Campaign Stormwreck Isle; The Forgotten Clifftop Observatory (1-4a)

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
The disrespect of the kobolt breaks something in Aims' mind. You can see his eye twitch a little.

That's all you have to say for yourself... That you got leggies too? And you ignore the real problem at hand?! YOU THINK WASTING ALCOHOL IS FUNNY HUH?!?

He drops the leggy from his hand. The kobolts watch it slowly get closer to the ground, but what they miss is the accidental misdirection on Aims' part as he grabs his large two-handed murder ax, and raises it high up. As the leggy his the ground with a splat, the ax also cleaves through the air at the leggies of the prone kobolt.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
The unmistakable twang of metal through the air catches Zesty's attention and he looks up and lets out a tremendous sigh.

Boltzmann's head shoots up too.

No boy, we're not doing this shit.

Boltzmann puts his head back down.

Mek... Minn... I recommend staying out of this fight. Not all of us share this thirst for unneeded murder. I wholeheartedly disagree with this and I would love to go back to Dragon's Rest and tell Myla her brother's live. Please... stay out of this stupidity.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
The unmistakable twang of metal through the air catches Zesty's attention and he looks up and lets out a tremendous sigh.

Boltzmann's head shoots up too.

No boy, we're not doing this shit.

Boltzmann puts his head back down.

Mek... Minn... I recommend staying out of this fight. Not all of us share this thirst for unneeded murder. I wholeheartedly disagree with this and I would love to go back to Dragon's Rest and tell Myla her brother's live. Please... stay out of this stupidity.
((There's a subtle reason I had Mek and Minn hang back talking to Moonsprout about power metal... It seems Zesty and I have the same suspicions. 😶 ))

The disrespect of the kobolt breaks something in Aims' mind. You can see his eye twitch a little.

That's all you have to say for yourself... That you got leggies too? And you ignore the real problem at hand?! YOU THINK WASTING ALCOHOL IS FUNNY HUH?!?

He drops the leggy from his hand. The kobolts watch it slowly get closer to the ground, but what they miss is the accidental misdirection on Aims' part as he grabs his large two-handed murder ax, and raises it high up. As the leggy his the ground with a splat, the ax also cleaves through the air at the leggies of the prone kobolt.
((First of all, nice 4/20 in the wild. Got yourself another badge you won't use.))


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| Your visceral need for vices makes you see vermilion, and you vie to eviscerate these vermin.

The cruel blade of your axe sings as it slices through the air, through the unfortunate kobold's legs, and continues on through the air.

You deal 13 points of slashing damage to Winged Kobold 1.


Winged Kobold 1 has been defeated. |

Winged Kobold 2
| "You fleshy fuck!"

The kobold and it's allies jump up and rush at you, screaming. |

((Rolled initiative.))



Dungeon Master
| Kobold 2 darts under Aims axe and thrusts upward with its small iron dagger, raking the blade across the half-orc's thigh leaving a thin red gash.

Kobold 2 deals 3 points of slashing damage to Aims.

Winged Kobold 2 grabs hold of a large rock from the ground beside it's fallen companion, and with a beat of its wings flies up above Aims. The Kobold grunts and heaves the rock forward towards Aims head. The broken masonry connects with the half-orcs skull with a hollow thud.

Winged Kobold 2 deals 6 points of bludgeoning damage to Aims.

Winged Kobold 2 lands back where it was.

Kobold 1 attempts to slice at the barbarian's other thigh with it's dagger.

Kobold 1 misses. |

((@A Sassy Assy you're up.

For now, I kept Zesty and Moonsprout out of combat. That could change, but I figure for now you don't want to be in it.

Oh, and to clarify since the map is a little crowded, these are the walls of the tower.


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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Short Order becomes Wolf Order.

Upon noticing he can't fit past Nac in the stairway...

