U.K. Kate Middleton Emergency Thread

Royal marketing needs to step their game up…

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those look like expended rifle bullet casings...



Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
So it turns out we've been abusing someone with cancer.


I wouldn’t say that. The choices she made or allowed her press team to make on her behalf? Yup. The institution she represents? Yup. Those two aren’t really connected to any kind of medical diagnosis.

I feel like the media has learned nothing since Di, if anything it's worse

That’s because the almighty dollar (or pound, in this case) trumps human decency. Always. Watch how many people/outlets flip from conspiracy theories, like what we’ve joked about here, to feigned sympathy if it’ll get them a few more clicks, likes, or shares.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
get ready for the gross speculation about what kind she has, looking for clues in the length of her hospital stay, the fact that it is abdominal, even reports of her medical data being breached and staffers trying to access them

In fact I think that is why an announcement even happened, she wanted to get ahead of her children finding out via leaks



New Member
get ready for the gross speculation about what kind she has, looking for clues in the length of her hospital stay, the fact that it is abdominal, even reports of her medical data being breached and staffers trying to access them

In fact I think that is why an announcement even happened, she wanted to get ahead of her children finding out via leaks

Tep. My thoughts too. Whoever it was that planned to leak the information.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
she's not Jeff Bezos-level evil y'all. I'm the last thing from a Monarchist. It actually frustrates me that it's still an institution. That PR situation was awful and botched. Maybe didn't help that they were hamstrung waiting for results (and yes, in no way do I think she had the "usual wait" of "normal" NHS patients). Big contrast between what happened here and Charles's cancer.

Also wondering about the hospital's protocol for a royal. They have to have something very specific set in place. Maybe her records are paper? Kept under locked surveillance? I can't imagine whatever it is they have to do

This got me thinking. She is 42. I've been reading articles off and on over the years that cancer rates are rising for younger people. I think we are around her age or getting there soon. I wouldn't be surprised if this topic hits GW in a different way soon...(hoping not)

Hoping everyone's doing their radon mitigation

And get your skin checked


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
she's not Jeff Bezos-level evil y'all. I'm the last thing from a Monarchist. It actually frustrates me that it's still an institution. That PR situation was awful and botched. Maybe didn't help that they were hamstrung waiting for results (and yes, in no way do I think she had the "usual wait" of "normal" NHS patients). Big contrast between what happened here and Charles's cancer.

Also wondering about the hospital's protocol for a royal. They have to have something very specific set in place. Maybe her records are paper? Kept under locked surveillance? I can't imagine whatever it is they have to do

This got me thinking. She is 42. I've been reading articles off and on over the years that cancer rates are rising for younger people. I think we are around her age or getting there soon. I wouldn't be surprised if this topic hits GW in a different way soon...(hoping not)

Hoping everyone's doing their radon mitigation

And get your skin checked

I don’t think the issue is with her personally, despite her being on the receiving end of jokes and conspiracies. I just think everyone is at a point of “oh? what NOW?” with that whole clan, especially after Harry and Megan’s Worldwide Privacy Tour, a kiddie diddlin’ member of the royal family (was it Andrew? I don’t keep up nearly as well as others), and whatever other stuff that has gone on with them in the last few years.

It just so happens that people are either fed up with or just tired of hearing about the royal family. Now that there’s something legitimate going on, people didn’t take it “seriously” until there was some confirmation about the legitimacy.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
she's not Jeff Bezos-level evil y'all.

Well yeah, that's a whole other situation.

I just don't have much sympathy for someone facing a serious disease when they have unlimited resources both monetarily and through connections.

Whereas some of us have debilitating illnesses and have to ensure to schedule our treatments months in advance and hope it doesn't conflict with work schedules so we can continue to put money towards the payment plans that mitigate the debt these illnesses contribute to.


I see you
Queen of the Dead
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I don't think most people were trashing on Kate all these months. It started off with a group of people that love the royals noticing something was up and when their PR team seemed to not give a very good answer it spiraled into people just speculating and making stuff up. A lot of which was just a contest to see who could make the craziest guess. If anything it was William who was dumbed on the most for cheating and possibly abusing her.

This is what people do. If you don't share then the people around you are going to come to their own conclusions. Right or wrong, it happens because humans don't like not having an answer for something. We are social creatures so we are nosy.

With the royal family it's extra. They are a public PR family. The closest in America would be the Kardashians. People who are at this point famous for being famous. So there's a story behind why they did this the way they did. Now we are left to guess that.

