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Sensitive First Presidential Debate of 2024

He literally already did that once.
Compare his debate performance now to 2020. Biden can't win either, barring some last minute rabbit they pull out of the hat.

Newsom might have skeletons, and might have sucked ass in his debate against DeSantis, but at least he's coherent, can argue, and doesn't lose his train of thought within literal seconds.

Biden's showing was disgraceful. I don't see how he recovers from this.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I just read this comment:

A lot of states require the candidate to have participated in a primary to be on the ballot in the general. It's literally not possible but the pundits aren't acknowledging that

I need to research this to learn which states, but that makes sense. I logistically do not see this happening.
My only hope is that there are still enough people who will vote AGAINST Trump, since that's all it's been about these past three elections anyway.

Also annoyed that the persons age matters at all anyway. 1. Trump is just as old. 2. It's petty surface level shit, the content of what they say and do should matter more as well as the fact checking. 3. Even if we go the extreme and consider they could die in office, so what? That's what a VP is for, and in the meantime they have aides and a whole cabinet of people to help them govern. I don't have any delusions about the general public agreeing with me on any of that though, just frustrated that it's seen as so important by almost everybody.
I didn’t even watch any clips. How accurate is this image

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Pretty much. Just an example: when abortion came up, Trump kept hammering the point that before Roe was overturned, they would birth full-term babies, put them on a table, and THEN kill them, and his opponent wants to go back to that.
He literally already did that once.

Also, who exactly would be the replacement? Harris wouldn't win. Newsom wouldn't win (have you researched him at all? Lots to attack him on). It's not going to happen. I suppose at some point pollsters might start throwing these hypothetical matchups out there. This is probably also why Biden didn't step aside, he is ultimately the incumbent and the best chance.

Unfortunately I didn't see this live, only clips. Again I am not going to say this is great. This just really sucks. I did see Biden as more feisty in the after debate stage, ironically.

Time will tell what is going to happen. I don't want to go in circles here. At least the campaign has a clear directive on how to course correct (he already did the SOTU, more of that will help).

I am also thinking about my grandfather. Maybe everyone watching this has a similar person in their lives. In my case, he got dementia in his 70s.
I understand your point and position.

However, past beating Trump is irrelevant. Especially after four year of what hasn't been a great presidency himself. What matters is the now in politics. And the fact is, Biden BARELY beat Trump four years ago. He couldn't afford to lose more than a few thousand voters and needed to maintain ALL the battleground states he won in 2020. He hasn't done that over the last 4 years and he absolutely lost a lot of ground last night. It proved what many feared about Biden and there is no recovering from that.

Additionally, last night proved also that a non-corpse could beat Trump. I don't think Harris is great, but she probably could. Newsom can. Pete Buttigieg can (and was my favorite 4 years ago). Elizabeth Warren should still be able to. Hakeem Jeffries could. Marianne Williamson could.

It's just a matter if Biden would do the right thing and withdraw and who the DNC would prefer run in his stead.

Mind you, I'm not saying it will happen (replacing Biden) but I think it absolutely should after the shit show that was last night.

I am sorry to hear about your grandfather, as well. It definitely looked that route for Biden. Multiple times. And you're going to see a ton of attack ads from the right that are indefensible for the democrats. I doubt you would let your grandfather subject himself to the rigors of a presidential election in that condition. I know I wouldn't have done that to my family. Which I hope is the very real discussion Jill Biden is having with Joe today.
I didn’t even watch any clips. How accurate is this image

View attachment 17499
Quite. Biden looked lost. Confused. He didn't fact Trump much at all and could barely string together a coherent thought.

Pretty much. Just an example: when abortion came up, Trump kept hammering the point that before Roe was overturned, they would birth full-term babies, put them on a table, and THEN kill them, and his opponent wants to go back to that.
Exactly this. And that was my breaking point. Biden not calling out the STUPIDITY of 8th, 9th and POST BIRTH ABORTIONS being commonplace was frustrating. Only in extremely rare medically fragile cases has anything like that even happened. But Biden legit stared at Trump open mouth agape with no response. It looked like he forgot to take notes to attack back too. For being the one that demanded the debate, this was the worst of all outcomes.

