Shitposting Dept. Press Release

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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I’ve looked around since reading my email and haven’t found any mention of this from @Crystal yet.

We have heard from the COO of the Shitposting Department, and he has given our blessing to share what we determine to be worth sharing of our correspondence.

We won’t be sharing our correspondence verbatim, but I would like to start with a direct quote from the chief himself:

I know I'm not the first to leave the boards due to the wolf games and if they continue to be played in the manner they are, I worry they will not be the last. I just feel like heavy consideration needs to be taken for how these games are played.

We’re all aware of this. Most of us have been, and there’s really no ignoring it at this point after we’ve seen the amount of people leave over them that we have. His words are a premonition if the course isn’t changed.

Crystal and I have outlined the effect that his departure has had on folks here, and explained (in as good of detail as we’re capable of) the changes being discussed for future wolf games as well as the construction of the D&D game and its intent to shift the dynamic of the forum games here, at the very least breaking up the back-to-back nature of the wolf games.

TD has expressed interest in offering up his side of the incident after the new year for closure, or letting sleeping dogs lie depending on the tone of things when he’s ready to speak on them. He has no interest in beating a dead horse, but he may be up for clearing the air if it’s for the sake of community… because this place matters to him just like it matters to all of you.

For the record, he has expressed that he does not want anyone to argue over the game or the outcome. I think I can speak for him when I say he would much rather this make people reflect and make different choices in the future of these games.

I do not know the outcome of the game nor do I wish to know. I don't care if I won, nor did I ever. However, I can safely assume there is fighting now. If there is, please plead with everyone that TD does not want anyone to fight, especially if it's because I have left.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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There isn't really any fighting that I know of, just some awkward conversations and a lot of disagreements. The closest thing we had to actual "fighting" IMO was when Raine and Benzine disagreed over the game, but that was before or around the time TD left, so a while ago.

I guess I would like to share with him that immediately after he left, constructive conversation started about whether the games could be changed/how to change the games with the same objective as the one he laid out (to avoid losing more people due to hurt feelings/other issues), and it is a lot easier to change a system while being part of it than it is to change it from the outside, so I for one would welcome his input if/when he comes back.
  • Hugs
Reactions: TD
I’ve looked around since reading my email and haven’t found any mention of this from @Crystal yet.

We have heard from the COO of the Shitposting Department, and he has given our blessing to share what we determine to be worth sharing of our correspondence.

We won’t be sharing our correspondence verbatim, but I would like to start with a direct quote from the chief himself:
I know I'm not the first to leave the boards due to the wolf games and if they continue to be played in the manner they are, I worry they will not be the last. I just feel like heavy consideration needs to be taken for how these games are played.
Uhhhh, I fuckin love TD, but I will admit I'm kind of confused by this. "If they continue to be played in the manner they are" by the person who basically drove the narrative any game they were in. I am kind of tired of blaming the game of deception as the reason why people are feeling deceived in a game of lying and convincing people you're not a thing that you might be. "heavy consideration for how these games are played" - as in what? More moderation? More rules? What he means by this, I'm not sure. But as an adult on an internet forum, I have always taken heavy consideration for how these games are played. Why is this on the rest of the community now? The guy that triple crossed his teammates is telling us to be more careful? Oh okay!
We’re all aware of this. Most of us have been, and there’s really no ignoring it at this point after we’ve seen the amount of people leave over them that we have. His words are a premonition if the course isn’t changed.
I have a hard time seeing how playing a game is supposed to somehow moderate the emotions and feelings of another individual. Three people left wolf games because three people have a harder time managing their emotions than others. Sorry, that's just how I see it. I have absolutely no problem having complete control of how I feel. I understand that's almost a rarity these days, and I'm NOT bragging. I just don't understand why people quitting means things have to change. The majority of people are still enjoying these games.
Crystal and I have outlined the effect that his departure has had on folks here, and explained (in as good of detail as we’re capable of) the changes being discussed for future wolf games as well as the construction of the D&D game and its intent to shift the dynamic of the forum games here, at the very least breaking up the back-to-back nature of the wolf games.
So this is what I mean, because three people had a hard time, the forum administration feels they need to ... step in? Really? To split up wolf games? We all hear how pretty much backwards that sounds, right? It's one thing if we were all 15 year olds that NEEDED moderation, but I am 33 years old. I don't need a moderation team making sure I'm not playing too much wolf. And this feedback is NOT PERSONAL TO YOU MARK/CRYSTAL. It is completely generalized as if both of you were not even involved in the decision making process. It's just that I had thought by this point in our lives, when something is too much, we know to walk away.