Wolf Order curls up in a comfy ball in the corner of the room until he has something to do.
((You can move through the same space as a friendly creature, but you can also move through the space of any creature that's at least one size larger than you. So as Short Order, Nac is 1 size bigger and you could squeeze by anyway. As Wolf Order you become a medium sized creature so don't get to slip through, but again you can move past allies.

If you want to take a nap still though, that's cool.))
((You can move through the same space as a friendly creature, but you can also move through the space of any creature that's at least one size larger than you. So as Short Order, Nac is 1 size bigger and you could squeeze by anyway. As Wolf Order you become a medium sized creature so don't get to slip through, but again you can move past allies.

If you want to take a nap still though, that's cool.))
Tired Siberian Husky GIF by Gone to the Snow Dogs
  • This is the Way
Reactions: Ben

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
Ye could've been friendly and helpful but noooooo! All he wanted was a drink or three!

As Nac is talking, he suddenly snaps a kick to the chin of the kobold standing in front of him (1). His arms begin glowing with a blue light as he uses Flurry of Blows to throw two punches at thensame kobold. He then sways and staggers forward, avoiding any attacks on him as he moves

((Again, using the map like a big boy! Also marked the use of a ki point.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
For now, I kept Zesty and Moonsprout out of combat. That could change, but I figure for now you don't want to be in it.
((Yeah, if you did roll me initiative this would have been my turn. I'll just do it now. :link ))

You guys are doing great... Zesty says deadpan without ever looking up from the book with the sound of commotion in the background.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Ye could've been friendly and helpful but noooooo! All he wanted was a drink or three!

As Nac is talking, he suddenly snaps a kick to the chin of the kobold standing in front of him (1). His arms begin glowing with a blue light as he uses Flurry of Blows to throw two punches at thensame kobold. He then sways and staggers forward, avoiding any attacks on him as he moves

((Again, using the map like a big boy! Also marked the use of a ki point.))


Nac McWeeble
| Your foot whiffs past Kobold 2 ((the one on the right)) as it manages to duck the sucker-kick.

You miss Kobold 2.

Your fist finds its mark though, and despite your double-vision you manage to slug the kobold in the muzzle. There's a crunch, and the kobold falls to the ground.

You deal 6 points of bludgeoning damage to Kobold 2.

Kobold 2 has been defeated.

As kobold 2 goes down, you swing at the second double-image, which was actually just the kobold (2) standing next to them. Your other fist connects with its stomach, and the kobold folds over coughing up blood.

You deal 4 points of damage to Kobold 2. It is looking very wounded. |


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Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Moonsprout hears the sound of a familiar commotion occurring off in the distance and thinks of a distraction. He removes his lute and starts twanging away at it, hoping to imitate the "DragonForce" music based on how it's been described to him thus far.

Hey lil lizard dudes, how does THIS sound?

Moonsprout lets rip a power chord, and then starts flailing his fingers over the fret board of the lute, randomly shredding at various strings. There is little musicality to the random assortment of notes he produces, but he strikes them true, and the notes ring out loud and clear.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Moonsprout hears the sound of a familiar commotion occurring off in the distance and thinks of a distraction. He removes his lute and starts twanging away at it, hoping to imitate the "DragonForce" music based on how it's been described to him thus far.

Hey lil lizard dudes, how does THIS sound?

Moonsprout lets rip a power chord, and then starts flailing his fingers over the fret board of the lute, randomly shredding at various strings. There is little musicality to the random assortment of notes he produces, but he strikes them true, and the notes ring out loud and clear.
Tami Roman Wow GIF by Bounce

So, you and Zesty WERE rolled into the initiative, I just hid you from the display. And you just happened to be after Nac, so I can just retcon it hitting Jawneh's turn and bring you up.

Roll me a CHA-Performance check, if you would.