Also why is the thread title blurred
I marked it sensitive because politics is explosive and I wanted to make sure it was marked as such for those talking about sensitive subjects. I forgot Ben made it so the sensitive prefix blurs subjects for NSFW content for folks.
Here's hoping that the next two debates are significantly better, assuming he's not replaced and Trump doesn't refuse to participate for whatever reason he comes up with.
I believe there is only one more scheduled in September and if I'm Trump, if Biden is still the candidate, I am NOT accepting that debate. Only bad can come of it.

Biden (or his replacement) NEEDS the debate.

Perhaps a VP debate can help. Harris was a lawyer after all, so she knows how to play the oratory game. But short of a miracle, I can't see Trump accepting/attending the one in September. Only way I think is if Biden is replaced. Then Trump needs to attack the new person. Still unlikely as far as my opinion is concerned.
Even my parents were like "I don't want to watch this crap, what else is on?"

I've seen all that I need to see just from the Daily Show segment.

That shit is rouuuugh. Biden has generally no idea what he's saying, and Trump is just there lying and generally being the asshole he always is. Can we just have Obama come back for a 3th term, just this one time?
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No Problem Here
GW Elder
Jon, I want you to think about, seriously think about, how a change in course would play out.

Replacing Biden now would be a giant clusterfuck. I think it would be more damaging replacing Joe with just letting him play this out. If Biden is replaced, I feel this race goes 51-49 Trump to 65-35 Trump.

If Biden is replaced, it's likely Kamala who would replace him. She has her own baggage that might make her a worse candidate than Joe.

It makes the Democratic Party look as dysfunctional as the Republicans. This is 2016 x 10.

There would be the issue of the DNC choosing who will be the nominee since the primary is over. Lots of Bernie supporters will point to this as more proof as the DNC ignoring voters and picking who they want.

Newsom? Buttigieg? Harris? I think the only "fair" thing would be Harris as the VP, and perhaps there's an argument that at least she was on the primary ballot. But that would be bad too.

Again, compare all this to a bad debate. That happened in June. I don't know what will happen, but there's not great options here.

Edit: And let me be clear about something. Many Dems thought of Biden as a one term president to right the ship. A lot of people figured someone else would emerge. But that didn't happen! No one, unifying all-star from the party came to be, like when Obama gave that speech in the 2004 convention. I'm not really excited about any of the alternatives, and that's the problem. There are some people I would personally be excited about...maybe Jefferies...maybe Abrams although my sense is that unfortunately the country is not ready for a female president. But they need to be exciting in a coalescing way, and that happens way before this point in time.
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Jon, I want you to think about, seriously think about, how a change in course would play out.
I do, and i have. I am not saying it's a good thing. But I think to save democracy as a whole and keep Trump out of office, it has to happen. Personally. I just don't think it will.

Replacing Biden now would be a giant clusterfuck. I think it would be more damaging replacing Joe with just letting him play this out. If Biden is replaced, I feel this race goes 51-49 Trump to 65-35 Trump.
I disagree. I think after the debate it's closer to 65-35 already. There is no denying just how bad last night was for democrats. There is legit nothing good they can hold onto. Especially when Harris interviewed with CNN and looked lost trying to defend his performance and couldn't deny that's what he looks like in war rooms. This is a lot worse than I think you're giving it credit for.

There would be the issue of the DNC choosing who will be the nominee since the primary is over. Lots of Bernie supporters will point to this as more proof as the DNC ignoring voters and picking who they want.
Delegates are already not beholden to that. Not in the primaries, not in the electoral college. The DNC not backing any challengers to Biden already proved they are ignoring voters. This doesn't change that. And Harris is likely the last option they'll choose. You can't pick the VP that's been essentially non-existent for 3.5 years as the replacement for the flopping leader. You need fresh blood to turn up the heat. So, no, IF Biden steps aside, I don't think they replace him with Harris. THAT leads to a landslide Trump win. I do think any other candidate brings it closer to 50-50. Because again, a non-corpse beats Trump handedly last night.