Nobody forced TD to make a grand scheme, he wanted to play to his win condition. Nothing was wrong with Dean not wanting to lie down and get fucked, he found the one loophole and pushed for it. Rather than be an adult and accept the W isn't happening your way, TD did not like the outcome of the game and left entirely. That's just 100% on TD, I'm sorry. It's not on me or anyone else that was playing. But now TD's departure is the third and for whatever reason, the forum decides they might have to make changes going forward. Again, nothing personal, I just don't see how we got here.
TD has expressed interest in offering up his side of the incident after the new year for closure, or letting sleeping dogs lie depending on the tone of things when he’s ready to speak on them. He has no interest in beating a dead horse, but he may be up for clearing the air if it’s for the sake of community… because this place matters to him just like it matters to all of you.
I say forget about it at this point, and especially after this. I'm starting to get frustrated now.
For the record, he has expressed that he does not want anyone to argue over the game or the outcome.
Well if he didn't quit in rage he would see that we all came together and hashed shit out at the end, primarily making sure everyone was okay. So hearing from a PM that we need to be more considerate in games going forward, as if somehow this onus is on me, us, or the forums, is kind of infuriating.
I think I can speak for him when I say he would much rather this make people reflect and make different choices in the future of these games.
If there was pretty much one person to make different choices in games, it is him. Even after quitting the forum, he still is unable to resist giving his two cents about how wolf games should be played. It is clearly too much for him right now, and he is not in a good head space. But if the way the forum operates is changed based on the reactions of three individuals that is not in any way because of the forums, these games will cease to exist soon enough.
After reading Tommy's post and rereading the quoted stuff from Mark, I do agree that trying to change the wolf games to appease the three people who have quit over them may have adverse consequences and drive away the 20+ who regularly play them. BUT as a counterpoint to myself lol, Vash and others are growing tired of them as well and may also quit if something isn't done.

I don't have the answers either. I helped expose how diabolical these games can be and manipulated several players on my way toward winning. I'm not sure what to do about it either. I will play within the confines, whatever those are, as long as we can have fun.
Over 20% of the players in the last game alone were unhappy with how things ended up.

Was there a poll or are you going off posts and calculating that? I would be interested in a poll from Mark or Crystal with some questions:

1. Were you bothered by how the last game was played? Yes/No
2. If so, on a scale of 1-10, how bothered?
3. How likely are you to play another game? 1-10
4. Open prompt: what WOULD stop you from playing future games?

TIL only three people in the history of the site have ever had issues with how wolf games turn out sometimes.
Three people left, sorry, should have been more clear.
Over 20% of the players in the last game alone were unhappy with how things ended up.
Seriously, all sarcasm aside, who's fault is that, or what is the source of the issues? Because it sounds like the foundation of the game is the inherent problem. It sounds like being forced to bully others to lie is the problem. Because if we're not putting it on other people, it has to be the game or the way the game is ran. Zell has modified the game multiple times, I don't really think there is much else Zell can do besides stop running games. It can't be just a role or two that triggers these emotions. Something is fundamentally wrong if more than 20% of players are walking away.

And I am not trying to invalidate any feelings here, simply expressing mine. I have a hard time understanding how people get so upset in these games so I'm just trying to understand. I'm really looking forward to the DnD game, and I really feel like it will paint a more positive light for forum-only gaming. But it's starting to sound like wolf games will be phased out based on the kind of game it is, and how maybe that kind of game in a community of 100 active people can be troublesome to the bottom line.
I saw 4 people express concerns after the last game.

There were 16 players.

I'm not math magician.

Concerns are different than being unhappy, though.

I wasn't satisfied with the outcome for several reasons.

I feel like I crossed some personal ethical boundaries that I didn't even intend to while posting about my anxiety. That shit made me feel horrible.

As far as the end of the game mechanics, I'm not satisfied, because even if my team and I were awarded the victory, it is controversial, and I feel like it should have been clear cut.

And I'm not satisfied with multiple people rage quitting the game, for whatever reasons. Doesn't mean I'm gonna quit playing, though.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
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GW Elder
Seriously, all sarcasm aside, who's fault is that, or what is the source of the issues? Because it sounds like the foundation of the game is the inherent problem. It sounds like being forced to bully others to lie is the problem.
So there have been a wide variety of issues that people have brought up in the past. I can't speak to everyone's issues, I can only speak to mine.

If I were to attribute blame at all, and this is something I have tried to avoid in the past, it's that some people feel that we're having fun with friends and some people are Win By Any Means.

Its incredibly frustrating because the latter group loves to rally behind Its Just a Game and the former group is like Uh Yeah, Exactly.
Concerns are different than being unhappy, though.

I was only counting people that specifically expressed being unhappy. For example, I didn't count you among them.
I feel like I crossed some personal ethical boundaries that I didn't even intend to while posting about my anxiety. That shit made me feel horrible.
I mean, there it is right there.

It's a difference in ethics (I swear I went over this like 6 months ago). People are different.

Just feels like one side thinks it's best to be exclusionary and the other would like things to be more inclusive.
I'm not going to lie. I don't know the purpose of this thread lol

We had another thread where we were hashing shit out, and I feel like Tommy, Vash, Raine, myself, and others will probably overrun this thread as well.

@Mark and @Crystal I'll try to keep it brief, and if you read nothing else of mine, please read the stuff below. Raine made a ton of thought out, long, snarky posts about her feelings and what she perceived as TD's problems with the game., but I don't agree.

