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U.S.A. Trump lol


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I'll admit I don't have links handy, but I'll work on digging them up if anyone wants. My guess is it's all easy to Google though.

So it's been an eventful month for Trump. $83 million judgment for the completed Carroll Jean case (i believe a couple more are still pending?), which he'll have to come up with in cash to appeal.

$350 million in the NY case, plus another $100 million in interest, which is still accruing at roughly $90k a day.

NY case has also banned him from getting loans from any bank registered in NY, which is very nearly all of them, so his only real hope for a loan is probably a private one from a rich person.

Instead of dissolving his company, it will be under oversight for at least three years, can be dissolved at any time if the monitor feels it's warranted. The best part is the monitor will naturally have access to absolutely all the company's records, and it sounds like they've already found strong evidence of intentional tax fraud.

His defense team's supposed star witness in the Georgia case ended up contradicting himself on the stand and clearly perjured himself, ruining his credibility. Watching that guy attempt to testify without perjuring himself or admitting to things that will look bad is hilarious, I highly recommend it. Spoiler: he fails miserably at both.

You'd think somebody as supposedly rich as Trump could afford a competent legal defense team.


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
You'd think somebody as supposedly rich as Trump could afford a competent legal defense team.
The problem is, everyone at that level is smart enough to know that Trump's full of shit and up to his fucking ass in debt and owing favors. :rofl

My favorite parts of the Trump Saga from the past week were the GoFundMe set up to pay his legal fees.

And the $400 gaudy as fuck shoes he tried to hawk, undoubtedly manufactured in China (lol), again presumably to help pay off his judgments.

As for the interest and such...



Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
This guy, man…

We really are getting a showdown of stupid come November, aren’t we?

It’s really gonna be the guy too incompetent to be charged against the other guy too greasy for anything to stick to?

It’s no wonder the world laughs at the US.

I honestly see this dragging out through the appeals process for the foreseeable future, with his hairpiece gaining sentience and becoming his running mate sooner than we see any tangible resolution, which is likely the goal… I mean, tick tock, dude doesn’t have much longer on this earth. If he can drag it out til his dying days, it’ll be someone else’s problem.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I can't believe this guy was our president

We've had an...interesting mix of dudes over the centuries. There's a ton of dishonorable stuff in there (to put it lightly), especially Andrew Jackson who I cannot believe we haven't removed from the 20.

But actually I can believe he was our president. And it's a broader commentary on our society and what's been happening simultaneously. People who feel left behind. Too many media options, you don't have to tune into something that fact checks. And a guy who knows how to play the media game, any attention is good.

Really wonder where this is all headed. Because I think it's going to be worse. Next time we'll have someone who is just as unbelievable, but smarter about it.

When will we stop talking about him? After November? But won't he run again if he loses? Will it stop if he is jailed? When he dies?


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I honestly see this dragging out through the appeals process for the foreseeable future, with his hairpiece gaining sentience and becoming his running mate sooner than we see any tangible resolution, which is likely the goal… I mean, tick tock, dude doesn’t have much longer on this earth. If he can drag it out til his dying days, it’ll be someone else’s problem.
Nah man, he can't. He has to put up half a billion dollars to appeal. Where is he going to get it? You think he really has that much cash? Even if he does put it up, he'll be out the money for the entirety of the appeal process. It won't help him. So what if the state of NY doesn't get the cash in their hands until after he dies? It doesn't matter, it's just more interest for them.

My favorite parts of the Trump Saga from the past week were the GoFundMe set up to pay his legal fees.
Which aspect of it? That it's raising money slower than the interest is accruing or that they obviously forgot about the interest entirely so their goal is still short $100+ million? :rofl

But actually I can believe he was our president. And it's a broader commentary on our society and what's been happening simultaneously. People who feel left behind. Too many media options, you don't have to tune into something that fact checks. And a guy who knows how to play the media game, any attention is good.
Maybe the most surprising thing is it didn't happen sooner. The presidential election is ultimately a popularity contest (where some people's vote counts more than others). Of course you don't win that by being best for the job.

Really wonder where this is all headed. Because I think it's going to be worse. Next time we'll have someone who is just as unbelievable, but smarter about it.
Absolutely, that's the scary thing. An incompetent president is already quite bad, but a competent one that's bent on doing harmful things would be so much worse.

