A quick intro

Greetings everyone. I'm not really good at introductions, so I'll keep it brief.

Favorite Video Game(s): Grand Theft Auto series, Metal Gear Solid Series, NHL, MLB, WWE, Forza, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy series, etc....the list goes on
Favorite Sports Team(s): Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Raptors, New York Mets, Bolton Wanderers
Favorite TV Show(s): The Simpsons, Futurama, King of the Hill, South Park, Trailer Park Boys, Game of Thrones....also a long list
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars (original trilogy), Rambo, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Fast and the Furious, V for Vendetta, Dunkirk, etc...
Favorite Genre Of Music: Heavy metal, rock, classic rap, some drum & bass
Hobbies: Video games, anime/manga, professional rasslin', sports (most particularly raving about the Leafs'/Blue Jays' successes while ranting about their flaws), other stuff...
What brings you to GWForums: Just happened to come across the site thanks to @Crystal, though I've been familiar with GW for a long, long time. Used to be my go-to site for cheat codes, in-depth game guides, easter eggs, and glitches. First came across it in the early 2000s when looking up game guides for one of my wrestling games. I had so many fond memories of browsing through that site. Shame it isn't around anymore. :(


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Can I interest you in a Ryan Reaves then?
Not Funny Lol GIF by WWE


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Guy's so much of a liability on the ice he has to be heavily sheltered, yet given more leeway than the likes of Holmberg and Robertson because he's our designated enforcer. -_-
Yeah, well, that Robertson kid just isn't ready for the big time. Not like Jason Robertson, over in Dallas.
Welcome aboard, MC74! 😁

Final Fantasy series
You're in the right place. ;)

If this is brief then we have another @Raine on our hands… you should be so lucky to be compared to Raine.
Don't make me put Hopper into timeout with a 2,500 word thesis on the chronic abuse many wild animals endure. :rant
Speaking of FF, been meaning to pick up the FF7 remake for the PS4 at some point. Also wanted to play FF16 so badly, but I don't have a PS5. :(
Yeah, seems to be the case for a lot of folk with the PS5. Real hard to justify $500 for just a handful of games with the way things are presently with the economy. Kind of funny seeing the Xbox drop to ~$300 for Black Friday and the PS5 not moving though.
Yeah, seems to be the case for a lot of folk with the PS5. Real hard to justify $500 for just a handful of games with the way things are presently with the economy. Kind of funny seeing the Xbox drop to ~$300 for Black Friday and the PS5 not moving though.
Yeah, that's too much money for me to justify buying it for the exclusives. I bought the Series X two years ago, was hoping that like with previous titles, we might have a chance of seeing it on XBox, but that wasn't the case. Looks like Final Fantasy is going to be a Playstation exclusive again from here on out.
Turn-based or bust with FF for me, for sure. I haven't played FF7R or XVI yet (have both, but... backlog) to really give either a "fair shake," but just on the general principle that action gameplay isn't what I come to the series for. XV was... I did not enjoy that, at all.

Give me Bravely or Octopath any day. And I say that as someone that adores Devil May Cry and J-Action in general.
Turn-based or bust with FF for me, for sure. I haven't played FF7R or XVI yet (have both, but... backlog) to really give either a "fair shake," but just on the general principle that action gameplay isn't what I come to the series for. XV was... I did not enjoy that, at all.

Give me Bravely or Octopath any day. And I say that as someone that adores Devil May Cry and J-Action in general.
Oh my jeebus lawd, don't get me started on FFXV. Didn't find myself enjoying the game at all.
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