TD went along with me going full emo and making people feel sorry for me. TD went along and pretended to argue with me on the public forums to trick people into thinking that we were not aligned. TD played both sides of the aisle by aligning with Raine and stringing Jon and me along (it wasn't until Jon was about to be killed that he admitted he was betraying us, so don't give me the "the wolves knew who the coupled player was the whole time!" rhetoric, because it's wrong). TD even went along AFTER Vash (and others) expressed genuine concern and sympathy for me that went too far and probably fucked up some relationships to an extent. In the end, TD kept telling me to take the L and that mathematically it was gonna be a Cupid win or a Town win.

It wasn't until I figured out a loophole and TD mistakenly thought I was handing the town the win that he got pissed and quit. If he would have stuck around, he would have won alongside me, but he didn't want to "win that way", because he wants to win on his terms only.

I get that TD is dealing with a lot of real world shit, but he isn't innocent in this either. He was manipulative, deceiving, and a bully, but guess what? That has been almost every player at different points in a dozen or so of these games.

I rage quit after I failed as a wolf early on and everybody was trashing us, calling us stupid, INCLUDING TD. He was one of the biggest bullies early on! He called people stupid, etc. I think it's hypocritical for him to claim he is trying to make it more fun and safe for people when he probably drove some people away.

There, got all that bullshit off my chest. It is ultimately your forums. I haven't even donated yet, so who gives a fuck what I think? You've got to do what is best for the forums as a whole, and if you determine that is banning wolf or changing it to the point where it doesn't even resemble the game we know, than so be it.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I'm not going to lie. I don't know the purpose of this thread lol
I'm guessing to notify people who had concerns about TD that he's okay and may rejoin us in the future.

It was NOT made to relitigate the same shit we've been saying for a week, but I'm not going to avoid responding to things I disagree with.
And for the record, @VashTheStampede, I see there being two ENTIRELY SEPARATE ISSUES at hand here.

There is issue #1 that @Tommy Boy and I seem to have the biggest problem with, along with Benzine and others, and that's the "real reason" TD left. This is going to cost me my friendship with TD, but at this point, I'm done pulling punches.

TD didn't leave over some moral or ethical dilemma. Raine isn't having some sympathetic change of heart about these games. They're both manipulators (in the game, not talking about real life). They both get off on the game mechanics and psychology and shit.

TD and Raine are pissed they couldn't do what they wanted to do, win the way they wanted, etc. it goes back to what Zell said; they made a miscalculation and I found a loophole.

If Raine had a genuine problem with poor sportsmanship, she wouldn't have continued to add to her posts how she didn't agree with the wolves winning and felt like she and TD won, etc.

Issue number two is the emotional manipulation and bringing real world issues into a fucking game and making people feel shitty. That covers a lot of ground, whether it's the shit I did (which was NOT on purpose because to be honest, Vash, I didn't even know the extent until after it was too late), or calling people stupid and bullying them, or whatever else.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
And for the record, @VashTheStampede, I see there being two ENTIRELY SEPARATE ISSUES at hand here.

100% agreed, just speaking my truth.

I disagree with your interpretation of TD/Raine's motivations, but I also don't like to pretend I know better than what someone says is going on in their head.
I'll try my best to refrain from future posting about this shit, here or elsewhere. I am just getting irritated at the hypocrisy of people acting morally superior, or whatever else.

It's one thing to be disgusted when you didn't condone me stumbling onto some real issues and using them in the game to manipulate players. I understand and even agree.

It's a different issue (one of hypocrisy) when someone rage quits because they aren't winning the way they want and then tries to spin it as if they are "concerned about how the games are affecting the mental health of players" or some bullshit.
@Mark maybe just get rid of this thread

having the opposite effect than intended

pretty clear which way the popular opinion stands on the subject
I'll agree with this, mostly.

It was good to hear from TD and that he hasn't decided to fully leave yet, giving the possibility to come back right in there.

I think the problem is stemming from it being too soon to re-litigate everything that just happened, and it seems like that's the only thing that will happen if the game is brought up again. Need some time, perhaps after the holidays when people have had some time between when it ended and now, before being able to talk through the game without going into it like that.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
I admit I'm ignorant here, I don't wolf, I don't know wolf and so I don't know the whole situation properly. I have to leave that side of things to the people that do know, because what right do I have to say this NEEDS to be done like this or that when I have no clue.

There, got all that bullshit off my chest. It is ultimately your forums. I haven't even donated yet, so who gives a fuck what I think?
I care. Donating is a wonderful gesture and I appreciate it, but that doesn't impact things in terms of who gets to think what. Everyone here matters to me, it's not and never will be about the money, the donations, etc. Those are purely to help with server costs, nothing else. Ask anyone, I never wanted to setup the donations or the paid usergroups. I am more than happy to shoulder the costs of running GWF alone because you all matter far more to me than money ever will. So let's please not make the assumptions that not donating or not having a sponsor account somehow invalidates your opinion to me, to Mark or to Cole. The money side is 100% irrelevant.
You've got to do what is best for the forums as a whole, and if you determine that is banning wolf or changing it to the point where it doesn't even resemble the game we know, than so be it.
I don't think anyone is suggesting banning wolf, and I don't think it would realistically help to do that. From the outside perspective I see how active and how lively the games are, so banning them would be counter-productive. My sole concern here is finding a way to ensure we're all having fun with it and that disagreements can be handled adequately.

