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U.S.A. Generic US Election Thread

Let's stop using the Biden Drops out thread for stuff about Harris or new polls. Walz stuff can stay in the Walz thread through.

Promising set of polls from NYT/Siena:

That plus another good poll that came out of Nevada in the past couple of days actually puts the election into "it's won" if they hold true. Don't even need Nevada for that actually, just the three midwestern states do it.
Still too close for comfort (and far closer than a far right ticket like Trump and Vance should be)
Because it takes time to swing. Also the DNC hasn't even happened yet.

But also being up 4 in all the Midwest states is not close at all. Obviously it's just one poll, but that's a bit of a slaughter in that region.
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Because it takes time to swing. Also the DNC hasn't even happened yet.

But also being up 4 in all the Midwest states is not close at all. Obviously it's just one poll, but that's a bit of a slaughter in that region.
Yeah, this may not be a landslide victory, but the numbers are encouraging. Most of the time, the polls in those states are one candidate up 1-2 points with the poll having a 102 point margin of error.

To be up by 4 points with what I can assume is a 1-2 point margin of error is quite significant.
Because it takes time to swing. Also the DNC hasn't even happened yet.

But also being up 4 in all the Midwest states is not close at all. Obviously it's just one poll, but that's a bit of a slaughter in that region.

We could still have 2016 all over again, people not wanting to admit they are okay with project 2025 out loud but end up voting for it anyway
We could still have 2016 all over again, people not wanting to admit they are okay with project 2025 out loud but end up voting for it anyway
Without a doubt. Never underestimate the power of sheer ignorance. If there's one thing the right excels at, it's the age old strategy of gaining power through dividing and conquering.

Because it takes time to swing. Also the DNC hasn't even happened yet.

But also being up 4 in all the Midwest states is not close at all. Obviously it's just one poll, but that's a bit of a slaughter in that region.
Hopefully with a new face running for the Dems, it'll give them the shot in the arm they desperately need to win this. It'll be close, but a far better outcome than pushing the US one step closer to a dictatorship.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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GW Elder
Trump also outperforms polling partially due to people not wanting to admit they'll vote for him.

I like to think that won't be as strong this time now that's he's basically a fixture in American politics.
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Trump also outperforms polling partially due to people not wanting to admit they'll vote for him.

I like to think that won't be as strong this time now that's he's basically a fixture in American politics.
That last thought still makes me sick.
Forever a shitstain in the history books. I'm sure many will look back and laugh at his presidency, but in actuality, it brought about an awful trend of populist right politicians gaining popularity and getting voted in.
Maybe in 100 years when his shitstainery is no longer affecting the day to day living of most Americans.
Maybe in 100 years when his shitstainery is no longer affecting the day to day living of most Americans.
Too bad though the shit just keeps trickling down. I have no doubt another will follow in the same footsteps. Trump ain't alone in that regard as there are many out there who are as egotistical and narcissistic as he is. -___-
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I still can't believe the extreme flip this election has taken.
Seriously. Prior to Biden's drop out I was actually fairly convinced Trump was winning this election. Now it seems like that impression is getting flipped on the reverse and it seems very likely Harris wins now.

Honestly I think what has the potential to sink Trump is how he even handles being down to someone like Harris and being able to publicly handle that w/o saying some nasty shit that even some of his supporters won't like to hear. I think a lot of Trump's likeable personality to his supporters' eyes is that he's a strong man and he's able to control the narrative a bit and make it look like he's in charge. But if he keeps doing what he's doing now, which is to say whining on social media and in press conferences about how unfair it is that he's NOT running against Biden anymore, he's gonna start losing republicans because it makes him look like a loser.
Seriously. Prior to Biden's drop out I was actually fairly convinced Trump was winning this election. Now it seems like that impression is getting flipped on the reverse and it seems very likely Harris wins now.

Honestly I think what has the potential to sink Trump is how he even handles being down to someone like Harris and being able to publicly handle that w/o saying some nasty shit that even some of his supporters won't like to hear. I think a lot of Trump's likeable personality to his supporters' eyes is that he's a strong man and he's able to control the narrative a bit and make it look like he's in charge. But if he keeps doing what he's doing now, which is to say whining on social media and in press conferences about how unfair it is that he's NOT running against Biden anymore, he's gonna start losing republicans because it makes him look like a loser.
Trump showcasing his lack of confidence in going up against Harris makes him look weak and desperate. Not the kind of look you want just 3 months shy of an election.