When will we stop talking about him? After November? But won't he run again if he loses? Will it stop if he is jailed? When he dies?
The Republican party can't possibly be dumb enough to think he'll be able to campaign during all these indictments. He's done. They probably wish he'd disappear more than anyone. He's going to cost them so much this upcoming election.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Nah man, he can't. He has to put up half a billion dollars to appeal. Where is he going to get it? You think he really has that much cash? Even if he does put it up, he'll be out the money for the entirety of the appeal process. It won't help him. So what if the state of NY doesn't get the cash in their hands until after he dies? It doesn't matter, it's just more interest for them.

You can’t draw blood from a stone, though, and people like him? They’ll burn through every penny they have fighting so they don’t have to cough up anything. We’ve all seen similar on smaller scales… whether it’s a shitty business owner or whatever the case may be. It’s not about the money as much as it is the image, that’s why he’s such a show off. Smart businessmen don’t *need* to shit in a golden toilet, only egocentric people that have the belief that even something as fundamentally animalistic as taking a shit deserves luxury.

Which aspect of it? That it's raising money slower than the interest is accruing or that they obviously forgot about the interest entirely so their goal is still short $100+ million? :rofl

It’s alarming in the same way that a billionaire Kardashian started one to fund medical expenses publicly for her assistant… she didn’t do it because she needed the help, she did it because she felt entitled because of her name. Cult of personality.

Maybe the most surprising thing is it didn't happen sooner. The presidential election is ultimately a popularity contest (where some people's vote counts more than others). Of course you don't win that by being best for the job.

Shit, if that were the case… we’d take longer than a couple months to elect.

Absolutely, that's the scary thing. An incompetent president is already quite bad, but a competent one that's bent on doing harmful things would be so much worse.

And this is the real problem. Conspiracy theorists from all corners of the country are going nuts at the potential for what this could bring with future presidents, and they have every right and reason to be alarmed.

The Republican party can't possibly be dumb enough to think he'll be able to campaign during all these indictments. He's done. They probably wish he'd disappear more than anyone. He's going to cost them so much this upcoming election.

But… he’s doing it. He’s turning every press opportunity into campaign fodder. The only way he’s going to see any degree of success is to stay the course, and he knows it, unfortunately.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
You can’t draw blood from a stone, though, and people like him? They’ll burn through every penny they have fighting so they don’t have to cough up anything.
He'll try, but if he doesn't pay by the deadline, they will start seizing assets. He may not be as rich as he claims, but there's plenty to squeeze from him.

It’s alarming in the same way that a billionaire Kardashian started one to fund medical expenses publicly for her assistant… she didn’t do it because she needed the help, she did it because she felt entitled because of her name. Cult of personality.
I agree it's gross rich people are begging for money from poor people, but it doesn't matter much, because he'll never raise enough to make a dent. The few people left who will donate their money to this train wreck deserve to be separated from it. Plus any money going to this won't go to campaign funds.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Sure, let's mandate Christian values. I propose we start with making sure poor people have what they need and treating everybody with love and respect. Both are very Christian values, so they should have no objections, right? Also I think there is something about praying in private and keeping it out of the public?


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
Sure, let's mandate Christian values.
Christian Nationalism pulls exclusively from the Nazi playbook, which called themselves the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Neither, of course, being what the label says.

I'm sure I've posted something like this before, but still - worth checking out if you've got 30 minutes to kill.

Which then leads into/overlaps with something like:

Which basically just boils down to Christians are right -> America is right -> it's your moral obligation to save/convert/kill anyone that doesn't believe in "America"/"Christianity" which are vague ideologies co-opting the names of actual things. And... y'know, there's a word for all that. That's where we're heading, Trump or no Trump. The orange bastard is a symptom of that plague, not the plague itself.
Assuming climate change and resource wars don't kill enormous swathes of the world's population before it fully takes hold. Yes I'm very fun at parties, lol


No Problem Here
GW Elder
y'all I want you to watch this bonkers interview

This lady became a citizen LESS THAN A YEAR AGO and this is HER FIRST TIME becoming a juror, she's from another country and she was seated to be a juror for the trial of OUR FORMER PRESIDENT

Like picture that experience in your head

And now she's on television for a few minutes, probably escaped threats against her family by bowing out

Welcome to America indeed
  • Mind Blown!
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Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
That would be an absolutely wild trial to be a part of, but especially in her case. And yeah, I hope they somehow manage to keep juror identities a secret, because you know they'll face tons of abuse no matter what verdict they come to. But they probably won't. =[

Monday should be interesting for the NY fraud case. It's looking likely Trump's "bond" will get rejected and NY will start seizing assets, but it's been so unpredictable so far, who knows what will happen.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
it's already started Kat. This took a less humorous turn. Two jurors have now been released.

