I looked through
the thread you posted last year regarding OG Xbox, and the only game I specifically mentioned in that thread was Crimson Skies, which
IS playable all the way to the Series X. I see others mentioned more titles.
You were looking for exclusives that weren't racing games (or fighting games), so I provided a solid one that you wouldn't have initially considered (since I'm sure EVERYONE knows about Halo). I can recommend some other titles, but outside of Ninja Gaiden Black, Forza, PGR, Halo, or Dead or Alive, few will be exclusives. A decent number of backwards compatible OG Xbox games may have been released on the PC as well. I can look through what I have and see what I can rec that is backwards compatible.
Panzer Dragoon Orta for starters looks to be backwards compatible, but that actually is Xbox exclusive.
I can do more on that original thread, since this is PS exclusive, but since you chose to return your XBONE, I assume you're no longer interested?