Again, compare all this to a bad debate. That happened in June. I don't know what will happen, but there's not great options here.
I agree there isn't good options. But elections are won and lost in the debates. That's an undeniable fact. This is GOOD that it was this early because options still have time. If this were after the convention, then options are more limited and hope is lost. But look at 2020 for proof about debates. The 3 presidential debates WILDLY swung towards Biden and he never lost control after the second one. Trump faring so badly against Biden in the first 2020 debate is what did him in. And now Biden couldn't mount any level of defense. Even if they pick Harris, she CAN rebut and defend.

The issue is the swing voters that are either pressed to Trump or RFK after this. Early polls suggest a 10% (!!!) swing away from Biden. Replacing him may be drastic, but it's an option and one that needs to have serious discussion. Whether or not they do it is a different story.

It's pointless to have a deep and heated discussion about replacing Biden before it looks like that's what the Powers That Be are going to do.
You're not wrong, but it's also in my nature to postulate. I don't have a lot of patience for lollygagging things that have consequences for me and my family. And this does. The polls suggest (and I concur) that America doesn't like either candidate. But the fact that Trump is such a threat and cannot be allowed to win for the sake of Americans is real. And the only option that Americans truly have is a walking skeleton is problematic. Mostly because you need to convince close to a quarter million Americans in swing states that he's fit for the job... and last night proved he isn't.
Biden's showing was disgraceful. I don't see how he recovers from this.
Hopefully based on it is him or a literal convicted felon who wants to push fascist ideas and will continue to set not just this country, but the world back decades

I've seen all that I need to see just from the Daily Show segment.
Same, love me some John Stewart


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
It's pointless to have a deep and heated discussion about replacing Biden before it looks like that's what the Powers That Be are going to do.

You’re right, it’s speculation at best, because I don’t even think they know what they’re going to do at this point. Let’s just lean into that whole “Powers That Be” thing… realistically thinking, there cannot be a single Democrat or Republican that hasn’t considered a 5 year plan with either candidate. Neither are young. Neither will be able to run again after this.

Considering that, we can really only look at either candidate as a placeholder for the future of politics. 4 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things, despite the overwhelming amount of damage either candidate could accomplish in that time. My concern isn’t necessarily what will happen in the next four years, but what will happen AFTER that. If these two are the best we have now, what’s waiting in the wings after our “only” two options are exhausted? What kind of future is the federal government gearing up for in a post-2028 America?
You’re right, it’s speculation at best, because I don’t even think they know what they’re going to do at this point. Let’s just lean into that whole “Powers That Be” thing… realistically thinking, there cannot be a single Democrat or Republican that hasn’t considered a 5 year plan with either candidate. Neither are young. Neither will be able to run again after this.

Considering that, we can really only look at either candidate as a placeholder for the future of politics. 4 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things, despite the overwhelming amount of damage either candidate could accomplish in that time. My concern isn’t necessarily what will happen in the next four years, but what will happen AFTER that. If these two are the best we have now, what’s waiting in the wings after our “only” two options are exhausted? What kind of future is the federal government gearing up for in a post-2028 America?
If Trump doesn't win, he'll run again until he either wins again or until he's dead. This is the last run for Biden no matter what.

On the R side? No idea who would be next. JD Vance? A different Trump? There aren't a lot of options out there that aren't essentially a different version of Trump at this point

For the D side? Well there are some options out there and none of them are a Biden clone or wannabe. It would just be question of who it ends up being and if it's someone who is actually not one foot in the grave (Harris would probably not get it, despite being the current VP; Newsome is another one of those big names that likely wouldn't get the nom).


The Great One
GW Elder

That whole was a train wreck. Avenger could have ripped Trump apart on several edibles with zero prep time.

