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U.S.A. Trump lol


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Hey look - a vote he did win.
Ashton Kutcher Burn GIF
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Shame, he should be sentenced to serve some hard time. So, what about his run for presidency? Will this by any chance disqualify him or will some BS loophole allow him to continue?
You can run for President from jail (and it has been done before). The only thing that would make him unable to run is if the RNC decides to have a different official candidate as a result of this.

Considering who is now in charge of the RNC, that seems unlikely.
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You can run for President from jail (and it has been done before). The only thing that would make him unable to run is if the RNC decides to have a different official candidate as a result of this.

Considering who is now in charge of the RNC, that seems unlikely.
I swear to fucking God, if Trump manages to win the election despite this, the world deserves to burn.
If the polling is accurate, there's about a 2-3 point swing toward Biden if Trump is found guilty of any felonies (which this is). It's about a 5-7 point swing if he spends any time in jail because of it.
I don't think those numbers are accurate or reflective sadly.

I DO think that this hurts his Christian and Evangelical votes though. For much the same reason it would have hurt him in 2016 and WHY he covered this up in the first place. Infidelity is a paramount issue for a lot of those voters.
(sadly DeSantis will just restore his voting rights since he can technically do that as Governor...but still would be funny if he "forgot" to do it)
DeSantis is a fucking joke. I keep praying that when Trump and DeSantis and the MAGA movement dies, Florida will return to at LEAST independence as a swing state instead of the bullshit lunatics it is now.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
He got his hands on the stuff Biden used in the SotU.

Now they both need to be drug tested.
Is this a serious post or some reference to calls for Biden getting drug tested I haven't heard? They can both get a prescription for whatever they want.

He's just going to appeal regardless of all this, and the judge won't sentence him to jail anyway. This is all optics and he's probably going to benefit from this.

Though I'd love to see him remanded to prison lol
He's not likely to get prison (nobody would for this crime as a first-time offender because it's not warranted). That does not mean it'll benefit him though. How would it? Sure, some people will vote for him despite this conviction, but nobody is going to vote for him because of it. It will dissuade some voters.

There are several ways it'll hurt him. Even with just probation, he's unlikely to be allowed to leave the state, which will make campaigning difficult. It also used up his "first-time offender" status, so the other trials will result in a harsher sentence. Georgia specifically takes into account convictions even in other states.

Plus, even if all it costs him is time and money, that's time and money that can't be spent on campaigning. Even better, he's bankrupting the RNC with his legal bills. Campaigns are won with money.

It doesn't help him, it does hurt him, and it's going to get worse from here.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Is this a serious post or some reference to calls for Biden getting drug tested I haven't heard? They can both get a prescription for whatever they want.

I get it. I’ve seen some pressers with him where he definitely seems like he’s on some kind of upper. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see politicians pumped up on prescriptions the same way Hollywood has been since the silver screen era. They gotta do something to keep rigor mortis from setting in.
Is this a serious post or some reference to calls for Biden getting drug tested I haven't heard? They can both get a prescription for whatever they want.
It's the latter. Trump and right wing nut jobs have been peddling a false claim that Biden was on crack or something during the SotU. And one of Trump new fallbacks is he won't debate Biden (you know, that he just got backed into agreeing to do?) unless Biden takes a drug test first.

That does not mean it'll benefit him though. How would it?
Sadly, there are a lot of on the fence right wingers that feel this lawsuit, specifically, was unjustified. A conviction along with his peddling of normal lies he's thrown about is likely to get a lot of commitment to his side than away from it.

As for the campaigning... this is going to get appealed. And as you mentioned about first time offender, he's likely to win any motion to stay penalties until post-appeal. Which means even if he's under probation, he'll be campaigning freely.

Which also strengthens the idea this will benefit him. He and his sycophants are going to start tomorrow peddling the idea he's a martyr and doing this for them. Look at J6... he gets responses when he pulls the martyr card. I don't get it, but it works for this wackadoo.

It also used up his "first-time offender" status, so the other trials will result in a harsher sentence. Georgia specifically takes into account convictions even in other states.
Those trials are unlikely to ever move forward. They definitely won't move forward before the election. Should he win, he's gonna have the suits buried. If he loses, Aileen Cannon and the Supreme Court will do it for him. This trial will be irrelevant to the election, and I stand by the only voters that MAY be disenfranchised are Catholic and Evangelicals who will shun him for having an affair. The fact this was election fraud is irrelevant. Which fucking sucks.

