Campaign Stormwreck Isle: Journey to Stormwreck Isle (1-P)

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Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

Journey to Stormwreck Isle (Campaign 1 - Prologue)

Welcome to the introduction to this campaign. This is a pre-built adventure published as a book, but I'm keeping a couple of details in my pocket just to make it more interesting. I intend to break the campaign up into separate threads for each chapter, where a chapter generally encompasses a big quest-arc and the campaign the entire adventure.

Please use the below link to join the campaign on D&D Beyond, so that I can keep track of all your characters, and attempt to use their maps feature if possible -


Me as a Dungeon Master;
Probably the first thing to mention is that this is my first true run at DMing a game, just like it's a lot of your first time playing in one. As such I'm probably going to bumble through this and make some mistakes along the way. I'm also trying to leverage as many tools and things as I can to make this both easier and more interesting, which may adapt/change as we go depending on how well they work in practice.
  • I'm not going to use a lot of custom rules like some other more beardy DMs may, given that we're still trying to get the base mechanics down.
  • I will try to throw in some graphics and so on, to help paint a picture and give some more flavor to things. I probably won't be trying to put all of the party in many images all at once, as that gets challenging especially when using AI, but we'll see how it goes.
  • I'll generally put any "DM" dialog in {{double curly braces}} so that you'll know I'm asking/saying something in a came context, as opposed to any NPCs, etc. Though I'm also going to try to make all the NPC dialog stand out anyway.

You as a player;
I'm fairly sure all of you have minimal experience playing D&D as well, so hopefully the bumbling will be on both sides, but again the key is to have fun and learn as we go. I as such won't go as hard on the "your character has X background and their motivation is Y and they first learned what an upside-down pineapple meant at Z." Certainly take this campaign as an opportunity to build out your ideas about your character, as hopefully you'll be able to carry them over into another one (assuming you don't find some way to die horribly.)
  • If you want to establish a group leader between you all, that's cool. You can also not. Building the party dynamic and so on is part of the adventure.
  • You can set a preferred dialog color in your GWF profile and use the wizard hat icon in the editor to format it with the CHARACTER tags.
  • If you're taking any action that's going to influence the world at all, you must use formatting/the sword icon/ACTION tag to make the text bold green. This is to help me pick those out of the posts and tell when you're actually doing something.
  • Feel free to DM me privately if there's anything you want to do/know without the rest of the party seeing it. Likewise, I may DM you if only your character is privy to some information, etc.

Characters In This Game;
All characters will be starting out in this campaign at 1st level. If all goes well, you'll have the chance to progress to level 4.
  • We'll be using a "Milestone" level system, which basically means rather than tracking specific XP points, you'll generally gain levels upon completing a chapter of the campaign. This takes a lot of the number-grind out of progressing your character and should give more of a sense of accomplishment as we move along through the campaign, and keep everyone in the same range.
  • While all of your spells/abilities will work by the books, the way in which you use them is flexible as far as I'm concerned, especially if it has some roleplay purpose. For instance, if you're a character with high charisma you'll be effective at talking to people, performing, persuading, etc. even if you want to roleplay them as speaking with few words. If you can style your actions in a way that works and is interesting, we'll ignore a lot of the logic behind you being convincing despite the no talk good.

Time Progression in Game;
The passage of time is certainly something to bear in mind as you go about your adventures. This has bearing on many facets of the story, including (but not limited to);
  • The duration of some spells and how long you can use them - If your spell only lasts 1 hour, you should be cognizant of the fact this will at some point run out. Generally I will track the 'time' for you, and let you know when your spell effect runs out.
  • The time it takes you to take a short/long rest - Short rests are generally an hour long, like a coffee break where you can bandage some wounds, eat, stuff like that. Long rests are equivalent to 8 hours of sleep, and provides more effect than a short rest, such as recovering all of your hit points at once.
  • How things occur in the game world itself - As you're out in the world, it does take time to travel from place to place. There is a day/night cycle that may affect when you think it safer to travel. There could be elements such as tide-tables affecting water depth. Or if you're told an individual will be in X place at Y time and you decide to go to sleep during that window, they won't be there when you do arrive, etc.
Time Progression in Real Life;
So it seems most of us are on Eastern Standard time. Nae is 6 hours ahead of EST, and Smacktard is 8 hours ahead I believe. From what I can tell the chunk of time where most people are on will be 9-12pm, with some expanded time on the weekend depending on real-life things (100% understandable.) We'll absolutely try to make sure there is stuff happening at times that everyone can participate, though.
  • Before we get into the meat of the adventure, we'll gauge what works best for the flow of this. I'm undecided if I'll basically hit pause on action until X time when everyone's around, or if we can work out some way to stagger responses and just take them as they're available.
    • Some options are that you could send me your intented actions based on the events at the time you log off, and I can just run your character as an NPC during those times, based on their personality and the guidance you give before logging off.
    • Another option is that you could give the keys to another player for those windows and let them drive your character for you, which would allow for more dynamic response to events as they come up.
This prologue thread;
We've got some logistics to work out so I won't be a stickler about out of character posts in this thread specifically. In general going forward, try to stay in character if you can and use the double curly braces for OOC questions, etc.

