Campaign Stormwreck Isle: Journey to Stormwreck Isle (1-P)

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D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{How would they know if it was given to me in secret? 🙃
Sesame Street Idk GIF

Btw did you add that gold to my inventory for me? It says I already have 25 gold
Kenan Thompson Yes GIF by Saturday Night Live
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{It might take a little while tomorrow for me to get back at this, so I'm going to try to push this out before I go to sleep for a few hours.}}

After marveling at the resourcefulness of sailors without access to suction cups, you gather your equipment and make up the path away form the beach.

As you crest the top of the hill, you spot off in the distance a large open-air temple perched on the edge of a cliff high above you, with a towering statue depicting a wizened man surrounded by seven songbirds at it's center. The path you're on continues to wind upward and where it nears the temple, cut into the sides of the rough rock, are dotted several doorways, before the path continues and curves further up the mountain towards the temple itself.

You have discovered Dragon's Rest.

{{Something I have to remember to get you all to give me is your marching order, so who's in front/back of the party as you travel, etc. Not too important right now, but it will be in the future as you're traveling around more.

If any of you are on and up before I get back to this you can certainly take the journey as time to talk amongst the party. I'll just aim to place you guys at entering Dragon's Rest when I get back at it.}}
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Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
{{Something I have to remember to get you all to give me is your marching order, so who's in front/back of the party as you travel, etc. Not too important right now, but it will be in the future as you're traveling around more.}}
{{One time when doing a cross-country hike, I became known as "The Canadian who comes late" because I always showed up at the hostels after everyone else had already arrived.

I kind of liked that moniker, and I like it for my character too -- I think it fits his personality as a bit of a slacker when it comes to physical activity. So I'll be last in whatever the marching order is.}}

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Woah, whatever that is, I just need to know. I bet there's some gnarly Gods worshipped in that temple. Hey, big green fella, carry me to the top of that mountain. It'll work your muscles. And considering you almost lost a battle to a rotting corpse, I think you need the training.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Ain't no godsdamned way I'm carrying a bush hiding, ingredient smoking, lazy little halfling up there myself.
Aims grins.

Not without a price that is. How about 2 gold up front and 3 more up there?

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
{{Similarly to me, you'd have to first roll a charisma save against my.... weak attempt to extort you before even attempting to turn it around. I believe from there you'd basically have to crit persuade me to counter act my initial save to do that. Ben can correct me if I'm wrong about that. That is if we want to keep leaving it to the powers of the dice. :D

But I'm willing to go down further this... rabbit hole if Ben lets us gamble on your lucky trait until the next short rest if I lose. Since you did say it is lucky lol. }}

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
{{Similarly to me, you'd have to first roll a charisma save against my.... weak attempt to extort you before even attempting to turn it around. I believe from there you'd basically have to crit persuade me to counter act my initial save to do that. Ben can correct me if I'm wrong about that. That is if we want to keep leaving it to the powers of the dice. :D

But I'm willing to go down further this... rabbit hole if Ben lets us gamble on your lucky trait until the next short rest if I lose. Since you did say it is lucky lol. }}
{{Alright, I'm always up for a little hilarity. Rolling again to see if I can persuade you to pay me to carry me to the top of the mountain :witch }}

edit: persuasion +2, wtf is persuasing... oh well lolz

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron
{{This is hilarious. :rofl Getting a strong buddy cop movie vibe.

I can take mid point in the order, so I can help both towards the front and back.}}

Oh, tha's a mighty impressive looking temple! Nac says as the group ambles up the path.

Nac looks at the statue to see if he can discern who is depicted.

{{@Ben religion check?}}

{{Edit: well, shit. The check'll probably come back as "It's some dude." :facepalm2 }}
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Aims waits expectantly.

Figure anything out lads? It seemed like you gleamed something out of it druid. Is it something special after all?

{{I'm good to march on. Can't wait to level up and get more goodies. At least for the first few, every level is bigger than thr previous one for me. }}
You're carrying around a member 3 times bigger than what you're used to. Now how about we try to figure out anything special about this place instead.

Short Order does a better job figuring out what this statue is about
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
You're carrying around a member 3 times bigger than what you're used to. Now how about we try to figure out anything special about this place instead.

