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U.S.A. Trump lol

The pedantic side of me is forcing me to say that Europe is actually slightly larger than the USA, and ironically the difference is about one Montana.
fair point if we're measuring in land area, yeah. as an american history teacher though one of the things i try really hard to get my kids to understand is that america is fucking huge. growing up in the 21st century really desensitizes you to how big this country is. the distance between LA and New York hasn't changed in 300 years but at the same time it's gotten a lot smaller. i always compare the us to europe and i tell my students look at all those countries with all their cultures and languages taking up the same amount of space that american states do. and people expect (and want!) this country to be homogenous! there is a significant portion of americans that believe diversity is the worst thing that could happen to their country! (the same is true with most countries to be honest but that's a discussion for another day) it's just unrealistic for people to want this entire country to speak english (sorry, speak amurrican) and have the same values. my state can't even agree on whether barbeque with a vinegar base or barbeque with a tomato base is superior
The pedantic side of me is forcing me to say that Europe is actually slightly larger than the USA, and ironically the difference is about one Montana.
Sure, but of that size, the European part of Russia constitutes about 40% of Europe's landmass. So if you remove Russia from the equation, US is way bigger than the rest of Europe combined.
these states don't listen to the federal government and don't experience any consequences when they don't. southern state legislatures are in the process of funneling money away from public schools and DEI programs into police budgets and charter schools. there's no fix for this system that doesn't involve burning the whole thing down and rebuilding it from the bottom up.
And what would that involve? I think it's time for the federal government to stop pussy-footing around and institute some basic damn expectations on the federal level when it comes to education. Too many lunatics are home schooling their kids nowadays, for one.
That's not how criminal sentences work. You serve your sentence while you appeal.
No, there is a motion for stay of execution of sentence pending appeal. This is granted more often than not, especially for non-violent crimes and first offenders. Which Trump is likely to get because of who he is.

I forgot Cannon fucked up the timeline of the Georgia trial
Cannon is a Florida judge, she can't affect the Georgia trial.
Right, she's a Florida judge and she's only fucked up the Florida trial, which is the most important one and the one that is most open and shut, and she's just biased beyond biased. She's sitting on motions from Trump for 3 months now, refusing to rule on them. Yet after Trump started peddling lies about how the FBI was trying to assassinate him, and Republicans started following that lie, Jack Smith asked for a gag related to it as an obvious lie and she ruled on that in less than a week in favor of Trump. She should be recusing herself on that and won't, just like Alito and Thomas clearly being conflicted on J6 trials and not recusing either. Republicans talk about weaponization of the justice system, and they are pulling this garbage... I don't get it.

As for Georgia, I didn't specify, but I apologize if I made it look like I was saying Cannon was responsible for that. She's not. The Supreme Court is. Which is what I was alluding to. Cannon is killing the Florida case. The Supreme Court is killing the other two. One for the BS immunity claims, the other in Georgia over whether Fani Willis needs to be kicked off for conflict of interest. Which, again, is rich given the CLEAR AS DAY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST for Cannon, Alito and Thomas.

What about all the people who aren't Trump fanatics but also aren't fans of Biden? Those are the people who will decide the election.
I agree wholeheartedly. But Trump and Republican gerrymandering and bastardization of local election laws in battleground states is almost making their vote irrelevant. Places like Georgia, Pennsylvania and Ohio have all had some serious Republican fights over how elections are to be handled in the state. They won't be free and fair because of the Republicans, not the Democrats (or independents).

Most annoying thing is that years later Hilary fans and apologists STILL won't admit Hilary was a horrendously flawed candidate or own up to any responsibility of her loss by continuing to blame Bernie and his supporters.
I will admit, and hindsight is 20/20... But I voted for Trump in 16 because I HATED Hilary Clinton. I didn't make the same mistake in 2020, but it's evidence that I saw how bad she was. I hate that both the DNC and RNC get their darlings and push them. Trump in 2024, Clinton in 2016, Biden in 2020... Others don't stand a chance when real difference makers are held back. Poor candidates hurt the party and the country. And we keep making the same mistakes because as much as we peddle we are a democracy, we're really not. Our votes don't really mean anything and it was shown why in 2020 with Trump's fake electors. Nothing binds those people to submitting to the electoral college the result of county and state votes. And we the people suffer at the hands of the elite rich and corporations who control every aspect of our government.
Nothing to add to the rehash of the past couple of elections, but just pointing out that the first son of a President to become President himself (JQA) was also one of the most qualified people who ever became President. He was the minister to 4 separate and important countries (the Netherlands, Prussia, Russia, and the UK), a state senator, a US senator, and Secretary of State all in the years leading up to being elected.

