Campaign Stormwreck Isle: Welcome to Dragon's Rest (1-1)

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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((I'm not sure where everyone is at current. We've all pretty much scattered. So, I'm going to generalize this to see if we can't move forward and get out next quest moved forward. :) ))

After a short meditation period where enough time has elapsed for the others to get their bearings, Zesty feels at unease in the quiet. Used to noises of machinery and tinkering, the artificer decides it's time to gather the group, discuss the news they obtained and plot the route forward.

Zesty steps out the door after gathering his belongings and strapping his dagger in its scabbard to his hip, and his crossbow to the hook on his back. Scanning left and right, few kobolds appear to remain in the area, but faint noises can be heard from the kitchen area up the hill, so Zesty decides that is his next destination.

He walks up the hill to the area described at the kitchen earlier and enters. A few of the kobolds and the humans appear to be eating and talking. Zesty sees Nac and Aims'Orreh in the kitchen with Moonsprout and Short Order nowhere to be seen. This leaves him at unease with those two unlikely to be up to anything good.

Zesty sees a small roll on the table and grabs it, still not particularly hungry, but knowing his body enough that he needs to put something in his belly before adventuring forth. He nibbles slowly on the roll, impressed with it's taste, as he leans against the poll nearby his compatriots, but more observing the surroundings until he is addressed.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((I'm not sure where everyone is at current. We've all pretty much scattered. So, I'm going to generalize this to see if we can't move forward and get out next quest moved forward. :) ))
((I'm going to try to get back on top of using the D&D Beyond map system, so you guys can check your placement. I'll go back to fogging what you can't actively see, and that'll probably help you track where your characters are, especially on a large scale map like this one.))


The warm smells of seasoning and smoke emanate from the kitchen, making your stomach grumble with anticipation. As Tarak finishes preparing the meal and starts dropping large helpings into thick stone bowls, the kobolds jump from their places and form an efficient line passing bowls between themselves and on the table. Within a few minutes, every place was set with a steaming bowl of pork stew, the vegetables adding pops of color to the wholesome shades of brown.


"By the grace of Bahamut we get to enjoy such a meal." Varnoth says loudly, though not to anyone in specific.

For a time, everyone is quiet eating their food. The sound of wooden spoons clinking against the heavy stone, followed by the satisfying slurps fills the small dining area. The general shared sense of satisfaction seeming to bounce off of the thick rock walls. The Kobolds are the first to finish, having stuffed their mouths as full as possible with each bite. They do a good job of cleaning their places though, and skitter off to the kitchen to begin washing what was used.
Tarak comes out of the kitchen, lifting a foot to avoid Frub running into the back of his knee while carrying a washrag. He balances the bowl of stew he holds and regains his footing deftly, and comes to take a place at the table.

"Mmm. Mhm, that hits the spot." he lets his spoon sit on the edge of the bowl as he speaks. "Oh, and wouldn't eat that octopus thingy at the caves." he chuckles, "It's not your normal beast, it's borne of the fungal spores all over that area. I think the Myconids put it there to keep everyone out and it's been attacking anyone, but I can't understand why, now... We've been trading for a long time."

Varnoth speaks up, "I've never seen any undead on the East side of the island. I can't imagine they're trying to keep those at bay. What reason would anyone but you have to go into those mushroom caves, anyway?"

"Well, I'm hopin' these fellas will decide they're the kind to go in there." Tarak smiles knowingly at your group. "I can't really pay you much, but what I'm after in there are Heart Cap mushrooms, which I use to make potion of healing. If you help me work out what's wrong with the Myconids and get a harvest, I'll brew some of those up for you."

He takes another bite of his meal. After a moment, he thinks of something mid-chew and starts tapping his finger against the bowl lip so as not to lose the thought. Swallowing, he says "If you folk come back by in the morning, I can gather up the food refuse we haven't thrown to the gulls yet. It smells foul as hell, but they love the stuff for fertilizer."
Bard, I think we were too hasty to grab the mushrooms. We should probably head back to the mess hall to see if we can get better directions. I'll start that way, follow if you'd like.