Short Order does a better job figuring out what this statue is about
{{Roll a religion check, then we'll see if you do. :d20-fail

Edit: Oh, you did. Not sure why I didn't see that at first.}}

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
{{I'll probably hover in the middle with Nac. At this time, he'd be the only one that my character would find "normal" to interact with lol. Short Order second. So it'd make sense for the three of us to be in the middle to exchange the "Oh, there goes Aims'Orreh again" and "Where the hell is Moonsprout now" looks. :link}}

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
You're carrying around a member 3 times bigger than what you're used to.
Aims is shocked and aghast!
What, have you been watching me?!

{{Alright, I'm always up for a little hilarity. Rolling again to see if I can persuade you to pay me to carry me to the top of the mountain :witch }}
You can almost hear the tiny cogwheels grind in Aims' head, trying to balance his orcish pride and honor, monetary gains or losses, and potential luck of a halfling.
if you'd all like the people who can think to survive this quest, I'm thinking we should be ready for an up front assault as well as an ambush from behind. You all can continue to smash things more quickly if you're closer to them when they get to us.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
As Aims goes over and grab and throw Moonsprout to sit on his shoulders, he can practically feel himself growing luckier by the second. Ah, this must be the fabled luck of the halflings. That feeling, as short as it was was interrupted by...

if you'd all like the people who can think to survive this quest, I'm thinking we should be ready for an up front assault as well as an ambush from behind. You all can continue to smash things more quickly if you're closer to them when they get to us.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{This is hilarious. :rofl Getting a strong buddy cop movie vibe.

I can take mid point in the order, so I can help both towards the front and back.}}

Oh, tha's a mighty impressive looking temple! Nac says as the group ambles up the path.

Nac looks at the statue to see if he can discern who is depicted.

{{@Ben religion check?}}

{{Edit: well, shit. The check'll probably come back as "It's some dude." :facepalm2 }}
You squint your eyes at the statue as you draw closer to the temple. You try to recall all of your time at the monastery, studying various religions and their deities. Skirting past the plentiful memories of emptying wooden kegs and then smashing them against your forehead, the faintest of familiarity finds you.

You believe this to be a statue of your friend Hamish.

You're carrying around a member 3 times bigger than what you're used to. Now how about we try to figure out anything special about this place instead.

Short Order does a better job figuring out what this statue is about
You squint your eyes at Nac, letting out a small sigh at the potential blasphemy the sot speaks.

Your own recognition of the statue comes easily, and you identify the being pictured as Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, in his human guise. The progenitor of metallic dragons, Bahamut is invoked to uphold honor and justice and provide courage to adventurers in the face of grim threats. Though seldom seen in the mortal realms, it's said he makes exceptions to help thrwart the machinations of Tiamat the Dragon Queen and the evil dragons that serve her.

By the time Moonsprout and Aims'Orreh are done trying to ineffectively convince each other with the charismatic poise of an ugly leper in a whore house staffed by orangutans, your party finds that you've reached the foot of Dragon's Rest.

You notice that the path becomes increasingly wider the closer you get to the base of the cliff, to where it now spans a good 20-30 feet across, with the sheer cliff face on your left and a rocky drop off into the ocean waves far below on your right, about 30 feet down. While most of the pathway seems to be relatively level, you see several spots where rough hewn steps are carved out, providing a slightly easier journey as the path climbs upward and doubles-back on itself before heading to the temple high above your heads.

As you scale the first set of stairs the path opens up into a long plaza, dotted with well-tended garden plots of flowers, herbs and vegetables. Halfway along the plaza, a stone status of a dragon gazes serenely down the path from which you came. Six open doorways are cut into the cliff side here.


Your arrival quickly draws the attention of the entire population of the place, which consists mostly of kobolds. These small, reptilian folk eye you cautiously while a couple of humans watch from the distance. All the cloister's residents are dressed in simple clothes, and no one carries a visible weapon.


1705682179770.pngOne kobold pipes up with a question, "What's your name?"

At that, all the kobolds begin barraging you with questions...

1705682298689.png"Where are you from?"

1705682360910.png"What's that?"

1705682646657.png"What are you doing here?"

...And many more questions are lost in the din of small voices.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
Zesty eyes Aims'Orreh, standing slightly before him, hoping he does not rush to combat the small creatures just yet. Zesty steps up slightly, but keeping enough distance so as to not appear threatening to the kobolds. Zesty attempts to communicate with the kobolds in an effort to understand their surroundings a little more.

My name is Zesty. Me and my companions are coming upon the area in search of knowledge. Might you tell me your name and what is this place and its purpose?

Zesty innocently eyes the nearest kobold, that appeared to ask the party for their name, as there is no clear indication of which kobold could be considered, the "leader."

