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Milestone Happy "this country exists" day!

Canada Day was yesterday and the 4th of July is in two days.

Isn't it great to be free from the Brits?

Rick Moranis Beer GIF by Warner Archive

Drunk Drinking Beer GIF by BuzzFeed
Canada Day was yesterday and the 4th of July is in two days.

Isn't it great to be free from the Brits?

As bad as things are over there, it is better than what is going on here. There they at least have health insurance, no tipping culture, women have control over their bodies, and have good public transportation
  • They’re Right, You Know?
Reactions: Ben


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
...did...did you just Simpsons Did It the British Empire?!? Where's your patriotism?! We have a long and brutal history to be...vaguely aware of! Romans be damned.
A) Either I had a stroke just now and forgot how to read, or that make not sentence much does sense. (the first part)
B) I mean, I acknowledge it, but if you go far enough back England was all just happy little druids until Big Rome showed up and built straight roads everywhere.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
A) Either I had a stroke just now and forgot how to read, or that make not sentence much does sense. (the first part)
B) I mean, I acknowledge it, but if you go far enough back England was all just happy little druids until Big Rome showed up and built straight roads everywhere.
a.) Simpsons Did It means when you say someone did something before that was the same. Ie:

b.) True, true, but we did totalitarian cruelty best.
Not all Italians. Just the really old ones.
Someone posted a thread in r/movies a week or so ago wondering why Italian Americans like Sylvester Stallone and Robert De Niro are never cast to play Ancient Romans while British actors are, and they refused to accept that the Italians of today (and especially Italian Americans from New York City) are nothing like Ancient Romans. If anything, modern day Italians are descendants of old Germanic tribes as the Germanic people took over the Western Roman empire after numerous conquests. Which would kinda make British actors pretty well suited to portray Ancient Romans as they're much closer in language than Americans... and especially Italian Americans from NYC.
  • Agree
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Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Someone posted a thread in r/movies a week or so ago wondering why Italian Americans like Sylvester Stallone and Robert De Niro are never cast to play Ancient Romans while British actors are, and they refused to accept that the Italians of today (and especially Italian Americans from New York City) are nothing like Ancient Romans. If anything, modern day Italians are descendants of old Germanic tribes as the Germanic people took over the Western Roman empire after numerous conquests. Which would kinda make British actors pretty well suited to portray Ancient Romans as they're much closer in language than Americans... and especially Italian Americans from NYC.
Makes sense. I believe I heard the same general premise around William Shakespeare probably sounding more like a hick from the Appalachians than your current eloquent British accent.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Define "old?"

I'm an old Italian is why I ask.
Like, 2040 year's old, not 40 year old. Kinda why I specified Romans and not Italians.

Now, I kinda wanna hear Shakespeare talk like a hick from West Virginia. Imagine Romeo and Juliet but it's all hicks.
I kinda do too.

"Wherefore art thou mudflaps?"
English farmer, you say?

Legitimately sounds like rural Newfoundland ers to me. Me and my friend were driving thru and stopped to ask some old fella for directions. We ended up thanking him and driving away, neither of us having any idea what he was saying apart from the odd word here or there.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Legitimately sounds like rural Newfoundland ers to me. Me and my friend were driving thru and stopped to ask some old fella for directions. We ended up thanking him and driving away, neither of us having any idea what he was saying apart from the odd word here or there.
Tangentially reminded me of the Mainer saying "You can't get there from here."

There are literally some places you've got to go like 60 miles out of your way just to cross a river, 'cause there's no other place to do it.
Look, can we not stop this senseless slander of Britain and place blame on the true monsters?

Ancient Romans.
My abstract algebra professor in college absolutely hated Rome and he went on about how he got a C on a paper when he was in college and his Latin class that went on about how he hated the Romans and they were savages, because they murdered Archimedes while he was working on a problem.

Also learned that Archimedes had started to develop calculus basically and I can only imagine where Math Science and Technology would be if calculus came along much earlier than it did
  • Hmm
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Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Also learned that Archimedes had started to develop calculus basically and I can only imagine where Math Science and Technology would be if calculus came along much earlier than it did
There's got to be soooooo much of that in history. Incredible people poised to revolutionize the world before anyone dreamed possible, then snuffed out because of ignorant dickholes.

...Just like today.

'murica survey - How many "I'm not sure that's legal" firework tents have you seen around your area? I've only seen 1, but it was basically a circus tent packed with explosives.
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