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Verdict Toilet paper: which direction is correct

Overhand or underhand?

I have my opinions, but I'll keep them out of the first post. @Crazy Jamie can be first choice of Judge if he wishes to take the case. If not then as second choice I forcibly nominate @VashTheStampede against his will for no other reason than because I feel like it.

My recommendation is the judge selects from two volunteers to be the attorney for either side, then those attorneys do jury selection against those peoples will.
Three out of five jurors have spoken. Rather than risk a hung (lol) jury, we'll just rule Overhand and the case is closed.


Tea Wrecks
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Your Honor @Crazy Jamie, for the sake of clarity on the record, may I inquire whether the learned counsel for the prosecution is referring to the orientation of the toilet paper roll while affixed to its holder, or rather the manner in which it is positioned once in the subject's hand during use? This distinction may bear upon the relevant facts of the case.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
(That poor man has already been tagged twice in a thread about shit tickets. What a thing to wake up to.)

Also, I always liked the phrasing “mullet” or “beard” when referring to roll direction. It implies our toilet paper had a bitchin’ sweet IROC Camaro with t-tops in a past life.


Tea Wrecks
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Let's get down to br-arse-tacks here. Also 'cause this is amusing me.

Your Honor, esteemed members of the court, if I may present the case before us in a manner befitting its weighty nature, we are faced with a matter of utmost domestic significance: the orientation of the toilet paper roll. Now, as trivial as this may first appear, I assure you, the matter is not without its complexities. Permit me to illuminate both sides of this delicate issue, so we may all better appreciate the finer points at play.

First, I present the over-hand orientation, wherein the paper hangs boldly over the roll. The advantages here are quite compelling. In this position, the loose end is far more visible, making it easier for even the most weary soul to find, be it in the dead of night or in the dimmest of rooms. It's a method that could be described as having the favor of hygiene, for the paper itself dangles without ever touching the wall, thereby reducing the risk of contamination. Moreover, many in high society, as well as in the humble hospitality industry, favor this particular configuration, finding it not only practical but visually neat and tidy. And for those among us who appreciate efficiency, it's worth noting that over-hand orientation allows for precise control over the roll, preventing any undue waste or unspooling.

However, as with all things, there is a shadow to every light. The over-hand orientation, while elegant, can be vulnerable to the whims of mischievous pets, such as the ever-playful housecat, or the inquisitive young child. Such parties may find it all too easy to bat at the roll, sending it spinning wildly, and, before you know it, your floor is littered with paper. Furthermore, a hurried or overly enthusiastic tug might lead to more paper being dispensed than one intends, which, I dare say, can be a costly mishap.

Now, let us turn our gaze to the under-hand orientation, wherein the paper humbly drapes beneath the roll. Those who champion this method often do so on the grounds that it is less susceptible to unspooling. In a household where pets or small children roam, it offers a modicum of protection against such antics. Some might even argue that it provides a tidier, more compact appearance, as the loose end remains hidden from view. And, when one desires a more measured approach, the under-hand method tends to keep the roll from spinning out of control, allowing for a precise tear.

But, as the court will no doubt recognize, this method is not without its faults. The loose end, being tucked beneath, is far more difficult to locate, especially in low light or for those whose reach may be limited. And let us not overlook the hygiene concern — the paper is often pressed against the wall, where dust, grime, or, dare I say, other undesirable substances may reside, putting the cleanliness of the situation in question. Lastly, I submit that many find the appearance of the under-hand orientation less aesthetically pleasing, as it lacks the neat and orderly presentation of its over-hand counterpart.

So, Your Honor, it is with great respect that I present both the virtues and vices of these two orientations. The court may now deliberate which orientation best serves the interests of both hygiene and order, while also considering the practical realities of household management. I rest my case.

Furthermore, a hurried or overly enthusiastic tug might lead to more paper being dispensed than one intends, which, I dare say, can be a costly mishap.
While most of your post is quite fair and illuminating, I wipe my ass (so to speak) with this particular point, as this is possible regardless of orientation.
Alright that does it, who's been shitting on the walls???
I enter into evidence Exhibit B, where there was an episode of Mythbusters where they placed brand-new toothbrushes in measured distances around the room and collected them for fecal samples at the end of the month. Nearly all tested positive, with greater amounts depending on proximity to the offending ivory bowl. Judge (or lawyer?) Ben's point on this is, well, on-point.

Also I move that we subpoena Smacktard for jury selection against his will, since so far he seems to be neutral on this issue.
  • Fair
Reactions: Ben


Diplomatic Immunity
10K Post Club
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It doesn't fucking matter
You Lie Harry Potter GIF by Sky
EXHIBIT C (or wherever we are):

View attachment 21363
Objectively best toilet roll placement. You can stick your fingers in and quickly get exactly the amount you need instead of spinning the roll around like a CHILD. I will die on this hill.
I second this. Partially because the holder in my apartment is placed in such a way you have to be a goshdarn contortionist to reach it while on the toilet. Will provide picture evidence when I get home from work.
I would like to put forth two arguments. I posit that the answer to this question may heavily depend on the location of your toilet paper, but under is typically superior. I have been underhand all my life, and my toilet paper is slightly down and to the left of me as shown below.

The end of the roll is never difficult to find because it requires no sight whatsoever. It is often lying up against the rest of the roll rather than hanging down, making it exactly as difficult to locate as the overhand method. Because of the location of my toilet paper, it would actually be more awkward and inconvenient to do an overhand claw motion than simply reaching underhand and feeling around to peel down with my thumb. If the roll does happen to be hanging down, the extra couple of inches back is nothing to the length of a human arm reaching for it. I am a grown human being and never in all my life has this been a difficult scenario.

Furthermore, besides just the antics of pets, the underhand method also comes with another unique advantage. The roll being in front of the hanging part allows you the ability to more easily tear the perforation against it. This cannot be done if the end of your roll is rawdogging it on top like a savage. Only one hand is needed to retrieve toilet paper, especially if I use the same elbow to further ensure the roll does not rotate as I perform the desired tear.

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I would like to put forth two arguments. I posit that the answer to this question may heavily depend on the location of your toilet paper, but under is typically superior. I have been underhand all my life, and my toilet paper is slightly down and to the left of me as shown below.

The end of the roll is never difficult to find because it requires no sight whatsoever. It is often lying up against the rest of the roll rather than hanging down, making it exactly as difficult to locate as the overhand method. Because of the location of my toilet paper, it would actually be more awkward and inconvenient to do an overhand claw motion than simply reaching underhand and feeling around to peel down with my thumb. If the roll does happen to be hanging down, the extra couple of inches back is nothing to the length of a human arm reaching for it. I am a grown human being and never in all my life has this been a difficult scenario.

Furthermore, besides just the antics of pets, the underhand method also comes with another unique advantage. The roll being in front of the hanging part allows you the ability to more easily tear the perforation against it. This cannot be done if the end of your roll is rawdogging it on top like a savage. Only one hand is needed to retrieve toilet paper, especially if I use the same elbow to further ensure the roll does not rotate as I perform the desired tear.

View attachment 21365
At first I thought the bottom left panel was somebody sitting on the toilet upside down.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I second this. Partially because the holder in my apartment is placed in such a way you have to be a goshdarn contortionist to reach it while on the toilet. Will provide picture evidence when I get home from work.

My first apartment probably followed the same path… it was literally one 4in ceramic tile over from the wall-mounted tank. I have long arms, so reaching backwards like that required dislocating my shoulder. It stayed there for about a week before I bought a metal roll holder tower that had a spool at the top to position next to the sink.
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