Golden rule;
Have fun. Don't die.


Having bartered yourself passage on the merchant vessel Laden Biscuit, you shuffle your feet against the sun-bleached boards of the deck. The salty sea air brings a slight sting to the back of your nostrils when you inhale deeply, but it also carries the spirit of adventure and also helps clear your sinuses. The sea has been relatively calm for your voyage so far, and the waves lap but half way up the hull of the vessel.

You left The Wary Wolf tavern a few hours earlier this morning, awoken by the sound of the ship's captain yelling orders from the end of the hallway. His small crew appeared mostly hung over as they poured out of the two small rooms rented for them, but years of following orders drove their legs to action even though their minds lagged behind. After a brief assault on the Tavern's breakfast offerings, which was largely apples and some aging bread, the crew departed with you and a number of other adventurers you'd met in this establishment.


As you turn back towards the coast you just left, you realize now how close you were to the Sword Mountains, the tall peaks rising to the sky to your East. Whether you had begun your journey from the North or the South you couldn't recall, but you attribute that in part to the strong smelling apples that were being passed around in the Tavern the night prior. But the Tavern must have been located along the High Road that runs from Waterdeep to Neverwinter, perhaps a few dozen miles South of the Mere of Dead Men.


The captain had explained their charter, to bring supplies from the coast to an island which had developed a reputation as being incredibly difficult to navigate to. Stories of crews running afoul on the jagged rocks that lurked beneath the surface were shared among the crew the night prior, some telling their tales of entire vessels capsizing and the souls aboard being lost forever. You stand now between barrels of goods, mostly non-perishable goods, though some kegs of ale had snuck their way on deck as well. The crates and barrels are secured to the deck with strong netting, and do not budge as the boat rocks up and down with each crested wave.

captain2.png"OI, Y' SOIL LOVIN' CURS! KEEP OU' THE WAY O' ME CREW!", the captain shouts from the ships helm.

His rough calloused hands hold the wheel steady against the chop of the sea. The aforementioned crew pay no mind to the barked order, nor you and the other bizarre adventurers who had talked their way onto the ship. They carry on with their tasks, securing rigging, bracing the main sail, and swabbing the poop deck behind the captain. Satisfied with his demonstration of authority, the captain huffs and returns his eyes to the island growing larger on the horizon. As you follow the captain's gaze across the ocean, you too see the rocky shape of an island looming out of the ocean. While the waters near the coast appear relatively calm, you can see a dark haze of clouds congregating above the landmass ahead of you, with occasional streaks of white lightning cutting towards the ground through the otherwise grey aura.

View attachment 5944

You've heard of your destination. An enclave on the island called Stormwreck Isle, rumored to be a place of enlightenment and knowledge. You've taken a gamble on these tales being true and hope it will bring further insight into your destiny.

{{You've got a bit of a journey ahead of you, so you can take this opportunity to speak amongst the party, get your bearings, etc.}}
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Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Man, I was promised peace and enlightenment, but, like, my stomach's all woah.

If halflings were made for water, we'd have, like, fins or something. Or flippers and a shell. Boats just aren't natural. I can hear the ghosts of a forest crying out in the boat's timbers, man.

Hmm. Yeah. Timbre of Timbers. I can dig it.

Moonsprout, looking green around the gills, reclines and pumices some of the callouses on his bare feet

{{Italics within character dialogue would be nice for the more obnoxious writers amongst us (me)}}

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty, standing next to, but seemingly towering above Short Order glances a side-eye towards the Rock Gnome while still with transfixed gaze upon the looming isle. A grizzled, but low voice, seemingly responding to a question asked to no one in particular.

It is indeed a good day to die.

A sly smirk rises from the corner of the stubble faced tiefling's mouth. Sensing unease, Zesty turns to Moonsprout, who has silently made his way next to the pair.

The energetic Bard easing what would be tension in the area, Zesty nods slightly in the halfling's direction, eying suspiciously the flakes of skin coming from his feet. Zesty gently turns back to Short Order, seeing the quizzical look the gnome, too, was giving Moonsprout.