They figured out that she is an oncology nurse. I guess Fox was using really over the line language, like "I don't like Juror number 2" and basically they had access to their questionnaires and running through them line by line.

As a reminder it's a felony to tamper with or intimidate jurors.

This is so disgusting. Who would want to volunteer for this unless you are a diehard fan.
  • Angry
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
That would be an absolutely wild trial to be a part of, but especially in her case. And yeah, I hope they somehow manage to keep juror identities a secret, because you know they'll face tons of abuse no matter what verdict they come to. But they probably won't. =[

Monday should be interesting for the NY fraud case. It's looking likely Trump's "bond" will get rejected and NY will start seizing assets, but it's been so unpredictable so far, who knows what will happen.

It would be the most strenuous and mentally exhausting trial you could ever sit in the jury box for, most likely. Imagine the mountains of evidence and hours sitting there. Their poor asses, too… those seats are never comfortable.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
it's already started Kat. This took a less humorous turn. Two jurors have now been released.

They figured out that she is an oncology nurse. I guess Fox was using really over the line language, like "I don't like Juror number 2" and basically they had access to their questionnaires and running through them line by line.

As a reminder it's a felony to tamper with or intimidate jurors.

This is so disgusting. Who would want to volunteer for this unless you are a diehard fan.
Ugh, why was the press reporting on those things to begin with? They know exactly what will happen if jurors' identities are revealed. I like following the press coverage of his trials probably more than the average person, but I don't need any of that info. It's not relevant.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I just don't understand how you can find jurors for a former president. Everyone knows about him, even people who don't watch the news. No matter how you reassure you can be impartial, how is this not open to appeals right out of the gate. Plus it's not just any of the other presidents, this is the one predominantly in the NYC news for decades.

The jury system and its guardrails wasn't set up for a former president.
I just don't understand how you can find jurors for a former president. Everyone knows about him, even people who don't watch the news. No matter how you reassure you can be impartial, how is this not open to appeals right out of the gate. Plus it's not just any of the other presidents, this is the one predominantly in the NYC news for decades.

The jury system and its guardrails wasn't set up for a former president.
There is no such thing as true impartiality.

And the worry here is Trump and his cronies do not have any hesitation to committing crimes. All it takes is one getting on the jury and it's hung. Mark my words.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
There is no such thing as true impartiality.

And the worry here is Trump and his cronies do not have any hesitation to committing crimes. All it takes is one getting on the jury and it's hung. Mark my words.

Can confirm, am Mark.

The best anyone can hope for is a jury that works against him. Period. As “unfair” and “biased” as it comes across, as @Rachel mentioned, the justice system isn’t designed to work in any kind of unbiased way against the guy we all got introduced to on Inauguration Day on every channel that broadcasts news.

I’d liken him to a rapist or child molester going before a jury trial… no matter how you try to present the case, you’re gonna be hard pressed to find someone that’ll give someone accused of those crimes any degree of the benefit of the doubt. We all know what those crimes mean, and we see them as unforgivable, no different than most people view the (everything) Trump is accused of.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I don't think it'd be difficult to be impartial in this particular case. Election fraud or inciting the insurrection would be a different story, everybody has surely made their mind up on that whole fiasco, but this case has been so poorly reported that I doubt most people have a strong opinion about the facts.

You can have opinions about a person and still be impartial about the facts in the case.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
That is who's going before a jury...

(EDIT: "allegedly")

Oh, so you saw what I was doing there? Niiice.

I don't think it'd be difficult to be impartial in this particular case. Election fraud or inciting the insurrection would be a different story, everybody has surely made their mind up on that whole fiasco, but this case has been so poorly reported that I doubt most people have a strong opinion about the facts.

You can have opinions about a person and still be impartial about the facts in the case.

You could be, hell, even I could be. I’ve seen you respond to and engage in conversations you don’t necessarily agree with and you do so with a degree of self-respect and respect for the person you’re talking to that the average person doesn’t necessarily have.

