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Multi Baldur's Gate 3


The Ritualist
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Okay yeah, uhh... I remember seeing a weird funky portal thing, but I ignored that thinking maybe that's a gotcha that will suck me into something bad and murder me. At the time I was of the mind of no save scumming at all, so I didn't want to touch it. And then of course I forgot the portal thing existed at all so..... No Gale for me lol.


The Ritualist
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... So I went and got Gale. He was still obediently where he was supposed to be in Act 1. I grabbed him and it wasn't even 15 minutes later AND HE LEAVES ME?!?! What the hell?! My mind is blown. Supposedly there's something involving him in Act 2 so hopefully this isn't permanent. :/


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I just had my first major bug tonight and I want to warn people about it. Can't believe it hasn't been touched in the recent hotfixes, I did a search online and this was a bug during early access years ago.

I finally, finally got to the Adamantine Forge in Act 1. I diligently collected ALL the molds and the ore. From what I have read online, the forge is crazy buggy. I was able to insert one mold and one ore to trigger the boss. A major mechanic of the fight is that the boss must stand over the crucible! And so it died on top of the crucible! The crucible is no longer selectable for me because the body covers it! And is too big to throw! I can't make a second adamantite item!

Apparently I could try to reload a save, but fuck that, the boss is fucking annoying. I will probably rant about it later. But for now, be aware that the whole thing is bugged.

I am also have trouble opening chests or things that have loot. Not sure anyone else? Tonight I literally couldn't open THE CAMP CHEST and had to reload.


The Ritualist
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I actually dealt with that boss without that mechanic lol. I just had my barbarian hammer it to bits like a the mad woman she is!

I don't think I've had any serious bugs. An annoying one happened yesterday where I got control of one of my party while the enemies were still acting and it confused the heck out of me. I didn't check to see if I could move or act as I just obediently waited till my proper turn. And sometimes I'll have trouble clicking on an object. That's probably due to the camera being weird and there's probably something g transparent in between it and what I'm clicking.

Oh, in case you didn't know, holding down shift and clicking let's you move your character to places where there might be a pile of bodies that your folks would otherwise try to loot. Not sure if that also helps with clicking object under bodies. Maybe? I don't remember trying that.


The Ritualist
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Oh, in case you didn't know, holding down shift and clicking let's you move your character to places where there might be a pile of bodies that your folks would otherwise try to loot. Not sure if that also helps with clicking object under bodies. Maybe? I don't remember trying that.
So shift doesn't work, but holding alt and then clicking the name of the thing you want to works wonders under piles of things.


Tea Wrecks
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I've absolutely missed some of the companions so far. I'm still in act 1 so I could probably still go back and find some of them, but I've just been fucking around in the
Goblin Camp trying to decide how I want to go about the whole brain parasite thing. I kind of stumbled into it after going to the Glade and talking to people there. I started a fight by sneak-attacking some goblins in the first area before I realized they weren't actually aggressive. It wasn't until I found the actual camp with Volo, and even then I'd been trying to go into it picking off people from the outside.

After realizing I could just talk my way in though I got to Priestess Gut and was going to have her try to remove the parasite, but realized she was going to try and gank me anyway so I killed her after she goes into her own room.

Last thing I did was walk in on Dror Ragzlin and started a huuuuuuuuge fight to stop him raising the Mindflayer corpse. He went down pretty fast, but there were perhaps 15 Goblins that joined in. Honestly one of those where you scrape by with characters on 1 hp and had to get real creative. All I can say is that I shall forever love how fucking overpowered Moonbeam is for Druids.

I took a long rest after getting through that fight, but had Shadowheart and Lae'zel at each other's throats over the artifact, so I just saved rather than deal with it. Still not decided on who/how I'm dealing with that one. I did bone Lae'zel already, but kinda don't dig the Gith vibe with the artifact. 🤔


The Ritualist
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Man, the goblin camp took me forever to go through. So many different ways you can go about and deal with everything. And I even messed up the way I wanted to do everything, but the end result was still the one I wanted? It's nuts.

For me, I did notice I could go in there chat everyone up. Sure, I did stealth kill some folks inside and outside, like I exploded my way from inside out of the merchants room in the camp before also murdering them. I did chat most everyone up before one goblin did hit the war drums and it was just murder everyone now from then on. So I got nothing special with Dror as he was already aggro as well as Gut. And boy do things get interesting when all the other goblins are after you.


The Ritualist
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So I accidentally killed Wyll and Mizora by not completing his quest line before killing Ketheric the other night lol
Oops. Oh well. I don't care much for Wyll personally, so meh.