D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
*sounds of "song" go here*


Moonsprout Beandirt
| Your fingers slap at the strings of your lute furiously, creating a mash of discordant sounds. You play as fast as you can, assuming the tempo is more important than the melody. Anything to obscure the sound of screaming kobolds. |


Dungeon Master
| The kobold brothers look at each other for a moment, then throw the index and pinky finger on each hand up and start headbanging.


Mek and Minn have been distracted by your performance. |


Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
As Moonsprout and the brothers are dancing away, Zesty's foot starts tapping rhythmically. Suddenly he stops and looks up to see if anyone noticed the usually stoic tiefling. Sure enough Boltzmann is looking at him, head cocked to the side.

Shut up...

Boltzmann gives a little "Who? Me?" whine and both go back to what they were doing.

Fucking Moonsprout... Keep that shit up, you lute rocker. He says under his breath.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Oh, you little ale haters want to fight back?!? You think im afraid of you or some little "sparky?" Hah! Youre going to see something worse than that, and its the last thing you all see!

The familiar red tinged aura starts to grow around Aims as he's gotten pissed off enough about this ragtag groups nonsense and wonton usage of good alcohol. Though this time, the aura grows bigger, thicker, and seemingly more ferocious. As Aims screams up in the air, his arms slowly start to grow longer, scalier, with his fingers turning into claws to rend flesh. His whole aura slowly settles into a red flame like tinge, with a set of dragon-like claws.

What he believes he has to become to slay a dragon might be one himself. The short moment seeing Runara in dragon form showed Aims how ignorant he was, but this only fueled his desire more than it did to crush it.

Come at me you little fuckers! To the Hells with you both!

Aims is Raging! With a new set of fancy claws!

He aims his first claw attack at the throat of kobolt3.

Second claw will follow suit if 3 is alive, but if not it will be directed at 1.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Oh, you little ale haters want to fight back?!? You think im afraid of you or some little "sparky?" Hah! Youre going to see something worse than that, and its the last thing you all see!

The familiar red tinged aura starts to grow around Aims as he's gotten pissed off enough about this ragtag groups nonsense and wonton usage of good alcohol. Though this time, the aura grows bigger, thicker, and seemingly more ferocious. As Aims screams up in the air, his arms slowly start to grow longer, scalier, with his fingers turning into claws to rend flesh. His whole aura slowly settles into a red flame like tinge, with a set of dragon-like claws.

What he believes he has to become to slay a dragon might be one himself. The short moment seeing Runara in dragon form showed Aims how ignorant he was, but this only fueled his desire more than it did to crush it.

Come at me you little fuckers! To the Hells with you both!

Aims is Raging! With a new set of fancy claws!

He aims his first claw attack at the throat of kobolt3.

Second claw will follow suit if 3 is alive, but if not it will be directed at 1.


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| Your fascination and drive to exceed the power of a dragon rushes through you, filling your blood with fire. Your form shifts, growing even more imposing, and the kobolds cower away from your metamorphosed mass.

You lunge forward with your claws. Kobold 3 has no time to react before your talons rip through it's esophagus, sending a gush of dark blood directly into your face.

You deal 8 points of slashing damage to Kobold 3.

Kobold 3 is defeated.

Your claws still raking through the flesh of Kobold 3, your other arm strikes forward and you skewer the kobold in the upper chest, cracking through its clavicle. There's a rush of air as you puncture the top of its lungs, and more blood sprays over you.

You deal 7 points of slashing damage to Kobold 1.

Kobold 1 is defeated.


@Jon I unhid you on the initiative like I did Moonsprout. You'd be up next, so I'll give you the opportunity to act if you wish.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((EDIT - Ok, let's try this... because, it can't hurt.))

Zesty peeks up from his book and notices only one Winged Kobold remaining, the others lay in pieces. Sufficiently frustrated with the eradication of more sentient creatures, needlessly in Zesty's mind, he finally has had enough, slams the book he's been reading during the massacre shut, stands up and moves over to Aims' standing between him and the remaining kobold.

