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Well-Hung Jury N64 vs. Playstation


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I think its an age thing, younger got N64 and older and teens more likely got the PS1

PS1 destroyed the N64 in sales, hell even in Japan I think the Saturn sold more than the N64

This is also a major element that I didn’t even consider, because I had the PSX shortly after launch and my little brother (7 years younger) had the N64 as his first legit console that wasn’t a hand-me-down from me. My first console was a Genesis that was bought from a crackhead that stole them out of Woolworth’s back in the day.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Nah I was a teen and although I got both systems I definitely went for the n64 first.

That’s where I’m conflicted, because I remember just as many people losing their shit over OoT and SM64 in my class as the Crash, Twisted Metal, MGS, FFVII crowd. The only difference that I can recall was the “popular” kids gravitated towards the N64 while the more “nerdy” kids gravitated towards the PSX because it offered a more varied selection, including the early American ports of JRPG’s and the more mature stuff like the Twisted Metal and MGS stuff.
Platformer navigation + timed hits is a recipe for excellent and engaging RPG design, and I don't know why more games don't do this. Paper Mario is excellent. If you were turned off by the aesthetic, you should really give it a shot. Bug Fables is a fantastic Paper Mario-like, but with the difficulty ramped up quite a bit.

More turned off from what I will likely get from characters and story, I play rpgs for story first
Honestly if it wasn't for FF7 I'm not sure if we would have ever bought our Playstation. We played Final Fantasy since the very first one on the Nes and it was one of our favorite series so imagine how psyched we were to see those trailers for a 3D FF game with Cloud riding his motorcycle down a highway in Midgar with his big ol Buster sword.


Connoisseur of fine video games
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder

Your honor, as the jury foreperson, I would like to speak on behalf of the jury about our judgment.

The following are the results of the jury's discussion:
  • Two members are in favor of the N64, citing established precedent from the case of Quality v. Quantity, and the nostalgic joy of couch co-op.
  • One member is in favor of the PS1, citing the technological advances ushered in by the PS1, which continue to be iterated upon even today.
  • The remaining three members are not able to decide between the two, citing the relative strengths of each console.
As such, we, the jury, are not able to reach a verdict.

*bangs cornichon*
How can a verdict have been reached if no verdict was reached?

The trial had a hung jury (lol) which means you need to have a new trial with a new jury and new evidence until a verdict is reached.
Those are problems indeed. I suggest maybe a new prefix, and also submit for appeal? Which I assume means a different judge as well as different jury.



Poop Head
GW Elder
How can a verdict have been reached if no verdict was reached?

The trial had a hung jury (lol) which means you need to have a new trial with a new jury and new evidence until a verdict is reached.
I mean we can make whatever rules for this court we want. Doesn't need to abide exactly to any real world example.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
New prefix = Well-Hung Jury


Also also, I want a badge for being on the well-hung jury along with my peers.

You don’t want me to make that, so, you might wanna ask @Ben super nicely.

No badges. Then everyone would just force a hung jury and we would tarnish the good reputation of the GW Court System.

…or this, sounds like a case in the works.

And I'm glad that Jawneh was left with blue balls.

Of future note: Tommy Boy will NOT take one for the team if you ask him.

…not even a compliment will bend him (over). Sad.

Your honor, as the jury foreperson, I would like to speak on behalf of the jury about our judgment.

The following are the results of the jury's discussion:
  • Two members are in favor of the N64, citing established precedent from the case of Quality v. Quantity, and the nostalgic joy of couch co-op.

Ps1 has both quality and quantity 🤷


The Courier
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
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