30 Days of Movies

fav film set in a fantasy world: lotr is going to collect its flowers here and rightfully so. however you all know i am always one to go against the grain. so while i haven't seen his own lotr adaption yet i want to shout out ralph bakshi's wizards here. if you haven't seen it i highly recommend it as a trippy mid-70s animation showcase where the antagonist is basically literally hitler. and if you don't know, this is the same guy who made the animated lotr that came out shortly afterwards


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Film that scared me
I don’t really watch horror movies, so I have a small pool to choose from. Probably child’s play (chucky) when I was a kid because I really wanted a my buddy doll before that. I saw part of it when it was on network tv in the early 90s

film that made me want to fall in love
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Film set in a fantasy world
Nightmare Before Christmas


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Film that means a lot to you personally:
LotR: Fellowship

Watched this like every day one summer with my neighbor. When I went to uni, me and two friends made a "Helm's Deep" out of residence furniture and watched the whole extended trilogy in one day. Fellowship will always be my favorite. It brings back good, comfy memories whenever I think about it.

Fool's Requiem

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Fav film in fantasy world: Napolean
Dynamite, right?


Film that meant a lot to me: Serenity and Lord of the Rings.
Film that means a lot to you personally:

Forrest Gump. It was my grandfather's favorite movie and we watched it nearly every week for about 6 months when he was getting sick and heading towards hospice. He would laugh at certain scenes every time, and when I see them or bits of the movie, it brings me back to those days when I would hang out with him, go to the casino and bet horses for him, talk poker, work, life... the movie always made me a bit emotional, but it has more to it since then.
film that means a lot to me personally: this one's tough. i went to bat for super mario bros. '93 earlier in this thread, but my love affair with that film only recently started. some of my other answers for this were ones i went with for movies i watched over and over as a kid. i even already spoke about how face/off was inexplicably part of my wife and i's courting ritual. my well is running pretty dry, but i do still have an answer. like mario '93, it is a polarizing movie. like balto and air bud, it represents a media property i adored as a child (and i probably would have wore the vhs tape out had this movie come out in the 90s.) i speak of speed racer, the rare live-action anime adaption to be actually good. it's not a perfect movie but god damn if i don't love what it does. john goodman puts in the performance of his life as pops racer.

Fool's Requiem

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Favorite Director is probably Speilberg. His filmography is filled with classics. Some are extremely well known like Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan, Jaws, and the Indiana Jones movies, and then there are lesser mentioned movies like Adventures of Tin Tin, Munich, Bridge of Spies, and The Terminal. Even his less well appreciated movies like Ready Player One and War of the Worlds are really enjoyable for the most part.


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Favorite Director is probably Speilberg. His filmography is filled with classics. Some are extremely well known like Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan, Jaws, and the Indiana Jones movies, and then there are lesser mentioned movies like Adventures of Tin Tin, Munich, Bridge of Spies, and The Terminal. Even his less well appreciated movies like Ready Player One and War of the Worlds are really enjoyable for the most part.
This is the only answer


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Favorite Director is probably Speilberg. His filmography is filled with classics. Some are extremely well known like Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan, Jaws, and the Indiana Jones movies, and then there are lesser mentioned movies like Adventures of Tin Tin, Munich, Bridge of Spies, and The Terminal. Even his less well appreciated movies like Ready Player One and War of the Worlds are really enjoyable for the most part.
I realize you probably based your answer off of my post, so I edited my post for more clarity. It shouldn't be your favorite director, but a *movie* by your favorite director.

Fool's Requiem

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I realize you probably based your answer off of my post, so I edited my post for more clarity. It shouldn't be your favorite director, but a *movie* by your favorite director.
You know, when I saw it yesterday, I was like "I wonder what movie from Spielberg I'm going to choose tomorrow" and completely forgot that was the subject... even after I double checked the subject for the day today...

It's truly hard for me to decide on which movie is my favorite from Spielberg. Saving Private Ryan is probably his BEST (that I've seen), but is it my favorite? ehhhh, it's not exactly something I'd go back to numerous times. Scenes involving the coward soldier are so frustrating to watch, especially when his cowardice gets a fellow soldier killed.