Short Order heads back to have food and get more information.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims gets his bowl of stew and happily begins to scarf it all down. To his surprise, the little kobolts were all slightly faster than him to finish. They must've really enjoyed it! ... or they hadn't had as much to eat lately. It wasn't a thought Aims wanted to think about. After finishing eating, he listed to both Tarak and Varnoth explain what has been happening around the enclave.

Hrrm. Myconids rarely are the aggressive type unless provoked. Definitely something is off there. We can definitely have a chat amongst us to decide what the plan of action is and convene back tomorrow. Whether it's dealing with octopi, zombies, or both.

Aims turns towards Nac and Zesty while picking couple leftover bread crumbs from the table and tossing them in his mouth.

Either of you lads have any preferences or opinions on the matter? We got potential zombie ghost ship in pieces and then a overly aggressive fungitopus by the myconid's cave.

Aims cracks his knuckles and grins widely.

Personally, I'd love to go see how bug and strong this octopus is, but that's me. Having some health potions never hurt either.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty straightens up a bit placing his right hand on the dagger sheathed to his right hip. A sly smirk breaks the tiefling's mouth.

I could have some sushi, he addresses to Aims'Orreh.

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Bard, I think we were too hasty to grab the mushrooms. We should probably head back to the mess hall to see if we can get better directions. I'll start that way, follow if you'd like.

Short Order heads back to have food and get more information.

Yeah, I think you're right... But I think I'll chill in our room for a bit. Maybe just bring me back a piece of bread or something so I don't starve to death

Moonsprout tags along-ish
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Trying something;

Tarak listens to the adventurers' discussion with a mild smile, appreciating their camaraderie and the lighter moments amidst their serious deliberation. When one of them makes a joke about eating sushi, Tarak chuckles softly.

"It's good to keep a sense of humor, especially in times like these. Though, I must admit, the thought of sushi made from a fungus-covered octopus is... an interesting culinary concept," he says with a twinkle in his eye.

He watches the group, pleased to see them bonding and working together.

"If you decide to embark on this task in the morning, just know that Dragon's Rest is behind you. And who knows, maybe you'll come across something in the caves that's actually edible!" Tarak adds, joining in the light-hearted banter, while still conveying his support for their mission.

((Formatting changes tolerable? The table crap was getting tedious to maintain.

EDIT: Got rid of that quote tag, I didn't actually like it.))
Short Order grabs some food, stashing a bit to bring back to Moonsprout later. He then begins talking...

We're looking for the place where you forage mushrooms. Would someone be able to guide us to that cave? We'd be happy to help with any issues you might have getting to there and back safely.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((@Ben - Looks fine to me! I love the little line separators you did. Formatting is just fine. :)

Everyone else, I am good to begin an adventure to the mushroom caves in the morning if the group has no objections. Perhaps a rest in the room before embarking proper? Give Jawneh a chance to fully heal and then we can try to have some calamari.))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Short Order grabs some food, stashing a bit to bring back to Moonsprout later. He then begins talking...

We're looking for the place where you forage mushrooms. Would someone be able to guide us to that cave? We'd be happy to help with any issues you might have getting to there and back safely.

Tarak nods thoughtfully at the gnome's question. "Guiding you to the Seagrow Caves, hm? I'm of no mind to make the journey back out there myself, not until I know that thing is gone. But I can tell you, there are a couple of ways to get there, each with its own merits. You could travel by sea or take a coastal path. I can provide more specifics if you decide on your preferred method."

He glances out the doorway considering the landscape of the island. "Both routes offer beautiful views of our island, though they have different challenges. Do you have a preference for traveling by boat or on foot?"


Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
We didn't have much luck with our last travel by boat. Between the undead and the marrow, Zesty seems to ponder a thought then catches glance over to Aims'Orreh, I wouldn't mind cracking a few more skulls, however.

Another smirk crosses the tiefling.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

Runara enters the dining room and sits at the head of the dinner table in a large chair, her presence commanding yet comforting. She surveys the adventurers as they eat, her eyes reflecting both wisdom and a deep understanding of the trials they have faced.