I'll leave the rest of this up to those who know more than me, it's not my place to say how things should be done with wolf.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
There isn't really any fighting that I know of, just some awkward conversations and a lot of disagreements. The closest thing we had to actual "fighting" IMO was when Raine and Benzine disagreed over the game, but that was before or around the time TD left, so a while ago.

I guess I would like to share with him that immediately after he left, constructive conversation started about whether the games could be changed/how to change the games with the same objective as the one he laid out (to avoid losing more people due to hurt feelings/other issues), and it is a lot easier to change a system while being part of it than it is to change it from the outside, so I for one would welcome his input if/when he comes back.

I did mention to him that in the immediate aftermath, there was a lot of reflection and discussion about how to best handle these games going forward.

From my response:

It could be blamed on a number of reasons, but instead of speculate, I'll just assume that people took the conflicts for granted assuming everyone would lick their wounds and move on. It's the most sound explanation after the fact, based on what I've read on the forums in the wake of this.

and later on in the same message:

In closing, I hope that this hiatus proves to be beneficial to you, and that you're able to come back at some point and see the impact that your presence and your absence brings to the place. I don't think you'll be disappointed, and I think you'll be able to take pride in the fact that people are working diligently on not just your behalf but everyone's to bring this place back to what it should be. I hope that you enjoy the time you're getting with your family, and that the holidays and new year are good for you, all things considered.

No, this all isn’t necessarily relevant to what you’re commenting on specifically, but I want to use this opening to include this part of the message before I get into later posts in this thread from other members.

Certainly I don't think any lasting animosity exists, and certainly not towards TD

Absolutely not, and I think the primary motivating factor for his departure wasn’t necessarily the potential outcome of the game or the players, but the fact that what is supposed to be an escape from reality has rubbed lines with reality in a way that NO ONE undergoing the amount personal struggles he’s undergoing would be able to contend with without struggling to see the line. I wouldn’t say that anyone here would deliberately kick another when they’re down, but I would certainly say that, as @Dean said, there are two separate layers to what’s going on here. One being the gameplay and disagreements with that, and another being TD’s personal life putting him in a position of vulnerability.

Uhhhh, I fuckin love TD, but I will admit I'm kind of confused by this. "If they continue to be played in the manner they are" by the person who basically drove the narrative any game they were in. I am kind of tired of blaming the game of deception as the reason why people are feeling deceived in a game of lying and convincing people you're not a thing that you might be. "heavy consideration for how these games are played" - as in what? More moderation? More rules? What he means by this, I'm not sure. But as an adult on an internet forum, I have always taken heavy consideration for how these games are played. Why is this on the rest of the community now? The guy that triple crossed his teammates is telling us to be more careful? Oh okay!

I don’t think it’s an issue of consideration for the rules, moderation, or anything of that sort. I think it’s more an issue of a moral consideration. The gameplay and personal elements are, and have intersected on multiple occasions, and I think that he’s speaking generally, and not just regarding the personal effect it has had on him this time around.

I have a hard time seeing how playing a game is supposed to somehow moderate the emotions and feelings of another individual. Three people left wolf games because three people have a harder time managing their emotions than others. Sorry, that's just how I see it. I have absolutely no problem having complete control of how I feel. I understand that's almost a rarity these days, and I'm NOT bragging. I just don't understand why people quitting means things have to change. The majority of people are still enjoying these games.

So this is what I mean, because three people had a hard time, the forum administration feels they need to ... step in? Really? To split up wolf games? We all hear how pretty much backwards that sounds, right? It's one thing if we were all 15 year olds that NEEDED moderation, but I am 33 years old. I don't need a moderation team making sure I'm not playing too much wolf. And this feedback is NOT PERSONAL TO YOU MARK/CRYSTAL. It is completely generalized as if both of you were not even involved in the decision making process. It's just that I had thought by this point in our lives, when something is too much, we know to walk away.

Nobody forced TD to make a grand scheme, he wanted to play to his win condition. Nothing was wrong with Dean not wanting to lie down and get fucked, he found the one loophole and pushed for it. Rather than be an adult and accept the W isn't happening your way, TD did not like the outcome of the game and left entirely. That's just 100% on TD, I'm sorry. It's not on me or anyone else that was playing. But now TD's departure is the third and for whatever reason, the forum decides they might have to make changes going forward. Again, nothing personal, I just don't see how we got here.

I say forget about it at this point, and especially after this. I'm starting to get frustrated now.

Well if he didn't quit in rage he would see that we all came together and hashed shit out at the end, primarily making sure everyone was okay. So hearing from a PM that we need to be more considerate in games going forward, as if somehow this onus is on me, us, or the forums, is kind of infuriating.

If there was pretty much one person to make different choices in games, it is him. Even after quitting the forum, he still is unable to resist giving his two cents about how wolf games should be played. It is clearly too much for him right now, and he is not in a good head space. But if the way the forum operates is changed based on the reactions of three individuals that is not in any way because of the forums, these games will cease to exist soon enough.

