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U.S.A. Fmr. President Trump shot at during campaign event in Butler, PA

...but in order to win a suit against Biden they would need to prove guilt, not get dismissed.

There's literally nothing they have that can prove guilt. He was never officially the nominee and they just made stupid choices.
Not guilt. Damages. And there is a big difference. This would be a civil case. And the standards are much, much lower to prove you were damaged.

They can also sue Biden, but it's more likely they go after the campaign or the DNC for fraudulence.

Listen... all I'm saying is 10 years ago I'd have laughed at the joke and called the person an idiot.

Now? I think there's a very real chance they can win because the judicial system is FUBAR.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
By now it feels like the whole thing has blown over already and mostly forgotten about, like I said.

He got his ear scratched. Meh.

When it happened, I tried to give the benefit of the doubt. A lot of people don’t recognize their own mortality til they come that close to losing it, which is a fairly common belief most people have, and a fairly common occurrence. Sometimes, an event like that becomes turning point. You could tell he was rattled the first time he showed his face in the aftermath of it, but, it didn’t stick. My guess is, between his own ego and the people cheering him on, the dumbass actually believes he’s Teflon Don now… and not just within the context of legal recourse.

The thing that’s wild to me… I honestly think that he could have rallied his base AND undecideds much more had he been humbled by the experience. I bet that if he came out, genuinely, and said “you know, I let my ego get ahead of me, I’m not untouchable, and we’ve clearly let this political rivalry go on too far…” and then segue into the same rhetoric Biden was pitching about “cooling it down”, we could be seeing a different atmosphere right now. Would that be enough to undo the shit he’s said and done in the past? Absolutely not, but, I bet everyone against him would feel marginally better about the prospect of a dipshit like him in office if he had as much humble pie as he had Big Macs. People would still be oppositional to him, naturally, but fewer would feel as threatened if he actually tried to level with people instead of behaving like a self-appointed prophet. I’m not saying I wish this would have happened beyond for our own sake, but, it sure would have been “better” than this.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Double down is all Trump knows

I get that, but, I’ve also seen the cockiest of bastards turn their entire life around after a near-death experience, so part of me had to wait and see. Maybe I’m just inserting my own experiences as well, but, I’ve been fortunate to “dodge” more than the 8 rounds from a distance that he has over the span of my life, and I know damn well that was enough to change me. I guess that’s the difference between growing up watching your back, and growing up having your back watched for you.
Double down is all Trump knows
The double down is KFC I thought he only knew McDonald's

GIF by KFC Malaysia


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
More evidence that it was just glass then? Nobody turns their life around because of that.

Yeah, considering he was using a bandaid to cover it last night when he spoke in NC, I’m gonna have to agree. I think he was told it was glass, but since he already likened himself to 50 Cent, it’s too late to turn back. Finding out it was glass and not a rifle round likely did little to change how lucky he feels, because he’s still lucky regardless. However, the humbling experience? I don’t think it happened the way it does for most people, and we can probably blame narcissism for that. It’s the only way someone can rationalize getting shot at, remaining relatively unscathed, and still carry on like a cocky dipshit.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
To be fair, if that is somehow a faked image then he would have done good by eliminating misinformation (even if doing so benefited his guy).

But that's making an assumption and giving the benefit of the doubt to two people who've proven they probably don't deserve that common courtesy.

Also that's saying that a respected AP photojournalist like Pete Souza is spreading doctored pictures.

Grounds for a lawsuit if wrong, I believe.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I’ve seen quite a few graze wounds over the years… you’re looking at a few weeks to heal IF you’re lucky and healthy enough to heal quickly. By now, he should still have scabbing and redness around the wound. Plus, there’s the whole fact that he’s in his 80’s.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Weren't there also reports of the top of his ear missing?

A “graze” to the ear would be defined as clipping the ear, not piercing a hole through it, so, yeah, you’re right. SOMETHING would be missing, and there would be a blunt edge where it was taken off. You’re not gonna find the missing puzzle piece to your ear and have it still be intact for reattachment.

New conspiracy theory time. Trump uses stem cells to regenerate ear.

These people are quite awful and couldnt imagine someone being worth more than money to someone else

Trump claimed during a rally speech in Harrisburg on Wednesday that a friend of his had presented Helen Comperatore, Corey's wife, with a check for $1 million and that crowdfunding efforts were now in the millions.

"But you know what?" Trump said to supporters. "Corey's wife said, 'I'd rather have my husband.'"

"Isn't that good?" Trump continued. "I know a lot of wives that would not say that, I'm sorry. They would not say that."

The audience lapped up the comment and laughed.
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