hail satan

vinney >:D

New Member
GW Elder
hey nerds

i think i missed the rush of activity by only a whole year but that's on-brand so we'll go with that, i guess

folks in the other threads here are giving life updates but there's only so much i can do to spin "i work a 9-5 and zoom off to another country as soon as they let me out of the kennel for a week" into something worth reading.

i still love video games and one day i might even play one
Bill Nye Reaction GIF


vinney >:D

New Member
GW Elder
sup guys

out of curiosity, the links in the "new old timers" thread look like they're broken. are they gone or do i need permission to see them?


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
sup guys

out of curiosity, the links in the "new old timers" thread look like they're broken. are they gone or do i need permission to see them?

That forum is locked behind a paywall verification. If one of us recognizes your username, you get added to the GW Elder group for all of the geriatrics from the old iteration and then you get access.

vinney >:D

New Member
GW Elder
hey crystal, i'm pretty sure we used to have a tag-team thing going for reviewing ill-fated spinoff forums back when people made websites!

i can't remember if we actually ever interacted outside of GW but you always seemed like a good bean. congrats on the transition, too!


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
hey crystal, i'm pretty sure we used to have a tag-team thing going for reviewing ill-fated spinoff forums back when people made websites!
That's right, we did! Forum Faux Pas, my only true contribution to GW, lol.
i can't remember if we actually ever interacted outside of GW but you always seemed like a good bean. congrats on the transition, too!
I think we chatted once, maybe twice, but that was more on me than anything, I did my best to hide in those days, wasn't ready to face some things about myself. But...well...that's changed, lol. Thanks, Vinny :)

vinney >:D

New Member
GW Elder
Happy belated birthday, I presume
thanks boss. they keep happening and nobody has told me how to stop them yet but i'll probably figure it out eventually

That's right, we did! Forum Faux Pas, my only true contribution to GW, lol.

I think we chatted once, maybe twice, but that was more on me than anything, I did my best to hide in those days, wasn't ready to face some things about myself. But...well...that's changed, lol. Thanks, Vinny :)
holy shit i forgot there was even a name for the bit. for real though, it's surreal to see the crazy

hi benzine

Welcome back Al.
can't believe after all these years Al-generated content has finally hit the mainstream

who invited the sex pest
haven't you been here all along

vinney >:D

New Member
GW Elder
i've got a bunch of screenshots kicking around somewhere but i think all the interesting stuff (like lotus' mod forum taster pack) has already been covered here.

i think people just make youtube commentary channels instead these days. :cool2

vinney >:D

New Member
GW Elder
the specific topic's outdated, but honestly? a lot of the general advice in that guide still applies to discord servers or other community-based stuff.

Hail Satan?

Well, sorry to burst the bubble on that one, but Mr. Satan wasn't the one who beat Cell. It was Gohan.
listen pal, just cos he wasn't the one who beat cell doesn't mean we can't appreciate him

unless it does, i dunno, i've never watched that dragon's balls show


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
the specific topic's outdated, but honestly? a lot of the general advice in that guide still applies to discord servers or other community-based stuff.
That's a fair point, actually. Never considered that it could apply to Discord, etc.
listen pal, just cos he wasn't the one who beat cell doesn't mean we can't appreciate him

unless it does, i dunno, i've never watched that dragon's balls show
Nah, we don't want to worship him, he's like Macho Man and Hulk Hogan rolled into one, and just as racist.

vinney >:D

New Member
GW Elder
Nah, we don't want to worship him, he's like Macho Man and Hulk Hogan rolled into one, and just as racist.
it's fucked up that there were days where we couldn't just check to see if someone was verified on twitter to find out this kind of thing

vinney >:D

New Member
GW Elder
last i heard, rowling's hordes of shrieking terf minions were brigading musk's reply but i'm not sure he even noticed through his ketamine haze

vinney >:D

New Member
GW Elder
guy spends hours every day posting about eugenics, birth rate decline, and saving humanity and yet has seemingly never noticed that crashing that site into the ocean is possibly the single best thing he's done for humanity

vinney >:D

New Member
GW Elder
it's the birthdays, man. they just KEEP HAPPENING and now i can't even keep my internet persona consistent!

Is this Vinny like Enalynniv? From Scotland?
sup tommy. i'm pretty sure i've still got you on steam but i keep changing my name to annoy my friends in apex so it's entirely possible it looks like i disappeared.
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