I think you’re misunderstanding the intent behind this thread. It’s not to rehash anything, and it’s not to play a blame game to make the people still here feel some kind of way because of the people that aren’t presently. It’s also not an indication that “administration” is coming in to clear house and lay down the law. This was simply to let y’all know that we’ve heard from TD, and to share his thoughts he wanted to share in the event that there was still conflict going on… which he explicitly stated he does not want. I don’t believe for a second that he wants to hear about us all arguing over this, and at the very most… he wants it to be exactly what it has already been in his absence, people collectively trying to avoid losing another friend over a game.

I'm guessing to notify people who had concerns about TD that he's okay and may rejoin us in the future.

This is 100% true.

And for the record, @VashTheStampede, I see there being two ENTIRELY SEPARATE ISSUES at hand here.

There is issue #1 that @Tommy Boy and I seem to have the biggest problem with, along with Benzine and others, and that's the "real reason" TD left. This is going to cost me my friendship with TD, but at this point, I'm done pulling punches.

TD didn't leave over some moral or ethical dilemma. Raine isn't having some sympathetic change of heart about these games. They're both manipulators (in the game, not talking about real life). They both get off on the game mechanics and psychology and shit.

TD and Raine are pissed they couldn't do what they wanted to do, win the way they wanted, etc. it goes back to what Zell said; they made a miscalculation and I found a loophole.

If Raine had a genuine problem with poor sportsmanship, she wouldn't have continued to add to her posts how she didn't agree with the wolves winning and felt like she and TD won, etc.

Issue number two is the emotional manipulation and bringing real world issues into a fucking game and making people feel shitty. That covers a lot of ground, whether it's the shit I did (which was NOT on purpose because to be honest, Vash, I didn't even know the extent until after it was too late), or calling people stupid and bullying them, or whatever else

I can only comment from a non-player perspective, but I can see the overlap of these two layers we’re talking about here. Sure, we can speculate that they could be upset about the outcome of the in-game plays or the game in general, but think about it from his perspective… He’s trying to have fun with a game, and yeah he might have went harder with plotting this game than others, but has anyone stopped to question why that might be? I won’t pretend to be in any of y’all’s heads, in-game or personally, but I can speak from personal experiences that more often than not… when I’m experiencing stressful circumstances in my life, I tend to pour a little heavier into my outlets to compensate for it. Of course, this is my speculation, but it’s also rooted in the fact that if I were fucking with you, this person, that person, or the other in a game… I wouldn’t go out of my way to reach out to the admins of the forum I just left to clear the air and send my well wishes to everyone that I just deliberately tried to fuck over in a game. I’d just walk away and be done with it and y’all. However, he cares about this community and the people in it, and even though he’s dealing with stuff in his personal life… he still found it in him to reach out. I simply don’t know enough about the wolf games to comment on his play style throughout, but I’d like to think that if roles were reversed… he’d feel terrible if he were the one to lead someone else to leave, and that’s the point that I’d like to stick to rather than comment on his play style.

I'll try my best to refrain from future posting about this shit, here or elsewhere. I am just getting irritated at the hypocrisy of people acting morally superior, or whatever else.

It's one thing to be disgusted when you didn't condone me stumbling onto some real issues and using them in the game to manipulate players. I understand and even agree.

It's a different issue (one of hypocrisy) when someone rage quits because they aren't winning the way they want and then tries to spin it as if they are "concerned about how the games are affecting the mental health of players" or some bullshit.

The problem is, those things aren’t mutually exclusive. You CAN rage quit when you’ve had enough and still care about how it’s affecting other people, because you recognize how it affects you. He could have been dead wrong as far as I’m concerned, but his reaching out does show his degree of concern for the people beyond the characters they portray in a game. It could be really as simple as recognizing from his own experiences that they affect people, and he’s not wrong for that assessment considering the overall tone of even this thread that was intended to be a “hey, we heard from him, he might be coming back after the holidays and after emotions calm, he’d be willing to talk it out if necessary, but most importantly… he doesn’t want y’all arguing” kind of message. I realized quickly when lurking through the game threads that his departure hit people a lot more than others, and I owe it to y’all to help mend fences where and when I can.

@Mark maybe just get rid of this thread

having the opposite effect than intended

pretty clear which way the popular opinion stands on the subject

Nah, because I’m not playing the game where we lock threads and nothing gets resolved. The intent of this thread is to get everyone back on the same page as people so we don’t have to get to a point where we gotta be admins or mods or whatever to get a point across. We gotta do better to pick up on the cues of each other, and it wouldn’t kill anyone to be cognizant of the fact that yes, even a game can have unintended consequences. Yes, even a game where lying and deceit is at the forefront of the mechanics, there’s something more important and even more at the forefront of that… actual fuckin’ people with their own lives and their own shit that they’re going through that MAY intersect.

