• This News Doesn't Suck!

    Everyone stop what you're doing! It's happening! GW's own Alu is having a baby!! Come and congratulate him here: Need some help identifying this picture.

    We're so happy for you, Alu!

Mobile Marvel Snap


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
there’s plenty of time to do the daily and season missions, and and climb the season rankings. Playing more just means I’m earning boosters that I don’t have the credits to use. There’s no advantage to i
Exactly. I can start a match, and if something comes up, I don’t mind forfeiting the match because it is very easy to come back from it and costs no resources to do so. It’s nice to have a game with that luxury


GW Elder
Not going to lie; day two I wanted to play a couple of games before bed, and played for about two hours. Nearly uninstalled it because we can’t be having that. But I’ve quickly moderated the amount I’m playing it. I’ve realised that there’s plenty of time to do the daily and season missions, and and climb the season rankings. Playing more just means I’m earning boosters that I don’t have the credits to use. There’s no advantage to it, which is nice, because as much as I’m enjoying it I can’t afford to be fully sucked into a game again.
I don't disagree with the core of your statement.

but you're wrong about the boosters, at some point, and it doesn't even take long, you get to a point where you don't have enough boosters for the guys you want. becsuse it has to spread out to all your cards. having a backlog of boosters is ideal.

but obviously I get not wanting the game to consume you like that


Ploop Heard
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Yeah, that's one thing I really like about the game: I don't feel like I have to be constantly grinding to advance. Can just pick it up and put it down at my leisure.

I usually play a match, then do something else, then play a match after that. It fills gaps in my day, and doesn't take over the day.

If I wanna play a bigger chunk than usual or I need to clear some missions to make room for new ones, I'll play one Conquest battle, which usually ends up with me clearing 3-4 missions.
Depending on your missions, you can sometimes knock out 3 or 4 on a normal match.

Like if you have a play 6 cost card, win lanes with 4 cards and win lanes with 20 power you can play like a MODOK Hela deck to bang em all out at once


Ploop Heard
GW Elder
Wolf Players
recap the whole game. I'm curious

Turn 1: no cards played for either player, but Wakandan embassy boosts Nimrod +2 power

Turn 2: I play pyslocke right, they play nothing

Turn 3: I play Wong right , they play magick mid.

Turn 4: I play shuri right, they play Howard mid.

Turn 5: I play nimrod right (shuri/Wong boosts him to 32). They don't play.

Turn 6: I play destroyer mid, puts 32 power nimrod mid and left. They play pyslocke mid and iron Lad right. Iron Lad copies Jubilee, then pulls Jubilee and Jubilee pull wave (which is like the perfect combo for their play)

Turn 7: I Zola mid, splits destroyer and those two go to town making a bunch of nimrods. They play modok and hela thanks to the +1 energy from pyslocke, and iron man, onslaught, Infinaut and tribunal all get discarded and brought back left.


GW Elder
Turn 1: no cards played for either player, but Wakandan embassy boosts Nimrod +2 power

Turn 2: I play pyslocke right, they play nothing

Turn 3: I play Wong right , they play magick mid.

Turn 4: I play shuri right, they play Howard mid.

Turn 5: I play nimrod right (shuri/Wong boosts him to 32). They don't play.

Turn 6: I play destroyer mid, puts 32 power nimrod mid and left. They play pyslocke mid and iron Lad right. Iron Lad copies Jubilee, then pulls Jubilee and Jubilee pull wave (which is like the perfect combo for their play)

Turn 7: I Zola mid, splits destroyer and those two go to town making a bunch of nimrods. They play modok and hela thanks to the +1 energy from pyslocke, and iron man, onslaught, Infinaut and tribunal all get discarded and brought back left.
that's fantastic


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Turn 1: no cards played for either player, but Wakandan embassy boosts Nimrod +2 power

Turn 2: I play pyslocke right, they play nothing

Turn 3: I play Wong right , they play magick mid.

Turn 4: I play shuri right, they play Howard mid.

Turn 5: I play nimrod right (shuri/Wong boosts him to 32). They don't play.

Turn 6: I play destroyer mid, puts 32 power nimrod mid and left. They play pyslocke mid and iron Lad right. Iron Lad copies Jubilee, then pulls Jubilee and Jubilee pull wave (which is like the perfect combo for their play)

Turn 7: I Zola mid, splits destroyer and those two go to town making a bunch of nimrods. They play modok and hela thanks to the +1 energy from pyslocke, and iron man, onslaught, Infinaut and tribunal all get discarded and brought back left.
@canadaguy what is your nimrod deck like?

This is mine and it works pretty well but I’d like to add destroyer and I’m not sure who to swap out


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
ditch the panther/task alternate win path setup? add destroyer, and maybe someone else to potentially buff Nimrod like Forge?
That’s what I was thinking, but didn’t thing about forge.

Would forge and shuri work together? I don’t think I can use both, can I? Forge, I guess, would be if I don’t pull shuri


Ploop Heard
GW Elder
Wolf Players
That’s what I was thinking, but didn’t thing about forge.

Would forge and shuri work together? I don’t think I can use both, can I? Forge, I guess, would be if I don’t pull shuri
They both work on the next card played so you'd only either Forge your Shuri or Shuri your Forge


GW Elder
That’s what I was thinking, but didn’t thing about forge.

Would forge and shuri work together? I don’t think I can use both, can I? Forge, I guess, would be if I don’t pull shuri
yeah you can't conbo it, but it can at least be a boost alternate to not getting Shuri at the right time. or you could use it on destroyer or zola on a turn 7.
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GW Elder
I think I’ll go forge because I can play both in turn 6 with his cost reduction. I would have to waste a turn with HB
that's valid.

I think I suck at the game (mostly I think I'm bad at retreating, I know when I need to and then I'm like "but maybe...") BUT I am surprisingly crafty with deck crafting. @VashTheStampede has even complimented a couple of my "off beat" selections
Another newbie question. Do I move into pool 2 at level 215 or when I unlock the first pool two card? I ask because I wanted to hang around in pool one to get used to the cards and different decks, but accidentally got to level 215 by levelling up a new card without thinking. However, I’m sure I’m not facing pool two decks yet, because I’m still only seeing pool one cards. Have I just got lucky, or do I not move up until I unlock the first pool two card, or maybe the start of next season? I’m seeing different cards in Conquest, but I don’t know if they’re only pool two cards or not.


GW Elder
man, I come up with some creative shit sometimes, but I'm always amazed at some of the things that I *don't* think about.

splitting Alioth is brilliant. sucked for you I'm sure, but that's great.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
You lied. I have found addiction at the bottom of this well.
same difference GIF


Ploop Heard
GW Elder
Wolf Players
So far it's pretty entertaining. I like how it's not super intense on the effects of cards. Usually deck building games scare me away because it just gets too ridiculous in the end. But this is fairly simple and fun.
There's depth to it, but not so much depth that you end up over your head. And the 12 card deck size really helps with that too.

And while they may bitch and moan on reddit, in the realm of free to play games, you can easily work your way through without every spending any money.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I’ve never spent real money on it and have never felt the need to. It’s also not a game where I feel like I’m being left behind by those that do or that I need to constantly look up strategies. I can hold my own at a moderately high level without any of that and I can play when I want for as little time as I want
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