I realize you probably based your answer off of my post, so I edited my post for more clarity. It shouldn't be your favorite director, but a *movie* by your favorite director.
You know, when I saw it yesterday, I was like "I wonder what movie from Spielberg I'm going to choose tomorrow" and completely forgot that was the subject... even after I double checked the subject for the day today...
It's truly hard for me to decide on which movie is my favorite from Spielberg. Saving Private Ryan is probably his BEST (that I've seen), but is it my favorite? ehhhh, it's not exactly something I'd go back to numerous times. Scenes involving the coward soldier are so frustrating to watch, especially when his cowardice gets a fellow soldier killed.
Jurassic Park has some spots that I'm just not that into despite some extreme highs. Lost World has a LOT of issues.
Raiders is good, but I liked Last Crusade much better. It's been a while since I've seen the Indy films. Temple of Doom is by far my least favorite of the series.
Ready Player One is probably the most enjoyable because of all the references and the abundance of fun action... but it's too recent, and it's got quality issues.
Catch Me if You Can is tainted by the fact that the story it's base on is almost all lies (surprise surprise, pathological liar is a pathological liar). Told a fun story, though.
Munich is not a "watch numerous times" film. Neither is Amistad. The Terminal can be tedious. I'm honestly not that big a fan of Jaws, despite it still being really good. I honestly didn't find Close Encounters all the interesting. For ET, we watched it far too many times as a kid and I got super tired of that movie.
Really, I just need to watch Tin Tin more...