D&D Related Media


Caterpillar Accountant
If you start really getting into the whole D&D thing...or if you don't necessarily want to play but you're interested in what its like...there's never been a better time to watch OTHER people play, which can be very fun in its own right.

Two examples that I personally recommend:

Critical Role
The GOAT, and one of the main reasons for D&D's recent boom in popularity. Crit Role is streamed on Twitch (and later posted to YouTube and also as an audio podcast) and sees one of the greatest DMs in history, voice actor Matthew Mercer, lead a bunch of his voice actor friends through 3 (so far) campaigns in a world of his own creation. Their campaigns are filled with dramatic moments and a ton of just goofing off...like the best D&D home games. I started watching early in the first campaign and introducing my friends to the show is what got them all hooked on D&D.

Dimension 20
My current obsession, D20 (get it?) is hosted on Dropout.tv, currently my favorite streaming service, which was born from CollegeHumor but is now independently (and ETHICALLY!) owned and operated. The DM, Brennan Lee Mulligan, is my personal favorite DM, and his campaigns typically lean more into humor (this is a streaming service built on improv comedy, after all), and take place in a variety of worlds that showcase the range of options you have when worldbuilding in the D&D system. The first campaign was basically a High School Dramedy set in a fantasy world in modern times. There's another campaign set in a world of candy. And many more.

In addition to watching people play D&D there's a couple pieces of D&D media I recommend that are based on campaigns.

The Legend of Vox Machina
One of the most successful Kickstarters of all time, this is an animated adaptation of part of the first Critical Role campaign (I was a backer!) Due to the success of the campaign (the Kickstarter campaign I mean), Amazon picked up what was originally planned as a 4 episode miniseries and spun it into a full series with a multi-season order. If you don't want to sit through like 100 3 hour episodes of Critical Role, this is a much more bite-sized way to enjoy some of the best stories from Campaign 1 of CritRole (still my favorite).

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
This is the movie that came out this year. Not the one with Marlon Wayans from 2000 or the other two that I literally just learned existed as I pulled up Wikipedia to check the year of the Marlon Wayans one. The 2023 movie is WONDERFUL and I wish more people would check it out. Its a fun action comedy that plays with all sorts of common D&D tropes and features maybe my favorite film dragon of all time. Seriously. We bought a stuffed animal AND a Christmas ornament of this majestic beast.

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
This is the movie that came out this year. Not the one with Marlon Wayans from 2000 or the other two that I literally just learned existed as I pulled up Wikipedia to check the year of the Marlon Wayans one. The 2023 movie is WONDERFUL and I wish more people would check it out. Its a fun action comedy that plays with all sorts of common D&D tropes and features maybe my favorite film dragon of all time. Seriously. We bought a stuffed animal AND a Christmas ornament of this majestic beast.

I loved that movie. Even not being a huge D&D nerd, it played to so many tropes perfectly, with such intelligent use of mechanics in some parts. Really played to the vibe of the game, and you could tell that the people who made this one actually cared about the source content, they weren't just given the name of an IP and told to make a fantasy movie.

They also snuck a Jurassic Park nod in there too, which I loved. There's a scene very similar to when the raptor busts through the ceiling and Lex almost falls in Jurassic Park 1, with Themberchaud.

Nootie Plucker

Smart fella by day, fart smella by night
Been listening to D&D shows to pass the time faster at work for years now, and Critical Role is easily my favorite so far. I wish I could do the type of shit Matt does. Their animated series is awesome too.

Just wanna throw out a recommendation for The Adventure Zone and Not Another D&D Podcast (aka NADDPOD) as well. The former is run by the McElroy brothers and their dad. I believe it started out as like a little side show for their main podcast and followed them as they all learned how to play D&D. Now they've had several different campaigns set in different settings as they try out other TTRPGs and most of it is pretty good stuff.

