of town for a funeral this week, so full time work and full time dad means less time memeing.
yes. lol It's not a definitive reason, I'm not saying you are 100% a mobster, but how often do you NOT try to kill me when you have a killing role?

and as far as the second, this is one of those catch 22s. we're all adults, and we really do have a lot more real life obligations these days. but... that also makes excuses easy to come by too. "Yeah, my kids teachers cousins dogs best friend found a can of pepsi buried in the back yard, so I've been in meetings all day."

what else ya got? Who are you suspicious of that isnt on MY list. that isnt just you following MY lead?


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Cole has been found Not Guilty

Back at the police precinct, the cops are standing around confused.

"Hey, anyone seen that Zell mope yet?"

"Uh I don't think he's coming."

"You mean we actually gotta go do our jobs and get him ourselves? This is BULLSHIT."

Zell has been arrested and didn't do the polite thing by turning himself in.

Night has begun and will last until 5am EST but maybe a little longer cause that's the middle of my commute.
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