But Avenger doesn't agree with the whole replacing biden talk. Biden's administration has done A LOT of good. To sweep all of that aside because he fumbles a little while talking just seems asinine. Look at the record. Look at the policies. That's what you're voting for. Not if they're a good speaker.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
If Trump doesn't win, he'll run again until he either wins again or until he's dead. This is the last run for Biden no matter what.

I dunno, man… I see him deteriorating pretty quickly over this election season. I know it’s a tough ask, but look at him at the start of his first term and then at the end of it. IF he chose to run again if he loses, I don’t see him being the nominee.

On the R side? No idea who would be next. JD Vance? A different Trump? There aren't a lot of options out there that aren't essentially a different version of Trump at this point

Nah, you’re right, and I foresee that triggering a pretty big shift in the party, because SOMEONE is going to have to step up… and they’re gonna cannibalize each other until one does.

For the D side? Well there are some options out there and none of them are a Biden clone or wannabe. It would just be question of who it ends up being and if it's someone who is actually not one foot in the grave (Harris would probably not get it, despite being the current VP; Newsome is another one of those big names that likely wouldn't get the nom).

Realistically, I see the Democratic Party standing a better chance of coming out of Biden’s reign than the Republican Party after Trump’s simply because of what you’re saying about there being multiple candidates that aren’t necessarily like Biden. The Republicans are gonna need a lot more time to regroup and reevaluate their game plan, like you said… it’s pretty barren on that side of the aisle.


That whole was a train wreck. Avenger could have ripped Trump apart on several edibles with zero prep time.

I would pay to see “regular” people debate candidates. That’s what the debates should have… a whole segment where they have to answer to the American people before the polls. Not those pansy ass lines of approved and cherry-picked audience submitted questions.
I dunno, man… I see him deteriorating pretty quickly over this election season. I know it’s a tough ask, but look at him at the start of his first term and then at the end of it. IF he chose to run again if he loses, I don’t see him being the nominee.
Who would stop him? He OWNS the party...

If he wants it, he'll take it. That's the danger of Trump. He also won't admit he lost. Again. So 4 more years of the same.


The Great One
GW Elder
I would pay to see “regular” people debate candidates. That’s what the debates should have… a whole segment where they have to answer to the American people before the polls. Not those pansy ass lines of approved and cherry-picked audience submitted questions.

What's crazy is that they more than likely get these questions before hand and still can't deliver anything substantial.

Politicians are so scared of telling anyone the truth. And Avenger gets it's people are stupid. Very very stupid and uneducated. You can't really tell them anything because they lack the ability to comprehend anything that's longer than a sentence long. But still, Avenger would love if politicans actually say, "We can't do this because of all these factors. And here is a list" But again, that would turn off stupid people. So it's just fluff fluff fluff.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Who would stop him? He OWNS the party...

If he wants it, he'll take it. That's the danger of Trump. He also won't admit he lost. Again. So 4 more years of the same.

He thinks he owns the party because he has people backing him, but as soon as the next big thing comes along… he’ll be discarded like those that came before him. Remember, a lot of people have already turned on him after January 6th, and a lot before, and a lot after. He still clearly has a foothold, but, like Alu said… it’s simply because everyone else sucks. Politicians are fickle, they’ll flip on him quick under the pretense of a better candidate.


What's crazy is that they more than likely get these questions before hand and still can't deliver anything substantial.

