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Multi Dragon's Dogma 2

Joseph Snapple

You don't know how to treat the Crypt Keeper!
GW Elder
I loved Dragon's Dogma but tbh I kind of keep going back and forth on whether I want to immediately grab 2 or not. Everything I've read, combined with what I remember from 1, makes me feel like it is not a game you can just boot up for a little bit and have a satisfying time and I just don't know if that fits well with where I am now vs a decade ago.
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Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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GW Elder
Wolf Players
I loved Dragon's Dogma but tbh I kind of keep going back and forth on whether I want to immediately grab 2 or not. Everything I've read, combined with what I remember from 1, makes me feel like it is not a game you can just boot up for a little bit and have a satisfying time and I just don't know if that fits well with where I am now vs a decade ago.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I definitely see it as a game I mainly play when I have the day off.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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GW Elder
It's definitely a game not designed for short bursts, I mean, you can play it as such... but to get fully immersed, the longer sessions are better.

I finished dabbling with the character creator for both my Arisen and Pawn.

I always choose names based off the monikers so they're actually called 'by name' in game.

...My arisen is an archer named Sprinkles and my pawn is a mage named Scarlet Jade.

I suspect I'll have a hard time getting myself to top 10 global this time... looking like it'll be way more popular than the first plus, time.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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GW Elder
So is it easy to find and use your friends' pawns in the game? Is it cross platform in that regard?
So I'm not sure of the sequel... but in the original it was very easy as the pawn menu actually had an option for "Friends List" so I suspect it's the same.

It also incentivizes using friends because they're free to hire. Whereas non-friends can be hired for free if they're the same level or lower. Higher level pawns cost a unique currency (in the original).

Sadly, no cross platform.

I wish cross platform was more common.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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GW Elder
I've played for 4 hours on PS5 and have had zero framerate stutter myself but haven't gotten to a large town.

The "microtransactions" are basically to buy stuff that's actually in the game but for people who are too lazy to acquire them in game or want an early game boost before you actually acquire these things.

Think of it like optional P2W... for a single player game, but everything can be acquired through normal means.

In terms of the one character, the original was like that and it was stated well ahead of time.

As typical - buncha people bought a game and expected something else without doing actual research. The same types that complained about ER and the lack of quest markers and such on release.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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GW Elder
Wolf Players
At some point gamers are going have to reckon with the fact that you're either going to have to accept games going back up to $90-120 USD or there's always going to be MTX in single player games. Or we go back to 16-64 bit gaming (I'm all for this!).

Then again, a ton of gamers can't handle estrogen or melanin in their games either.

I'm a fan of pro wrestling and I'm hard pressed to think of a more annoying consumer base than gamers.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Sounds like Capcom is already addressing the PC issues:

To the game:
I think I'm going to prefer this over ER at the end of the day, just had a major large monster encounter and it was fantastic.

Also, the sense of exploration in this game is incredible. There's stuff hidden everywhere and the main quest is getting fully neglected.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I started playing this last night on PS5...

I have never played the first game. I saw some gameplay and thought it looked similar to other past favorites.

I heard about the detailed character creator. I thought my character looked pretty good in the builder, but once I saw her in brighter lighting and moving around in the real environment, I think she ended up pretty ugly. I always start out with a lady who has red hair. And I couldn't figure out how to get that color. I thought I had something but she's definitely a brunette. Are those colors locked behind MTX?

I also decided to start out as thief. I usually play thief for roleplaying/non-combat reasons such as pickpocketing and unlocking things. I'm unclear how good that is or what's available or what I could ask a pawn to do if I had a pawn thief instead. May start over as something else, unsure.

I don't like the idea of the pawns roleplaying-wise. I prefer actual companions that have crafted personalities and backstories. So I'm not sure what will happen there.

As usual, I can't see the controls on the TV. It's too tiny. It's been like this forever in the modern era, I always have to deal with this problem. You can never make it larger. These games, released simultaneously for console and PC, obviously craft the experience for the close PC screen.

The game just kind of throws you into the gameplay. Maybe there is a sparring area I haven't reached yet. I actually died early on because I was trying to figure out how to dodge mid-battle. I'm thinking of FFXVI where they had an arena before you did any battle where they went through the basics. They gave you time to read explanations on the screen. And the game made sure you mastered the thing before moving on to the next. You could skip it if you wanted. I know a lot of games have this. But here they explained mechanics while the first monster is thrashing around on the screen. Was trying to understand how do I tell if an enemy is flinching? Where is the lock-on? There's no lock-on? Etc etc.

Anyway it's too early, hoping it picks up because I've already seen some of it and looked good enough to try. The plot is a little overdone as a first impression, wondering if there is anything new there...