I think it's damn well time you give this up, orc! You've slaughtered all the rest. There's no need for any more senseless violence!

Zesty turns to the remaining kobold.

You may be willing to fight to your last, and I wouldn't blame you for wanted to take whatever rage you have left out on this asshole, but you have to know that it will lead to your death.

Speaking to both...

How about we end what remains of this battle and the standing are left to live?

((I don't know how this works because I never thought I'd have to try some sort of check against a teammate lol. But I assume I'll need some level of persuasion check against both Aims and the kobold to avoid further bloodshed?))
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((I ended up just going to bed relatively early last night, but I got a chance to think on how to play out this now.

While I definitely want to stay away from the "you can directly control another player" kinda shit, this is fairly poignant to the story so we'll see how to pans out.

I think a CHA-Persuasion vs. CHA-Insight (representing willpower) would be appropriate. You both aren't too unevenly matched in those stats, so it's not making it completely one-sided.

However, Aims is enraged and "over the edge", so he wouldn't be particularly rational. I think... Disadvantage on Zesty's roll to try to talk sense into Aims, due to the rage. If successful, I will give Aims disadvantage on attacks against the remaining kobold. Hopefully that'll hit the right balance between you trying to talk some sense into the barbarian, while also not completely taking away his autonomy.

If @Jawneh wants to roleplay it out differently, say if you succeed in the persuasion and he agrees to have Aims chill, then that's his choice.

Also, this doesn't necessarily affect how the remaining kobold is going to feel/act. The subsequent actions might. :shrug

So, @Jon please roll me CHA-Persuasion (with disadvantage). @Jawneh please roll me CHA-Insight (no dis/advantage).))
  • Hugs
Reactions: Jon

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((Makes sense. Zesty is just trying to get the last kobold out alive, and while not trying to change it's mind, at least know that the entire party isn't openly hostile. I figure if it works, ok. But if it doesn't, Aims' is already on a warpath, so he'd likely shove me away and kill the kobold anyway. I avoided it at first BECAUSE of the direct conflict with Jawneh's character, but I figured it would just be a befitting narrative to both characters. So, here's the disadvantage roll!))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((Makes sense. Zesty is just trying to get the last kobold out alive, and while not trying to change it's mind, at least know that the entire party isn't openly hostile. I figure if it works, ok. But if it doesn't, Aims' is already on a warpath, so he'd likely shove me away and kill the kobold anyway. I avoided it at first BECAUSE of the direct conflict with Jawneh's character, but I figured it would just be a befitting narrative to both characters. So, here's the disadvantage roll!))
((Hmm... if the dice so deem, maybe we can do something to stop the raging machine. I'd be looking at failing both this check and the next attack. Let us see.))


Zesty Zapcrackle
| The wanton destruction of beings as capable of such inventiveness as you bolsters your courage, and you find yourself as the only barrier between the barbarian and another victim. Your faithful mechanical companion at your side, you search the Half-Orc's furious yellow eyes for any semblance of rationality or compassion.

All you see is hunger.

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Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| You're surprised by the sudden appearance of the Tiefling, who'd until now been absent from the fight. Zesty holds his hands up in an attempt at placation, his mouth moving in a slow and cautious manner, but you hear none of his words past the rush of blood in your ears. You see him turn and gesture urgently at the last mini-dragon for you to slay, who flaps wide-eyed with panic.

Your rage flares anew, grief of the alcohol taking a backseat to your obsession with becoming powerful enough to overcome such an elemental force as a true dragon. These vermin are but an annoyance, not worthy of the power you know you're capable of reaching.

You continue to rage. |

Winged Kobold 2
| The sole still intact kobold frantically looks between the wall of angry-flesh looming above everyone and the red-skinned fleshy suddenly talking between them.

"Fuck! Ekrash... Erp... Hev... Nuhro... All friends dead. FUCK!! YOU GREEN COCKSUCKER!"