Tarak rises from his seat and moves to fetch a bowl of food for Runara. She watches him with a grateful nod, acknowledging his gesture. As he returns and places an enormous bowl in front of her, Runara offers a warm smile.

"Thank you, Tarak. Your kindness is appreciated," she says, her voice conveying genuine gratitude. She waits for Tarak to sit back down before she begins to eat.


DALL·E 2024-01-24 01.42.28 - An illustrated image in the style of a Dungeons and Dragons monst...png
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Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
((Looks good without the tables @Ben , so if it makes it easier for you, go for it!))

Aye, I could go for the mushroom caves the land way. I mean, more zombies means more groin to kick, eh? Nac says with a big grin forming on his lips.

But before we head for the cave to rest, I'd like ta ask lady Runara a quick question. Nac turns and adresses Runara.
After ye've eaten o' course. Lady Varnoth mentioned tha' a ship had crashed a couple o' miles north of here, an' that the zombies started appearibg after. Is there anything special about the crash site?
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((Looks good without the tables @Ben , so if it makes it easier for you, go for it!))

But before we head for the cave to rest, I'd like ta ask lady Runara a quick question. After ye've eaten o' course. Lady Varnoth mentioned tha' a ship had crashed a couple o' miles north of here, an' that the zombies started appearibg after. Is there anything special about the crash site?
(( @Nae'blis is this said to Runara?))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((Looks good without the tables @Ben , so if it makes it easier for you, go for it!))

Aye, I could go for the mushroom caves the land way. I mean, more zombies means more groin to kick, eh? Nac says with a big grin forming on his lips.

But before we head for the cave to rest, I'd like ta ask lady Runara a quick question. Nac turns and adresses Runara.
After ye've eaten o' course. Lady Varnoth mentioned tha' a ship had crashed a couple o' miles north of here, an' that the zombies started appearibg after. Is there anything special about the crash site?

runara (2).png

Runara listens intently to the Dwarven monk's query, her expression turning thoughtful as she sets down her spoon. "Perhaps Lady Varnoth speaks of the Compass Rose, a ship that met a tragic fate against the northern rocks of this island close to four decades ago. Ever since, the undead have been a recurring plight, though rather uncommon. However, in recent months, their appearances have become much more frequent. This coincides with an increase in shipwrecks in the area, each new tragedy seemingly stirring the unrest of the past."

She pauses, choosing her words carefully. "The crash site itself holds a grim fascination. It's not just the wreckage of the Compass Rose that lingers there, but also the gravesite of an ancient blue dragon, a relic of the battles that once raged across these lands. The ribs of the fallen dragon jut from the water like spears, and were the first to pierce the hull of the Compass Rose. Such a place is steeped in powerful energies, a mixture of sorrow and residual magic."

Runara looks at the adventurers with a mix of caution and hope. "If you are considering investigating the site, I must stress the importance of being prepared for whatever may lie in wait. The secrets of the Compass Rose and its cursed vicinity are deeply entwined with the history of this island and its long-standing conflicts." Her tone implies that the solution to this mystery could be crucial not just for the safety of Dragon's Rest, but perhaps for understanding the larger forces at work on Stormwreck Isle.

A dead dragon you say? I think we should investigate the caves first to see if we can gather more information and supplies. I don't want no dead dragon coming to life to defend against us.

Short Order thinks for a moment...

We should take the land route. But we should first get a full night's rest and prepare for the journey ahead.

((@Ben This should allow us to be fully healed and make any changes we want to spells and such, right?))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
(( @Ben - Assuming we end up doing a long rest before embarking hopefully at some point today as if feels we have a consensus now, I'd like to switch out two of my prepared spells. I've done so on my D&DB profile, but thought I'd point it out to everyone else. I've dropped Feather Fall and Disguise Self for Faerie Fire and Tasha's Caustic Brew.

Is it considered bad form to ask if the NPC's would sell me any rotten food they may have for the latter spell?))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
A dead dragon you say? I think we should investigate the caves first to see if we can gather more information and supplies. I don't want no dead dragon coming to life to defend against us.

