Zell Wolf GWF Wolf - Zell's Version Day 4

Greetings friends,
Please reread the rules as some have changed. First, here is a list of players:

@aura seer
@Fool's Requiem

@Tommy Boy


And here are the roles:

Village team:
Aura Seer
Spirit Seer
Tough Guy

Three villagers will get random roles from the following list:

Aura Seer
Spirit Seer
Flower Child
Tough Guy
Beast Hunter
Red Lady

Wolf team:
Nightmare Werewolf
Wolf Seer
Wolf Avenger

Random Werewolf

The random werewolf can be any of the 8 wolves listed in the dictionary.

Solo team:

Solo team:
Random Killer

The random killer can be any of the 4 killers listed in the dictionary.

Nights will be 12 hours and days will be 36 hours. The end of the next period will be clearly posted. Nights will run from 9 pm ET to 9 am ET.

You may edit your posts for clarity. If you edit out an action (like shooting someone) and you get caught I'm killing you.

You have unlimited vote changes. This includes voting nobody. The day expiration time of 9 pm will be strictly enforced. If your post / vote is at 9 pm or later, it will be discarded. People can have a flurry of late vote changes to lynch someone, but of course the consequences of doing that will be noticed by the village. Only your last vote will be counted. Votes must be in Bold to be counted. Please vote in the format I vote XXXX to make it easy for me.

There will be a minimum number of votes required to lynch. Usually this number will be around the number of villagers / 2. In the event of a tie, nobody is lynched. In the event that the minimum number of votes is not reached, nobody is lynched.

Night events will go in the following priority order regardless of when the PMs are sent to me:

Wolf Nightmare
Wolf Shaman
Medium revive
Wolf seer check
Doctor protect
Bodyguard protect
Witch protect
Tough Guy protect
Detective check
Aura Seer check
Marksman shot
Witch kill (if not killed by marksman, otherwise potion unused)
Jailer kill (if not killed by marksman/witch)
Red Lady visit
Solo killer kill
Wolves kill
Spirit Seer check

Please do not talk about the game outside of the designated threads. This is honor system. When you die, you will gain access to a special forum that is already set up. The medium has access to this forum already. If you are revived by the medium, you will lose access. Please use this forum for all discussion by dead players about the game. Alive players can talk during the main thread during the day.

It is possible, if very unlikely, for the game to end in a tie if every single player is killed. The game also ends in a tie if there are no deaths for three straight days and nights.

Winning Conditions:

Village: Kill all wolves and the solo killer

Wolves: Kill the solo killer. Once the wolves make up half the total players and the solo killer is dead, the wolves win, regardless of the roles remaining.

Fool: Get lynched

Solo killer: Be the last player remaining with all other players dead.


GW Elder
I feel similar. Only real use I got out of it was it let me put the screws to you to force a role reveal when you were in no REAL danger of getting lynched. :link

raposa; skip
Homie I'm chowing down on your arm in the village square, get in the dead chat.

I'll take you all on, come at me! I'm the berserker!
Mmo Mmorpg GIF by BlackDesert


GW Elder
Are you really? Before you parish, I needs to know: Why didn't you use your ability?
The night we used it we killed an unprotected aura seer, so it was a waste. We killed the seer instead of Cole because we figured you wouldn't be protecting Cole, lol. Also I totally forgot about the jailer role.
If it makes you feel better, in a roundabout way you saved Cole and the Jailer.
How did I manage that? Was it shortkut?
The night we used it we killed an unprotected aura seer, so it was a waste. We killed the seer instead of Cole because we figured you wouldn't be protecting Cole, lol. Also I totally forgot about the jailer role.
oof, feels bad man.
The night we used it we killed an unprotected aura seer, so it was a waste. We killed the seer instead of Cole because we figured you wouldn't be protecting Cole, lol. Also I totally forgot about the jailer role.
Oof, that hurts.

I was fully expecting Cole and I to get taken out if the Berserker was around. That's why I kept publicly posting that CG (and later, CG or kut) should be Tough Guy'd.
A couple of us ended up dropping hints in the first day, but it was just so goddamn huge that a lot of it became white noise.
I tried sprinkling hints but then when I became obsessed with getting Cole to commit suicide, I decided to be more irrational until it looked like I was going to die then I tried to be more direct
I tried sprinkling hints but then when I became obsessed with getting Cole to commit suicide, I decided to be more irrational until it looked like I was going to die then I tried to be more direct
For the longest time I just couldn't figure out exactly how you and CG could be saying the same things with such certainty, without being in direct contact with one another or one being a wolf. The chances of 3 Aura Seers was so remote that I didn't even consider it.

Sounds like your erratic behavior helped with the Berserk though, so thanks for taking one for the team! :hugs


GW Elder
Completely unrelated, I only now realize that I've heard of Black Desert for years but have never actually seen it.
Friend of mine got me into it, although like all mmos I've ever played since I became an adult and lost all my free time, I haven't played. But comboing moves into each other was really fun as a monk class.
For the longest time I just couldn't figure out exactly how you and CG could be saying the same things with such certainty, without being in direct contact with one another or one being a wolf. The chances of 3 Aura Seers was so remote that I didn't even consider it.

Sounds like your erratic behavior helped with the Berserk though, so thanks for taking one for the team! :hugs
What confused me was that both of them voted for TD. I was certain they knew what TD's role was and wanted to see if he could get lynched.


Roast Beef
GW Elder
What confused me was that both of them voted for TD. I was certain they knew what TD's role was and wanted to see if he could get lynched.
TD kept asking things that really felt like trying to get me to confirm my role, and that just felt like some info the wolves would be interested in.

I did check TD that night and found all was good.

The sequence of events of me checking Cole, him saying he would 100% vote for a wolf day 1 and then voting for me really made things interesting though. Like if he throws that random vote to anyone else (except shortkut who did the exact same thing as me) who knows how that chaos plays out.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
TD kept asking things that really felt like trying to get me to confirm my role, and that just felt like some info the wolves would be interested in.

I did check TD that night and found all was good.
And I was - because I really didn't think we had so many aura seers, I genuinely believed you could be the wolf seer making a big play.
TD kept asking things that really felt like trying to get me to confirm my role, and that just felt like some info the wolves would be interested in.

I did check TD that night and found all was good.

The sequence of events of me checking Cole, him saying he would 100% vote for a wolf day 1 and then voting for me really made things interesting though. Like if he throws that random vote to anyone else (except shortkut who did the exact same thing as me) who knows how that chaos plays out.
Had he not said he had 100% knowledge of a wolf, I would have played it differently. I picked up on your subtle clues right away and decided to be vocal about it to allow you to remain quiet
Had he not said he had 100% knowledge of a wolf, I would have played it differently. I picked up on your subtle clues right away and decided to be vocal about it to allow you to remain quiet
Speaking of, it’s funny to think that we ended up being unsure and not lynching anybody that day after he said he knew for 100%.Lol
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