I managed to accidentally 3-man the Ketheric fight. Karlach decided not to do a jump at one point behind me and was left behind. I was back at the Magic Tower before I realized that she wasn't there.

I also found a hard crash in Rivington that also froze my computer. There's a well with some unfortunate folks inside it and the game really didn't like me using Speak to Dead on one of them that was on it's own small island.
Oops. Oh well. I don't care much for Wyll personally, so meh.

I managed to accidentally 3-man the Ketheric fight. Karlach decided not to do a jump at one point behind me and was left behind. I was back at the Magic Tower before I realized that she wasn't there.

I also found a hard crash in Rivington that also froze my computer. There's a well with some unfortunate folks inside it and the game really didn't like me using Speak to Dead on one of them that was on it's own small island.
Yeah Wyll was kind of useless tbh. I was more upset that I didn't get to bed Mizora though haha


The Ritualist
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I've opted not to get this on release for PS5.

It looks great but I'm going to wait until I have the money and time to properly enjoy it.
It'll definitely eat up your time. But it's also very easy to play in bite size chunks. There's plenty of things to do and explore and just doing one thing can eat up like half an hour.

So you could definitely get it and slowly play through it, but on thr same note, you always keep wanting to play just a bit longer... I've already almost been late to work once thanks to it. :paranoid But hey. Much better to enjoy if you got more time for sure.
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GW Elder
I've been playing for 3 years in Early Access lol.
And now I'm only just getting to Act 2. Taking your time is definitely recommended, but I say that as a dude that's big into immersion and sinking my teeth into story.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
I finished Act 1 about a week ago. On the screen it said 64 hours, but if we include various save scumming it was probably close to 70 hours just in Act 1. I'd like to post some thoughts about it, I am going to completely spoil Act 1:

So, even though I had Early Access, I was chuckling along with Act 1 by how many D&D bingo items it had. Let me try to count the ways:
  • A party dog
  • A party creature you probably shouldn't have (the eggs/the owlbear cub)
  • Two different factions you need to side with
  • A bog witch
  • Goblin camp
  • A dragon in the distance
  • Devils wanting to make deals or enforce contracts
  • A boat fight
  • Mimics
  • A BEHOLDER!!! Holy shit my face when I ran into that BY ACCIDENT AND I COULDN'T RUN AWAY
  • The ogres arguing
  • Bard shenanigans
  • A book you probably should have never touched
  • A literal wizard's tower
I am on Act 2 now and the Wizard Tower Ring with the Light Cantrip came in clutch. I also got the mace relic. Side note...can't believe how much better Shadowheart is once you respec her into another subclass. After research I decided to take the Light subclass. WAY better. Trickster did almost nothing for me.

I am starting to become worried that Larian won't successfully "land the plane" with the parasite plot. I think a lot of this stems from the parasite powers. It is unclear what that downside is. But I think Larian DOES want people to use the powers, but in the game they are presented so ominously, like an evil thing inside your brain.

lmao I can't believe how ripped they made Gale. He's a wizard, right???

I've also had some fun with a few spells. Especially Counterspell, when I used it for the very first time that was SUPER satisfying and clutch (I am sure the enemy will soon use that, however). Also, in Act 2 I came across a really hard fight with some tree people. The big guy spawned a TON of small minions. I reloaded and then somewhere along the way I remembered that I have the spell Firewall. So I cast it around a chokepoint and the stupid minions just suicided into it.

Also, the eye ability is SO clutch in Act 2. (see invisible enemies)


The Ritualist
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How many of you have convinced some of the bosses to kill their minions and themselves? I've done it twice. Once with the doctor in the underdark, and once with the demon and his displacer beast.
Those might be the only ones, but I only just got to act 3 so idk if there's more. I did both of those and heck does it make charisma builds more useful to skip them. Especially considering how many opponents you're against in both fights.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
Finally bought the game for PS5. I got about two hours in and overwhelmed by how big it is and am now downloading Madden for some brainless fun.

I made my character a high elf sorcerer. I have a feeling I'm going to play intermittently. It's such a commitment to play that I'll probably never finish it or take years.

BG3 is definitely not brainless; I also hope I'm not making it seem overwhelming with the number of hours I have put it. I am trying to do as many things as possible but you definitely don't have to.