You are 100% right though that this is virtually bankrupting the RNC to fund his legal bills. Anyone but him would have already been cut loose by the party to just SURVIVE at this point. Which is another reason I don't understand the fall in line mentality with these idiots.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
It's the latter. Trump and right wing nut jobs have been peddling a false claim that Biden was on crack or something during the SotU. And one of Trump new fallbacks is he won't debate Biden (you know, that he just got backed into agreeing to do?) unless Biden takes a drug test first.
Ahh, gotcha. Personally I'd be all for all national politicians having to pass regular drug tests as long as it's allowed to be a requirement for welfare and employers are permitted to do it when it's not necessary. If I have to pass a drug test for THC to write code from home, they should have to pass one to govern the entire country.

Sadly, there are a lot of on the fence right wingers that feel this lawsuit, specifically, was unjustified. A conviction along with his peddling of normal lies he's thrown about is likely to get a lot of commitment to his side than away from it.
It's not a lawsuit, it's a criminal trial. I really doubt anybody would be convinced by him being convicted of a crime and not be convinced by his other nonsense. Those people are going to vote for him regardless. Plus him being let off would give more credence to his claims of unwarranted persecution than his conviction does.

As for the campaigning... this is going to get appealed. And as you mentioned about first time offender, he's likely to win any motion to stay penalties until post-appeal. Which means even if he's under probation, he'll be campaigning freely.
That's not how criminal sentences work. You serve your sentence while you appeal.

Those trials are unlikely to ever move forward. They definitely won't move forward before the election.
I forgot Cannon fucked up the timeline of the Georgia trial, so yeah, they're talking about a March date at this point. So fair point, if he's elected. I don't think he will be though.

Should he win, he's gonna have the suits buried. If he loses, Aileen Cannon and the Supreme Court will do it for him.
Cannon is a Florida judge, she can't affect the Georgia trial. A conviction could be appealed to the USSC, but he'd have to be convicted first. He'd have to serve his sentence while it's being appealed, because that's also a criminal trial and not a lawsuit.

This trial will be irrelevant to the election, and I stand by the only voters that MAY be disenfranchised are Catholic and Evangelicals who will shun him for having an affair. The fact this was election fraud is irrelevant. Which fucking sucks.
What about all the people who aren't Trump fanatics but also aren't fans of Biden? Those are the people who will decide the election.

You are 100% right though that this is virtually bankrupting the RNC to fund his legal bills. Anyone but him would have already been cut loose by the party to just SURVIVE at this point. Which is another reason I don't understand the fall in line mentality with these idiots.
Right?! It's absolutely wild to me that he has their support at all at this point. He's going to cost a lot of down ticket candidates their race. That's what happened when the DNC dumped most of their cash into getting Obama re-elected. The party should be in complete revolt out of self preservation at this point.

You know, in some other timeline, maybe 2016 Hillary didn't push Bernie out of the Dem nomination
I agree, Bernie would've beat Trump. The DNC fucked up. They didn't really learn their lesson, based on them running Biden next.

Completely off topic, if you ever want a philosophical debate, ask me my opinion on alternate timelines.
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I agree, Bernie would've beat Trump. The DNC fucked up. They didn't really learn their lesson, based on them running Biden next.
Don't just blame the DNC; blame Democrats. They supported Hillary over Bernie, outside of social media echo chambers, and they supported Biden over other viable DNC candidates. Liz Warren IMO was the best and most qualified person in the DNC to run for President, but she polled horrendously and couldn't get enough support from actual Democrats.
Completely off topic, if you ever want a philosophical debate, ask me my opinion on alternate timelines.
Time for a new thread! :D
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Warren was actually polling first during the primary for a period of time, but then they really pressed her hard to say she was going to raise taxes to pay for healthcare and the fucking dems wouldn't let that go like a dog with a bone until they got that soundbite they could tank her with.

Most annoying thing is that years later Hilary fans and apologists STILL won't admit Hilary was a horrendously flawed candidate or own up to any responsibility of her loss by continuing to blame Bernie and his supporters.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
The main thing that pissed me off about the Hillary shit is that the Clinton's were definitely in bed with Trump (*shudder*) prior to that. Pictures abound, with Bill being tied up in that Epstein shit just as much...

I even felt at the time that the Clintons were the ones ultimately behind Trump getting traction for the RNC candidate...

Like, doesn't it seem like a stupid politics move to get your TV-show-loudmouth friend you think has NO chance of winning to run against you, assuming it'll be a gimme win? But then Hillary was so shit, and someone (probably Russia) put the worm in Trump's ear that he could be a king, so he actually took it seriously.