And yeah, after he survived an assassination attempt, I thought that was it for the Dems. Something like that would usually spell the kiss of death for the opposition, especially with how divided the landscape is today. Hard to say what'll happen because it's close, but I am more optimistic now that the Dems have a new face as opposed to Biden still running.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder


No Problem Here
GW Elder
not seeing anything in here yet about how the Trump campaign got hacked or whatever, the op research dossier on Vance got leaked

There is also a photo of him going around from (I guess) his college days where he is dressed in drag

Which is a completely non-issue...unless you are with the party where any form of drag is degeneracy
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No Problem Here
GW Elder
He should get dragged for how low effort that is. Only a skirt and a wig? Come on man. Put on some makeup. Shave. Get a more natural hair color. Stuff that shirt.

It's a very blurry photo but either something is really wrong about his eyes (what direction is he looking?) or that's some eyeliner/mascara


No Problem Here
GW Elder
also look out rant incoming

I know this was a stupid college picture.

But what is the joke here?

Being a woman is the joke.

Being a woman means you are weak. Anything woman-coded is bad, you look weak. Anything woman related is at best a joke (haha), and at worst is something that is to be avoided at all costs.

This is also why they have picked transgender people as their current target. FTM probably confuses or enrages them. "Why would you WANT to be a woman? Why would you WANT to be weak? A joke? Women are the lowest gender thing in society. Why would you VOLUNTEER for that? You do not conform to our ridge societal power structure!"

This also leads me to a new term I have recently learned: transvestigators.

This is what happens when the in group is so tightly defined, conspiratorial, paranoid etc.

Eventually, the in group start to turn on each other.

Exhibit A: What happened recently with Andrew Tate

Exhibit B: The same thing happened to Kyle Rittenhouse

I am not at ALL surprised this is what the Qanon people, or former Qanon people, or whatever they call themselves, are currently doing. This is their new Thing. The drops are gone. Q is silent. Search for something. If you find something to pinpoint, you are elevated within their group.

If you can reveal that the person is actually a woman or likes feminine-coded things...that is the worst thing you can do. That is how you discredit the person.

To bring it back to politics, this is why a lot of attention is on these issues. (This is nothing new)

PS - I'm assuming that Vance dressed like this as a joke. I don't mind at all if men want to dress whatever, as long as it's not served as a joke to the group.

User @plasticmartyr, a model and actor who is transgender, wrote on X "Yo,@JDVance, you look slay mama. What's your drag name? Sofa Loren?" in reference to the Italian movie star Sophia Loren and the widely-circulated lie that Vance wrote about having sex with a couch in his memoir Hillbilly Elegy.

Holy shit, that is honestly one of the funniest political insults I've ever seen
Second photo has dropped

That's eyeliner

Now I am not sure if he had to do this because of a joke or he lost a bet or if he is genuine, that pose gives me mixed feelings

encourage drew tarver GIF by The Other Two
The couch thing, the dolphin thing, the son/pikachu thing, now this. How many things are they going to be embarrassed about with this man between now and election day? :chuckle

(Note: I'm not saying drag is embarrassing, only that he and his followers probably feel embarrassed about it because of their stance on drag and trans and anything not hetero-normative in general.)
I also want to point out that eyeliner is not very easy to put on unless you have practice

That looks better than some eyeliner I have put on myself

So either he had someone help him or
I'm guessing he had some help.

But also this is the least weird thing that's come out for him if we're being honest.

"Guy in college dresses us as a woman" (potentially for a party or a lost bet) is like, well, not crazy...right?


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Now they're trying to say that photos of large crowds turning out for Harris are fake. And this isn't the first time I've heard about Trump being loudly butthurt about her audience size.
Kamala has an official account on Trump's Truth Social and it seemingly exists just to brag to him about her crowd sizes.
Trump has apparently gotten desperate enough for attention to be fully back on him that he's posted on Twitter again, and is doing an interview with Elon on Twitter.
Oh yeah I've read about that too. Brussels also issued a warning from the EU about the danger of having him on there and the spreading of disinformation, and Musk said: "Take a step back and fuck yourself in the face".


No Problem Here
GW Elder
It also caused the DJT stock to decline even further (Trump going back on Twitter I mean)

It's like he was stuck between being a grifter on his own social network and his need to win the election and get back on X
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