Runara nods thoughtfully, her expression conveying a sense of understanding. "Investigating the caves is a prudent choice, though not necessarily linked directly to the wrecked ship. They may still hold clues to the disturbances we've witnessed, and gathering supplies is essential before approaching a site of such significance."

She leans forward, her voice lowering to a more serious tone. "As for the dead dragon, it has been at rest for centuries. Its remains, entwined with the wreck of the Compass Rose, are steeped in powerful residual magics. While the dragon itself no long poses any threat, the energies surrounding the area could be volatile. The true danger lies in the unknown – be it spirits, curses, or trapped magic."

"Tread carefully in the caves. They are as old as the island itself and may reveal more than just material treasures. Stormwreck Isle has many secrets, some hidden in plain sight, others lurking in the shadows." Her advice, while cautious, seems to hint at a deeper knowledge of the island's mysterious past.

((@Ben This should allow us to be fully healed and make any changes we want to spells and such, right?))
(( @Ben - Assuming we end up doing a long rest before embarking hopefully at some point today as if feels we have a consensus now, I'd like to switch out two of my prepared spells. I've done so on my D&DB profile, but thought I'd point it out to everyone else. I've dropped Feather Fall and Disguise Self for Faerie Fire and Tasha's Caustic Brew.

Is it considered bad form to ask if the NPC's would sell me any rotten food they may have for the latter spell?))

((Yes, you guys can go ahead and retire to your quarters and take a full rest whenever you want to. You will regain all your hit points, etc. You can also take this time to switch up the spells you have equipped, as allowed. We'll assume someone threw Moonsprout some bread on the way back, and he is asleep on top of a rock the next morning.))

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
but also the gravesite of an ancient blue dragon, a relic of the battles that once raged across these lands.
((Holy shit, is this the DnD equivalent of building a mall on top of an ancient Native American burial site? :paranoid

I'm hella psyched for this! :love: :rock ))

Thank ye, Lady Runara, both for takin' us in, and for telling us of this island's past. I believe we've agreed on that we go to investigate the caves tomorrow, right lads? As he says the last part he looks at his fellow adventurers.

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
Happy Jeremy Renner GIF
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Thank ye, Lady Runara, both for takin' us in, and for telling us of this island's past. I believe we've agreed on that we go to investigate the caves tomorrow, right lads?

Runara nods graciously, acknowledging Nac's thanks. "You are most welcome. It is my duty and honor to offer sanctuary and guidance to those who seek it."

As the Dwarf addresses his companions, Runara's gaze sweeps over the group, her eyes reflecting both hope and concern. "If you have decided to explore the caves, then may your journey be guided by wisdom and caution. Remember, the history of this island is complex and often intertwined with the unseen forces of the past. What you uncover may bring enlightenment, but it may also challenge your perceptions."

She stands up slowly, her presence commanding yet benevolent. "On the morrow, should you need any further assistance or information before you depart, do not hesitate to ask. Dragon's Rest is here to support you in your endeavors. May your path be clear and may Bahamut watch over you."

With a final, reassuring nod, Runara takes her leave from the dining table and leaves the room, walking off up the path towards the temple up above.


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Being as perceptive as he is, Aims picks up on Runara's words about some... hidden things around the island and got intriqued. He walks over to Zesty, nudges him, and whispers:

Hey, you're a bit better with words than i am. I think miss Runara might know a few things about secrets here. Maybe you can sweet talk her and persuade her to tell us something? Who doesn'tlove a good sidequest, you know.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Ah man. Shes quick on her feet. Maybe tomorrow if we see her bedore we take off.

Yawn. I guess its a good time as any to go rest my bones. I do need a little post dinner excersice. HEY, KOBOLTS! WHO WANTS A RIDE BACK DOWN ON MY SHOULDERS?! I'M MAKING NO PROMISES ON NOT RUNNING DOWN EITHER!

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty nods at Aims'Orreh and watches as he exits. He turns to Runara and Tarak, speaking softly, first addressing Tarak.

