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The user with post numbered 370 in this thread is the champion of this thread

Objective: participate, chat, make rules, survive, develop fog

No editing posts, except for Benzine/mod in the first posts of the thread.
You cannot have two posts in a row. Otherwise, you cannot be the champion. The post following this is exempt as it's for the points board.
You cannot delete a post that has been quoted by a user - or you will lose.
Posts that were deleted to trap force a double post, that were quoted, will not result in a loser status for the forced double post player.
Thread champion can make rules
New rules will be added quietly, often at post milestones + time, ignorance is no defence. Rules will be based on timezine, so you shouldn't be punished retroactively.
Dobbing people in for breaking the rules will result in points
Losers accrue points at half rate
Moderators cannot remove other peoples posts although how tf will I police that
Moderators cannot re-instate posts (without a request from the game master).
All posts from 60-69 will accrue users a point.
When we reach post 240, all posts that are numbered before 234 or lower will no longer make you a loser. You will not lose loserdom status, but if you shed it, you won't be given a loser status for a post before that point.
If you aren't a loser when post 240 hits, you get 5 points.
From the post where Benzine stated so (226 at time of writing), all primed numbered posts will grant a point from now until post 450. You must announce that you are making a prime numbered post. If your post is not a prime numbered post, you will instead lose a point.

You will be assigned points for pointing out people are currently ineligible for champ status. You can spend your points.

You will be deducted points if your attempt at dobbing someone in is incorrect when reviewed.


5 points - rule addition, must be approved and within the emerging spirit of this game.
3 points - insta removal from the "loser" list, without needing to remedy post state
3 points - have a post you know was deleted re-instated.

More to come, suggestions if you want something.


Still deciding, it'll be a minute before we get there. Happy for suggestions.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
You will be assigned points for point out people are currently ineligible for champ status. You can spend your points.

You will be deducted points if your attempting at dobbing someone in is incorrect when reviewed.


5 points - rule addition, must be approved and within the emerging spirit of this game.
3 points - insta removal from the "loser" list, without needing to remedy post state.
The 182 version has been leveled up y'all.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Now what?
A mod abusing powers to quote deleted messages or gather information they technically shouldn't have access to.

That Is What Is Up GIF by Big Brother


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
But what if it was deleted prior to being quoted?

There's nothing in the rules to account for that.

Gotta have rules I tells ya, even for the most obscure shit. Otherwise, someone out there may think something is okay.
If there's nothing in the rules then it should be kosher?


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
There is indeed no rule that says you can't have multiple champs.

And since champs get to make rules, Mr. 370 seems like our current champ to me.
Jawneh also gonna struggle without reading.

Benzine: shortkut (1)

TD you will be able to get out of the losers sphere. It's actually easy from that position. And if you can't work it out, then you will be able to get points to get out.

But, I now realise that there needs to be more punishment for people in the losers team, so you will accrue points at a half rate.
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