The Name Game

What's in a name (or more specifically, a gw username)? A lot of nostalgia, apparently. I've seen so many old usernames brought up over the past few days, and it's been a trip. Some posts have literally just been people listing usernames of old members, and it's like, "Yep, those are some names I remember." But it got me thinking, why not turn it into a game? Let's remember some names.

The gist: simply post the username of a former gw member. The catches:

1. They must not currently (at the time of your post) be a member of the new forums (you can search here to see if they are).
2. You must post their username, not their real name (unless that was their username). Spelling and exactness aren't important as long as we know who you're talking about.
3. After you post, you must wait for at least two people to go after you before you can post again (this may be tweaked as necessary).
4. Some members had multiple names due to name changes. If you post an alternate name of someone who has already been mentioned, 1 point penalty. To clarify, this is only for alternate names of the same user account. Names of alternate registered accounts of the same person are fine.
5. If you fail to meet any of the above criteria with the username you post, 1 point penalty.
6. Obviously some of you have lists/databases/screenshots/etc. and can see the names mentioned in other threads here, but for this game try to only retrieve them from your memory.

Fool's Requieum15
The Eye in the Sky!1

*Edit 7/2/23: Updated rules to reflect the implementation of a scoring system*

Scoring Rules

+1 point per name named
+2 bonus awarded if named name later joins new gw forums (let me know if you notice this happen)
+1 bonus point awarded if named name uses same name you named when they register
+1 bonus point for any mentions in this thread of a name (by someone else) that you submitted as part of the game
-1 point if named name was already named or otherwise fails to meet criteria

I'll go first.

shortk- d'oh!

Just kidding.

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I thought of this shortly after the game started, and I finally got around to implementing it. We will use a scoring system instead of eliminating people. @Boots , you are still in the game. The first post has been updated with the following:


Scoring Rules
+1 point per name named
+2 bonus awarded if named name later joins new gw forums (let me know if you notice this happen)
+1 bonus point awarded if named name uses same name you named when they register
-3 -1 point if named name was already named or otherwise fails to meet criteria
+1 bonus point for all mentions in this thread of a name you submitted as part of the game
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I thought of this shortly after the game started, and I finally got around to implementing it. We will use a scoring system instead of eliminating people. @Boots , you are still in the game. The first post has been updated with the following:


Scoring Rules
+1 point per name named
+2 bonus awarded if named name later joins new gw forums (let me know if you notice this happen)
+1 bonus point awarded if named name uses same name you named when they register
-3 points if named name was already named or otherwise fails to meet criteria
Where’s my +1 bonus points for other people saying inlé_rah after I did? This game is rigged
Where’s my +1 bonus points for other people saying inlé_rah after I did? This game is rigged
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

New rule going forward (not retroactive, sorry, kutford): if you mention a name in this thread (either as an official submission or otherwise) that has already been submitted as part of the game, the person who originally named that name will be awarded a bonus point. Also, I'm changing the penalty to -1 for invalid submissions (retroactively and onward).

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

New rule going forward (not retroactive, sorry, kutford): if you mention a name in this thread (either as an official submission or otherwise) that has already been submitted as part of the game, the person who originally named that name will be awarded a bonus point. Also, I'm changing the penalty to -1 for invalid submissions (retroactively and onward).

Shenanigans I say!

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