Jurassic Park has some spots that I'm just not that into despite some extreme highs. Lost World has a LOT of issues.

Raiders is good, but I liked Last Crusade much better. It's been a while since I've seen the Indy films. Temple of Doom is by far my least favorite of the series.

Ready Player One is probably the most enjoyable because of all the references and the abundance of fun action... but it's too recent, and it's got quality issues.

Catch Me if You Can is tainted by the fact that the story it's base on is almost all lies (surprise surprise, pathological liar is a pathological liar). Told a fun story, though.

Munich is not a "watch numerous times" film. Neither is Amistad. The Terminal can be tedious. I'm honestly not that big a fan of Jaws, despite it still being really good. I honestly didn't find Close Encounters all the interesting. For ET, we watched it far too many times as a kid and I got super tired of that movie.

Really, I just need to watch Tin Tin more...
movie by my fav director: i used to be a pretty big nolan fan but as i've expanded my horizons his work just feels more and more trite. inception doesn't hit the same after seeing paprika, and the dark knight ruined superhero movies and to a lesser extent all of fiction for the next fifteen years. i also don't want to pick a director i like in concept but have only seen one or no movies from (apologies to david lynch, john woo, and sofia coppola). spielberg also feels like a trite answer (although i do have to shout out the early columbo episode he directed). i can't even go with jordan peele because i've answered get out and nope for other questions.

so let's leap outside the box.

not a single one of this director's works have ever even so much as been screened in a theater. his works push the boundaries of the medium and their runtimes stretch from minutes into hours. his canvas is charts, graphs, google earth, and newspaper clippings. in shorter videos he has examined such things as a forum argument over how many days are in a week, an olympic marathon that nearly killed the man who won it, and in a recent release, the history of slipping on banana peels. in his longer videos (where it would be remiss of me to not also credit alex rubenstein) he primarily focuses on sports, although a recent series about the history of the Reform Party was just as transfixing as his work about the minnesota vikings, the charlotte bobcats, or the ever-snakebitten pitcher dave stieb (who will be in the hall of fame one day). that's right. it's jon bois. and as much as i love the bob emergency (about the history of every single athlete named bob) and section 1 (about how if the steelers don't beat the colts badly enough in an nfl playoff game, people Will die), i have to shout out the one i have a framed picture of: The History of the Seattle Mariners. it just feels fitting what with ichiro earning his place in the hall, and also the fact that it managed to bring me to tears on multiple occasions. this moment belongs to these three men.


Dumdum McGee
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Whoops. I'm an idiot.
Martin Scorsese is my favorite director. Goodfellas is my favorite of his. But man, I really should watch more of his films.
Every time I watch a Scorsese I'm like "holy shit that might be my favorite of his yet"

And then I rewatch Goodfellas and say "nevermind"

He might be the GOAT, definitely on Mt Rushmore with Spielberg. Not my favorite though. I need to catch up on this thread today...


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A film that inspired you:
Whiplash. I know that's not the point of the film, but seeing someone go through all of the shit the MC went through in pursuit of greatness made me think that I could do at least a little better at pursuing my dreams.

A film that made you happy:
Superbad. The quintessential high school film. It came out when I was in grade 12, and it took my school by storm. There was even a showing at the movie theatre specifically for my graduating class. All of my friends quoted that movie all the time. A few "times" after I first lost my virginity, I hit my gf at the time with McLovin's "It's in. Oh my god, it's in."

Fool's Requiem

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Film that inspired you: I honestly don't know of I've felt "inspired" after a film. I typically watch movies for escapism. I've typically felt more inspired after watching anime shows. Uh... I guess a movie called Chef is pretty good at making me want to make/eat good food.

Film that makes me happy: Austin Powers in Goldmember, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Wayne's World, and The Emperor's New Groove. Mostly any lighthearted and goofy comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously. Movies where the characters (and actors look like they're having a blast). Also, fun action and/or action-comedy movies like Lethal Weapon 4, Iron Man and a chunk of a of the other MCU movies, and Hot Fuzz.