Yeah he started in it because of who his father was, but he grew up seeing the nation get formed as well and turned his life into trying to help it continue.

/JQA talk.
This isn't a sign of him getting more votes, just that people already in his camp are very easily convinced to part ways with their money.
Donations are indicative of votes. You are right it's not the only factor. Even I'm not stupid enough to say that.

But donations = money = influence (like ads and the like) = more on the fence people swing that way

It's a contributing factor.

The hope is all this money gets drained into his appeals instead of campaign.

I'm also a strong believer that campaign donations used to pay legal fees should be illegal. If I'm a doner and my candidate spends the money I gave him/her to pay to try and get off on his/her crimes, I'd be pissed off.
But that's just it though: campaign dollars are being funneled into legal fees. How do you keep insisting that that means MORE votes instead of less?
Influence. I'm saying (typically) increased donations means more influence, which historically means more votes. Money wins elections. That's not even in question.

However, I'm HOPING that too much is funneled to legal fees to make a difference. We won't know that for a while yet.

But Trump is beginning to generate more donations than Biden after Biden started the year on a tear. As Trump's opponents like Nikki Haley began to fall in line, he's starting to generate much higher donation numbers. Which, regardless of legal fees, is a dangerous thing. To ignore that reality, to me, would be folly.

It's also becoming more and more clear to me that RFK is a Trump mouthpiece and is planted to get Trump more supporters. He's echoing a lot of Republican talking points which should, in theory, hurt Trump. But I fear this may cause people who would be on the fence as moderate Republicans to vote third party (and that 3-5% is huge in an election like this) to switch to Trump. They would be won over by, you guessed it, money and influence.

It's also why Biden's team is trying to court the moderates that are on RFK.

I'm telling you this conviction will not hurt him as much as people think, and the unification of this being a "sham" trial from the Republican side is why. This absolutely has the makings of a unification event. And Republicans being divided were the reason they were threatened in the first place.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I heard there are some rules about being a felon and owning a NY business like his real estate empire

I wonder how this will affect his company ownership if anything


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Huh... I know we have a lot of wrestling fans on here. I just saw someone make a comment about the Department of Justice having requested that the accuser of Vince McMahon, who is suing him for claims of sex-trafficking, pause their lawsuit pursuant to the DOJ conducting a private federal probe.

(I tried to find non-paywalled sources that didn't lean super-hard left. None mention Trump in the reasoning, of course.)

The woman who is currently suing ex-WWE boss Vince McMahon is pausing her lawsuit at the request of the Justice Department, according to the woman's lawyer.

Janel Grant, the former WWE employee who sued McMahon, the company and former WWE executive John Laurinaitis in January, agreed to pause her lawsuit.

"Ms. Grant has consented to a request by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York to stay her case against Mr. McMahon, WWE and Mr. Laurinaitis, pursuant to a pending non-public investigation," Ann Callis, a lawyer for Grant, said in a statement to ABC News. "We will cooperate with all appropriate next steps."

A sex trafficking and sexual misconduct lawsuit filed against former WWE boss Vince McMahon by an employee has been put on hold while the U.S. Department of Justice conducts their own investigation.

Janel Grant, a former employee at WWE headquarters, agreed to temporarily pause her lawsuit against McMahon, WWE and John Laurinaitis, the company's former head of talent relations, at the request of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York to allow for a federal probe.

"Ms. Grant has consented to a request by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York to stay her case against Mr. McMahon, WWE and Mr. Laurinaitis, pursuant to a pending non-public investigation," Grant's attorney Ann Callis said in a statement to USA TODAY Sports. "We will cooperate with all appropriate next steps."

More specifically, the comment posited that the reason they requested it be paused is that they're now wanting to look at Trump's involvement. Which while entirely Facebook conjecture... Maybe there is something to that. They are very close friends, and apparently are still in regular contact even since McMahon stepped down from TKO Holdings. It does definitely seem that the timing of them requesting the pause coming right after Trump's conviction is... Interesting.

McMahon has also talked to Trump, according to two of the people close to the wrestling impresario. The two billionaires have been in touch regularly, according to a person close to McMahon, although it isn't clear what they've discussed.

Trump and the McMahon family go way back: The former president hosted two WrestleMania events in Atlantic City in the late 1980s, engaged in a wrestling "feud" with McMahon in 2007 and is a member of the WWE Hall of Fame. Linda McMahon, McMahon's wife, served as the Small Business Administration's head in Trump's Cabinet, led a pro-Trump super PAC and is now on the board of the publicly traded Trump Media and Technology Group.

In 2022, The Wall Street Journal reported that McMahon paid $5 million in previously unrecorded expenses to the since-dissolved Donald J. Trump Foundation during two of the years Trump appeared on WWE programming.