Politics in general is dumb. But American politics basically trying to get an entire continent to agree on 1 person is ridiculous.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Time for a new thread! :D

Oh boy… kinda reminds me of a time I humored a rabid Trump supporter and said “alright, let’s assume this whole thing is rigged, people find out in 20 years after both Trump and Biden are dead that Trump and QAnon and all those other people were right, what then?” Plenty of studdering. No real answer. Just a train on a circular track that screams “told you so” at every station. I don’t think any of those folks were actually prepared for any of it to be true, because if they were… they’d at least have a game plan. That’s the thing, I think the drama and the theatrics are what people thrive off of, when it comes time to put up or shut up, there’s nothing.
Don't just blame the DNC; blame Democrats. They supported Hillary over Bernie, outside of social media echo chambers, and they supported Biden over other viable DNC candidates.
I definitely agree with this. Whilst I have no doubt the DNC preferred Hillary as a candidate I think Trump's victory shows how limited national party organisations are when faced with enough popular support.
It's the latter. Trump and right wing nut jobs have been peddling a false claim that Biden was on crack or something during the SotU. And one of Trump new fallbacks is he won't debate Biden (you know, that he just got backed into agreeing to do?) unless Biden takes a drug test first.
trump and biden combined can’t compare fo the jfk cocktail lol
  • Lol
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Right?! It's absolutely wild to me that he has their support at all at this point. He's going to cost a lot of down ticket candidates their race. That's what happened when the DNC dumped most of their cash into getting Obama re-elected. The party should be in complete revolt out of self preservation at this point
I mean Lara Trump is co-chair of the RNC, so they won't be backing down their support unless they can also get rid of her first.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I mean Lara Trump is co-chair of the RNC, so they won't be backing down their support unless they can also get rid of her first.
This alone is a "wtf politics" thing to me. How does taking over one of the largest political organizations in the country just to push your own father-in-law as president not... Violate something? Like, if you flipped it and Chelsea Clinton was head of the DNC and pushing to get her mom elected, would not that cause so much scandal? (Just to clarify; I don't give a shit about or particularly like the Clintons, they're just an easy comparative example.)

I still generally compare US Politics to like... Trying to pick a President of Europe. If you take away the language differences, the "states" are analogous to being their own countries, each with their own laws, customs, mentalities, etc. There's fundamentally different at their core, and trying to force them all into one system seems like a recipe for conflict. Heck, even getting England and Scotland to agree on something is... Hard. And yes I realize England doesn't exactly count as Europe anymore.

Y'all country be wildin' out.

I should also clarify that I can't vote here since I'm not a US Citizen, so any opinion I have is just chaff. :shrug
This alone is a "wtf politics" thing to me. How does taking over one of the largest political organizations in the country just to push your own father-in-law as president not... Violate something? Like, if you flipped it and Chelsea Clinton was head of the DNC and pushing to get her mom elected, would not that cause so much scandal? (Just to clarify; I don't give a shit about or particularly like the Clintons, they're just an easy comparative example.)
since the very beginning of american history politics has always been a family game. it only took seven presidents before we elected someone who was the son of a previous president (john quincy adams). they're not even the only father/son president pair (bush 41/bush 43). there's even a grandfather/grandson pair (william henry harrison, benjamin harrison). jfk put his brother in his cabinet. teddy roosevelt was more closely related to eleanor than franklin.

you can even extend this far beyond america's borders. how many non-monarchical heads of state are the children of previous heads of state? we can overthrow kings all we want but there will always be people who crave royalty. hell, we had a president who was derided as a "king" while he was president and our stupid country put his ass on the $20 bill. people with nothing to lose love a strongman.
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Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
since the very beginning of american history politics has always been a family game. it only took seven presidents before we elected someone who was the son of a previous president (john quincy adams). they're not even the only father/son president pair (bush 41/bush 43). there's even a grandfather/grandson pair (william henry harrison, benjamin harrison). jfk put his brother in his cabinet. teddy roosevelt was more closely related to eleanor than franklin.

you can even extend this far beyond america's borders. how many non-monarchical heads of state are the children of previous heads of state? we can overthrow kings all we want but there will always be people who crave royalty. hell, we had a president who was derided as a "king" while he was president and our stupid country put his ass on the $20 bill. people with nothing to lose love a strongman.
I get your point, although I guess I was more thinking the campaigning/influencing public opinion angle, not so much the continuation of a legacy. In some small sense, there's at least a thread of logic behind "this person was smart, their son/grandson must be too". But to just take over a previously independent organization just to ensure your step-daddy gets favored seems worse.