Tears roll down the scales of the kobold's face as it looks over the carnage of their camp. Blood pools on the floor, seeping out through the hastily patched holes in the tower.

"Curse you!" The kobold spits the words at Aims and makes a bolt for the broken hole in the wall of the tower. It flaps its wings hard and hurls is body out of the gap.

Winged Kobold 2 uses disengage

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@A Sassy Assy Wolf Order is up.

Even though the kobold is trying to flee, it's not out entirely out of range, so combat isn't over yet.))

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
((Yeah, wouldn't wanna fall and hurt MY dick too lol :link ))

The wee shite's makin' a run for it!

Nac takes out another dart and chucks it at the fleeing kobold.

After throwing it Nac steps to the side.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((Yeah, wouldn't wanna fall and hurt MY dick too lol :link ))

The wee shite's makin' a run for it!

Nac takes out another dart and chucks it at the fleeing kobold.

After throwing it Nac steps to the side.


Nac McWeeble
| You take careful aim and cast your dart out of the tower after the kobold.

It sails to the side, missing the target and falling into the ocean below.

You miss. |


Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Moonsprout deftly switches from his cacophonous interpretation of "dragon metal" to a slumber-inducint lullaby. The transition is seamless, as Moonsprout attempts to pull the kobolds into a deep slumber.
  • Haha
Reactions: Jon
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Moonsprout deftly switches from his cacophonous interpretation of "dragon metal" to a slumber-inducint lullaby. The transition is seamless, as Moonsprout attempts to pull the kobolds into a deep slumber.
((Had to think on this for a while.

Not really something performance is intended for. It'd generally be used as a distraction, a way to bolster reputation/favor, etc. but it's not itself a magical effect. Since you literally have a Sleep spell (though would be lacking components), making it easy to just negate needing to cast that doesn't jive.

I will allow the attempt from a creative role play angle, but it'd be a hard thing to pull off. So that being said...))


Moonsprout Beandirt
| The high-energy, virtuosic riffs emanating forth from your lute begin to ebb, drifting from swift scales and arpeggios to minimalistic compositions and sparse notes. Drawing a deep breath, you begin to weave a soft, melodious lullaby through the air. The tune is sweet and slow, the notes drifting lazily like leaves on a gentle stream. Your voice, smooth and serene, fills the space between the towers, echoing slightly as it seeks to envelop the already distracted kobolds.

The fleeing kobold is oblivious to your playing, as the roar of the waves below blankets your melody with white noise. It continues to flap frantically towards the North East tower.

Mek and Minn, their attention previously captured by your earlier performance, seem initially susceptible to the soothing melody. Their eyes flutter momentarily, a hint of weariness evident in their postures as they lean slightly towards each other, entranced by the music's promise of rest. For a few heartbeats, it looks as though they might succumb to the lull of sleep, their guard lowering as they sway gently.

However, as the melody continues, Minn shakes his head vigorously and a rough, guttural sound escapes his throat. He nudges Mek sharply, snapping them both out of the dawning slumber. With a wary glint in their eyes, now fully aware of your intentions, the two kobold brothers tense up as they notice their companion fleeing from the camp. |



Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Out of the way dwarf! Its my turn!

Aims pulls the dwarf back and gets in where he's standing. Unlike previously against a rotten fleeing flying fucker, he grabs his one last hand ax, and with a simple rage filled grunt without even thinking about aiming, he chucks the hand ax at the fleeing kobolt.

I aint letting you fucker get away!
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Out of the way dwarf! Its my turn!

Aims pulls the dwarf back and gets in where he's standing. Unlike previously against a rotten fleeing flying fucker, he grabs his one last hand ax, and with a simple rage filled grunt without even thinking about aiming, he chucks the hand ax at the fleeing kobolt.

I aint letting you fucker get away!
((Unfortunately, this course of action won't work.

Primarily because you can't just switch places with someone mid-combat. Nac doesn't get to move again until his next round.