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Favorite superhero film:
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Beautiful art style, amazingly creative designs and characters, and excellent soundtrack. Loved the fight scenes. Normally dgaf about superhero anything, but this was a really nice movie. The first entry in the series was great, too.
film that inspired me: uh. this one's tough. i am not the type of person to watch a movie and go "wow that was so inspiring!" i'm going to go with the wicker man 2006 because that inspired me to bring a little insanity to every one of my interactions

film that made me feel happy: this seems like the ghibli cornerstone (at least for most of their catalog, probably not grave of the fireflies so much) so i'll go with my favorite ghibli (and also the first i ever watched!): whisper of the heart

fav superhero film
: now that it's available digitally as well as on dvd and blu-ray and vhs it is time for everyone to watch the people's joker. yes i know i already answered it for another one when i have been taking pains to try to avoid that. i don't care. you know me. i wasn't gonna go with a mainstream one for this. (that said, i do very much enjoy the spider-verse films and i almost went with Spider-Man 2 since this isn't a universe where i could pick Superman Lives!)
Movie that means a lot to me personally: Star Wars: A New Hope. My first contact with Star Wars, and what made me become a huge fan.

Movie by my favorite director:
Go Dark Helmet GIF

Movie that inspired me: Oof, tough one as well. I guess any movie where the MC realistically overcomes their hardships. Makes me think I can do it as well.

Movie that made me feel happy: Men in Tights never fails to put a big goofy smile on my face!

Favorite superhero movie: Many great ones to choose from, but I think I'll go with Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Movie that changed my life: Another really difficult one. I think this one will go unanswered for now. If I think up a good abswer I'll change it.
A film that inspired you: Field of Dreams. The aura of the movie is so good. It's one of my favorite movies. It hits me on a different level than anything else. It makes me want to slow life down and enjoy what is in front of me. I find old timey baseball fascinating.

A film that made you happy: The Naked Gun. I was introduced to it when I was 7 and it was so funny that I wanted to only watch adults doing stupid gags. It coincided with my dad showing us all the Three Stooges shorts. Those two choices were everything to me as a kid. My 3 brothers and I would watch the Stooges or the Naked Gun series (along with Airplane! and Mel Brooks stuff later) with my dad on Sundays that he didn't have to work, so they brought a lot of happiness to my life.

Your favorite superhero movie: The Dark Knight, easy.

Fool's Requiem

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Favorite Superhero Movie is kinda hard.

Iron Man, The Avengers, X-2 United, and Batman Begins are all at the top for me, with X-Men First Class, Days of Future Past, Logan, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman 2, and Thor Ragnarok all right to there, too.

It's funny how spoiled for super hero movies we've become after a long period of time filled with shit movies or inconsistency in quality.
Movie I didn't want to end: A well-written end can be very satisfying and a important part to the storytelling, so I can't think of an answer here either.

Movie with a beautiful ending:
Film with a beautiful ending:
You can't beat the ending to Shawshank Redemption.
From the very start this was going to be my answer too!
forgot to answer for movie that changed my life. gonna show my age here and go with Pokémon: The First Movie which i saw in theaters. it was over for me after that

movie with beautiful ending: is this gonna be the first time in this thread someone mentions The Thing? unless i've missed something. anyway as someone who deeply appreciates an ambiguous ending, i gotta go with that thang here. a burning antarctic research base, a bottle of whiskey, and two guys who definitely trust each other. it doesn't get any better than this.


Dumdum McGee
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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Ok catch up rapid fire time, may expound later if anyone cares...

Film Set in the Future: Children of Men

Film that Scared You: Most recent would be Skinamarink

Film that Made You Want to Fall in Love: Walk the Line

Favorite Film set in Fantasy World: Willow

Film that Means a Lot to You Personally: Tombstone. A favorite movie of both mine and my father's, we made a cross country trip to Tombstone, Arizona together, just the two of us. I named my son after Wyatt Earp due to all of this.

Film by Your Favorite Director: Lost Highway by David Lynch (RIP)

more later...
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