If it was JUST TD mad about losing and nothing going on in his personal life, I’m positive that it wouldn’t have affected him the way that it did. From the outside, it’s easy to see how something so simple can become the straw that broke the camel’s back.
I'll agree with this, mostly.

It was good to hear from TD and that he hasn't decided to fully leave yet, giving the possibility to come back right in there.

I think the problem is stemming from it being too soon to re-litigate everything that just happened, and it seems like that's the only thing that will happen if the game is brought up again. Need some time, perhaps after the holidays when people have had some time between when it ended and now, before being able to talk through the game without going into it like that.

See, that’s the problem. Nowhere did I begin any litigation over this or lay down any inferences of a change beyond “something’s gotta give”, which is nothing unfamiliar to anyone here, and if it is… they’re not paying close enough attention. When we’ve lost more members to a game than some of the controversial topics and debates that have been discussed here, it’s an issue that commands the attention of everyone involved from the players to the staff. Each time we’ve had a member leave because of the wolf games, there has been chatter about doing this or doing that, and although some changes have been made, issues still arise. This thread was supposed to simply ease people’s minds about TD. I had reached out to a couple individuals privately before I posted it, and then decided that it would probably be best to try and ease some of the concerns that were present here since this is where it all went down. We promised to be transparent, and this is the most transparent I can be without copying and pasting a direct email. I figured it would do everyone some good to hear that we heard from him and he may make a return after things calm down for him. Everyone has already begun moving on, plotting new games, and even playing new games. Couple that with news of a potential return of someone y’all didn’t really want to see leave and I expected to return to this thread to see good vibes for TD and a collective “we’re gonna be alright” for the rest of the community, but… yeah.
I am not going to even bother reading the entirety of the thread because I have no desire to regurgitate the same stuff. I will say this:

@Mark - If you're passing stuff to TD, this is all I truly care to say.

I don't care about the game, I care about TD. Regardless of the reasoning, I, personally, miss you and wish nothing but the absolute best for you, especially during the holiday season. May your time with your family be everything family is meant to be and I wish all the best I possibly can in what I know is tough for you. Even if you never play the games again, I do hope you return to us as I know you'll be welcomed back with open arms.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
@Mark - If you're passing stuff to TD, this is all I truly care to say.

I don't care about the game, I care about TD. Regardless of the reasoning, I, personally, miss you and wish nothing but the absolute best for you, especially during the holiday season. May your time with your family be everything family is meant to be and I wish all the best I possibly can in what I know is tough for you. Even if you never play the games again, I do hope you return to us as I know you'll be welcomed back with open arms.

This is what I hoped to accomplish with this thread, so I will be passing this along with what Dean asked that I mention and whatever else manages to come through between now and probably the 26th, as I don’t plan on bothering him on Christmas Day since I don’t know if he celebrates that particular holiday or not.
This is what I hoped to accomplish with this thread, so I will be passing this along with what Dean asked that I mention and whatever else manages to come through between now and probably the 26th, as I don’t plan on bothering him on Christmas Day since I don’t know if he celebrates that particular holiday or not.
Just want to say I wasn't accusing you of trying to get this relitigated or anything. Just was saying bringing the game at all is going to likely have that happen for a bit and we should focus instead on the part where TD is still a person we'd like to have come back. Let's ignore all talk about the game for a bit and get that message across.

And tell him that we're brainstorming FoG stuff that will hopefully be better for this kind of thing, including DnD and then amazing race stuff (likely to happen after this next round of games finishes up).


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Just want to say I wasn't accusing you of trying to get this relitigated or anything. Just was saying bringing the game at all is going to likely have that happen for a bit and we should focus instead on the part where TD is still a person we'd like to have come back. Let's ignore all talk about the game for a bit and get that message across.

And tell him that we're brainstorming FoG stuff that will hopefully be better for this kind of thing, including DnD and then amazing race stuff (likely to happen after this next round of games finishes up).

Nah, I know what you were saying man, I wanted to reiterate that the original intent of this thread was to be much more lighthearted than it turned out to be, so anyone else that wanted to do the same as Jon and the others could.
I don’t think you have to be a diabolical liar to win at this game. The only thing you need to lie about is your role. That’s it. You don’t have to lie about personal struggles or anything else resembling real life.

So when people DO get caught lying about stuff that is outside the game, people take it personally. They are being lied to for no reason.

I think part of the issue is that some people see every single post in the thread as strictly part of the game, and they are playing a character. “What would my character do in response to a post about mental health??” And other people see some posts as about the game, and other posts as about things that are not game-related.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I don’t think you have to be a diabolical liar to win at this game. The only thing you need to lie about is your role. That’s it. You don’t have to lie about personal struggles or anything else resembling real life.

So when people DO get caught lying about stuff that is outside the game, people take it personally. They are being lied to for no reason.

I think part of the issue is that some people see every single post in the thread as strictly part of the game, and they are playing a character. “What would my character do in response to a post about mental health??” And other people see some posts as about the game, and other posts as about things that are not game-related.
For an example of how wires can get crossed, look no further than the first several posts of Day 1 of Zell's game.

I am finally on PTO and should have more time to dedicate to the game in between last minute Christmas preparation and spending time with my family.

