Discussion Inn: The Platinum Penguin

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Tortle Dude stretches out his short but girthy arms as if hugging Rogelio.

You are looking as plump as ever!
Tell me, lettuce, have you seen any?

Rogelio the Pink
| Embracing Tortle Dude in a warm hug, I feel a mix of happiness and concern wash over me.

"Sparkles, it's so good to see you! You always had a way of lighting up the room, just like that time with the fey glitter," I say with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

Noticing his hushed tone and the way his eyes dart around, I understand the deeper implication of his question about lettuce.

"Ah, Sparkles, remember the pineapple days? When you painted your shell yellow and sat on that aloe plant? We had such good times, clean and full of laughter. Maybe it's time we revisited those simpler, joyous days, don't you think?"

I hold the gaze of my father, hoping to remind him of the brighter, healthier times we've shared, encouraging him to find his way back to sobriety. |


Tortle Dude

ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
Tortle Dude lets out a nervous chuckle at Rogelio's playful banter and reminiscing of their past together. Dude has always felt that Rogelio wanted what was best for him.

The fey glitter, now that brings back some memories. I have not thought about that for quite some time.

The dye from that pineapple incident, it took some time to wash out but sometimes I recall it like it was yesterday.

It was indeed a simpler time in my life, what before the paranoia of goblins and other gruesome creatures.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

Rogelio the Pink
| I nod, a gentle smile forming on my clay face as Tortle Dude reminisces about the past.

"Those were the days, Sparkles. The fey glitter and the pineapple... they were more than just funny incidents. They were moments of pure joy and carefree living. It's those times we should hold onto, especially when the world seems overrun with shadows and fears."

I place a reassuring hand on Tortle Dude's shoulder, offering comfort.

"The goblins and other creatures, they bring challenges, yes. But remember, we've faced and overcome so much together. We can find that peace again, away from the paranoia and troubles. Let's create more moments like the fey glitter and pineapples, shall we? A return to simplicity and happiness."

My gaze is warm and encouraging, hoping to inspire Tortle Dude with a sense of optimism and a reminder of the strength we have when we're together. |

  • Chef’s Kiss
Reactions: TD
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

Marquis de Clay
| A sly and mischievous glint appears in my eyes as my demeanor shifts dramatically. I straighten up, assuming a more flamboyant and confident posture.

"Ah, my dear Sparkles, it is truly a joyous reunion, is it not? But tell me, have the years been kind to you in more... material ways?"

I lean in closer, my expression a mix of charm and cunning, reminiscent of a cat.

"You see, dear father, in my travels, I have developed a taste for the finer things in life. The name's Marquis de Clay, a rogue with an eye for luxury and wealth. Surely, you must have amassed some treasures during your illustrious life, no?"

Upon hearing that Tortle Dude might not have any wealth, my expression shifts to one of exaggerated shock and disappointment.

"No treasure? No hidden hoards of gold and jewels? Oh, Sparkles, how could this be? A Tortle of your wisdom and experience surely must have something to show for it!"

Despite the dastardly and outrageous behavior, there's an undeniable charm to this alternate personality, Marquis de Clay, who is both arrogant and captivating. |

  • Chef’s Kiss
Reactions: TD

Tortle Dude

ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
((I somehow missed that I wasn't last the last post here - I should really start watching threads))

Dude, goofy grin on his face and all maintains eye contact with both Rogelio and Marquis. This is a trip down memory lane and Tortle Dude feels an ease of comfort that he has not felt in quite some time. Dude has grown up, an older Tortle without a Tortle family but he has found another family.

Joy, carefree living... it was a simpler time. It was a time where one could laugh and smile without fear of a violent goblin raid, a giant poisonous snake, or whatever other foul beasts lurk. Tell me, do you consistently provide other patrons with pet names - or am I simply lucky and fortunate enough to do so.

Dude turns his gaze to Marquis.

Marquis, you should know - material possessions have never been that of which I seek. A head of lettuce, perhaps, but I appreciate the small and simple things that a Tortle's journey has to offer. Riches? I have long accepted that will never be the path for me. I have also long accepted that... I'm okay with that. You see, the pursuit of luxury and wealth also comes with sacrifice and cruelty. Wealth is a thing I once desired, but now, good health, good friends, and a good time? - Sign me up.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

Marquis de Clay
| I listen attentively to Tortle Dude's heartfelt words, the cunning glint in my eyes softening as his wisdom seeps into my flamboyant persona.

