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Sensitive First Presidential Debate of 2024

Apparently polls are showing Biden moved AHEAD by 1 point nationally, but the concern is swing states. Also when polled where 3rd party is an option, he loses to Trump by a narrow margine.

Could explain why he's got it in his head that he's the best person to beat Trump. He did say that if his team presents evidence to him that he would lose the race then he would consider stepping down. So I'm feeling two ways about the "good news" of the positive poll numbers.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Meanwhile, Musk has thrown "a sizable amount" to a Trump super PAC.

I'm not really that surprised if he's thrown all his chips in with the fascists planning to burn the world. I'm sure removing a ton of human-rights protections and deregulating big business would make it far easier for him to push his self-driving cars that like to run over pedestrians.

I really fucking hate political action committees. If politics wasn't all about money and more about substance of policy, America wouldn't be on the downward trajectory that it very much is... 😡
Meanwhile, Musk has thrown "a sizable amount" to a Trump super PAC.

I'm not really that surprised if he's thrown all his chips in with the fascists planning to burn the world. I'm sure removing a ton of human-rights protections and deregulating big business would make it far easier for him to push his self-driving cars that like to run over pedestrians.

I really fucking hate political action committees. If politics wasn't all about money and more about substance of policy, America wouldn't be on the downward trajectory that it very much is... 😡

I fucking hate Musk
Meanwhile, Musk has thrown "a sizable amount" to a Trump super PAC.

I'm not really that surprised if he's thrown all his chips in with the fascists planning to burn the world. I'm sure removing a ton of human-rights protections and deregulating big business would make it far easier for him to push his self-driving cars that like to run over pedestrians.

I really fucking hate political action committees. If politics wasn't all about money and more about substance of policy, America wouldn't be on the downward trajectory that it very much is... 😡
He's made it no secret either. This is the same man who wanted to send people to Mars to basically work as slaves under the pretense of "giving them an opportunity", and the same man who turned twitter into what might as well be a right-wing propaganda outlet.
He's made it no secret either. This is the same man who wanted to send people to Mars to basically work as slaves under the pretense of "giving them an opportunity", and the same man who turned twitter into what might as well be a right-wing propaganda outlet.

Yep. He's all about "free speech" but silences anyone who talks about trying to unionize at tesla

He is a right wing troll with too much money
Opinion seems to be coalescing around Harris as the replacement at this point.

I personally dont have a huge issue with her, I do think she would continue most of Biden's plans, but I do worry about the older and more southern democrats that helped Clinton win, are they going to be put off by a woman of color? Are they informed enough to know how dangerous another Trump presidency would be? Do they think she just slept her way to this position?

It is 2024, I HATE that I have to have these worries


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I personally dont have a huge issue with her, I do think she would continue most of Biden's plans, but I do worry about the older and more southern democrats that helped Clinton win, are they going to be put off by a woman of color? Are they informed enough to know how dangerous another Trump presidency would be? Do they think she just slept her way to this position?

It is 2024, I HATE that I have to have these worries

None of the criticism I’ve heard about her revolves around her race, and the closest I’ve heard regarding the matter was her indecisiveness about which race in her racial composition she wanted to appeal to. Honestly, people should be more concerned about how black people will vote for her, a good portion sees her as, well, a classic Uncle Tom case because of her work in the courts. She’s had more of a negative impact on black people than a positive one… her VP position boosts her, while her work elsewhere has been at the detriment of her own race and Hispanics. Not a good look if you’re a democrat looking to appeal to a traditional democrat base.
it's weird to me how he's holding on like this, and I find myself wandering where it comes from. Initially, he told us all that he only planned to run for one term and he wanted to be a transitional candidate to a younger generation. And then more recently, he said he would consider stepping down if his team recommends it. But now all of a sudden, it's "NO!! I won't! I'm the best one for this!"

Also not to be pedantic, but isn't it Democratic base rather than Democrat base? I know it's weird but until I started hearing Jim Engster correct people, I didn't realize that it seems like saying "Democrat party" is a kind of mild pejorative.
None of the criticism I’ve heard about her revolves around her race,

Just because we dont hear it doesnt mean there arent people who wont vote for her simply because of her race (or gender). Not everyone is mask off with their racism

and the closest I’ve heard regarding the matter was her indecisiveness about which race in her racial composition she wanted to appeal to. Honestly, people should be more concerned about how black people will vote for her, a good portion sees her as, well, a classic Uncle Tom case because of her work in the courts. She’s had more of a negative impact on black people than a positive one… her VP position boosts her, while her work elsewhere has been at the detriment of her own race and Hispanics. Not a good look if you’re a democrat looking to appeal to a traditional democrat base.