I, for one, welcome our future AI President.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Don't just blame the DNC; blame Democrats. They supported Hillary over Bernie, outside of social media echo chambers, and they supported Biden over other viable DNC candidates. Liz Warren IMO was the best and most qualified person in the DNC to run for President, but she polled horrendously and couldn't get enough support from actual Democrats.
That's probably fair. I felt like he had a lot of support from Democrats and it was the lack of support from the DNC that did him in, but I was a college student in a liberal state at the time, so my perspective was probably skewed.

I mean Lara Trump is co-chair of the RNC, so they won't be backing down their support unless they can also get rid of her first.
I meant more other Republican politicians, since a lot of them will be out of a job. They should all be screaming in protest, not doubling down their support of Trump.

If you take away the language differences, the "states" are analogous to being their own countries, each with their own laws, customs, mentalities, etc. There's fundamentally different at their core, and trying to force them all into one system seems like a recipe for conflict.
I'm not sure I agree with that. Maybe I'm just naive, but I think we're more alike than not, and we mostly want the same things at the end of the day. We all want to be physically safe, economically secure, and free to live our lives how we see fit. I also believe most people want that for other people as well, just not at the expense of themselves and those they care about. The difference is what we consider a threat to those things, and that's mostly due to power hungry people spinning lies, not fundamental differences between people.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
In some small sense, there's at least a thread of logic behind "this person was smart, their son/grandson must be too".
IMO it has nothing to do with that. People are much more likely to be in the same career that their parents were. You get exposed to it generally, learn how to pursue it, meet people who are involved in it, probably see somebody you respect take pride in it, and are just more likely to even consider that path in the first place. I bet none of us ever seriously considered being president as a possible option for us. But if your dad was president? It wouldn't seem so outlandish then, does it?

I ended up in the same industry my dad works in, and it wasn't even intentional.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
IMO it has nothing to do with that. People are much more likely to be in the same career that their parents were. You get exposed to it generally, learn how to pursue it, meet people who are involved in it, probably see somebody you respect take pride in it, and are just more likely to even consider that path in the first place. I bet none of us ever seriously considered being president as a possible option for us. But if your dad was president? It wouldn't seem so outlandish then, does it?

I ended up in the same industry my dad works in, and it wasn't even intentional.
I'd think that has far more to do with having access to those resources to be able to follow in their footsteps. If your daddy was president, you've got bank under you to go to the best schools, hob-nob with socialites to garner favor, all things that a regular citizen coming up from the dirt will never have access to. And I'd also probably assume there's parental influence in guiding a child into that path, not actual personal choice. Somewhat the same as religion, if you're just raised to think that X is the way things are, you don't have many avenues of free choice open to you unless you just forsake everything your parents believe.

I might personally find it stranger though because my dad worked in a factory (or similar) his entire life and didn't aspire to anything, and I try not to be him as best I can.

I'm not sure I agree with that. Maybe I'm just naive, but I think we're more alike than not, and we mostly want the same things at the end of the day. We all want to be physically safe, economically secure, and free to live our lives how we see fit. I also believe most people want that for other people as well, just not at the expense of themselves and those they care about. The difference is what we consider a threat to those things, and that's mostly due to power hungry people spinning lies, not fundamental differences between people.
Speaking as an external non-American that has had almost 20 years of living here... Nah. South Carolina is markedly different to New York, from superficial things like the speed in which people speak/act, to the deeply-internalized racism of the southern states. Even where you wouldn't assume it, there are just visceral differences in beliefs and what's considered "ok". I had to listen to more than one story from my ex-wife's outwardly sweet and proper grandma about how she pulled a gun on a black man she says was trying to steal her money while at a bank drive-through window. Except she didn't use such innocuous terms or even try to sugar-coat it. I've never run into anything as blatant in the Northern states. There were plenty of other instances involving others in that state, but that's the most vivid one I remember.

Maybe once upon a time the country was more homogenous, but at least in the current era, there are some pretty hard divisions in this country just based on core beliefs/values.
it's also worth remembering that america is bigger than europe. you could drive from one end of montana to the other and in that same distance in europe you'd cross the borders of five to six different countries depending on where you're at. that said i don't think breaking the country up is the way to go (it didn't work out great last time) and i take real issue with people (especially blue check liberals) whose solution to fixing what's wrong with the south is basically amputation. what is the solution? these states don't listen to the federal government and don't experience any consequences when they don't. southern state legislatures are in the process of funneling money away from public schools and DEI programs into police budgets and charter schools. there's no fix for this system that doesn't involve burning the whole thing down and rebuilding it from the bottom up.
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