"Ah, Sparkles, you always had a way of seeing the world that brought clarity to even the most confused of minds. You're right, of course. The pursuit of wealth often does come at a price, a price that's not always worth paying."

I lean back thoughtfully, pondering his perspective.

"You know, Marquis de Clay may be a rogue with grand ambitions, but perhaps there's more to life than just glittering gold and sparkling jewels. Maybe it's the laughter, the friendships, and the simple joys that truly enrich one's journey."

Smiling genuinely, I extend a hand to Tortle Dude in a gesture of understanding and respect.

"As for the pet names, you are indeed special, Sparkles. But maybe it's time for Marquis to learn a thing or two about the simpler, yet richer aspects of life, as you so wisely put it. Here's to good health, good friends, and good times."

The Marquis de Clay persona fades slightly, revealing more of the genuine, compassionate nature of Rogelio beneath. |

  • Chef’s Kiss
Reactions: TD

Lian Batenkaitos

Senior Member
Upon entering the tavern, I put my coat & hat on the rack. Then all of a sudden, something caught my attention in my peripheral vision. A penguin behind the counter. A necklace of shiny crystals no less. It occurs to me that Crystal works at this fine establishment. Perhaps I should check in to see how she's doing, have a chat with her for old time's sake.

"Well, isn't it fancy seeing you here? How's things been with you these days?"


Formerly Apollo
In typical Crystal fashion, she smiles a warm smile, waves her arm in a wiping direction towards Lian Batenkaitos and instantly his cares disappear and he feels immense relaxation. He has now become a proper Tavern patron.

"I'm doing well, Lian, how are you? It's wonderful to see you here at the Tavern. Would you care for something to drink?"
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Upon entering the tavern, I put my coat & hat on the rack. Then all of a sudden, something caught my attention in my peripheral vision. A penguin behind the counter. A necklace of shiny crystals no less. It occurs to me that Crystal works at this fine establishment. Perhaps I should check in to see how she's doing, have a chat with her for old time's sake.

"Well, isn't it fancy seeing you here? How's things been with you these days?"
((I take off my cloak coat and wizard rogue hat.))

Lian Batenkaitos

Senior Member
In typical Crystal fashion, she smiles a warm smile, waves her arm in a wiping direction towards Lian Batenkaitos and instantly his cares disappear and he feels immense relaxation. He has now become a proper Tavern patron.

"I'm doing well, Lian, how are you? It's wonderful to see you here at the Tavern. Would you care for something to drink?"
I smile, saying:

"As a matter of fact, yes. I'll have an iced tea please. You can put it on Seb's tab. ;)


Formerly Apollo
Crystal retreats to the bar area and pours a tall mug of iced tea, adding it to Seb's ever-growing tab, which currently stands at 2 broken tables, 6 broken mugs, 4 kegs of ale and one missing plant pot. She returns to the table with Lian's mug in hand.

"Here you go, hon, enjoy!"

((We need to get Seb over here, lol, gotta' let our GWFamily meet our Swedish hipster bud))

Lian Batenkaitos

Senior Member
I take a sip from my mug before complimenting Crystal on the drink.

"You sure know how to make a mean iced tea, lady. Perhaps I should order something to eat while I'm at it. Howsabout a chip butty? I could go for one of those right about now."


Formerly Apollo
Crystal retreats to the back. Several moments later she emerges with two plates full of food.

"Let's enjoy a lovely chip butty together. Crystal's hungry, too!"
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
The door to the tavern blows wide open, with a rolling clash of thunder and a bright blinding flash. Fog immediately fills the room, and a mysterious figure strides into the tavern. The collective patrons of the tavern gasp in unison.


The cloaked Tabaxi sits down at the bar and waits for the bartender's attention.


"Hello. Milk, purrrrhaps? Thank myew."

The character begins tapping claws on the wooden counter top, staring at the glittering jewel around Crystal's neck while waiting for a drink to arrive.


Formerly Apollo
Crystal, still finishing her sandwich, stands and turns towards the mysterious figure. She sends a sly wave towards the stranger to ease their nerves.

"Certainly, I'll just be a moment."

Crystal retreats to the bar and retrieves the jug of milk. She pours a large mug full and presents it to the newcomer

"Here you are, hon, anything else I can offer you?"