Yeah that can be an issue too


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
it's weird to me how he's holding on like this, and I find myself wandering where it comes from. Initially, he told us all that he only planned to run for one term and he wanted to be a transitional candidate to a younger generation. And then more recently, he said he would consider stepping down if his team recommends it. But now all of a sudden, it's "NO!! I won't! I'm the best one for this!"

Also not to be pedantic, but isn't it Democratic base rather than Democrat base? I know it's weird but until I started hearing Jim Engster correct people, I didn't realize that it seems like saying "Democrat party" is a kind of mild pejorative.

Dude, I had forgotten all about that statement… that’s a very valid point. I want to say that I wonder what changed in his mind, but, we already know the answer to that.

Just because we dont hear it doesnt mean there arent people who wont vote for her simply because of her race (or gender). Not everyone is mask off with their racism

Correct, most of them being the same type that only voted for Obama because he’s black. Sure, there’s plenty of black people that will vote for her for representation’s sake, and that’s perfectly cool, but, by and large… her biggest demographic will be liberal whites that think they’re doing black folks a favor simply because of the racial composition of the country. They won’t look at how many black families she negatively affected during her time in the court system. They won’t look at how the policies she supported targeted and punished blacks at a higher frequency than whites or Hispanics. They’ll just see a black candidate and vote for her, which… is pretty ironic to me considering the climate and views on race these days.
They won’t look at how many black families she negatively affected during her time in the court system. They won’t look at how the policies she supported targeted and punished blacks at a higher frequency than whites or Hispanics.

I am somewhat uninformed here, and anyone can correct my ignorance, how much of that was in her control? Crime comes more from poverty than race and blacks are disproportionately more likely to be poor than whites, which some what accounts for their higher frequency, right? Or am I way off base?

They’ll just see a black candidate and vote for her, which… is pretty ironic to me considering the climate and views on race these days.
Given her polling in 2020, I dont know if that is the case, she'll get many votes because many people see the dangers of Trump and the republican party


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I am somewhat uninformed here, and anyone can correct my ignorance, how much of that was in her control? Crime comes more from poverty than race and blacks are disproportionately more likely to be poor than whites, which some what accounts for their higher frequency, right? Or am I way off base?

That leads back to the battle cry of systemic racism in the judicial system, basically. She was an integral member of the judicial system in a state that disproportionately impacted blacks and Hispanics prior to her involvement in the federal government. Was it all on her shoulders? No, she’s not the judge, jury, and executioner. Was she complicit and in-favor of the enforcement of those laws that targeted those demographics? Absolutely, it built her reputation that brought her to the federal government’s stage.

Given her polling in 2020, I dont know if that is the case, she'll get many votes because many people see the dangers of Trump and the republican party

That may be true in regards to people on the anti-Trump front line, but, if Trump wasn’t running… her voters would be focused on face value. We saw that much when Obama ran, those voters are still out there participating in elections. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t give a shit what color or gender the president is, but my deciding factor isn’t going to be their color or what’s between their legs.
538 now had Biden barely projected to win the election. Looks like the path is in the Midwest, with Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia all currently projected for Trump, with Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania all for Biden.

That would still be bad for down ballot races in the Senate if there's not split tickets in Arizona and Nevada. That would also rely on Tester and Brown to continue being anomalies in their states.

However the Senate specific polling shows Nevada in decent shape, and Arizona not too bad as well, at least not yet.
Biden's polling hasn't really deteriorated. There was a tiny drop after the debate, but it's essentially reversed.

That is what's interesting about this debate. Scores of people are saying Biden can't win or that someone else would do better, but the empirical evidence for either scenario is thin on the ground to say the least. There's every chance that could change of course.
Biden's polling hasn't really deteriorated. There was a tiny drop after the debate, but it's essentially reversed.

That is what's interesting about this debate. Scores of people are saying Biden can't win or that someone else would do better, but the empirical evidence for either scenario is thin on the ground to say the least. There's every chance that could change of course.
Some pundits have been saying debates havent mattered, which I dont know if that is mostly true or damage control. They claimed Obama's first debate with Romney wasnt good at all.

I know it sort of mattered Kennedy v Nixon, at least Nixon "won" it, but those who watched on TV didnt like his look. No clue if that was something I was taught that got blown out of proportion or not. I thought Biden "won" against Trump in 2020, but who knows, I already knew I wasnt going to vote for someone as awful as Trump so it may not have mattered

538 now had Biden barely projected to win the election. Looks like the path is in the Midwest, with Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia all currently projected for Trump, with Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania all for Biden.

That would still be bad for down ballot races in the Senate if there's not split tickets in Arizona and Nevada. That would also rely on Tester and Brown to continue being anomalies in their states.

However the Senate specific polling shows Nevada in decent shape, and Arizona not too bad as well, at least not yet.