Politicians are so scared of telling anyone the truth. And Avenger gets it's people are stupid. Very very stupid and uneducated. You can't really tell them anything because they lack the ability to comprehend anything that's longer than a sentence long. But still, Avenger would love if politicans actually say, "We can't do this because of all these factors. And here is a list" But again, that would turn off stupid people. So it's just fluff fluff fluff.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’d rather someone tell me to go fuck myself, that they can’t do this or that, than blow smoke. Take insulin prices for example… Y’all can’t drop the prices because it would cripple the manufacturing process? Just for example, not saying that’s the reason… we know the real reason. Okay, come right out and tell us that we need to charge $X per dose or the lights won’t stay on at the factory. Asking for someone to be up front and honest with us shouldn’t be an issue when we’re talking about the highest ranking elected official in the country.
He thinks he owns the party because he has people backing him, but as soon as the next big thing comes along… he’ll be discarded like those that came before him. Remember, a lot of people have already turned on him after January 6th, and a lot before, and a lot after. He still clearly has a foothold, but, like Alu said… it’s simply because everyone else sucks. Politicians are fickle, they’ll flip on him quick under the pretense of a better candidate.
I'm not so sure about that. The issue with MAGA is it's infiltrated too many levels. Republicans know they can't win without the grassroots republicans that are openly MAGA and openly pro-Trump. All non MAGA supporting republicans have been labeled RINO and booted. Look at Kinzinger and Cheny. The danger of Trump is that he's there until he chooses. I feel anyway.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I'm not so sure about that. The issue with MAGA is it's infiltrated too many levels. Republicans know they can't win without the grassroots republicans that are openly MAGA and openly pro-Trump. All non MAGA supporting republicans have been labeled RINO and booted. Look at Kinzinger and Cheny. The danger of Trump is that he's there until he chooses. I feel anyway.

I’ll say the same thing I said about those idiots from January 6th… we can’t give them more power than they actually have. If we make them out to be boogeymen, then they will be. If we make them out to be something that can be extinguished, then can and will be. The biggest obstacle I see with people who oppose Trump is that they make him out to be this monolithic force in politics… which in turn has become a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, and now no one wants to challenge his position in the party. Take yourself back to high school, dude… think about the bullies you’d see, and how they finally reacted when someone stepped to them. It’s the same thing repeating itself in politics. You have this clown that everyone says is the biggest, baddest thing in the world. He hears this, he becomes this. The ego is his primary weapon. Take that away, treat him as a common man, and we’re bound to see someone try to step up. We have a worn down political sphere, especially after the last several years. No one really has the confidence or the fortitude to take him on, so that’s how we ended up here. It’s the perfect crime of opportunity… swoop right in and take over a beaten-down party and become the top dog.
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The issue isn't with Trump owning the party, the issue is he owns the majority of the votes that go for the party (who are no longer loyal to the party, just the man - which is why no matter what he says, even if he disagrees with himself, they'll agree with him). Without that support, Republicans are ousted because a majority of people who vote R don't give a shit about party loyalty.

If he loses again there may be a reckoning where people come to term with him causing them to lose what should be easy elections. Or it could take until he's dead. Either way there's what seems to be a cult of voters at this point (which is somewhere in the 25-35% range of all voters).


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
The issue isn't with Trump owning the party, the issue is he owns the majority of the votes that go for the party (who are no longer loyal to the party, just the man - which is why no matter what he says, even if he disagrees with himself, they'll agree with him). Without that support, Republicans are ousted because a majority of people who vote R don't give a shit about party loyalty.

I honestly think it’s a little simpler than that… I think it boils down to he “mastered” the art of appealing to people around what our parent’s age would be on Twitter and Facebook. He saw a demographic and seized it. Politicians learned during Obama’s terms the importance of social media and the internet in controlling the narrative and communicating directly with your base. We used to have candidates on horse-drawn carriages that would come through the center of town waving and speaking loudly to get the attention of the citizens. They don’t need to do that anymore… they can just go online and post a tweet. Couple that with a younger generation of politicians, aides, and the like gently informing someone like Trump that middle-aged people and boomers don’t know how to fact check, believe what they see online as fact, etc… then you’ve got a whole demographic of people that you have instant access to and the ability to feed them whatever shit your press team has half-cocked in their drafts tab. Do I think Trump is smart enough to figure this out on his own? Nope. But, he’s a scheming ass businessman, so he knows to reach out to someone that he can use to figure it out.

