Game: The Quest for 69 (the Fourtwentening)

Love And Listings Ajani GIF by VH1
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
>>Pretend I had the patience to go and search for the post where you said to not bother Mark for badges and that it's your job now and inserted it here.<<
Oh, I meant the entire 69 roll thing in general more than the badges period. That's my own fault for sure, as I bugged Crystal about updating the name on Raine's list badge and just got given the power to do it myself. Then I started trying to redo some of the low-res ones with higher quality versions, but got sidetracked somewhere along the line and never finished doing that. 🤫

time play GIF
D&D Character

Dungeon Master

Tea Wrecks
Damn, dude. Don't bring up Littlefoot's mom like that, think about the feels. Put it in spoilers or something, jeez.

But totally agree though!
I'm sorry buddy.

Have a tree-star for your feelings.

george lucas nostalgia GIF

Also I don't care to find the other relevant thread to post this in, so minor-convenient "I fixed those fucked up avatars saying 'D&D CHAR' in blownout-text for those who don't have anything set (on the D&D theme.)" update.

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