On the Weekly Show Podcast (Jon Stewart) there was someone on there saying the Senate races for Dems are polling better than presidential, so take that for what its worth
538 now had Biden barely projected to win the election. Looks like the path is in the Midwest, with Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia all currently projected for Trump, with Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania all for Biden.

That would still be bad for down ballot races in the Senate if there's not split tickets in Arizona and Nevada. That would also rely on Tester and Brown to continue being anomalies in their states.

However the Senate specific polling shows Nevada in decent shape, and Arizona not too bad as well, at least not yet.
I dunno... I can't see Nevada going red. They've been getting progressively more blue and the larger areas like Reno and Vegas are almost always landslide blue. Reno's county is usually what carries the Dems there.

Georgia is interesting because the larger rural areas don't like Trump and have been swinging bluer the last few elections. But Trump has gotten enough cronies installed there and they've disproportionately made it more difficult for some counties to vote blue there. In particular, alienating a lot of black voters in Georgia... which again blows my mind at how Trump can tout the black vote when he legit does more than any candidate in recent history to hold them down...

Wisconsin and Arizona are completely split last I've seen. And Michigan and Penn. are more blue leaning.

In normal circumstances I'd be curious how this is going to turn out. This year I'm just scared.
Georgia is interesting because the larger rural areas don't like Trump and have been swinging bluer the last few elections. But Trump has gotten enough cronies installed there and they've disproportionately made it more difficult for some counties to vote blue there. In particular, alienating a lot of black voters in Georgia... which again blows my mind at how Trump can tout the black vote when he legit does more than any candidate in recent history to hold them down...
Georgia scares me, they were way too close to electing Walker who is a bigger idiot than Trump. They will like cheat and steal and make it harder for blue areas to vote


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Nevada is interesting as it's one of the few places Democrats have been outperforming their polls recently.

The issue is that Vegas really isn't a landslide, or at least Clark County isn't. Trump narrowed the margin there to single digits last time. If he can improve his position by 2% and take it from Biden (and not third parties) then that alone would flip the state. And with Biden performing poorly amongst Hispanics that's where the concern comes in.
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They claimed Obama's first debate with Romney wasnt good at all.
Not only do I remember that, I was actually thinking about it earlier today. It's true, Obama did not do well against Romney in the first debate. And what's funny about that is afterwards everybody was saying don't worry, Biden will turn things around in the vice presidential debate with Paul Ryan. And Biden actually did do pretty well in that debate, but that was 12 years ago.
Not only do I remember that, I was actually thinking about it earlier today. It's true, Obama did not do well against Romney in the first debate.

Rather shocking as Obama is such a good speaker

And what's funny about that is afterwards everybody was saying don't worry, Biden will turn things around in the vice presidential debate with Paul Ryan. And Biden actually did do pretty well in that debate, but that was 12 years ago.

Didnt Biden at one point, not sure if it was a debate (during his time as VP) say if you're worried about home security, go buy a shotgun?
who is preferred?
Before the assassination attempt, rumor was Vance. Because he's the biggest loser who was a self-proclaimed "never Trumper" that turned a 180 and licks his ass now.

The through, post-assassination attempt is Trump wants someone with more oomph and Burgum is ahead (rumored).

Rubio is a loser that Trump doesn't really like and his name was rumored to never be really in consideration, like Tim Scott. Trump just wanted to see how much they'd kiss his ass as both were lifelong politicians and Senators.

Of course, what he does is anyone's guess, but those are the rumors I've most commonly heard.
Of course he did
I suppose I could have said that about any of them...

But Vance pisses me off. He legit shit talked Trump and called himself a never Trumper. Then out of the blue gets endorsed by Trump and becomes the biggest honky in MAGA... He couldn't wait to see if Stormy Daniels was right.

I suppose I could have said that about any of them...

But Vance pisses me off. He legit shit talked Trump and called himself a never Trumper. Then out of the blue gets endorsed by Trump and becomes the biggest honky in MAGA... He couldn't wait to see if Stormy Daniels was right.

They are all the same they all are boot lickers, Cruz backed Trump despite Trump calling his wife fat and/or ugly


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Just assume everything politicians do is to gain more money or more power. That's the only thing they care about. The only person I can think of who doesn't seem to give a shit about becoming wealthy off of their job is Bernie.

Everyone else is in the pocket of someone or another, which is why nothing ever gets done. There's always someone with a vested interest in continuing gun manufacture, etc. that would rather continue to make money than keep our children safe.

That's why I wish super PACs weren't a thing, and you couldn't just funnel millions into a campaign to basically ensure someone wins. The people with money to spend certainly don't care about us enough to do the right thing.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
He was supposed to drain the swamp!
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