If he loses again there may be a reckoning where people come to term with him causing them to lose what should be easy elections. Or it could take until he's dead. Either way there's what seems to be a cult of voters at this point (which is somewhere in the 25-35% range of all voters).

There HAS to be a reckoning regardless of who wins. We realistically cannot go through many more election cycles like this as a nation.
There HAS to be a reckoning regardless of who wins. We realistically cannot go through many more election cycles like this as a nation.
But there's the problem: if the Trump base isn't part of the reckoning there won't be one. If Biden loses, there will be a reckoning on the D side for sure. If Trump loses? It could be another 4 years of complaining and an angry base saying he was once again robbed.
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The Great One
GW Elder
But there's the problem: if the Trump base isn't part of the reckoning there won't be one. If Biden loses, there will be a reckoning on the D side for sure. If Trump loses? It could be another 4 years of complaining and an angry base saying he was once again robbed.

Won't that reckoning just be no one gets to vote for anyone that isn't a republican ever again? This reckoning won't affect just democrats, it will affect the whole country per project 2025.

Won't that reckoning just be no one gets to vote for anyone that isn't a republican ever again? This reckoning won't affect just democrats, it will affect the whole country per project 2025.
Not so much a "reckoning" as a "punishment" there, but yeah it wouldn't be good.

Won't that reckoning just be no one gets to vote for anyone that isn't a republican ever again? This reckoning won't affect just democrats, it will affect the whole country per project 2025.
I think what he means is that the democrats are still one party. The republicans really aren't. There are moderate republicans and there are MAGA republicans. Moderates are dying off by either quitting (like Kinzinger and Cheney) or being absorbed into the idiocy of the fascist wing (like Vance, Cruz and Haley). Democrats don't have the level of infighting republicans do. The republicans cannot control the house or senate without having both sides be united. Which we see FAR more of now because the moderates are being chased off. There are extreme left democrats, sure, but they aren't the base for more than half the party.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
But there's the problem: if the Trump base isn't part of the reckoning there won't be one. If Biden loses, there will be a reckoning on the D side for sure. If Trump loses? It could be another 4 years of complaining and an angry base saying he was once again robbed.

I think there has already been a degree of reckoning with some of them, whether it started before or after January 6th is questionable. They still may have every intention of voting for him, but they don’t regard him as the savior they once did. Like many people, I know a fair share of Trump supporters. The makeup of those supporters might be different than other people, because they’re not your typical redneck or 6-7 figure income individual, but I’d say it’s diverse enough to have a good gauge on their collective views. Oddly enough, the ones clinging to vote for him in the circle of people I know are exactly the ones you wouldn’t expect… a few women, blacks, Hispanics, and a single trans man. They feel defeated by the lack of anything tangible. They feel like they’re only spoken about for their vote, and then discarded until the next election cycle. The years of empty promises have taken a toll. They’d almost rather deal with someone that they can see through. The ones that jumped ship? They were the most rabid in the beginning. Build the wall. Kick them out. Fuck everybody. America is #1. Those types of people. They stopped backing him when they realized that they were being used for the “muscle”.
They stopped backing him when they realized that they were being used for the “muscle”.
Yet the Supreme Court TODAY said many of J6 were improperly charged. That's going to have another MASSIVE impact on this election since Trump insists they were unlawful prisoners and he is going to pardon them all. This is going to strengthen that perspective. Among the base and the more uneducated undecided.

Not to mention the expectation is that there will be TWO more Supreme Court seats for the next president to fill (expected among Thomas, Alito and Sotomayer). We CANNOT afford to have Trump fill those seats with young extreme judges again. ESPECIALLY in the case of Sotomayer because she's one of the few liberals left. The damage that Trump did to the Supreme Court is palpable and probably the most egregious thing of his presidency. Especially since he shouldn't have had two of those nominations.