Zesty tries to communicate with the kobold and tries to learn the creature's name (of the one that asked for names) and information regarding the place they now stand.

{{Persuasion check I assume? If not, just change the modifier.}}

Zesty also eyes the surroundings to see if any pertinent information stands out to him.

{{I'd like to run perception and investigation checks for the immediate area.}}

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims is visibly slightly shaking as he sees a small horde of kobolts appear in front of them. They seem to be asking questions, but the bombardment has left his mind overloaded all of a sudden. He slowly turns his head back towards the rest of the group and quietly mutters:

Aims.... smash?
Friends, I am Short Order. We are here to learn the history of these lands and see what wonders it might have to offer. We're looking to just continue through to the temple with no troubles, in the name of Bahamut. Can you see us through?

Short Order investigates to see if there are any traps, while trying to persuade the creatures to do no harm.

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Aims is visibly slightly shaking as he sees a small horde of kobolts appear in front of them. They seem to be asking questions, but the bombardment has left his mind overloaded all of a sudden. He slowly turns his head back towards the rest of the group and quietly mutters:

Aims.... smash?
Smash this instead Moonsprout says, and reaches over the orc's shoulder and hands him a pipe with its bowl packed full of Saltbloom.
This should mellow you out a bit.
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Zesty eyes Aims'Orreh, standing slightly before him, hoping he does not rush to combat the small creatures just yet. Zesty steps up slightly, but keeping enough distance so as to not appear threatening to the kobolds. Zesty attempts to communicate with the kobolds in an effort to understand their surroundings a little more.

My name is Zesty. Me and my companions are coming upon the area in search of knowledge. Might you tell me your name and what is this place and its purpose?

Zesty innocently eyes the nearest kobold, that appeared to ask the party for their name, as there is no clear indication of which kobold could be considered, the "leader."

Zesty tries to communicate with the kobold and tries to learn the creature's name (of the one that asked for names) and information regarding the place they now stand.

{{Persuasion check I assume? If not, just change the modifier.}}

Zesty also eyes the surroundings to see if any pertinent information stands out to him.

{{I'd like to run perception and investigation checks for the immediate area.}}

1705685970398.png"Me named Frub!" the kobold chatters energentically, "Why's your name spicy?"

1705686084202.png"Why's that one so big?"

1705686129001.png"Why's that one so small?"


Peering around the crowd of scaly interrogators, you count 8 kobolds, with the 2 humans standing back towards the stone doorways. Most of the kobolds hop up and down before your group as they bark their questions with the urgency of a toddler, but you notice a winged kobold and one slightly older looking kobold standing towards the back of the mob nearer to the dragon statue. All of the kobolds are bronze in coloration.

Of the two humans standing aside from the group but observing closely, one appears to be a middle-aged human with pale skin and auburn hair, but a graying beard. Faded tattoos of an abstract design peek up the side of his neck from beneath his dirt-stained robes. Next to him stands a muscular human lady, whose black hair is cropped close to her scalp. Her light brown skin bears many scars, one of which runs across her left eye, which is milky and blind. Her right leg below the knee has been replaced with an elegant prosthetic made of wood and metal.


You do not get the impression that any of these beings are aggressive, though they do not seem to get visitors very frequently at all.

Friends, I am Short Order. We are here to learn the history of these lands and see what wonders it might have to offer. We're looking to just continue through to the temple with no troubles, in the name of Bahamut. Can you see us through?

Short Order investigates to see if there are any traps, while trying to persuade the creatures to do no harm.

1705686175216.png"Why's that guy holding a cock knife?!"

{{Gotta pick up one of the kids. I'll get back at this after if I can.

Please don't tell my boss that I'm only wiggling my work-mouse every now and then. 🤫 }}

Moonsprout Beandirt

Connoisseur of fine video games
Hey dragonlets, though it's true some of us bear weapons, we're chill dudes. I've never even swatted a fly, myself, and the multitude of festering mosquito bites and welts covering my body are testament to that most righteous of facts.

The cock-knife you mention was a treasured memento from a departed friend. We hope its presence would not be considered like profane or anything in yonder temple.

But like, what are you and the chill dudes lingering in the shadows at the back doing here? Are you keepers of the temple? Dragon tamers? Perhaps you offer free kobold riding classes to underprivileged youth from the local town?

Moonsprout attempts to persuade the kobolds that he and his party are no danger to them so that they can open up to them.

