Progress Marathon May

I just did some quick math and I think I'm already at ~18 miles for the month. I might try to do 1.5 marathons or even a stretch goal of 2 since we still have more than half the month left.

@Gloom-is-good you should go for a running time of 26.2 minutes without stopping at whatever speed works for you. That can be your marathon for the month (walking counts, so long as you don't stop entirely).


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
@Gloom-is-good you should go for a running time of 26.2 minutes without stopping at whatever speed works for you. That can be your marathon for the month (walking counts, so long as you don't stop entirely).
Uh... I am really not that athletic... Pretty sure if I tried to run/jog for 20 minutes straight I would just keel over and die lol (yes, I understand that's just a mental thing)
Running with the Cows 5k this morning. I did not see any cows, but to be fair I only ran the 5k and not the half marathon. According to my watch my 5k (3.1 miles) time was 21:05. The distance and time below are from when I stopped my watch as I crossed the finish line. I got first in my age group and 12th overall. Not too shabby for not having raced a 5k in a long time.
Run Running GIF


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
The good news is that my arm isn't broken or sprained!

The bad news is when I asked the doc if I could still run she narrowed her eyes at me 😅 but I think I'll just bike..? That counts right?

Also my official height is 6*8"

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