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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GW Elder
Wolf Players
I always start out with a lady who has red hair. And I couldn't figure out how to get that color. I thought I had something but she's definitely a brunette.

Ugh, yeah, fellow gaming redhead here and I was very unimpressed with my hair color options. :(

As usual, I can't see the controls on the TV. It's too tiny. It's been like this forever in the modern era, I always have to deal with this problem. You can never make it larger. These games, released simultaneously for console and PC, obviously craft the experience for the close PC screen.

I have had this same frustration ever since the first Dead Rising came out on 360. Coincidentally (?) another Capcom game. I had never considered the PC aspect, that makes a lot of sense. But also considering how poorly this game was designed for PC I dunno if that was the case here... though I suppose the UI team may have had different priorities than other parts of the company.

The plot is a little overdone as a first impression, wondering if there is anything new there...

That's The Capcom Experience IMO.

Their games have always felt very Game-y and never going for more cinematic or artistic experiences. Always bombastic and over-the-top and never muted and introspective. Usually referential of tropes and afraid to break new ground.

There's been so many Capcom games that I feel PLAY great but I wish the story had been in the hands of more serious people.


GW Elder
Wolf Players
There's been so many Capcom games that I feel PLAY great but I wish the story had been in the hands of more serious people.
I feel like that's a lot of the charm of Dragon's Dogma though. It's so absurd and over the top in nearly every way.

The game just kind of throws you into the gameplay. Maybe there is a sparring area I haven't reached yet. I actually died early on because I was trying to figure out how to dodge mid-battle. I'm thinking of FFXVI where they had an arena before you did any battle where they went through the basics. They gave you time to read explanations on the screen. And the game made sure you mastered the thing before moving on to the next. You could skip it if you wanted. I know a lot of games have this. But here they explained mechanics while the first monster is thrashing around on the screen. Was trying to understand how do I tell if an enemy is flinching? Where is the lock-on? There's no lock-on? Etc etc.
Yeah, it's notoriously a game that doesn't explain much. There isn't going to be a practice arena where it explains how to use your skills. It seems to be a bit less obnoxious in this one (at least they have crafting recipes now), but it will not hold your hand at all. You're meant to explore and try different tactics and discover things and, presumably, die a lot.

There are many... interesting design choices in this series.

Do you guys recommend finishing the first game before starting this or does it not matter? I got sidetracked and never quite finished the main story.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Do you guys recommend finishing the first game before starting this or does it not matter? I got sidetracked and never quite finished the main story.
I get the impression that this is more of a retake than an actual sequel.

Hell, everything in the game including the title screen just calls it Dragon's Dogma, with no 2.

Maybe it's an alternate reality from the first one like how pawns are from different realities?


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
I haven't had a chance to play since Friday, but as someone who put over 1000 hours into the first there's probably a couple things here I can hit on.

The story without playing the 1st -
So you don't NEED to beat the 1st, but from my time on Friday there will be things that are lost on you. The game pretty much picks up from where the first left off. There's also a lot of the world lore - particularly with the Arisen, Dragon, inside and outside the Rift, and Pawns that you'll be missing so the subtle storytelling of the game may miss it's mark on a lot of places.

Character creation -
Overall way better than the first but I will agree that the lack of colour selection is disappointing. In the first, way more selection was eventually patched in, including new hairstyles.

Microtransactions -
Can confirm, everything purchasable is easily obtained in game, including character editing. The game itself doesn't even mention MTX to you.

Lock on -
Similar to Monster Hunter, there is no lock on, it requires practice to get used to.

The game is about a lot of trial and error and has a heavy FAFO element.


GW Elder
Wolf Players
I laughed until I cried and couldn't breathe the first time I saw that.

The story without playing the 1st -
So you don't NEED to beat the 1st, but from my time on Friday there will be things that are lost on you. The game pretty much picks up from where the first left off. There's also a lot of the world lore - particularly with the Arisen, Dragon, inside and outside the Rift, and Pawns that you'll be missing so the subtle storytelling of the game may miss it's mark on a lot of places.
Good to know, I'll finish up the first one then.

Microtransactions -
Can confirm, everything purchasable is easily obtained in game, including character editing. The game itself doesn't even mention MTX to you.
I'm okay with that. I get why some people would suspect Capcom of making travel slow and whatnot to sell stuff, but I doubt it if they're not even advertising their store.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder

Never in my life have I ever encountered what I just did but holy shit I can see this actually causing people to ragequit the entire game.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
played more the last few days. Have more thoughts. I am putting this in spoilers because I want to be able to speak freely. But I have only just now reached the first major "city." So not very far. But I also want to briefly mention the thing TD alluded to a few posts up. Honestly not sure if that counts as a "spoiler" but whatever. (warning this is long)

I can't remember the last time I have had such mixed feelings for a game. Basically, so far, I see a great game here, but it's almost like it's a beer, an acquired taste...and there are QoL things that get in the way.