My guess they didn't want people to know that 2 members of the royals had cancer. They thought that would look bad for the family and maybe Kate's Dx taking away from the King's. Or just it making the family look bad for some weird archaic reason they think it would look bad. Their whole thing is being the appearance of an ideal family. Whatever they happen to think that is. My guess is this was never supposed to come out but because people started digging into medical records (not cool) they finally had to say something.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Well yeah, that's a whole other situation.

I just don't have much sympathy for someone facing a serious disease when they have unlimited resources both monetarily and through connections.

Whereas some of us have debilitating illnesses and have to ensure to schedule our treatments months in advance and hope it doesn't conflict with work schedules so we can continue to put money towards the payment plans that mitigate the debt these illnesses contribute to.


In that video posted of her, she even made a statement of solidarity towards other cancer patients.

Oh, it’s real for y’all now, so now it’s important? Welcome to what us commoners have to deal with on the regular, most without a fraction of the healthcare or resources her and her pompous family are privilege to. She should know this, growing up a “normal” life, despite meeting William at an esteemed college, one that her family likely had to pay a good deal for her to attend, or required a decent enough GPA to earn a scholarship.

I don't think most people were trashing on Kate all these months. It started off with a group of people that love the royals noticing something was up and when their PR team seemed to not give a very good answer it spiraled into people just speculating and making stuff up. A lot of which was just a contest to see who could make the craziest guess. If anything it was William who was dumbed on the most for cheating and possibly abusing her.

It doesn’t help matters that they feed the paparazzi circus at every turn themselves. “We have a secret, but we’re not telling.” is NOT a good way to keep the press off of your back, but it IS an excellent way to get people talking. Granted, it’s not as salacious as a sex tape… like your example two paragraphs away.

This is what people do. If you don't share then the people around you are going to come to their own conclusions. Right or wrong, it happens because humans don't like not having an answer for something. We are social creatures so we are nosy.

Yep, and they’ve done an excellent job at piquing the collective interest of their domestic market and the international one as well. It’s all about maintaining an image, no matter what that image is. That’s why the queen’s death announcement was written years before her death and only amended to include new additions to the family.

With the royal family it's extra. They are a public PR family. The closest in America would be the Kardashians. People who are at this point famous for being famous. So there's a story behind why they did this the way they did. Now we are left to guess that.

Man… putting it like that really puts a perspective on how silly they are and how ridiculously stupid American pop culture really is.

My guess they didn't want people to know that 2 members of the royals had cancer. They thought that would look bad for the family and maybe Kate's Dx taking away from the King's. Or just it making the family look bad for some weird archaic reason they think it would look bad. Their whole thing is being the appearance of an ideal family. Whatever they happen to think that is. My guess is this was never supposed to come out but because people started digging into medical records (not cool) they finally had to say something.

I don’t really understand that logic, though. They’re at a crossroads with a “new” reign and a population that thinks that they’re incredibly out of touch. From a publicity standpoint, this is THE perfect opportunity for them to relate to the people they’d like to finance their lifestyle in the future.
I liked it better when we had no idea what was going on and could just randomly speculate.

If she has cancer... that's a disappointing outcome.


I don't get hiding it though, unless they wanted to wait for true confirmation. There is almost no better way to gain sympathy from the masses than to reveal a cancer diagnosis.
From what I read, they not only wanted to confirm but also were stalling telling their children. Once they do, everything changed for the kids and it becomes more real. They probably wanted to delay that as long as possible, and I cannot fault them for it


GW Elder
A (seemingly nice) mother of three kids ten and under announces she has cancer and y'all doubled down on the bad jokes because....she has better access to healthcare than most? And because she wanted keep the diagnosis private until they felt comfortable telling her children? And the world?

A (seemingly nice) mother of three kids ten and under announces she has cancer and y'all doubled down on the bad jokes because....she has better access to healthcare than most? And because she wanted keep the diagnosis private until they felt comfortable telling her children? And the world?

Have you not met this group before?
A (seemingly nice) mother of three kids ten and under announces she has cancer and y'all doubled down on the bad jokes because....she has better access to healthcare than most? And because she wanted keep the diagnosis private until they felt comfortable telling her children? And the world?

I don’t want her to die of cancer. But I don’t give a shit about her. The obsession is ridiculous.

CBS cut away from March Madness in order to solemnly deliver the news to Americans. What the fuck is that? I thought it was going to be something important.