It probably also helps a lot that I am a huge tabletop fan and I really loved Divinity. I try to keep this in mind when I speak about how much I am into the game. I also think part of it is just how polished BG3 is. Though it has bugs, I am so impressed by the complexity, the number of scenarios that can play out, and the polished mocap and voice acting. I think we've been a little starved of that lately.

I don't game like I used to when I first joined GW. I have to be REALLY picky about which game to play. Sometimes I'll also watch some Let's Plays just to kind of check a game off my list without the commitment.


The Ritualist
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I also think part of it is just how polished BG3 is. Though it has bugs, I am so impressed by the complexity, the number of scenarios that can play out, and the polished mocap and voice acting. I think we've been a little starved of that lately.
I'm aghast at the amount of choices you have for basically everything as well as the paths that take you to those choices as well. If I wasn't a filthy 100% crawl every nook and cranny of a dungeon for hidden loot, I'd probably get a couple dozen playthroughs of this game and still find new things to do. Now it's... Still at least half a dozen lol. I love it.

Arca Jeth

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I'm aghast at the amount of choices you have for basically everything as well as the paths that take you to those choices as well. If I wasn't a filthy 100% crawl every nook and cranny of a dungeon for hidden loot, I'd probably get a couple dozen playthroughs of this game and still find new things to do. Now it's... Still at least half a dozen lol. I love it.
I haven't been able to finish the game yet, lol. I have so many playthroughs and just keep getting lost in the "what if" questions for acts 1 and 2.


The Ritualist
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I haven't been able to finish the game yet, lol. I have so many playthroughs and just keep getting lost in the "what if" questions for acts 1 and 2.
I've been telling myself not to just restart. I don't have much left to do in act 3 (as far as I know) so I just need to finish up and start a new game. Just see it to the end through one means and then do it differently next time! Just do it!

But I want to try out new things. :sad
I haven't been able to finish the game yet, lol. I have so many playthroughs and just keep getting lost in the "what if" questions for acts 1 and 2.
I did so much side shit that I forgot about most of the main story line for a while and kept getting lost. I may have accidentally forgotten to do the adamantine forge quest before act 3 and now I can't go back to it lol


The Ritualist
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I'm done playthrough #1! Or have been for a bit over a week now. 137h hours plus maybe 15ish hours that was spent a couple times when I party wiped, decided to cheese some mechanics, or otherwise went quite ways back in time to redo something differently. So I'd say 150h or so for that. And I didn't do Mountain Pass.

I'd love to write a review at this point, but I'm also nearly in act 2 of playthrough #2 as Dark Urge soooo..... That can wait as my urge craves things. And so far, this has been much more fun albeit... The urge has forced my hand a few times in ways I did not want to.

Probably the biggest one that bugged the heck out of me was Minthara. I was already going to do the normal evil 2nd playthrough thing, so getting her was obvious, but... Dark Urge had other plans so yeah. Nothing like post coitus homicide.

I already knew both Wyll and Karlach didn't want to have anything to do with me. Wyll is dead and Karlach luckily I could just leave alone lest stain my hands in her blood as well. She's precious.

And Gale umm.... I have his hand with me? I'm keeping it, as I already suspected and looked up a thing I can do with it later. I love it.

So, I only got the staring three with me plus my Durge. Got no other options anyhow. Astarion is my wizard person and Shart is a War cleric for a change.


No Problem Here
GW Elder


Okay so you might be wondering why I bumped the thread, I am JUST NOW finishing the House of Hope, I have 120 hours in the game and don't play it every day

Y'all Raphael is destroying me

Mentally that is, I did manage to beat his fight (though it took a lot of prep work)






Edit: Also...is the woman in the song Hope's VA??

Also I should mention that I didn't romance any of the men in this game because I don't like any of them, so when my gnome encountered the Inc I was like...you know what, go ahead girl, you deserve this looool (also wondered how those scenes are modified for half size people)
Last edited:


The Ritualist
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It's definitely one of the best moments in the game when you get to it. I loved it. And all the... Hope remarks while there. All of it is great. I also love how this literally makes him a Disney villain.

I'm doing a Durge run right now and I'm very excited to see if there's anything special for it at the incubus. Or Hope. There's so many things that I've had to do with this run that I wasn't planning on doing, so I need at least a third run after this. I never went all the way with the incubus either and ended up in a fight. I thought the choice of letting him take your image would've been bad somehow, so I stopped the fun and killed him. Oops.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
Yeah Gale disapproved of my actions...lol fuck you Gale, I'm not going to be your rebound girl

Re the choice mentioned, what I am noticing is a lot of people are worried for certain choices that don't actually do anything long term or are not that bad

Also I somehow managed to roll exactly 30 on the dice to persuade the one guy for the fight. I absolutely couldn't believe it, my max was 32 and that would have been with a perfect nat 20 (which would have succeeded regardless)


The Ritualist
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Yeah, none seems to agree to anything involving devils. I understand, but kind of sucks. Oh well.