It's somewhat difficult to play this game as a professional UX designer. In my head I'm constantly going, why did they do it like this? Why didn't they do this thing like this? This is making my life hard. Some examples...
  1. I talked about the game just throwing you into the gameplay and I want to clarify a few things. I am making a lot of Elden Ring comparisons as I play. Elden Ring is my favorite game of all time and it's not a game that holds your hand. And that also has different starting classes/weapons. But they at least leave messages on the ground (that you can ignore) where you can take the time to read, outside of battle, to understand dodging, parrying/riposte, heavy attacks, etc. They don't explain every little mechanic but they at least give the basics like that. It doesn't happen here (in a way that is very good).

    I actually got very excited because in the starting area, I stumbled upon a space labeled something like "training area." I ran over and hailed the NPC standing there...but he only made a small comment. lol bamboozled

  2. The number of things you can collect to craft started to worry/overwhelm me. I've been playing a lot of BG3 (the other game I will compare during this post). There's only one way to make a basic health potion. You need Rogue's Morsels plus a suspension. But here a lot of things can make the equivalent health potion. AND WHY DO THEY SHOW EVERY RECIPE IN THE MENU TO MAKE THE HEALTH POTION? EVERY COMBINATION EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE INGREDIENT? NOT EVEN A WAY TO FILTER OUT COMBINATIONS THAT YOU CAN'T MAKE?

    Also the way they name things are pretentious IMO. Salubrious Draught? Really?

  3. Which leads me to my next point, how do you actually use items? During combat? I had to look it up. I changed to an archer and didn't understand at first that I need to have the explosive shot equipped to use the explosive arrows. Also didn't understand how you heal pawns. You have to actually put potions in their inventory (during battle if you didn't do this earlier) and they have to use it, you cannot heal them with a potion you have.

  4. The pawn concept is really driving me nuts. I understand this the core part of the game. But on the one hand I have Elden Ring. The Spirit Summons NEVER get annoying because they never say anything. They join battle and leave. They level up. You need to find them and they each have a little backstory if you dig around. Then I also have BG3 which is the opposite of that. You have fleshed out companions that have in-context banter, romance options, backstories.

    Why would you want the pawn concept? It's the worst of the two points of the spectrum above. They constantly make inane banter (yes, they also say things that are helpful). They also constantly fawn over me, which is not what I want in a game. Nothing of interest. I've been leveling up very fast, so they quickly become outdated since they don't level. I also don't understand their inventory, I gave one a new piece of equipment, if I send them back to the rift do I lose that equipment? Do I need to manage their inventory/take things back each time I do this?

    Also when looking for pawns a lot of them have male body types but female code names, and vice versa. Just really highlights that they are random, they are not around for roleplaying purposes.

  5. I have wondered about the romance options of the game. This started because I was trying to understand the gift concept, what is the point of gifting? I'm still not 100% clear on this, but it seems as though you can romance a handful of difference NPCs, but only TWO NPCs get romance cutscenes and they are both women! Wtf! What is that? Will other options be added in a patch? Did this get cut for time? Seems very half-baked...wish the combination system was pared back instead of...this

  6. The loot system bothers me. In Elden Ring, if a fallen enemy has loot, it has an obvious glow coming out of it. Here, there is a glow but it is VERY easy to miss. The bodies often blend into the grass/foliage.

  7. The minimap also bothers me. There are exclamation points and crystal looking icons. It took me FOREVER to figure out what the crystal icon means (I had to look it up). Apparently it means there is rare loot in the area...but once you take the loot THE CRYSTAL STAYS ON THE MAP! You have to mentally keep track if you picked up the item. Same thing with the exclamation points, they don't go away once you've looked at the thing of interest.

  8. In Elden Ring, I don't believe anything was time locked. But certain sidequests are here. This isn't a big deal but I prefer to take my time. Don't like this
I know I am only saying negatives...but there are positives. I like the exploration, the environment is awesome. I like being an archer much better but am not sure what I will do next.

Whelp. I've been trying to understand the mechanics of the dragonsplague. I am getting a LOT of conflicting information. But that doesn't sound...fun? Just sounds like a huge pain and how to deal with it is obviously not thoroughly explained. Where I am getting the conflicting info is whether or not NPCs--especially story-related quest-giving NPCs--are rezzed after awhile. If they are, what's the consequences? Or is that a glitch? If not, this plague can kill your game? You can get locked out of finishing the game? Why would they put that in?

lol I have never heard of something like this in any game I have ever played, except maybe something that came out of the 90s when video game craft-theory was still in its infancy

Edit: oh yeah, I forgot to mention my suspicion about this. My suspicion is that this mechanic was tailored for social media, youtube, twitch, for engagement and possibly to make reaction video fodder, to promote the game.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
I gotchu @Rachel, spoiler tags.