Pardon if this is an odd request, but if you have any foods no longer sustainable for consumption, I would be glad to take them from you as they could help me with certain spells. Any rotten foods you lot and the kobolds no longer can eat would be fine. I'll gladly trad or pay as needed.

Zesty now addresses Runara.

Ma'am, it seems your wizened years know a lot of this place. Be there any information, even sensitive in nature, you can provide about the island or the caves that you haven't yet aided us with?

((@Ben - I know I will likely need a persuasion check for Runara, but do I need one for Tarak to see if he has any rotten foods? I'll drop a persuasion check for Runara, if I need one for Tarak, let me know, or you could always roll one for me.))

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
((Not gonna lie, I didn't read the last few because I was busy at work lol. I just read yours and responded. Whoops!))
((Haha, it's all good. It happens.))

Aims had managed to grab a couple kobolts in tow and charged out the kitchen, taking large leaps down the steps while speeding along down to the common area. The kobolts seemed to have enjoyed the weird half-orc ride as they were screaming out of joy with the half-orc wildly. At some point he passed Short and Moonsprout as well and simply ignored them and probably left them confused as well.

Finally at the end of the run in front of the first room, Aims pulls the breaks to stop, breathing heavily from the run with the kobolts who are cheering and thanking for the fun ride as they hop off and take off to do their own things. Aims, however, walks I to the room, find a good corner to sit in, leans back and passes out in an instant. Perks of being a soldier he always says.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Ah man. Shes quick on her feet. Maybe tomorrow if we see her bedore we take off.

Yawn. I guess its a good time as any to go rest my bones. I do need a little post dinner excersice. HEY, KOBOLTS! WHO WANTS A RIDE BACK DOWN ON MY SHOULDERS?! I'M MAKING NO PROMISES ON NOT RUNNING DOWN EITHER!

Oh, fast, fast! Many turns, many steps, Frub hold tight! Other kobolds yip and cheer, fun ride!

At bottom, orc stop, gentle, let Frub and others down. Big yawn, he tired, go inside for sleep. Must be long journey for orc to come to Dragon's Rest. Frub look at other kobolds, we all giggle, excited, "Good run, good run!" we say to each other.

Now quiet, we not want wake sleeping ones. Frub tiptoe back to own bed. Think about day, big orc, fast run. Sleep come quick, full of dreams of flying on orc shoulders, seeing world high, high up!

Tomorrow, Frub tell boss lady of orc ride, she smile, maybe shake head, say "Frub, always in middle of things!" Frub sleep well, happy in heart.


((honestly they're a bit bigger than that, but I wasted enough time!))

Zesty nods at Aims'Orreh and watches as he exits. He turns to Runara and Tarak, speaking softly, first addressing Tarak.

Pardon if this is an odd request, but if you have any foods no longer sustainable for consumption, I would be glad to take them from you as they could help me with certain spells. Any rotten foods you lot and the kobolds no longer can eat would be fine. I'll gladly trad or pay as needed.

Zesty now addresses Runara.

Ma'am, it seems your wizened years know a lot of this place. Be there any information, even sensitive in nature, you can provide about the island or the caves that you haven't yet aided us with?

((@Ben - I know I will likely need a persuasion check for Runara, but do I need one for Tarak to see if he has any rotten foods? I'll drop a persuasion check for Runara, if I need one for Tarak, let me know, or you could always roll one for me.))

Tarak chuckles softly, a hint of amusement in his tone."Well, you're certainly making things a bit more complicated for yourself. I'm already setting aside some 'ripe' food for your trip to the myconids. You're welcome to use some of that for your spells as well."

He shakes his head slightly, still smiling. "But, if you insist on having even more of our less palatable provisions, I can certainly gather a bit extra. Just be warned, it's quite the... aromatic collection."

"Just let me know how much you need. I'll make sure there's enough for both your spells and the myconids. And remember, the more you take, the more pungent your journey will be." Tarak's eyes twinkle with a bit of playful teasing.

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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty, never one to back down from an opportunity, smiles at Tarak.

I will be glad to take some of your more pungent collection. The worse the smell, the better the spell. Plus, we've been traveling with Moonsprout. I may just have to ensure he doesn't smoke the supplies.

