Turn 1: no cards played for either player, but Wakandan embassy boosts Nimrod +2 power
Turn 2: I play pyslocke right, they play nothing
Turn 3: I play Wong right , they play magick mid.
Turn 4: I play shuri right, they play Howard mid.
Turn 5: I play nimrod right (shuri/Wong boosts him to 32). They don't play.
Turn 6: I play destroyer mid, puts 32 power nimrod mid and left. They play pyslocke mid and iron Lad right. Iron Lad copies Jubilee, then pulls Jubilee and Jubilee pull wave (which is like the perfect combo for their play)
Turn 7: I Zola mid, splits destroyer and those two go to town making a bunch of nimrods. They play modok and hela thanks to the +1 energy from pyslocke, and iron man, onslaught, Infinaut and tribunal all get discarded and brought back left.