My daughter wound up having COVID apparently but is at the tail end of it. My mom has COVID for like the third or fourth time. My wife seems to be a lot better. And somehow I've stayed mostly healthy.

Anyway, that sucks about canadaguy. He's almost getting into Kat territory with the early deaths.

I'll check on the game after a while.

COVID around Christmas time - fuck, sorry Dean.

Holidays are a viruses dream. A bunch of usually separate families all up in each other's shit, just passing the funk around.

I had my ~2 year old throwing up from about 3:30am this morning. The Mrs is clearly sick too because she went around turning off space heaters complaining about it being hot AF, when it's like 70°. Daughter has a nose running like a tap and will drive me to bankruptcy over tissue purchases... 😮‍💨

So I feel your pain, Dean. Fingers crossed the remaining week is enough for everyone to kick it.

let's hang season 3 GIF by Animals's hang season 3 GIF by Animals

Oh right, the game. I don't have any read on you folks anymore so I'm just sitting on my vote for now.
Looks like people who give a shit about each other to me.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I don’t think you have to be a diabolical liar to win at this game. The only thing you need to lie about is your role. That’s it. You don’t have to lie about personal struggles or anything else resembling real life.

So when people DO get caught lying about stuff that is outside the game, people take it personally. They are being lied to for no reason.

I think part of the issue is that some people see every single post in the thread as strictly part of the game, and they are playing a character. “What would my character do in response to a post about mental health??” And other people see some posts as about the game, and other posts as about things that are not game-related.

This is by far the best explanation that I’ve seen as a non-player, because it immediately took me back to the days of the old FOG’s, e-feds, or C&CW days where some folks that took it more seriously than others would use formatting to indicate gameplay posts and use regular text for off-topic posts to avoid this kind of confusion. Maybe that’s something to consider for those folks that get engrossed in these games?

Overall, I’d rather see people take steps like that to make the lines clearer for others, but I’m not the one playing the games or making the rules for them, so my opinion is limited to just that, my opinion.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
this thread that was intended to be a “hey, we heard from him, he might be coming back after the holidays and after emotions calm, he’d be willing to talk it out if necessary, but most importantly… he doesn’t want y’all arguing” kind of message.
That wasn't the impression I got from the first post at all, but if it is the case then I'm glad to hear it. I hope he does come back in a general sense, whether he wants to talk about how that game played out or not. Either way, I wish him the best and hold nothing against him.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
That wasn't the impression I got from the first post at all, but if it is the case then I'm glad to hear it. I hope he does come back in a general sense, whether he wants to talk about how that game played out or not. Either way, I wish him the best and hold nothing against him.

Honestly, I’m having a hard time understanding why anyone took that first post so heavy when I led with the subject I did. Press release from the shitposting department? A summarization of what was said to him, what he said, and what has been said and done here? My opinion and general observations I’ve made as a non-player and observer? It just doesn’t add up to me, but I’m not involved in the games to have that kind of attachment or investment in them the same way I would the community at large or the people within it. Or maybe it’s because I’ve actually seen admins (myself included) come in and be the dickhead admin and actually kill the fun, so seeing it presented the way I did doesn’t resonate any degree of authority to me? Who knows, dude… I’m just burnt out from the holiday stress, family drama, not really grieving the loss of my grandfather properly, etc. I know personal lives can get the best of folks, it happens to me. That’s why I’m sympathetic to this situation, and that’s why I’m also avoiding trying to be “that guy”, because I understand that outlet that these games provide for y’all. It’s a tough spot to be in when all you want is for the people in the community to get along, but you’re also observing all of the different moving parts that make up the complicated dynamics that lead to these kinds of incidents. It was easier when we were all teenagers and the most “mature” of the bunch told the others to chill and just hit a button if they didn’t. It’s different when we’re all adults participating in this community for what boils down to the same reasons we did back then, but our motives are different… before we landed there because we had nowhere else, it was where we fit. Now? We’re all coming here willfully, consciously, with the intent of being a part of something. Within that context, it becomes a lot harder to invalidate people’s feelings, so we almost HAVE to be more empathetic. Each person here is pouring a little bit of themselves onto these forums now… it isn’t like teenagers that had nothing better to do before bed. We all have other shit we could be doing. Instead, we’re here. So… my belief is that we should make the best of it.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Let me clarify: I didn't get the impression that TD was considering coming back to the forums, only that he was open to explaining what happened, which I assumed would be in another message to you which you would pass on. I took that to mean he wasn't planning to come back, and the purpose of this thread was tell us to use that as motivation to rethink the wolf games so it doesn't continue to drive people away. So it's not surprising to me that people started discussing that.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Let me clarify: I didn't get the impression that TD was considering coming back to the forums, only that he was open to explaining what happened, which I assumed would be in another message to you which you would pass on. I took that to mean he wasn't planning to come back, and the purpose of this thread was tell us to use that as motivation to rethink the wolf games so it doesn't continue to drive people away. So it's not surprising to me that people started discussing that.
I can see where the disconnect came in: there was a post Mark made in the Shitposting Group about how TD is considering coming back after the holidays, and that was not expressed as clearly in this thread.