You could shove him, which counts as a melee attack. That's your STR-Athletics against his STR-Athletics or DEX-Acrobatics (Nac's choice.) That'd let you either knock Nac prone or shove him 5 feet.

However, that would require you to either literally push him out of the tower or force him prone so he's not blocking you. Beyond that, I don't believe anything gives you a bonus attack, so you wouldn't get to actually attack the kobold in the same turn anyway.


Now, you could just try to throw past Nac, which would count as 3/4 partial cover for the small kobold, since Nac is medium and you're throwing entirely through his space.

@Jawneh Should I assume you're going to still try to throw past him, rather than dunk a drunk?))
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((He ain't there. We can take it as me RPing showing him out of the way. :link ))
((Oh, shit. I completely missed that part of his post. Fair enough...

...Then I'm going to have to take his action quite literally, as the same space-restrictions apply...))



Nac McWeeble
| After throwing your dart, you step to the side.


The side being 5 feet out over the edge of the broken tower wall.


You fall into the ocean below. |


Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd
| You blink to clear your vision, temporarily seeing Nac before you, when you clearly just saw him leap from the tower like a daft pillock. Reality corrects itself as you hear the loud splash of the dwarf hitting the water, and you see your path to the kobold clear.

Your eyes lock on the small creature as its leathery wings beat frantically, making a desperate bid for freedom and the safety of the North East tower.

With a grunt of effort, you raise your hand-axe, the metal catching the rays of afternoon sun. Calculating the trajectory with a warrior's precision, you hurl the axe with a powerful swing. The axe spins end over end, a deadly blur that whistles through the salty air. The kobold, just a heartbeat away from safety, glances back in terror, only to meet its fate as the axe strikes true. Your weapon buries itself into the creature's chest with a thud.

You deal 11 points of damage to Winged Kobold 2.

With a sharp cry that echoes over the waves, the creature plummets into the roiling waters below, leaving behind a fleeting ripple as it meets its watery grave.

Winged Kobold 2 is defeated.
You watch as the sea swallows your target, a grim satisfaction settling over your features, despite losing your second hand-axe. |

| Watching from the end of the rope bridge, Mek sees his friend Snirke flying frantically away from the tower the group just entered. A moment later, a hand axe streaks across the sky and strikes his companion in the chest.

Mek watches in horror as the twitching corpse vanishes into the darkness.

"No... No no no! Snirke! MINN, WE NEED WARN BOSS!" |

((Mek and Minn are now hostile towards your group.))


Mek and Minn
| Mek and Minn fly as fast as they can towards the North Eastern tower.

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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((Damnit...This is not going to end well...))

Zesty catches a glance of Mek and Minn flying off down the corridor. Angrily, he turns back to Aims'.

You have NO idea what wrath you just wrought onto us. When those two warn the fucking dragon in the that tower that you just murdered all these kobolds, he is going to come straight as us... weakened, and with the dwarf having fallen OUT of the tower...

We had one job... find Aidron. And you couldn't let your booze lust go for even a moment!

Zesty walks away back towards the rope bridge.

((I'm obviously not going to engage the brothers, so I'm out on combat. But I know we aren't altogether. So, I guess that's it for my turn.))
  • Respect
Reactions: Ben
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((Damnit...This is not going to end well...))

Zesty catches a glance of Mek and Minn flying off down the corridor. Angrily, he turns back to Aims'.

You have NO idea what wrath you just wrought onto us. When those two warn the fucking dragon in the that tower that you just murdered all these kobolds, he is going to come straight as us... weakened, and with the dwarf having fallen OUT of the tower...

We had one job... find Aidron. And you couldn't let your booze lust go for even a moment!

Zesty walks away back towards the rope bridge.

((I'm obviously not going to engage the brothers, so I'm out on combat. But I know we aren't altogether. So, I guess that's it for my turn.))

((@A Sassy Assy you up.))
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