The name's Zesty, gnome. Looking forward to this adventure together. Could you spare an apple, by chance?

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
{{ @Ben Do we need to press play or anything like that in our character sheets for the campaign? I assume we'll use that to make most rolls and such, but dunno if we actually need to "enable" something for it.}}
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{And it would indeed seem that hitting play on the campaign is what puts your character on the map. I'll perhaps have to come up with some way to 'moderate' this, as you can move your own token around as well as others. I will set some ground-rules only to move your character, and when we get down to the actual campaign, things like movement distance will come into play. For now though, just avoid the piles of foot-flakes.}}

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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
{{And it would indeed seem that hitting play on the campaign is what puts your character on the map. I'll perhaps have to come up with some way to 'moderate' this, as you can move your own token around as well as others. I will set some ground-rules only to move your character, and when we get down to the actual campaign, things like movement distance will come into play. For now though, just avoid the piles of foot-flakes.}}

View attachment 6478
{{So, in disclosure, I added my token. I was not on there when I first clicked into it. I didn't want to play around with too much, but I saw that and sorta... clicked a thing. My bad}}
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{So, in disclosure, I added my token. I was not on there when I first clicked into it. I didn't want to play around with too much, but I saw that and sorta... clicked a thing. My bad}}
{{You shouldn't be able to see through the Fog of War as a player character. I think it'd certainly let you access the token-menu and even add things to the map, but I'm assuming anything I hide with the Fog, etc. stays hidden...

But that's why I'm testing all this with a tiny-ass ship and little stakes. :shrug

EDIT: I'm guessing you'd just moved a sailor, so no worries.}}

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
{{You shouldn't be able to see through the Fog of War as a player character. I think it'd certainly let you access the token-menu and even add things to the map, but I'm assuming anything I hide with the Fog, etc. stays hidden...

But that's why I'm testing all this with a tiny-ass ship and little stakes. :shrug

EDIT: I'm guessing you'd just moved sailor, so no worries.}}
{{Not me. The image you showed is exactly what I can see. I didn't move anything. Just added my token and that was it. Didn't want to go overboard lol.}}
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{Not me. The image you showed is exactly what I can see. I didn't move anything. Just added my token and that was it. Didn't want to go overboard lol.}}
{{I cropped down to the ship largely. I'm guessing you've got gray at the corners and edges, right?

Also, could you confirm if all the sailors are gone for you (they went below deck to reorient the pineapples.}}
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{Now it changed. All the blue water is gone.}}
Happy The Simpsons GIF
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Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
Nac plops down on a crate next to the others, and grabs a smashed apple.

Aye lads, seems like adventure's in the wind. I can smell it. But it might just be the halfling's feet shavings..

The name's Nac McWeeble, pleased to meet ya.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{I can't find the play button anywhere. Am I blind? Looked both in the app, and web page version.. Also the game log seems to be the one from the dummy campaign.}}
{{It is technically the Dummy Campaign. And the map I'd used when testing that. I just renamed it, as I already had all the other maps set up and didn't want to redo it.

EDIT: I just watched a dwarf fly around at Mach 5. This is fine.}}

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims'orreh wakes up to the extra racket made by the captain yelling and everyone else shuffling about either making sure the ship is not sinking or... apparently destroying fruit. Last night's hungover is still nagging at Aims' head while he's laying on some of the secured barrels before sitting up and trying to figure out if it was the booze or the sea making everything wonky in his eyes.

I dont know what you put in those apples last night druid, but remind me not to eat more than 4 of them from now on... theybwere oh so delicious though.

Aims groans as his head stings again from thinking too much about the apples.

Nggghh. Make that 3. This will be a rough morning. Ugh...

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Thanks for the apple, little fella. Nature's gifts are tight. The tightest. I owe you one.

Moonsprout collects the powdered foot shavings from the poop deck and puts them in a small satchel. On observing the others' aghast looks, he speaks:

This powder is good for you. Cures, like, all sorts of stuff.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims keeps groaning as he slowly climbs off the barrels to fetch his waterskin from his backpack and takes a long swig from it.

Mind yourself halfling. I might be big, green, and ngghh... still hungover, but there are very few things that can stand in the way of my ax.

Which is also why I want to venture to different places around the coast, to show what I can do. To find strong game and foes. And to prove that I... I...