The goal of picking a juror is an “average” person, one not too far right or left, this or that, or whatever. Being a victim of a crime can disqualify a juror from certain cases due to conflict of interest, and there are a lot of Americans out there that have been victimized by the guy at the desk for quite some time now.
Last edited:


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I will admit it would be the absolute worst to have to find him innocent, and I would wonder what the people who know me would think.

I think most people will take their duty seriously when faced with it. It's one thing to hate or love Trump in the abstract, but it's another to see him in front of you and listen to the case then vote based on political fervor.
Thanks. I knew I was not using the right word but it's currently an hour before my alarm goes off so I gave up thinking. :sleepy
Lol, you're fine. I was just throwing it out there because people like Trump would use it synonymously when they aren't.

There is a very strong chance he's getting away with this as he already has both people who have stated they hate him and love him on the jury. It only takes one and I think that even if there is irrefutable evidence, which the state says they have, I have a feeling it won't help.

Michael Cohen isn't exactly the greatest of witnesses and he's the all star. That said... if they call Stormy Daniels and Karen MacDougal, as sad as it is, their... occupations... bring natural scrutiny and often times hurts more than helps. Especially when the defense attorneys gets at them.
Don’t worry, his lawyers will just keep finding reasons for delays until he can pardon himself. You wouldn’t have to juror anything.
He wouldn't be able to pardon himself in the state trials.

He would just not be able to face trial as President and then hope that he becomes President for life (either by dying in office or somehow getting rid of the term limit) in order to never face consequences.
He would just not be able to face trial as President and then hope that he becomes President for life (either by dying in office or somehow getting rid of the term limit) in order to never face consequences.
At this point, it's likely this happens. On the Federal level, he'll instill someone at the justice dept and drop the cases, or outright test the unknown "Can a sitting president pardon himself" theory.

On the state level, he'll have enough power an influence to dictate what happens there. I mean the man almost got fake electors put in. Influencing state legal issues isn't far off that.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder


No Problem Here
GW Elder
three more jurors asked to be excused because of the pressure

They are showing their occupations, history etc on TV and their loved ones are guessing who they are

This shit is ridiculous

Mark my words their voting patterns will be dug up somehow

They need full protection

We will probably lose more to the pressure over the weekend

The guy setting himself on fire adds to that maybe


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
At this point, it's likely this happens. On the Federal level, he'll instill someone at the justice dept and drop the cases, or outright test the unknown "Can a sitting president pardon himself" theory.

On the state level, he'll have enough power an influence to dictate what happens there. I mean the man almost got fake electors put in. Influencing state legal issues isn't far off that.
He was already able to delay this case so long due to being president the first time. So yeah. It'll likely finish before then though. The judge is done with their delay tactics.

The big issue is jurors being outted. Do they have the option of kicking out the press? Or at least people representing companies that are printing identifiable information?

Realistically though, they've said this is the only case they're picking jurors for right now. If you have jury duty there and end up on a trial, people will figure it out. =\
The problem is, everyone at that level is smart enough to know that Trump's full of shit and up to his fucking ass in debt and owing favors. :rofl

My favorite parts of the Trump Saga from the past week were the GoFundMe set up to pay his legal fees.

And the $400 gaudy as fuck shoes he tried to hawk, undoubtedly manufactured in China (lol), again presumably to help pay off his judgments.

As for the interest and such...

Doesn't GoFundMe (judging by the first pic above) have rules agst. using their service for criminal defense?

The video is graphic because CNN actually showed it happening live. I will not link it here.
This is looking more like it's completely unrelated to the trial and was a man who was deeply troubled with mental health issues.
A verdict has been reached in the trial. The jurors were about to be dismissed and asked for extra time to fill out the verdict forms instead.

It was ~12 hours of deliberation and there's a verdict, so it's not a hung jury. That would be EXTREMELY fast if it comes back innocent, but fairly straightforward for guilty.

We'll hopefully see the results over the next 20-30 minutes.
A verdict has been reached in the trial. The jurors were about to be dismissed and asked for extra time to fill out the verdict forms instead.

It was ~12 hours of deliberation and there's a verdict, so it's not a hung jury. That would be EXTREMELY fast if it comes back innocent, but fairly straightforward for guilty.

We'll hopefully see the results over the next 20-30 minutes.
Is my faith in New York about to be restored?!
  • Nope!
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