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
{{Just an FYI. We don't necessarily need to roll for everything we do. We can just ask things and question things and do some things without throwing the dice right away. Ben should make sure there's some hints and guidance here or there if we can do something more with specific things. We can then see what more there is to it. At worst, if we come out the gate and land poor rolls or crit fails, we might possibly get shut out from more info, goodies, requests, or whatever there is.

But rolling dice is also freaking fun so... I'd be guilty doing it all the time. I'd actually like to open this to @Ben to get his couple cents on this. Any preferences on either way I described? Full dice, no dice, hold the dice until the second half?

Also while I'm at it, I was also wondering if you mind us resolving some of the goofy things ourselves even if we're rolling. It would still fall under your purview as the DM to do that. I'd just like to know if that is something you might enjoy doing so that we can leave it for you to do your magic with instead stepping on your toes.}}
{{Just an FYI. We don't necessarily need to roll for everything we do. We can just ask things and question things and do some things without throwing the dice right away. Ben should make sure there's some hints and guidance here or there if we can do something more with specific things. We can then see what more there is to it. At worst, if we come out the gate and land poor rolls or crit fails, we might possibly get shut out from more info, goodies, requests, or whatever there is.

But rolling dice is also freaking fun so... I'd be guilty doing it all the time. I'd actually like to open this to @Ben to get his couple cents on this. Any preferences on either way I described? Full dice, no dice, hold the dice until the second half?

Also while I'm at it, I was also wondering if you mind us resolving some of the goofy things ourselves even if we're rolling. It would still fall under your purview as the DM to do that. I'd just like to know if that is something you might enjoy doing so that we can leave it for you to do your magic with instead stepping on your toes.}}
{{Rolls to see if he should roll}}

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Smash this instead Moonsprout says, and reaches over the orc's shoulder and hands him a pipe with its bowl packed full of Saltbloom.
This should mellow you out a bit.
Ohh, smash...
Aims takes a long smash of Moonsprout's pipe. He begins coughing and hacking a lot, though through that he can taste a slight hint of salt in it. One always goes for seconds, as Aims takes another smaller puff from the pipe before returning it to Moonsprout. He then vacantly stares forward for a good moment before jolting back to the present.

Ah, thank you halfling. I don't know what came over me. *cough* Though this stuff is interesting, it's not a replacement for a good tankard of ale in my opinion. *cough cough* Ack, that burns the lungs a lot!
Aims then turns back towards the kobolts.

The name is Aims'Orreh. A great powerful half-orc looking for all things bit and strong to smash into smithereens! One day everyone on the coast will know of me and heads I've cleaved with my ax!


Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
After assessing the surroundings and getting no feeling of immediate threat from the creatures, Zesty turns his attention back to the one called "Frub." He is mindful of the humans, however, as even though they appear weaponless and ragged, they seem to be battle hardened at the least."

Hello, Frub. I see six doorways here. Could you tell me where these lead? What about the bronze dragon statue here? What is it's purpose?

Zesty has a sense that the toddler-like energy from these creatures may not reveal any additional information from talking, but his curiosity plants with the winged and elder kobolds as they appear to be either the leaders or perhaps the parents, as they do not have the same level of excitement the younger more curious ones do. He also has a desire to hear from the humans as they stand out in this group.

Zesty first addresses the winged kobold...

Might I ask you these questions instead? You and your partner appear to be the elders of the group?

Finally, he addressed the man and woman in the back...

How about you humans as well? You seem to have had a journey yourself. You stand out among these creatures. How do you fit in this story?

{{ @Ben - Let me know if you want any dice rolls for any of this. Trying to discern our next step but between the doors and the statue I'm trying to find the right place to recommend.}}
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
{{Just an FYI. We don't necessarily need to roll for everything we do. We can just ask things and question things and do some things without throwing the dice right away. Ben should make sure there's some hints and guidance here or there if we can do something more with specific things. We can then see what more there is to it. At worst, if we come out the gate and land poor rolls or crit fails, we might possibly get shut out from more info, goodies, requests, or whatever there is.

But rolling dice is also freaking fun so... I'd be guilty doing it all the time. I'd actually like to open this to @Ben to get his couple cents on this. Any preferences on either way I described? Full dice, no dice, hold the dice until the second half?

Also while I'm at it, I was also wondering if you mind us resolving some of the goofy things ourselves even if we're rolling. It would still fall under your purview as the DM to do that. I'd just like to know if that is something you might enjoy doing so that we can leave it for you to do your magic with instead stepping on your toes.}}
{{I'm fine with being a bit more flexible on this for the sake of role playing. And yeah, not everything is going to require a skill check, generally just anything that's not trivial to accomplish, or if you're trying to resist being affected by something else.