Zesty smiles wide and then suddenly has an involuntary shutter.

Come to think of it, Moonspout isn't the most rosey smelling individual either.

With that, another small smile escapes from Zesty as he nods at Tarak and makes way to the cave for a night's rest before their journey.
((I swapped out druidcraft for Produce Flame (cantrip) - it creates a flame for bright light within 10 feet and dim light within 20. I also have darksight, so does that allow me to see more easily beyond that point?

Additionally, I can either let it flicker out, or throw it up to 60 feet for a decent chunk of damage with a +5 to hit on it while rolling a 1d8 for damage...I feel this would be more useful, to go along with both frostbite and healing word))

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
((I swapped out druidcraft for Produce Flame (cantrip) - it creates a flame for bright light within 10 feet and dim light within 20. I also have darksight, so does that allow me to see more easily beyond that point?

Additionally, I can either let it flicker out, or throw it up to 60 feet for a decent chunk of damage with a +5 to hit on it while rolling a 1d8 for damage...I feel this would be more useful, to go along with both frostbite and healing word))
((I believe Ben mentioned this already in relation to Jon, but same applies to you too. You cannot change cantrips for others barring special circumstances. Those are stuck with you. You can switch your spells around though during a long rest. That includes changing spells for cantrips. That is a no-go as well. Spells only for spells.

I'm not sure, but I though basically everyone starts with at least two lvl1 spells? You should check to see if the app let's you get another one. Thundercats is a powerful one, though if you aim it poorly you'll zap us too. But if you want to focus on support a bit more, entangle and fearie fire are useful.

Oh, as for seeing things, I believe we all have dark vision upmto 60ft, so unless it's pitch black were good. And torches also work. Just got to equip and light one in your offhand and use a one handed weapon in your main. But yeah. Otherwise produce flame would work great. Hold it like a torch and feet it when needed.))
  • Agree
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((All of you except Moonsprout have darkvision. So even in complete darkness you can still see in shades of gray like it was just dim light. You still get a disadvantage, but it's not complete blindness.))

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
  • Haha
Reactions: Jon

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
((I equipped animal friendship and speak with animals. I was thinking of equipping feather fall but I imagine it's so situational that it would be useless -- especially given the forum format

In other words, I don't expect Ben to write a post ending with "You begin to fall", with me being the first person to respond.

But now that I've put that information out into the world, I fully expect this to actually happen 😅)
  • Hmm
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

Morning rises over Dragon's Rest, the warm golden touch of the sun creeping across the bay towards the monastery, and across the doorways to the living quarters. While there is a burlap curtain across part of the entrance to provide some privacy, the sunshine that first picked needle holes through the material to create a universe of stars unto itself, now blasts directly into the cell with an intense heat.


You wake up fully rested, healed, and prepared to go tackle the first problem these people are suffering.

((You should have switched all your spells and stuff, any active gear that you want to be carrying in hand vs. what's in your backpack, etc. I have been pretty lax about watching over your character sheets as we go, but... I think that might be part of the fun of it we're not fully getting. Anyway...*BAM* I made you all take a long-rest.))

The sun levels itself with your bed, the universe aligning itself perfectly to make you stop hitting snooze.


Its glow, which you expected to be annoying, actually feels welcome. You sun draws you up out of bed and out towards the cliffs to marvel at it. You step out of your cell and see, no one. The plaza is empty. All the other cell either have closed doors or drawn sacks, except the fourth one down, that was open.


Aims'Orreh, Short Order, Nac and Zesty all greet each other with a comfortable nod. Your attention drifts past the large dragon statue that manages to be welcoming despite it's imposing size. The sun shines off the water and you notice, on the rocks beside the cliff edge, your beloved Moonsprout dead asleep. He looks innocent as can be, when his brain is unconscious.


He rolls slightly in his substance induced slumber, his hand weakly trying to wipe at his nose, and the rock he's laying upon shifts slightly.

@Smacktard Roll me a DEX (Acrobatics +5) saving throw.

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