Can you imagine in the UK if the BBC or whatever cut away from a World Cup match to announce that Kim K had cancer? Because that’s the equivalent. She’s a foreign celebrity.

There would be hell to pay and rightfully so.
A (seemingly nice) mother of three kids ten and under announces she has cancer and y'all doubled down on the bad jokes because....she has better access to healthcare than most? And because she wanted keep the diagnosis private until they felt comfortable telling her children? And the world?

am I supposed to care about a bunch of British freeloaders?

I'm not seeing people making jokes about Kate herself, but the whole situation regarding the "conspiracy" and how much people seem to needlessly care about the whereabouts of someone who is nothing more than a British celebrity.
Can you imagine in the UK if the BBC or whatever cut away from a World Cup match to announce that Kim K had cancer? Because that’s the equivalent. She’s a foreign celebrity.
there would be hell to pay if the Super Bowl got interrupted by news of Kim K getting a cancer diagnosis. That shit should stay on TMZ.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
From what I read, they not only wanted to confirm but also were stalling telling their children. Once they do, everything changed for the kids and it becomes more real. They probably wanted to delay that as long as possible, and I cannot fault them for it

This would be the hard part for me. I wouldn’t want my private business to be aired out that way. Granted, I’m sure the children at their school are better behaved than the shitheads I grew up with, but kids are still kids, and some are assholes.

A (seemingly nice) mother of three kids ten and under announces she has cancer and y'all doubled down on the bad jokes because....she has better access to healthcare than most? And because she wanted keep the diagnosis private until they felt comfortable telling her children? And the world?



It’s not that she’s “seemingly nice” or “innocent” or even because she’s a mother with better access to an insurance policy. It’s the fact that no one bats an eye at the kids dying because their parents can’t afford life-saving treatment, but let a celebrity have cancer and suddenly everyone must not only care but dive into their pockets to help find a cure. I’m not saying that the king’s coronation budget could have solely cured cancer, but I’ll be damned if that money couldn’t have been better spent saving those dying kids. The fact that people make jokes might be uncouth, but the fact that those jokes are about people experiencing probably their first dose of “reality”… something their privilege couldn’t even protect them from getting… expect sympathy from the very people they’ve built their fortunes off of that have been dealing with those same issues and worse without so much as a nod of acknowledgment is the real joke here.

It’s unfortunate that cancer happens to anyone, but the grim reality is that it does… and most people don’t have the arsenal she has at her disposal to deal with it. If the royal family wanted to use this as an opportunity to do something positive, they’d seize the chance to invest into research… not make a presser about respecting privacy while simultaneously making a spectacle of a diagnosis.

I’d have a hard time cracking a jokey joke that goes beyond saying “all of a sudden” about “Kate has cancer, the royal family vows to invest in finding a cure”, that’s for sure. Why? Because I can’t knock something triggering someone into making a difference.
Listen, I didn't interrupt British broadcasting when my wife's grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and then passed a few months later.

I don't want her to die, and it IS sad that she has cancer, but I truthfully do not care. And I DID get a sick satisfaction that Charles had to wait 70 years to ascend to the throne only to be diagnosed with cancer less than a year later and likely won't make more than a few years on the throne. Fuck Camilla.


GW Elder
I absolutely cannot believe a very famous and relatively young woman announcing she has cancer is such world wide news!!! What about all the other people with cancer???

Why should I care????? as I post on an Internet forum thread dedicated to her whereabouts!

btw they cut to her news during an ad break lmao stop acting like people missed a game-winner because of the tv spot.
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I absolutely cannot believe a very famous and relatively young woman announcing she has cancer is such world wide news!!! What about all the other people with cancer???

Why should I care????? as I post on an Internet forum thread dedicated to her whereabouts!

btw they cut to her news during an ad break lmao stop acting like people missed a game-winner because of the tv spot.
CBS must really suck at broadcasting to allow a full minute to run off the clock during an ad break.

Why should I care as I post on a message board? People did the same thing with the submarine billionaires. It's not that everyone really cared about their well-being.


GW Elder
CBS must really suck at broadcasting to allow a full minute to run off the clock during an ad break.

literally no time ran off the clock

also i just dont see kardashians = royal family or people who got into a dumbass submarine failed mission = cancer

its just funny the numerous posts talking about how shes not attractive and speculating what plastic surgery it could be but then it turns out its cancer and it switches to "we dont care about the royal family" lol
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