

Bingo! Dino DNA.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
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This might be the winner
One of the best parts about AI art is when it goes off the rails.

The Simpsons Kiss GIF by FOX International Channels


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I once drove my dad's prized monster-truck RC car down a rabbit hole in a park, probably 50+ feet away, when I was like 6. That was not a fun experience.

He should have known better than to hand over the controls to a 6 year old if it were that serious of an RC car. You were doing kid shit like seeing if you could make it to the other side of the world. His loss. No foul on you.


Bingo! Dino DNA.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
He should have known better than to hand over the controls to a 6 year old if it were that serious of an RC car. You were doing kid shit like seeing if you could make it to the other side of the world. His loss. No foul on you.
Oh I know. Guy was a dick.

But I do now retrospectively see the parent angle on 'give your kid a turn to make them happy and they immediately make your dad-toy disappear from sight.'

Still a dick though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Oh I know. Guy was a dick.

But I do now retrospectively see the parent angle on 'give your kid a turn to make them happy and they immediately make your dad-toy disappear from sight.'

Still a dick though. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Of course, but we’re from the smarter generation. Ours would carry a spare controller so they think they’re the one controlling it.
Removed quote anchors because partway through writing this he requested not being tagged.

This ostensibly leads to only a 5th wolf by extension in my eyes though if the townie lover can only win as a member of the couple and the wolf can maintain their original condition.
Well it's blatantly modeled after how the two of us played it, so... there's that? :tease

There needs to be a mechanism wherein the Solos can't just systematically destroy the wolves, whom are already so outgunned that only a miracle allows them to win. The true answer is rewriting the entire dictionary from the ground up, but I ain't got time for that right now. 👀 So in lieu of that, trying to create some sort of symbiosis seems 1) ideal and 2) within the scope of Cupid's romance shtick. The odds are the townie or the paired wolf is dying anyway, so in my mind it just makes sense to play it straight as a wolf unless/until it's actually viable to pursue.

Perhaps if anything, Cupid's lovers can only be townies and can only win as lovers. Making it different enough from Instigator but providing a single win condition that doesn't involve knowing every single wolf.
This works too, but obviously Cupid absolutely can't exist in a game that doesn't have 16 players. It's a free Berserk for either the wolves or the SK. And double pain for the town no matter who kills them.

I'm also okay actually removing Cupid in this scenario. Just make it two RRVs in the form of Gemini or Bonnie & Clyde or some shit. Their roles are independent of the town's roles, so give one of them a Random Strong Villager sans the Necromancers (so 4 will be in the game, using present methodology) and the other a Random Regular Villager. Or just go ham and let them both roll on everything.

I think Instigator could do with another go before massive overhauls. The first time around, they didn't succeed.
Maybe so. The inherent problem with the role is simply that they'll know who all of the wolves are; if their pair dies, they have the cleanest path to victory of any SK by a significant margin provided the wolves can't/won't/don't night attack them. They are functionally granted 5 Seer checks minimum on Night 0 right now. Again contrasting this with Corruptor, that can be considered to have -1.

This would apply to the trio too, they have to put in a ton of work
Just highlighting again to say that I'm not saying otherwise.

The biggest advantage a trio can have is people not knowing they exist.
I mean, yeah, that's kind of the problem in my estimation. Everyone knows the wolf team exists, they know a Solo Voter exists, and they know a "Solo" Killer exists. They don't know that there's a team killer that knows everything the wolves do and more. Just in a vacuum it breaks the mold of the game, and it does apply to Cupid in part as well - except the current caveat that Cupid could formerly win with the town and one half of the Lovers could win with their original team.

I feel like this would hamper the fun of both the wolves and the instigator.
That was the reasoning for turning it into an arms race mini game, of sorts. I'm sure we could come up with other ways too, that still avoid the inevitable "I spent hours strategizing just so my entire team could be killed because they knew our exact roles and thoughts before we knew they existed."

Wolfsville taking ~30 minutes maximum and GWF taking hours (reading, talking, strategizing, etc) just makes the whole thing a completely different beast. I'm always going to adhere to Rule #1: "Would I enjoy this if it happened to me?" That answer is no. The only way for that answer to be yes, is to entirely phone in my participation (see also: being a Strong Villager or Solo with relation to Blind Wolf) or to simply not play at all.

Which, again, that's fine. But I would like to see the community able to continue having fun, and that's looking less and less likely to include Wolf/Mafia. Which is unfortunate because I know that, obviously, a lot of people enjoy the games.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Which, again, that's fine. But I would like to see the community able to continue having fun, and that's looking less and less likely to include Wolf/Mafia. Which is unfortunate because I know that, obviously, a lot of people enjoy the games.

