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U.S.A. Fmr. President Trump shot at during campaign event in Butler, PA

I’m curious what happens if it does gain traction, though. The guy deliberately has his hands in so much stuff, and at times he practically begs for someone to step to him. People like him have a very “fine, I’m taking my toys and I’m leaving” attitude. That could become problematic and quick… it wouldn’t just be (more) Teslas stranded on the side of the road, there’s StarLink with all of the data transferred through it, the NASA contracts, the private data collected via Twitter. He’s certainly the kind of guy that’s going to need to be thoughtfully removed, because any drastic measures could create a ripple effect.
Just grab him in the middle of the night and lock him in a blacksite


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I think the bigger issue is that he could go hand a lot of US secrets to foreign parties. It's not hard to imagine him running off to Russia if the US pushes back on him. Hell, China is already using his Starlink satellites as radar to detect US jet-fighters. He's got US security clearance because they're a defense contractor so who knows what he's actually privy too, and what he could leak.

I don't even know what effect jail time would have on him. I have trouble not thinking someone would take a bribe and just let him out.
I think the bigger issue is that he could go hand a lot of US secrets to foreign parties. It's not hard to imagine him running off to Russia if the US pushes back on him. Hell, China is already using his Starlink satellites as radar to detect US jet-fighters. He's got US security clearance because they're a defense contractor so who knows what he's actually privy too, and what he could leak.

I don't even know what effect jail time would have on him. I have trouble not thinking someone would take a bribe and just let him out.
Him having that much intel makes him a very dangerous threat indeed. Like you, I imagine he'd be able to weasel his way out of serving jail time. He has the wealth, influence, and the power to basically do whatever the fuck he wants without repercussion. This really puts the US in a tough spot, because one wrong move means he turns that information over to enemy hands. Information is a very resourceful weapon, and Elon has a ton of it.
I don't see the whole "robots rebelling against humans" thing happening, that's pure sci-fi to me. But it does seem plausible that drones and the leaps in AI and improvements in robotics could lead to authoritarian states sending machines to deal with protests. Scary thought.
Agreed on both parts.

AI requires programming. I don't think self-awareness will ever be possible. 1s and 0s can't have feelings and can't use rational thought.

AI will be dangerous in the wrong hands, because there will come a point where they'll program AI to target people on facial recognition or other ways in order to dispatch those that people dislike.

You give something like that to some dictator, and you'll have something worse than the Holocost or Cambodian Genocide.
I've seen and read enough to know I never want to go there. I don't need to see them to understand the shit those people went through.
It hits entirely different when you're there. I broke down in tears at the Killing Fields and was blubbering like a baby at S-21. In some way I don't think you can ever truly comprehend what these people went through. The more "real" it is, the closer you come to understanding, though. But I understand why someone might not want to get that close to it.
It hits entirely different when you're there. I broke down in tears at the Killing Fields and was blubbering like a baby at S-21. In some way I don't think you can ever truly comprehend what these people went through. The more "real" it is, the closer you come to understanding, though. But I understand why someone might not want to get that close to it.
I'm a tad more soulless.
What the

Where did you grow up?

You can actually still see bones rising from the dirt after a fresh rain at the Killing Fields :/
Singapore. It was a general trip to Cambodia. I was 16.

I was thinking of Choeung Ek and the famous stupa full of skulls, but I did also go to Tuol Sleng/S-21.

I don't particularly remember my exact reaction, but I think I couldn't really comprehend it. Like my brain thought the skulls were not real because it seemed too unbelievable, even though the estimated 5,000 skulls represent only something like 1 in 300 of the deaths.
The Cambodian Genocide is one of those things that no one teaches even though we probably should. I bet more people are familiar with the Rwandan Genocide than the Cambodian simply because a movie was made depicting the events. I only found out about the Cambodian Genocide in the comments of a video on important events in human history that just are not taught.

It needs to be taught because that is what happens when prejudice and hate is weaponized.
Singapore. It was a general trip to Cambodia. I was 16.

I was thinking of Choeung Ek and the famous stupa full of skulls, but I did also go to Tuol Sleng/S-21.

I don't particularly remember my exact reaction, but I think I couldn't really comprehend it. Like my brain thought the skulls were not real because it seemed too unbelievable, even though the estimated 5,000 skulls represent only something like 1 in 300 of the deaths.
Ahh, I thought you moved to Singapore as an adult. You're still living there now, right?
The Cambodian Genocide is one of those things that no one teaches even though we probably should.
that is NOT going to happen (at least in america) given our leaders were largely responsible for creating the conditions that enabled it. i often think about this anthony bourdain quote

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