1) While there's not a "training area" persay, there's lots of tutorial pop-ups for different mechanics and you can revisit them later on through the start menu. Not all classes have access to everything, for example, dodge, parry, block, etc... these are locked to certain classes. You can dip into classes to learn some stuff and carry it over to another class too. I think the biggest tip I can give is that (for PS5), L1/R1 unlock a whole new series of commands too. Worth noting.

2) Truthfully, I've never focused a TON on crafting. I tend to always make sure I have a Mage in my party to help primarily with the healing, buffing, and debuffing. But, there absolutely is a lot to craft. Eventually there's a specialization that will auto-craft stuff for you (like turning herbs into the more powerful brew).

3) You get 4 items hotkeyed to where your pawn commands usually are, but are accessed through the L1/R1 thing. Healing a pawn can be done by pause/inventory. In terms of pawn healing mechanics, there's a few ways. Yes, you can give them their own herbs. However, there's also a specialization where a pawn will use healing items on everyone in their party, almost like you can designate them as the party healer.

4) So pawns aren't meant to be in-depth characters, they are as their name suggests - pawns. Eventually, when they're trained, they get a lot better at doing things properly. They can also help you find chests that they found while in another person's world, or guide you on a quest you're stuck on. I've always loved the pawn system, but it's not for everyone.

Inventory - so when you get rid of the pawn/they die, their inventory gets sent to your storage. The exception to this is equipment. If you equip someone else's pawn with them, you're actually sending that equipment back with them to their owner. This was a way of "boosting" newer players in the original and it'll surely be a thing here too.

5) You're very early game, the original had romance options. I haven't encountered viable ones (yet?), but I know they exist. In the original, I got married.

6) I agree, the loot system is challenging at times.

7) So it sounds like you got some misinformation here from looking it up online. The crystals are indicative or significant foraging materials to be found. If you gather them, the crystals disappear. The exclamation point is indicative of a seeker's token, and once looted, it disappears. Note that some of them are in places that are difficult to access and require certain combinations of classes or to be revisited later (e.g., there's double jumps for some classes, vaulting, levitating, etc.).

8) I've yet to encounter anything that I've lost out on from being time locked.

So it happened to me and that's how I know about it. I looked it up afterwards too, and saw SO MUCH RAGE, but also - SO MUCH MISINFORMATION.

It does not brick your save, it does not end your progress. It's a temporary setback.

There's lots of warning signs it's coming: you'll get a tutorial pop-up about it, your pawns will start talking about it, your pawn will stop listening to you and act erratic, your pawn will start coughing, and the biggest tell is that they have bright red eyes.

Yes, they massacre wherever you rest. But all quest-related characters come back, that's why the morgue mechanic exists. You can force them back sooner with a wakestone, or wait for some in game time to pass.

I've already got all my main quest people back, and the town is slowly repopulating.


GW Elder
Wolf Players
@Rachel I agree, there are many questionable mechanics and design decisions in this game. Calling it an acquired taste is a good way to put it.

I have fifty hours in the first game and have crafted literally one thing. It's useful, but fine to generally ignore it.

Also the way they name things are pretentious IMO. Salubrious Draught? Really?
This made me literally lol. They've obviously looked up as many obsolete words to use as possible. I agree it's silly.
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
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GW Elder
So yesterday I discovered a big similarity to Elden Ring...

You can get anywhere on the map from the beginning. It'll be dangerous and you may get massacred. But you CAN.


ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
I've seen screenshots of people finishing the game at 30 hours...

Meanwhile, I'm at about 35 hours and I only just got to the second major area.

Joseph Snapple

You don't know how to treat the Crypt Keeper!
GW Elder
Also yeah I'm at like 36 hours in and have lightly skimmed the surface of the second major area myself. Finished at 30 hours? Absolutely not.

Like you don't have to touch absolutely everything - I'm certainly never gonna collect all the tokens. But a 30 hour completion time is just a straight-up refusal to engage.


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder

This is what momentum (and not being tied to a single platform) will do for you.

Well deserved, I trust. ;)

They didn't have data on Palworld, and Helldivers 2's first week was "average" but then it exploded and has extraordinary legs.

It doesn't necessarily need its own post, but: DD2 has also officially surpassed 2.5 million sales globally.

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  • Chef’s Kiss
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ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
10K Post Club
GW Elder
I love to see it.

Like any major game release, there are naysayers but I'm beyond happy with how the game turned out.

If the inevitable expansion is anything like what Dark Arisen brought to the first... just wow.

About half my friend list has it.

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