And Gale... I still don't got Gale. Two playthroughs now without him. First time on accident and second time thanks to more... Involved choice. Third run might not be something he enjoys either so welp.

I understand the game is D&D and wants to keep nat 1 and nat 20 in the game, but at least do something about nat 1 when you got enough proficiency alone to pass the check without rolling a die. Like really. It's not like my 19-23 with guidance proficiency in lockpicking would ever cause me to fail a puny 10 difficulty door or chest ever. The gods aren't that bored to intervene 5% of the time. Bah. I get it, but it just feels like a waste of resources than anything.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
lol, my IRL DM has house rules about nat 1 and 20. She asks us beforehand if something "extra" should happen with nat 20...but also with nat 1, have to take both. Or we can decide to just fail/succeed. But I suppose in a video game all those scenarios are tough to manage.

I would actually be really interested to know how they managed all the trees of what can happen. Did they use a certain software? Etc


The Ritualist
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Unity is really flexible for all that. Sadly from what I can tell, there's no special sauce for barely passing a check, crushing a check, or hitting a nat 20. Same the other way around. Would be an insane undertaking for having special interactions for all of that as well.

Considering just from my second playthrough and what I've seen other people do online, there's already an enormous amounts of dialogue options in this game revolving... everything. Race, class, religious, background, buffs, debuffs, origin character specials, and probably some more that I don't know about. And all of those categories have many more options. Granted, some are just a different way of doing the same thing, but there are also the unique only to that thing that you can do.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
lol has anyone beaten this besides Jawneh

I need to talk about something but only he will appreciate it it seems






Also also

Gortash is Jason Isaacs????????

Maggie Robertson is Orin???????

How do you get two people, who need NO INTRODUCTION FOR THEIR VILLAIN CREDS

playing such boring villains???

I've heard talk that they should have switched Act 2 and 3, I have no idea narratively how that would work but Thorm was WAY more interesting

Larian is not known for their strong Act 3s

Also, did anyone else not catch on that the Emperor is Balduran???


The Ritualist
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Maybe not yet. I don't know. It's our party until someone else does though!

Goddammit, why would you even want to silence Raphael?! D: Who dares?!

I had to look up the two folks, thanks to my horrible name memory. I don't think I've seen or heard Jason in anything personally, but Maggie in a couple things. I'm in a minority here for these folks. :sad

But yeah. Their writing ended up being fairly bland thanks to what was the fall on your ass fest of act 3. Thorm was easier to take in as he was at the time the current main villain and there was enough build up for his fight. The other two... Technically you can just go murder them straight up in act 3 without dealing with anything and even their story build up was... weird. Gortash just did his own thing somewhere in a castle without really involving himself much. Orin was at least involved, but some minor mind fuckery and putting dopplegangers here and there was also kind of meh. At least Orin had the murder trial as back story. What did Gortash have? His parents? And just like act3 anyhow, it was all rushed. Oh well.

I did not connect the dots for Balduran. Complete surprise.

The Magic Tower was definitely structured nicely for an end game location. Big baddie at top, content from the prison to the top, ohno, there's a mindflayer colony built into the tower, and just the elevator ride down to Thorm was reminiscent of a "this is the end" kind of a thing. Whereas in act 3 the brain is just down a side trail near Orin and you get on a small dinky boat.

I've taken a smallish break for a bit over a week from BG3. I shall soon return for my Durge and maybe something interesting happens. Last time I had just murdered Thorm, so finishing act 2 and then into act 3.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
One final bump from me...

I finally, finally finished the game this past weekend. I can't believe I played a game on and off for three and a half months, not including early access. I'm happy to hear they won a lot of awards.

The ending felt super rushed, without spoiling anything it was a lot of "tell, not show" about the consequences of your decisions.

I can see why they cut the upper city. I'm thinking perhaps Cazador was meant to be in the upper city, his placement in the lower city felt odd. Astarion's story beats also felt odd because he is the only one not really having any backstory connected to the main plot. Karlach's plot I think was supposed to resolve more in the upper city. And it's my understanding that her "not suck" ending was inserted in post launch? Hahaha. That must have sucked for anyone who didn't have that option at least.