I hope to never see a day where we have to shut down any game in particular, especially one that is as big of a draw as this, but I often wonder what can be done from an administrative end to help ease tensions or create a better atmosphere.

I don’t have a personal beef with any Wolf player, past or present, so I hope this doesn’t come off any type of way, but it’s wild to me that we haven’t come to some kind of resolution to these reoccurring issues… which begs the question, are there individuals playing that don’t necessarily want to or care to resolve them? The general consensus I get in the aftermath of every one of these games that goes south is that people want to resolve them, have ideas to, make efforts to, but we end up back here after a while. So, with that said… what can we do from the forum side of things to help? Should we make it so the wolf games are essentially invite only? Make a separate user group for wolf players so they can battle it out behind a private forum? I’m at a loss here, because I’m not really a fan of the idea of controlling what y’all do, but for the sake of the community… we gotta figure something out, and if it’s something we can change on the forum side to help, I’d rather plant the seed now and let y’all think about it and throw around ideas than wait until we get to a point where we lose more members, and someone on the staff gets fed up with it and starts proposing rules, or worse, suggesting the games come to an end.
I don’t have a personal beef with any Wolf player, past or present, so I hope this doesn’t come off any type of way, but it’s wild to me that we haven’t come to some kind of resolution to these reoccurring issues… which begs the question, are there individuals playing that don’t necessarily want to or care to resolve them?
We're essentially doing performative art of Murphy's Law, as relayed through a game of Telephone using AT&T's cellular service.

Everyone that's playing wants things to improve, inside and outside of the confines of the game. But things invariably break in new and exciting ways! Like this game, the game itself was 100% fine. Nobody actually involved had any problems; it was fast, it was chaotic as fuck, seemingly everyone had a blast.

Yes I'm in here now trying to troubleshoot a thing, but that's not something that has happened - that's something that might happen. Also I'm a fucking nerd it's what I do... 👀

Meanwhile, joking/ribbing in a meta-commentary situation caused some ruffled feathers through miscommunication and possibly poor wording. And then in response to that, an old and not quite fully healed wound was ripped open.

Good news - nobody has left the forum! We're getting better at this.

Bad news - multiple people need an even longer break from wolf! We've still got a long way to go.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
We're essentially doing performative art of Murphy's Law, as relayed through a game of Telephone using AT&T's cellular service.

Everyone that's playing wants things to improve, inside and outside of the confines of the game. But things invariably break in new and exciting ways! Like this game, the game itself was 100% fine. Nobody actually involved had any problems; it was fast, it was chaotic as fuck, seemingly everyone had a blast.

Yes I'm in here now trying to troubleshoot a thing, but that's not something that has happened - that's something that might happen. Also I'm a fucking nerd it's what I do... 👀

Meanwhile, joking/ribbing in a meta-commentary situation caused some ruffled feathers through miscommunication and possibly poor wording. And then in response to that, an old and not quite fully healed wound was ripped open.

Good news - nobody has left the forum! We're getting better at this.

Bad news - multiple people need an even longer break from wolf! We've still got a long way to go.

I’d like to believe that it’s not genuine malice on anyone’s behalf, but it’s one of those things you gotta ask from where I’m sitting, and if that’s the case, then it would need to be addressed.

Like I said, I don’t want it to come down to someone actually being an admin or mod and restricting or moderating games, of all things. I’d much rather throw out possibilities, regardless of how effective or ineffective they’d be, if it means it’ll get people’s gears turning on better ideas. I don’t know the wolf games like y’all do, but I know how to Jerry rig forums to do just about anything… and if I don’t, I can articulate it to someone who does. That’s why we’ve got a big staff for such a small community, everyone has their talents and specialties.


Full-time time waster
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
This'll give you a laugh.

Last night after work I was talking with the wife about random things and told some of the shenanigans from wolf games. I also recounted what went on between us and also your  threat promise do have her call me a Karen. Well, im pretty sure she took that seriously as she wanted to try to remember that so... yeah.

I'll report back if it does actually happen. If I'm still functioning as a human being.
This'll give you a laugh.

Last night after work I was talking with the wife about random things and told some of the shenanigans from wolf games. I also recounted what went on between us and also your  threat promise do have her call me a Karen. Well, im pretty sure she took that seriously as she wanted to try to remember that so... yeah.

I'll report back if it does actually happen. If I'm still functioning as a human being.
Please don't feel obligated. I don't want to know when you've done the nasty nasty :link
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