The latter is the one I'm currently trying to catch up on, but it honestly might be my second favorite show. I think it's kind of adjacent to Dimension 20 in that one or two of the cast members are also on that show? (I haven't gotten around to D20 but it's next on my list because I love what I've seen of Brennan.) NADDPOD leans heavily into the comedy and doesn't take itself too seriously, but still manages to have some very interesting world-building and stories. The first campaign is about the party essentially trying to clean up the mess of a world that a previous adventuring party left behind.

I think they use Fate instead of D&D, but Brute Force is also not a bad choice to check out if you've already watched all the popular stuff in here. If you're into serious stuff you might not like it though. Combat is extremely rare and much of the show is just cast silliness as they fumble through the DM's story and have weird NPC interactions.

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
So I can literally only find the Japanese version trailers on Youtube, but there's a new show on Netflix that seemed to pop up just when I started leaning into D&D for this. The first episode was just released, with the next on January 11th. And it is English-dubbed on Netflix.

Delicious In Dungeon.

The episodes seem pretty short at around 26 minutes, but it was enjoyable and scratched an itch. It's got that "all food in anime looks good" vibe, even though it's monster parts. Very much hit like watching our band of ridiculous adventurers try to survive, too.

Ben Zine

Senor ember
I use to listen to the DnD podcast that the MBMBAM guys did. The Adventure Zone. I enjoyed that, although haven't listened to all of it.

I have a friend who's a comic who was on a dnd podcast. They're just too popular a format.

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
This is the movie that came out this year. Not the one with Marlon Wayans from 2000 or the other two that I literally just learned existed as I pulled up Wikipedia to check the year of the Marlon Wayans one. The 2023 movie is WONDERFUL and I wish more people would check it out. Its a fun action comedy that plays with all sorts of common D&D tropes and features maybe my favorite film dragon of all time. Seriously. We bought a stuffed animal AND a Christmas ornament of this majestic beast.
I just rewatched this and have an important need to shout JARNATHAN.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager
I watched that for the first time on the plane ride home from MA when I went to my sister in law's wedding in September. I thought it was... good.

Tortle Dude

ES COO Shitposting Dept. of GWF
In 2022 I briefly got into an "idle" game that was heavily invested in D&D roots.

I put a lot of time into the game but ending up leaving the game after game dev choices.

It's a good casual game - but the term idle is loosely accurate and you have to do a lot manually, especially in the beginning.


Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
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Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

This has some good points about online play. More geared towards Twitch sessions, but still. Even went into some "how to play with ADHD" tips, which I wasn't expecting.

Zesty Zapcrackle

Shitposting Development Manager

This has some good points about online play. More geared towards Twitch sessions, but still. Even went into some "how to play with ADHD" tips, which I wasn't expecting.

Good video.

I think it highlights some of the things we seem to inherently struggle with. What is typically a 3-4 hour campaign IRL, is taking us literal months to get through. I wonder if we can possibly do some shorter "mission" style campaigns where we try to get a group together for a longer period of time that we can hammer out a mission. Can be on Discord at some point but could also arrange a time that we all know we;ll be on together too, and just answer in more rapid fire.

I'm enjoying this, but the months-long campaign can be a drain too.

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.

Season 4 Episode 6 GIF by The Office

Dungeon Master

Bingo! Dino DNA.
The Legend of Vox Machina
One of the most successful Kickstarters of all time, this is an animated adaptation of part of the first Critical Role campaign (I was a backer!) Due to the success of the campaign (the Kickstarter campaign I mean), Amazon picked up what was originally planned as a 4 episode miniseries and spun it into a full series with a multi-season order. If you don't want to sit through like 100 3 hour episodes of Critical Role, this is a much more bite-sized way to enjoy some of the best stories from Campaign 1 of CritRole (still my favorite).
I stumbled onto this on Prime the other day and ended up binging both seasons over 2 nights. It got pretty deep, and gave me some shove of inspiration to get back on top of my campaign. Very dragon heavy. Very brutal. Very cool.
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