I thought the concept of summoning your allies at the end was cool. Problem was that none of them were particularly helpful? I was pretty strong by the end and didn't need them.

I didn't understand what I was supposed to do in the final battle. Had to look it up. Final battles are very, very hard to tune correctly, both here and at the tabletop. So yeah, it felt off. Also probably because here you don't actually have a tough enemy to fight, it's more about avoidance. I realized at the very end that I never used the deity divine intervention ability.

The concept of the ceremorphosis was...hand-wavy. They bent the rules around that when the plot demanded. I also feel like they missed an opportunity with The Guardian. I know they changed some of it because of what I played in early access. I played as a gnome and didn't romance anybody. I think what they should have done is made a customizable character like the Guardian that can be any race, that you can romance (with less strings attached such as the Guardian actually being a squid). The shorter races are completely missing at the camp--gnome, halfing, dwarf, etc--and that makes sense because you have so many races to cover. So a customizable romance option would have been great. I think my gnome should have ended up with another gnome.

I also think I did some of the city stuff in the wrong order. I beat Orin and then Gortash.


The Ritualist
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Yeah. Act 3 has a lot of things, but also not really as the end game area. The whole Rivington area kind of makes the act seems bigger, but not really. And yeah. Now that you mentioned Cazadors place, I didn't really think about it at the time, but just entering the mansion was very awkward. Then the whole Guild and Minsc thing fell flat completely with the guild just being... a boring vessel in the end (though I mightve missed at least one thing thanks to choices in act1).

And yeah. Karlach was shafted in early access. They gave her bunch more stuff at launch and soon after.

I don't think it matters whether you do Orin or Gortash first. The game kind of pushes you to do Gortash first, but I don't think it really matters. Once I get my ass playing again, I'm in act 3 now on my Durge run and will go do Orin first. So many things to experience differently, but I'm actually somewhat bored going around on my second run through. The shadow land area was just annoying the second time around. All the story related stuff had weird pacing imo. Bleh. And technically I still need at least one more run to experience more stuff that I want. Probably two actually. Sigh.


The Ritualist
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One thing I keep forgetting about is jump, spent forever trying to find out how to get somewhere, and the finally found by googling, jump across this place....damn it
Jumping is a great thing to do. I'd try to get used to thinking about jumping all the time while in combat. As long as you got at least 10str, jumping will let you move further than just walking there.


Tea Wrecks
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Jumping is a great thing to do. I'd try to get used to thinking about jumping all the time while in combat. As long as you got at least 10str, jumping will let you move further than just walking there.
Maybe it's because I'm still a Diablo 2 Barbarian at heart, but I immediately started to jump around in combat more than House of Pain.

It's just so very satisfying to wild shape into a bear then jump off the roof of a building onto an unsuspecting goblin.
In terms of story/characters, Gale is by far my favorite character. (Im still in act 1)

Astarion is close second, he's more entertaining, but Gale is just awesome person.

Karlach has potential. Wyll seems kind of lame. He now
has horns
, so I've gotten some of his story

I somewhat like Lae'zel. She's a lot at times, but I like her badassness. Not sure what to think of Shadowheart


The Ritualist
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I've yet to experience anything gale lol. In my first playthrough I skipped him until act 2 and when I went back for him, he booked it on me. What a bastard. Then second time around I uhh... killed him in a way. So who knows what he does.
I've yet to experience anything gale lol. In my first playthrough I skipped him until act 2 and when I went back for him, he booked it on me. What a bastard. Then second time around I uhh... killed him in a way. So who knows what he does.

Haha, Gale is just a bro, he comes off like a hippy almost, very open and understanding guy (so far), seems cool and chill, would have some hilarious tales to tell. Like a cool uncle
In terms of story/characters, Gale is by far my favorite character. (Im still in act 1)

Astarion is close second, he's more entertaining, but Gale is just awesome person.

Karlach has potential. Wyll seems kind of lame. He now
has horns
, so I've gotten some of his story

I somewhat like Lae'zel. She's a lot at times, but I like her badassness. Not sure what to think of Shadowheart
Lae'zel's character development really shines in act 3. I highly suggest keeping her in your party for most of the game.
Lae'zel's character development really shines in act 3. I highly suggest keeping her in your party for most of the game.

So because I cant pick, this also has also relieved my anxiety of how to best level up characters, Im using the script extender and console command to use the entire party. Does make it easier, so I probably will crank the difficulty up a level

I also no longer have the time to play these games more than once, rather do one deep run and get to experience all the characters
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