The Great One
GW Elder

Yea, the supreme court decisions since these new appointments have been precedent shattering bullshit. We are going to be doomed for a long time. IF biden gets it, we may be able to slow the bleeding and hope some of those old fucks die or just walk off because they've already been paid off enough.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Yet the Supreme Court TODAY said many of J6 were improperly charged. That's going to have another MASSIVE impact on this election since Trump insists they were unlawful prisoners and he is going to pardon them all. This is going to strengthen that perspective. Among the base and the more uneducated undecided.

I was reading about that leading up to today, and some of the people there were hit with some pretty egregious charges and likely will have the evidence to back it up, but I couldn’t tell you exactly what kind of percentage we’re looking at, as what I was reading were individual examples. It is totally plausible that there were individuals there that were improperly charged, it happens at every single incident that results in mass arrests, and unfortunately ties people up until their day in court. We saw the same with people in Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, and elsewhere during the George Floyd protests and riots, and some of those people are still waiting for their day in court. We have to look at January 6th the same way we look at those protests… yes, there were people there exercising their right to assemble, but there were also people exploiting the occasion and taking it entirely too goddamn far. When you have something like that happen, sometimes innocent people get hit with bogus charges and sometimes guilty people get off without consequence. It’s bullshit, but, it’s unfortunately how it is.

Not to mention the expectation is that there will be TWO more Supreme Court seats for the next president to fill (expected among Thomas, Alito and Sotomayer). We CANNOT afford to have Trump fill those seats with young extreme judges again. ESPECIALLY in the case of Sotomayer because she's one of the few liberals left. The damage that Trump did to the Supreme Court is palpable and probably the most egregious thing of his presidency. Especially since he shouldn't have had two of those nominations.

That’s gonna have to be one of those things that we’re conscious of, but not something to prioritize. The goal should be for it to not get to that point by focusing the attention on prevention, rather than trying to be two steps ahead.
I think there has already been a degree of reckoning with some of them, whether it started before or after January 6th is questionable. They still may have every intention of voting for him, but they don’t regard him as the savior they once did. Like many people, I know a fair share of Trump supporters. The makeup of those supporters might be different than other people, because they’re not your typical redneck or 6-7 figure income individual, but I’d say it’s diverse enough to have a good gauge on their collective views. Oddly enough, the ones clinging to vote for him in the circle of people I know are exactly the ones you wouldn’t expect… a few women, blacks, Hispanics, and a single trans man. They feel defeated by the lack of anything tangible. They feel like they’re only spoken about for their vote, and then discarded until the next election cycle. The years of empty promises have taken a toll. They’d almost rather deal with someone that they can see through. The ones that jumped ship? They were the most rabid in the beginning. Build the wall. Kick them out. Fuck everybody. America is #1. Those types of people. They stopped backing him when they realized that they were being used for the “muscle”.
Every Trump supporter I know from 2016/2020 still plans on voting for him in 2024 and for the most part they're exactly who you'd expect them to be. They're also still flying his flags everywhere they can.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Every Trump supporter I know from 2016/2020 still plans on voting for him in 2024 and for the most part they're exactly who you'd expect them to be. They're also still flying his flags everywhere they can.

I feel for you. I just recently started experiencing the flag-flying types out here, they’re a new group for me. I miss the days when these types just had NASCAR driver number flags on their front porch…
Yeah. I know they said he had a cold, although it took nearly half the debate for that to be confirmed. But I saw some clips from his Raleigh rally and the difference really is shocking. He looked energetic and on top of things.

I can't help but think that those insider claims that he was overprepared might have some truth to them too.
Problem is not the same level of people see a random rally in Raleigh.

But I saw the same. And had he looked like that today and fact-checked Trump at ALL, and even hit on the abortion topic that was a lay up for him and Trump dug his own hole on, we'd be having a much different discussion today. He better do everything he can to get Trump to actually show in September. He NEEDS that debate.

And maybe some of the SotU cocaine....
C’mon… you know he got it from his boy.
Fuck dude, I don't care where he got it from, he could have used it.

...Is this "hey dad, smell my finger!?", but the finger has a key bump on it?
The Biden family equivalent of flushing the weed down the toilet when the DEA is at the door?
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