Now I'm a bit less annoyed with the posts that immediately felt like a "good riddance" response.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I can see where the disconnect came in: there was a post Mark made in the Shitposting Group about how TD is considering coming back after the holidays, and that was not expressed as clearly in this thread.

Now I'm a bit less annoyed with the posts that immediately felt like a "good riddance" response.

See, I thought about that… and didn’t want to give the impression that I was dangling his return like a carrot. To me, that would be more likely to draw a “oh, so if we act right, he’ll come back?” reaction than leaving it open-ended like I did, only mentioning the possibility of his willingness to discuss it at a later point in time. Plus, I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up when he hasn’t even said with certainty that he will return, you know?
See, I thought about that… and didn’t want to give the impression that I was dangling his return like a carrot. To me, that would be more likely to draw a “oh, so if we act right, he’ll come back?” reaction than leaving it open-ended like I did, only mentioning the possibility of his willingness to discuss it at a later point in time. Plus, I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up when he hasn’t even said with certainty that he will return, you know?
Ill Be Back Jim Carrey GIF
OK, I kinda stopped reading this after people starting continuing to point fingers and arguing about how right they are.

I think the problem is too much finger pointing over what amounts to being an internet "family squabble" over a game and no one wanted to compromise on their argument. People made wrongs, people disagree with how things were handled, let's leave it at that and move on.

Also, I don't know who the 3rd person who left the forums over these games was, but Ryan was being a total ass to Cole. Not like my "talking behind Cole's back knowing full well he's going to see my whining" assholeness. Ryan tried to go all psychiatrist on him for no fucking reason. Dude tried to get in his head. That's shit you don't do unless it's fucking requested. I wish I could say I was sad he left, but I don't know if I can. The only other people I know who left the forums because of something that occurred here were involved in a politically charged threads. Most others just don't have the free time to devote to internet shitposting.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder

There’s definitely a chance, but I didn’t want to make it contingent on the outcome of this thread or any one individual, changes, etc. It’s all falls on what he decides to do.

Also, I don't know who the 3rd person who left the forums over these games was, but Ryan was being a total ass to Cole. Not like my "talking behind Cole's back knowing full well he's going to see my whining" assholeness. Ryan tried to go all psychiatrist on him for no fucking reason. Dude tried to get in his head. That's shit you don't do unless it's fucking requested. I wish I could say I was sad he left, but I don't know if I can. The only other people I know who left the forums because of something that occurred here were involved in a politically charged threads. Most others just don't have the free time to devote to internet shitposting.

I agree, that is precisely why I’m doing this because of TD and why I didn’t when Ryan left, and precisely why I’ve made the statement that it has affected the community differently. However, regardless of reason or motive, we shouldn’t have these reoccurring situations where people are dropping off over games. Whether they’re good people or dicks, a game shouldn’t be chasing people off.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I agree, that is precisely why I’m doing this because of TD and why I didn’t when Ryan left, and precisely why I’ve made the statement that it has affected the community differently. However, regardless of reason or motive, we shouldn’t have these reoccurring situations where people are dropping off over games. Whether they’re good people or dicks, a game shouldn’t be chasing people off.
Obviously I'm not in TD's head and don't know exactly what happened, but based on what little he did post about it and what those working with him have said, it sounds like it was a combination of a misunderstanding of what Dean was doing and personal stress rather than a problem with the game itself.

I think the problem is too much finger pointing over what amounts to being an internet "family squabble" over a game and no one wanted to compromise on their argument. People made wrongs, people disagree with how things were handled, let's leave it at that and move on.
If people were objecting to something specific to that game which won't likely come up again, sure, then just let it go and move on. But I see it as a more fundamental divide about what's okay to lie about and what isn't, and IMO we should come to an agreement on that. It's not about an objective right or wrong, rather it's about agreeing on the sort of game we want to play.

It's like when D&D players have a session 0 and discuss if they want the campaign to be serious vs silly or heavy roleplaying vs murder hoboing: both styles are valid, but if you have a mix of people wanting opposite things and don't agree on which way you're going to play, you're going to have a bad time.


GW Elder
I don't have time to reply to this in full. and I'm also not near my keyboard.

but the problem in these games is and always will be the reaction to being manipulated. what TD meant is that if collectively people can not start understanding they are going to get lied to and manipulated in ways they can't fathom yet, it's not personal, it's to win the game, and we're all still friends after, then DONT FUCKING PLAY IT

after the very first game I had people saying I made it unfun. after the second game I had wolves saying it was unfair because of how I played it

TWO GAMES and I was already feeling like I didn't wanna play more. ME, almost no one loves these games more than I do.

and it didn't stop. every game I was in I got some sort of complaint about my reaction. Ryan left as a result of me. (whether he was right to do what he did or not). Dean left as a result of me for a little while.

people had teoube handling the way I played, it was causing people to leave, I was increasingly anxious about the games and my relationships with other players, so I stopped playing.

if people can't accept the manipulation will happen, then just stop playing and let the games die.
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