Formerly Apollo
Crystal smiles a genuine, warm smile

"Very well Mr. Tabbington, you're in room 3 this evening. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask."

Lian Batenkaitos

Senior Member
Noticing the thunderstorm outside, I decide the best course of action would be to stay the night.

"I'll book a room for the night as well. Rather than head out in this nasty weather, I might as well spend the night hanging out with you, Crystal."
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Crystal smiles a genuine, warm smile

"Very well Mr. Tabbington, you're in room 3 this evening. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask."

| "Sorceress. What else have you plucked from my mind, with your arcane ways? Well it matters not, they surely cannot catch me now."

The Tabaxi looks around the tavern, seemingly suspicious of each table. |

  • Shocked
Reactions: TD


Formerly Apollo
Crystal quickly jots down Lian's name in the guestbook and smiles.

"Certainly! That puts you in room 4, next to our new friend. We keep the tavern open late, so you're free to stay out here as long as you like before you head back to the room."
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

Mr. Tabbington
| The character turns to the ((*checks notes*)) human rogue and stares for a moment.

The stranger's ears flick, as if something has tickled the fine hairs inside.

"Tell me, do you happen to possess any rope?" |



Formerly Apollo

| "Sorceress. What else have you plucked from my mind, with your arcane ways? Well it matters not, they surely cannot catch me now."

The Tabaxi looks around the tavern, seemingly suspicious of each table. |

Crystal makes another wiping gesture towards the newcomer and attempts to put his mind at ease.

"You're safe and sound here, hon, this is a place of peace and fun. Leave your cares at the door, unwind, drink. Be at peace."

Crystal walks away, a knowing smile on her face.

Lian Batenkaitos

Senior Member
I return to the tavern after a busy day adventuring. I walk up to the bar and ask Crystal,

"If you don't mind, I'd like to stay for the weekend. I could use a bit of a break after a long & arduous week."


Formerly Apollo
Sensing the stresses in Lian's voice, Crystal sends a wave his way, easing his tensions even more. She pulls out the guestbook once more.

"Certainly, you're welcome to stay with us for as long as you'd like! Room 4 is still yours for the taking, hon!"
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Crystal makes another wiping gesture towards the newcomer and attempts to put his mind at ease.

"You're safe and sound here, hon, this is a place of peace and fun. Leave your cares at the door, unwind, drink. Be at peace."

Crystal walks away, a knowing smile on her face.
I turn towards tabaxi, answering the question.

"I'm afraid that I do not, but if you're interested, I got the good shit."

I casually place some catnip on the counter.

Mr. Tabbington
| "That penguin knows too much..." the warlock states, his whiskers twitching. After a second his gaze falls back to Lian, and he acknowledges your lack of rope.

"No matter. I have my own, it's just nice to have someone else's fingerprints."

The stranger stands, reaches into its sleeve, and with fur-covered fingers retrieves a length of rope. He tugs on it between each hand thrice, and on the third tug the rope rises vertically towards the ceiling of the tavern.

Mr. Tabbington casts Rope Trick.

The boards of the floor above melt away as a large portal opens up, where the rope touches the ceiling. The rope rises up into the newly formed pocket dimension and, satisfied with the placement, he looks back to the rogue.

"I appreciate your generosity," Tabbington states, before extracting the bag of catnip from your grasp, and deftly climbing up the rope to disappear within. You look back to your palm and see a glittering ruby where the catnip had been.


A few moments pass before the tavern begins to smell like pine-trees, and the ceiling near the rafters begins to get hazy as smoke creeps out of the portal. |


Lian Batenkaitos

Senior Member
I wave goodbye to the kitty, before turning my attention back towards Crystal.

"Say, while I was out & about, I heard some rumors about a mysterious fellow lurking about in the woods. If my suspicions are correct, then it might be who I think it is."


Formerly Apollo
Knowing Lian needed reassurance, Crystal outstretched and embraced Lian warmly.

(whispers) "You're safe, hon, you are with friends that love you and care for you."

Lian Batenkaitos

Senior Member
Feeling up for a drink, I return to the Platinum Penguin Inn after a long day of adventuring. Pulling up a seat, I politely ask Crystal for a glass of iced tea.

I fancy myself a glass of iced tea if you don't mind. Anyways, how'd your day go, miss?
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