Quotes from Shows or Movie you use in everyday life?


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
“This aggression will not stand.”


“Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.”

The Big Lebowski, Half-Baked, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Grandma’s Boy, How High?, and Up In Smoke, plus so many others are all part of my daily library of movie quotes.

I use movie quotes to gauge whether or not people suck. If you get a quote, your movie opinions about my selections doesn’t suck.

the dude your opinion GIF
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So many, but my most overused is "tell them I hate them" - this is in regards to almost anything.

"I'm going to see my mom tomorrow"
"Don't forget to tell them I hate them"

"The vendor can't get this item out in time. Any suggestions?"
"Did you remember to tell them I hate them?"
"...Yes, just like every other time."

"The client wants to know what you thought of their proposal."
"Tell them I hate them."

"Who was that guy?"

Whenever anyone leaves a room and there is still someone there with me.



Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
"That escalated quickly."

ron burgundy GIF
Yeah, this one.

Also "50% of the time it works every time"

And "Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder."

Honestly probably 25% of my day-to-day dialogue is probably stolen from some show or another. I'll be making more posts here.

Crazy Jamie

Active Member
GW Elder
I find myself often saying "I have a cunning plan" from Blackadder (@Crazy Jamie should be proud) when I have a "good" idea

What about you all?
Proud is understating it. My own children are going to struggle to make me as proud as this post made me.

Achorman is obviously a classic source for this. As well as "That escalated quickly" I do like to break out "I'm trapped in a glass case of emotion" and "I'm kind of a big deal" now and again.

We also need to talk about Friends here. Whenever my wife and I have any sort of minor disagreement I always say "No? Divorce?". Also, shouting "PIVOT!" at any point where I'm moving something unwieldy with someone else is absolutely compulsory.


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
I used Bly Manor's "It’s you, it’s me, it’s us" in my wedding vows.

I also say "JOEY doesn't share food!!!" And no, I don't replace that with my name so it's extra confusing.

I'm not sure where I got this from but sometimes when people ask me a "do you know why -- ?" I'll answer "yes" and when they ask why, I respond : "because he/she/it's an asshole."
Them: Hey Tu do you know why these calculations never add up?
Me: yes
Them: why?
Me: because it's an asshole
Them: ...that's.. not the answer I was looking for..
Me: only one I got

Crazy Jamie

Active Member
GW Elder
I also say "JOEY doesn't share food!!!" And no, I don't replace that with my name so it's extra confusing.
Yep, that's a good one. My wife and I use that all the time too. Along with "It's a moo point. It's like a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter. It's moo." I can't actually remember the last time I used the word "moot" instead of "moo".


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
Yep, that's a good one. My wife and I use that all the time too. Along with "It's a moo point. It's like a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter. It's moo." I can't actually remember the last time I used the word "moot" instead of "moo".
Yyess I use "moo point" as well! I don't think anyone has called me out about using it instead of "moot" 😅
I use a lot of Ace Ventura lines, including that one when I park in a tight parallel parking spot.

"If I'm not back in 5 minutes, just wait longer."


"New England Clam Chowder." "Is that the red or the white?"


"My wife" or "Very nice" from Borat.

"The pen is blue. The goddamn pen is blue!" from Liar, Liar

"Car!.... Game on!" Wayne's World

Numerous Monty Python lines:

"She turned me into a newt.... I got better."
"What are you gonna do, bleed on me?!"
"I unclog my nose in your general direction."

"Bring our your dead!"

Most of the time, I can't yank a movie quote out at random unless someone says or does something that immediately triggers in my head. Movie lines, TV show lines, songs, YouTube video references.
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