Campaign Stormwreck Isle; Curse of Compass Rose (1-3)

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Part 3 - Curse of the Compass Rose
View attachment 357_Promontory.mp3




  • The party seeks the wreck of the Compass Rose, a ship that went down decades ago and may be linked to the undead incursion.



ImageNameValue (per) copper.pngsilver.pnggold.pngWeight (per)Description
Wind Spore Mushrooms
30 gold.png0.06 lbsA rare fungus with a unique magical property. When a creature squeezes a wind spore mushroom's cap, it releases a small cloud of spores. For 1 hour, the creature doesn't need to breathe, as the spores provide it with oxygen.
Obsidian Chunk
10 gold.png1 lbAn uncut opaque black gemstone.
Heart Cap Mushrooms
30 gold.png0.2 lbsThese mushrooms bear an unsettling resemblance to human hearts.
Potion of Healing
50 gold.png0.5 lbsThis potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion.
file-Wvp782vE4qJWR2QTy1tcpOXR.pngA Fine Lute
file-qUiTfpHVb3SLLXv10Ep2Xyya.pngBoots of ElvenkindWhile you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently.
file-EF5LK9mU1tyc9CrzMQNFhGQq.pngSpell Scroll of Command

Having departed from Dragon's Rest for the second time, your band of adventurers slowly make their way down the mountain paths towards the shore where you first landed. The journey is uneventful and peaceful, a welcome contrast to the carnage the party has faced since arriving on the island. Songbirds flutter across the path ahead of you as they dart back and forth between bushes, hunting the insects they harbor. Your walk down to the water does not take more than a half hour however, so the ramble through nature is fleeting.

Returning to the beach where you had fought the zombies, the party find the scene just as you left it. The battered corpses of the drowned sailors lay immobile where they were slain, the putrid grey flesh not appealing to any scavengers and having been left untouched. Your group moves cautiously past the bodies, one by one each battling the anxiety that the monsters will spring up again and attack.

The five of you convene on the short wooden dock. There is an old fishing net dangling over the edge and trailing in the water, where it appears to be tangled within a clump of seaweed. Several short lengths of aging rope are knotted here and there around the thick posts, some having been cut free in haste rather than untied. A rowboat not dissimilar to the one you arrived in is tethered to the dock, and you see a pair of oars laying across the seats. The boat appears big enough for 4 medium sized passengers.

North of your position, you can see a long spur of sharp rocks jutting from the ocean waves, extending several miles out.​

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  • Seen
Reactions: TD
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Moonsprout Beandirt
| You throw the torch.


It curves through the air, the lit end cartwheeling into the gloom in the general direction of the Violet Fungus.

The torch collides with the predatory-plant.

The Violet Fungus takes 3 points of bludgeoning damage.

The Violet Fungus takes 1 point of fire damage.

The torch bounces off and lands in a puddle.

The torch is extinguished. |


Dungeon Master
|Moonsprout sees;

Everyone else sees;

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| file-hk8rNNuOtY6RXOTE5HQ2cuIB.png

The caves are filled momentarily with the thud of your handaxe cleaving into a number of the mushrooms and the Violet Fungus. A thick white slime begins to seep out of the severed stalk, and it droops lifelessly.

You deal 7 points of damage. You defeated Violet Fungus. |

((As always, apologies for slacking. Life be hella whack, yo.

I'm not at my actual PC to update the map with the whole light-radius thing, but Moonsprout can see shit again. You know where you were.))

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Oh... it's dead already. Im sorry lads. I guess mishrooms are weak to axes.

Aims shrugs and goes to pick up his ax.

Unless the halfling wants to become mushroom feed again, I'll take point again. At worst, I can take a few pickings before it becomes a problem.

Aims starts walking towards the way Moonsprout was running to past the dead fungus.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Oh... it's dead already. Im sorry lads. I guess mishrooms are weak to axes.

Aims shrugs and goes to pick up his ax.

Unless the halfling wants to become mushroom feed again, I'll take point again. At worst, I can take a few pickings before it becomes a problem.

Aims starts walking towards the way Moonsprout was running to past the dead fungus.


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
|The party, led by yourself, begin to walk past the Violet Fungus and further down the tunnel. The ground begins to dip down just before the tunnel opens up into a larger chamber with a large column in the center. Some smaller mushrooms grow around the base of this pillar, though they are a bland brown and do not look particularly noteworthy.

As far as you can tell the cavern stretches back at least 60 feet. The ceilings vault a good 30 feet above you. You can hear your movements echo as you start to enter this large empty area.



Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Moonsprout moves ahead and sees the bland brown mushrooms at the base of the column. He immediately remembers a saying: 'Bland and brown? Chow down!'