Aims' words wander off as he gets lost in though. That is, before he continues groaning from using his head too much again.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{If you didn't set your timezone as I mentioned above, but it's already set for you, that's 'cause I did it.}}

While you stand lost in discussion, you fail to notice the sea around you grow slightly more restless, with the dark clouds beginning to reach towards the ship in thin tendrils. The waves on the port side of the ship erupt upwards and a large scaled creature latches clawed hands onto the outer rail of the vessel, hauling it's mass onto the deck and sending the sailors scattering terrified towards the aft. The captain lets out a distressed yelp and does his best to cower behind the ship's wheel, showing their lack of bravery in spite of their bravado.

98027395720935.png"These watersss belong to The Sssscaled Queen!" it hisses, "I'm here to collect her tribute for this vesssssssel's passage!"

The creature now in the center of the ship pushes itself up on two powerful arms, coiling a serpentine tail ending in thick fins beneath itself and leaning against the wooden framing. Long tendrils of seaweed green hair hang around it's face, some gathered together with ornate golden bands that contrast against the simple armor it wears made of shell and bone. The powerful biceps of this beast flex in anticipation as it surveys each of the adventurers still standing on the deck of the ship. It chuckles with a sound like pebbles colliding in the pull of the tides, and fixes intelligent yellow eyes on the captain still trying to hide behind the ship's wheel.

{{What does your party want to do? As this is really a practice encounter I'll remind you there are multiple ways to handle such situations. You are all capable of fighting the monster, which is called a Merrow, or you could try negotiating with it, tricking it, or anything else you can think up. Whatever you settle on will require a dice roll of some nature, plus any modifiers you have.

You can certainly take the time to discuss your strategy with or without having to roleplay it all out. Imagine this OOC text in the curly braces is akin to talking across a tabletop if we were doing it in person. When you settle on a course of action (or if one of you decides to just act alone, which is always possible), remember to tag your action with the ACTION BBcode, or otherwise make it bold green.

If you want to ask any questions about how something would work, you can @ tag me so that I'm more likely to notice it.}}
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Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
While others run about the ship cowering in fear, Moonsprout seems relatively unbothered. He calls from where he is standing:

Fish fella, what sort of tribute does your monarchess demand?
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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

The Merrow Extortionist turns from the crew to face the band of adventurers near the bow of the ship. It grins, showing sharp teeth.

98027395720935.png"A ssssssmart little land worm! Pay 400 gold piecesssses, or all the goodssss from this ssships hold! Elssse I'll take it to the ocean floor myssself." it issues in a threat rumbling like undertow.

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Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Moonsprout Beandirt turns to his new friends and speaks in a hushed voice so that the Merrow can't hear.

He says he wants gold... but what about diamonds? You think he can be convinced this bag contains a much more valuable diamond dust? Moonsprout says, while shaking the small pouch of his callous powder.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{ I know Kelly kinda jumped on this first but, @Jon yes absolutely. D&D basically has an temperament system to go along with the alignment system, where some creatures might be immediately hostile and attack on site, some might be hostile but not immediately at your throat, etc. This one's hostile but willing to negotiate.

EDIT: Going to be focusing on work for a little bit, but I'll keep checking in to see what you decide to do.}}
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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty lurches back slightly and gags a little at the bad of chlamydia healing foot powder, but shakes it off and regains composure to speak to his compatriots.

I do not believe we can let this creature be paid any sum. But perhaps we need not resort to violence just yet? Perhaps we can find a more amicable solution to avoid bloodshed AND the illusion this ship is free picking for others of his ilk?

Zesty looks up slightly over Moonsprout's shoulder at the creature, still baring it's sharp teeth before ducking back down.

As much as I would love to see what would happen if we offer it one of those cowards instead, (a sly smile stretches across Zesty's face) we should probably protect the captain and his yellow-bellied crew. Unless you lot know how to sail this thing on your own? I do believe the five of us could easily take this foul wretch should the need arise, but maybe discretion is the better part of valor here?

{{So gents, our first interaction together. How would you like to handle this? Negotiation or decimation?}}
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Short Order considers what Moonsprout has proposed...

You may be able to convince him with your plain and simple words my friend. It'll take a good lick of luck to get the job done. What of it insults our

He considers what might help, from his arsenal of it should come to that...

Perhaps I may have a trick up my sleeve if need be...

{{Is it possible to see if this creature has any weaknesses, say to cold and such?}}
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Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
{{If D&D is what I remember, someone needs to have some sort of assessment or perception ability to do so. Otherwise, standard "examine" MIGHT reveal something like an open wound or something. This is sadly more a @Ben question.}}
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{Recalling knowledge about creatures/monstrosities would fall under the 'Nature' skill. Perception, etc. is more for noticing things in the moment, not what you may already know.}}
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