And I'll maintain that you can't speak for NPCs or other characters. Only yourself. But you guys can certainly go back and forth and resolve your own minor stuff for funsies.

Also, I turned on d100 and a coin flip.}}

Nac McWeeble

Incense & Iron

So close...}}

Nac thinking aloud:
Phwoar, Hamish really made it big... whuzzat? Bahamut you say?Makes sense... Hamish was a bit o' an oaf.

Nac looks around, taking in the sights. He turns to the kobolds.

Might there be a chance of getting some ale anywhere nearby?
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
After assessing the surroundings and getting no feeling of immediate threat from the creatures, Zesty turns his attention back to the one called "Frub." He is mindful of the humans, however, as even though they appear weaponless and ragged, they seem to be battle hardened at the least."

Hello, Frub. I see six doorways here. Could you tell me where these lead? What about the bronze dragon statue here? What is it's purpose?

1705701452443.png"Those be quarters, but most us kobolds share just two rooms. With many hammocks! Frub on top!" Frub says as he grin widely.

Zesty first addresses the winged kobold...

Might I ask you these questions instead? You and your partner appear to be the elders of the group?

1705701639333.png"Oh no, us not in charge. At least not of whole cloister, we just help. My name Myla. I collect things, tinker, that stuff." she gestures to the slightly older Kobold next to her, "This Agga. We just try to keep other Kobolds out of the Elder's way!"

The older of the kobolds doesn't speak, but nods at you respectfully.

Finally, he addressed the man and woman in the back...

How about you humans as well? You seem to have had a journey yourself. You stand out among these creatures. How do you fit in this story?

1705706177958.png"Oh, we're just trying to find some peace. I'm Tarak. I grow most of the herbs and plants around here, with some of the kobold's help." says the man, just loud enough for you to hear. He looks suspiciously at Moonsprout trying to light the remnants of Saltbloom in a pipe. "...Please don't touch any of them."

You look expectantly towards the woman holding herself in an at-ease stance. For a few moments she doesn't elaborate, until Tarak nudges her slightly.

1705706629720.png"...Do not cause trouble here, this is a place of reflection." her tone comes clipped and to the point. She does not offer her name.

As you speak with the inhabitants of Dragon's Rest, from up the path a shape begins to approach with a calm pace. As it draws nearer, you see an unassuming woman dressed in simple robes. Her skin is a weathered brown and she has kindly hazel eyes. The crowd of kobolds part slightly to let her pass, hopping and bowing out of the way. She extends her arms in greeting and looks each of you in the eyes before speaking to the group as a whole.

1705707237895.png"Hello, travelers. Welcome to Dragon's Rest." she says in a calm tone, "May Bahamut's guidance lead you to whatever you seek."

{{Frrrrrrrrr life.}}

Aims'Orreh Mwuh'Bwadd

Full-time time waster
Aims greets the woman back and with his mind clearer and no threats in his sight, he steps forward for the group.

Greetings ma'am. We're merely a ragtag group of folks who've heared of a special place on here Stormwreck Island in many towns and cities and were very interested to personally find out if the rumors are true. That this place holds knowledge and maybe even truths about ourselves. Would you happen to be able to help us with finding out about if the stories are true? Or the very least guide us to the direction where we can find out ourselves?
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
((first off, I'm changing the OOC rule to just needing double parenthesis. That curly bracket is hard to find on most mobile keyboards.

I'm going to do some thread maintenance. But I did see that dialog and I'll get the npcs responding tomorrow at the latest.

I'll get you a thread back up to just talk in shortly.))

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
((The dick dagger had BETTER play a critical role now. :link Also, thank GOD for moving to parenthesis! I am so used to OOC stuff being in parenthesis that muscle memory has been hard to break. I'm happy now lol))

Zesty's eyes scan and respectfully nod to everyone in the area. The group seems to be connecting fairly well with everyone of a like mind. Aims'Orreh is connecting with the elder human while Moonsprout is trying to pass off his phallic poniard on the herbalist of the group. While sensing no hostilities from the humans, Zesty is particularly aware of the as current nameless female, who he assumes to be some sort of ex-military based on appearance and posture and reaction to the group.

Zesty turns his attention to his like minded kobold, the winged one called Myla.

Tell me, Myla. What sort of things do you tinker with? I am a tinkerer by trade myself, and love finding creating ways to build new and useful things. It would be an honor if you could teach me something useful I could make from your culture.
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