...but after just having had a pound of his own flesh eaten by a mushroom, he realizes he's not quite in the mood for further fungal feedings.

So, he just picks up a rock and throws it into the dark, empty chamber ahead, just to hear it echo
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Moonsprout moves ahead and sees the bland brown mushrooms at the base of the column. He immediately remembers a saying: 'Bland and brown? Chow down!'

...but after just having had a pound of his own flesh eaten by a mushroom, he realizes he's not quite in the mood for further fungal feedings.

So, he just picks up a rock and throws it into the dark, empty chamber ahead, just to hear it echo


Moonsprout Beandirt
| The rock clatters across the stone floor, skittering off into the darkness. The sharp "clack clack clack" reverberates off of the walls and sounds like a hundred crab pinchers snapping shut, like some kind of crab rave. |

Nac walks into the cavern looking for signs of life and/or valuable stuff


Nac McWeeble
|You walk out into the gloom, seeing the rock Moonsprout threw rolling to a halt against some large stalagmites which jut upwards from around a pool of water about 10ft wide. The cavern continues further back, with you barely being able to see the rear wall of the cave with the help of your darkvision. The long chamber curves to a slight alcove on the far right side of the area, opposite the pool of water.

You do not notice anything in particular.



Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
I'm beginning to wonder if the X's on the map were not just proposed locations of the the ship we seek? I'm eager to find the Crimson Rose, gents, perhaps spelunking can wait till after that endeavor? Runara mentioned the Crimson Rose is one of many ships to meet its end in these waters. Perhaps best not disturb the dead until we need to. Remember those three zombies we met at the start of our journey? I'd hate to meet half a dozen in a small and uncontrollable area such as this cave.

Zesty is keep on leaving the cave, returning to the boat and rowing to the next location.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
As the group starts to turn away, Zesty hears what sounds like stones falling from the ceiling. This coupled with Aims' surge steels Zesty and he too walks to what appears to be the back of the cave. He simultaneously checks the surrounding area in case Nac missed something.

Zesty checks the surrounding area while going to investigate the back of the cave with Aims'

(( @Ben - My perception is pretty trash, but my investigation is really good. Can I "assist" someone with a better perception check than I to give them advantage on a perception roll? I was watching a D&D video and they did that. i just don't know if we're using an assist mechanic.))
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Dungeon Master
Shocked Oh No GIF by Yêu Lu


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
|You aggressively attack the discovery of this cavern, vowing to show no mercy while you pummel every nook and cranny with your eyeballs. You stride through the cave to the back corner.|


Zesty Zapcrackle
|Some otherworldly intuition tells you to investigate again. The thisworldly orctuition also suggests you're going to investigate the cave further. You cautiously walk further into the cave, following Aims.|


Dungeon Master
In the rear corner, tucked into the damp corner of the chamber wall, sits a small wooden chest. It's a light colored wood with bronze reinforcements and hinges, and the lid stands open. The chest appears full of golden pieces, many of which are spilling out onto the cavern floor to create small golden islands in a sea of green moss.


((I'm assuming the others are going to just tag along to this corner too.

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.


Dungeon Master
|Your group convenes at the end of the chamber and collectively glance around the area.

You all notice there are a few stacks of coins beside the chest, but nothing more looks out of place.|


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Bah. Fine. Have at it. Let me know when i can destroy that box.

Aims walks to the side to grin to himself as he's hatching a plan on how to break open the box. And the plan is figuring out what makes the biggest mess...

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
You guys can keep the loot. I have no need for such material possessions. Money is the root of all evil and problems anyway. And gold is being hoarded by powerful people to create artificial scarcity anyway. It's really not that uncommon. It's just kept out of the reach of average folk like us so that the Uber rich...

Moonsprout trails off in a never-ending diatribe about capitalism and wealth hoarding while the rest of the group ignores him and continues counting coins
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
All right, Smashy McSmashface, whatever...

Nac starts counting the coins


Nac McWeeble
|You rush to the chest and begin counting coins. Placing them next to the existing stacks of coins without further thought.



Dungeon Master
|As you mill about counting the first real loot you've discovered, you are oblivious to the pool behind you where the waters begin to grow darker.


A merrow bursts from the surface of the pool.




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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty watches everything occurring around him, rolls his eyes and draws his crossbow. He silently nocks and arrow and fires it squarely past the Merrow's head as a warning shot.

Listen, seaweed for brains... I'm about done with your extortionist kind. If you value your life, leave now and don't come back. If you don't, then I'm sure we can silence Carl forever... We hear you're kind of an asshole that no one likes anyway.

((Sorry, thought I'd play into my chaotic nature for a change. Also, fuck Carl.))
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