Trump was definitely balled up with Jeffrey Epstein's island and the horrors that occurred there. Bill Clinton, too. I don't think it takes a huge leap of faith to find that more plausible than not, given all of their histories and attitudes towards women. It's very much assumed that Epstein didn't kill himself, at least not without help. If you do subscribe to that logic, it would certainly seem that he was offed to avoid him giving up information that would damage someone. I don't find it that bizarre to think that Trump and McMahon had some shady shit going on, too...

So hypothetically, what if they could link Trump to that sex-trafficking case and perhaps in a round-about way to Epstein. Would that even dent him in the eyes of the MAGAssholes?


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I'm thinking the "murdered more people than me" part means it might be a parody or otherwise fake? But then I've become so used to Poe's law.
I can never tell if a supposed tweet by Trump is real or completely made up. They're both so unhinged, who knows.

I kinda doubt he has the balls to murder anyone himself, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's had other people do it for him.


No Problem Here
GW Elder

Posting this here, happened to see this rally on this pod but you can find this speech on a lot of other places

This is so insane...I would be so embarrassed if this was my candidate...I know everyone knows this here. So many grievances...focused on how to pronounce names...attacking his own party, nothing forward thinking...no policy about how to help things...

Reading between the lines he is trying to do the same old stuff but it's not working this time and he is afraid of jail, and he is a narcissist

I have no idea where the McCain voters are now or where they want to live or what they are doing, probably that split into those who went down the rabbit hole and those who didn't

After Trump I wonder if the party will split, I know that is crazy but I seriously wonder
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The grift is so strong with this one
I've noticed that they are pulling HARD on the gaslighting lately. They're taking all of Trumps major faults and hurling them at Harris and the democrats instead. "They are pulling a coup and this is a threat to democracy!" says people who attempted an ACTUAL coup four years ago. Or the clips Stewart played of him trying to trademark "Lyin' Kamalla, L-Y-I-N-apostrophe" says the guy who has a tracked record of telling untruths numbering in the...what? Has it reached the ten-thousands yet? Or all the pundits saying Harris is hard to work with, despite him throwing so many cronies under the bus when he was in power and trying to have Pence murdered.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I've noticed that they are pulling HARD on the gaslighting lately. They're taking all of Trumps major faults and hurling them at Harris and the democrats instead. "They are pulling a coup and this is a threat to democracy!" says people who attempted an ACTUAL coup four years ago. Or the clips Stewart played of him trying to trademark "Lyin' Kamalla, L-Y-I-N-apostrophe" says the guy who has a tracked record of telling untruths numbering in the...what? Has it reached the ten-thousands yet? Or all the pundits saying Harris is hard to work with, despite him throwing so many cronies under the bus when he was in power and trying to have Pence murdered.
Ever heard "every accusation is a confession"? It's pretty accurate for shitty people making wild accusations in general, but it's especially true of Trump. I agree it's nuts that so many people don't seem to notice.

"Lyin' Kamala" isn't even catchy.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
The Maryland-based auction house, Alexander Historical Auctions, known for selling historic letters and documents, announced on Friday, August 9, it will accept sealed bids on Epstein's "little black book" from May 15 to June 15 on their website.

Auctioneer Bill Panagopulos said: "The small, plastic-bound 64-page book contains 386 individual printed entries with two handwritten entries penned on the last page. The book was earlier offered for private sale only and drew offers in the area of $100,000."

The owner of the "criminal relic" reportedly rejected the offers, insisting that he was more concerned about the book being used for research purposes, specifically to uncover Epstein's purported ties to foreign intelligence services or governments.

If the auction house doesn't receive a satisfactory bid, the item will be sold at a public auction in mid-July.

Most entries in the black book include contact information for private residences, aides, employees, parents, and even girlfriends. Many numbers have no names indicated at all.

Ninety-four names bear black checkmarks, and five have been highlighted in yellow. These five names, including former President Trump, are well-recognized financial and industrial figureheads.

In addition to the ex-prez, the book includes current independent presidential candidate RFK Jr., attorney Alan Dershowitz, Sen. Edward Kennedy, and many others in the world of politics, film, finance, fashion, manufacturing, real estate and law.

I've always wondered whether this was going to see light of day. I wonder if it's legit, and who'll end up releasing the names on it. :thinking


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I've always wondered whether this was going to see light of day. I wonder if it's legit, and who'll end up releasing the names on it. :thinking

Same. On one hand, it feels very conspiracy theory-ish, but on the other… people can be scum, and people with money like that are more likely to be worse than we could imagine as relatively “normal” people.
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